30 Days of Thankfulness Popular Challenge Wish I Knew Before

Start 30 Days of Thankfulness to clear negative energy. Perfect Thanksgiving ideas to build a healthy Facebook circle. Download printable for absolutely FREE.

Start 30 Days of Thankfulness to clear negative energy. Perfect Thanksgiving ideas to build a healthy Facebook circle. Download printable for absolutely FREE! Kindness is rare. Appreciating efforts is not a cup of tea for all. Medium of appreciation is generally written word. Practice expressing gratitude with a simple thank you.

One can show appreciation for self, lover, friend, mentor, and others. Gratitude is a very important gesture. Appreciate the ones who were there when no one else was. Stood for you in times of need. Holding sentiments can give you nothing except a grudge. Accumulated grudge turns into ego i.e. great source of destruction.

Take a look at Vajrasana Yoga Steps to fit your body. Your body can only achieve the goal only if it is fit. Align your mind Leave no place for ego. Stay grounded and filled with love for all. Awesome ideas for the perfect way to say thank you is waiting for you. Thanksgiving does not have to be expensive. One flower is enough. Are you ready to free your heartfelt note?

30 Days of Thankfulness

Unveil your true kind nature with the 30 Days of Thankfulness program. Globalization creates a fake layer that hides our true nature. Will you prefer to think from your heart? Provided you can feel from your mind. Form your bright soul who loves to appreciate to value inner peace. Change our mindset to adapt the reality with the program. The day-wise plans are provided below:

  1. Leave an encouragement note in a public place.
  2. Light your favorite candle.
  3. What skill are you grateful to have?
  4. Thank your neighbor with a small bouquet of flowers.
  5. What lesson have you learned from the past mistake? Be grateful for how you solved it.
  6. Cherish the best moment from the last week you are thankful for.
  7. Call a friend and ask them for a quick catch-up.
  8. Swap complaints with affirmations for one day.
  9. Gift yourself a daily planner notebook.
  10. Volunteer a social movement.
  11. Share a smile each time you meet a social worker today.
  12. Wake up and perform your prayer.
  13. Help someone without them having to ask.
  14. Get your boss or a client a small gift.
  15. Name a list of materialistic desires you have. Overcome expectations by crossing out each i.e. the source of sorrows.
  16. Jot down one positive change your work giving you.
  17. Give someone a warm hug.
  18. Take a break from social media for one complete day. Appreciate your real presence over virtual platforms.
  19. Perform one exercise you feel most positive about.
  20. Gift your immediate colleagues baked cookies to thank them.
  21. Say thanks to someone you meet every day.
  22. Do a random act of kindness.
  23. Think of three memories you’re most thankful for. Share the memory with someone involved in it.
  24. Give someone a beautiful compliment.
  25. Send a letter thanking your lover or cousin.
  26. Recapitulate the three best memories. Share the positivity with everyone involved in it.
  27. Thank colleagues you are thankful for regarding your job.
  28. Donate your access food to the needy or in a food bank.
  29. Send a quick thank you text to any random family member.
  30. Write down your name. Thank the name for being there where no one else was. Say thank you to yourself for being so beautiful yet kind!

30 Days of Thankfulness


Leverage self-awareness to master your Emotional Quotient. The 30-day program will invite Positive Psychology. You will be able to better mind management. I invite you to a future-focused approach. No Effective crisis known to mankind can break your peace.

  • Boosts immune system
  • Improves mental health
  • Connect with positive minds
  • Increased optimism
  • Reduces aggression
  • Improves self-esteem
  • Better sleep
  • Reduces materialism
  • Improves relationships
  • Enhances empathy

Journal for five minutes a day what we are grateful for. You will find a significant change in your mindset. Your long-term happiness scientifically improves by 10%.

Many people only think about gratitude only during thanksgiving. One time of every year we try to collect blessings. A lifelong transformation takes commitment. You barely can imagine the tremendous benefits. Only if we practice being thankful throughout the year.

Gratitude improves your mental and physical health. Giving away more than what you need has scientifically proven benefits. Cultivating gratitude unfortunately not a one-day process. A 30 days challenge can come in handy.

30 Days of Thankfulness Popular Challenge Wish I Knew Before
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Facebook community bombarded posting with #30daysofthankful hashtag. Connect with people and their heartfelt stories. Feel yourself connected to a bigger ecosystem. The decade ago hashtags feature inclusion by Facebook worth giving a try.

The #tags craze was expected to be high in 2013. Facebook boosts organic reach for posts with #tags. You can connect with a community. This will significantly improve your online presence.

Thanks to Facebook SEO for connecting more people worldwide. Now you can join any community irrespective of any geographical boundaries. Sow the seeds of gratitude today. To enjoy tasty fruits of kindness in the near future.

30 days of thankful Facebook is a healthy challenge. Any time of the year one can pick 30 days of thankfulness thanksgiving. Join any religious group of 30 days of thankful scriptures to connect pious minds.


Download your free printable thankfulness ideas list. No signup or registration is required. What is 30 days of thankfulness list? A blank sheet that you can print to customize according to your suitability. The same shoe does not fit all. Personalize whom you want to thank as per need.

Gratitude is a key factor for positive mental health. One can overcome the symptoms of anxiety and depression. Kindness is linked as a medium to uplift your mood. Practicing kindness can trigger positive feelings. Regular execution will improve your well-being.

30 Days of Thankfulness Popular Challenge Wish I Knew Before
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Daily journaling is very important to practice gratitude. The way of daily journaling will vary for different people. Religious people will find it in morning or evening prayers. Try the 30 days challenge and put names inside the boxes. Tick once a challenge is accomplished.

Every year Facebook feeds get flooded with thanksgiving posts. Everyone feels blessed, shares gratitude with friends and families. Photos, videos everything is normal. Unfortunately the day after thanksgiving we resume our normal lifestyle. Why not use November as a beautiful reminder? Never stop sharing positivity.

What if we don’t just pretend kindness for one day? Can we bring a lifelong positive change among ourselves? Turn a boring Sunday morning into an exciting social worker thanksgiving. Teach your kids to respect all irrespective of their jobs. Learn something from fathers to make the world a better place.

What is thankfulness of  30 days?

Thank You. Two simple words. Takes almost no time to say. Still, our fast-paced lifestyle holds us back. Sometimes we also forget to show kindness in hurry! To survive that is completely fine. Being okay with that in our daily lives is not acceptable anyhow. We are surrounded by good energies. You only take off the blindfold to feel it.

Start appreciating your presence and the things that you are blessed with. We value only things that we lose. Can we appreciate them when we already have them? Start with thanking God for whatever it is you’re grateful for. Barely it takes 2 seconds to perform one positive affirmation. Say thanks for giving you the gift to see light on this beautiful world.

Food, shelter, clothes, and family – you are happy if you have these three. Appreciate your meal. A large population cannot find both ends meal. A simple grain of rice is a blessing for them. Many underdeveloped countries lack distilled drinking water. One glass of healthily clean water is nothing less than a blessing.

Imagine the lifestyle of people who cannot find proper shelter. Monsoon, winter, or summer – they have to fight in order to survive. You are blessed if you take a sip of hot coffee and missing someone in heavy rain. Life is a perspective. The other side of the coin means a complete horizon of opportunities.

Your colleague got one promotion. Even though you worked hard for the position. No sense in feeling jealous. Respect the decision and congratulate you for making it. Many people are fighting to secure one paycheck. Be thankful for what you have and work hard for your dream.


Starting intentionally thanking random people sounds weird in the beginning. The magic starts once you become habituated to it. You learned to spread the beautiful difference. The magic aura around people is spread by you. Even when you don’t realize it. People will love to spend time with you. Thankfulness multiplies. Nature will send you more thanksgivings.

Acts of kindness we only remember in the month of November. Generally when family member come together. Limitation of acts of kindness only month of November that too within family member fails. It fails on purpose. The idea should be to unite all family member. To take a lesson to bring change altogether.

The challenge I discussed on day 15, day 16, day 20, day 22, day 23, and day 29 gets difficult. Killing the materialistic desires changes you drastically on day 15. On day 16 we learn to appreciate our work. Instead of repenting over being underpaid.

Gifting colleagues baked cookies can beautify 9 hours of your daily life on day 20. Day 22 helps you find inner peace. You will connect with the buried best buddies on day 23. On day 29 you connect your power chord. The family member is the source of our happiness.

Note the acts of kindness should neither limit on day 15, day 16, day 20, day 22, day 23, and day 29. Nor month of November only. Learn to embrace the change to sustain. Transform yourself into an epitome of happiness.

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Final Words

Thank you very much for reading my article. Hope you enjoyed your reading time. Collecting the Thankfulness ideas in the right order has never been so easy. Our team made deep research to dig out the best ideas for you.

Share the 30 Days of Thankfulness if it is worth a read. Kindly jot down your thoughts in the comment section below. We will love to hear from you.

Arun Verma
Arun Verma

Hi, myself Arun Verma. I Love Playing Multiplayer Games, Exploring new Technologies, Buying Cool Gadgets, and Deeply Research Names. Working at Deloitte gave me the knowledge to blog about Business Ideas I have to deal with on a regular basis.

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