1500+ Unique Muslim Boys Name From Holy Quran

Wondering how to find the Muslim Boys Names? Daniyal, Sufian, Rashid, Hussain, Faizan, and 1500+ name choices for your gift from Allah. Choose a name from the Muslim boy names list considering the charm, look, and personality of your little brave boy.

You can check Italian Boy NamesIrish Boy Names, and Country Boy Names also. Today I will discuss with you – Unique Muslim Boy Names, Muslim Boys Name With Meaning, Muslim Boy Names With Meaning in Urdu, Muslim Boy Names With Meaning in Hindi, Muslim Boy Names With Meaning in Malayalam, Muslim Boy Names in The Quran, Muslim Baby Boy Names, Modern Muslim Boy Names, Top 100 Muslim Boy Names, Indian Muslim Boy Names, Pakistani Muslim Boy Names, Arabic Muslim Boy Names, Muslim Boy Names A to Z suggestions.

Unique Muslim Boy Names

Searching for unique Muslim boy names like Aadam, Ekhlaq, Qadir, Ubadah, Yacoob, and many more unique Muslim baby boy names choices I specially picked to create the Muslim name list boy for your special angel.

Unique Muslim Boy Names
Name Meaning Urdu Spelling
Nadr flourishing النضر
Baqar lion البقر
Hurrah liberal مرحى
Zahir shining زاهر
Mukarram honoured المكرم
Muzaffar victorious مظفر
Danish intelligent دانماركي
Shadeed lover شديد
Mohammed name of final Prophet محمد
Mahaz place of war مهاز
Unique Muslim Boys Name
Nazir observer نذير
Shuja brave شجاع
Rashid righteous راشد
Azim greatest العظيم
Adeel just عديل
Hasib reckoner حسيب
Owais companion of Prophet العويس
Murtaza generous مرتضى
Abdul Hasib servant of the reckoner عبدحسيب
Aiman fearless أيمن

Muslim Boys Name With Meaning

Holy Muslim boys name with a meaning that comes from the sacred Quran and many more other sources are collected here for the true seekers of Allah. You can ibadat the blessings from Allah with top Muslim boy names or boys name list Muslim choices.

Muslim Boy Names With Meaning in Urdu

A wonderful collection of Muslim boy names with meaning in Urdu to thank the blessings from Allah. Many readers requested Muslim boys name with meaning in Urdu or Muslim boys name in Urdu or Muslim boy Arabic names with meaning, and Muslim baby boy names with meaning in Urdu.

Muslim Boy Names With Meaning in Urdu
Name Meaning in Urdu Urdu Spelling
Abdul Maalik آقا کا خادم عبدالملك
Jabr ساتھی کی مجبوری جبر
Haseeb قابل قدر حسيب
Shallal آبشار شلال
Anas محبت أنس
Shaheed گواہ الشهيد
Dabbah لچ دباح
Sohaib سینڈی صهيب
Zakir جو اللہ پر یقین رکھتا ہے ذاكر
Khasib نتیجہ خیز الخصيب
Muslim Boys Name With Meaning in Urdu
Adel منصفانہ انداز میں فیصلہ کریں عادل
Kamal مکمل كمال
Tawbah توبہ التوبة
Abul Hassan علی کا بیٹا أبوالحسن
Junaid لڑاکا جنيد
Abdul Aleem جاننے والا بندہ عبدالعليم
Salif پچھلا ساليف
Akhtar ایک ستارہ أختار
Mujahid جنگجو مجاهد
Faizan حکمران فيضان

Muslim Boy Names With Meaning in Hindi

Solid Muslim boy names with meaning in Hindi great choices full list is available here. The Muslim boys name in Hindi is a good option that you can use. The direction was not presented to this world for Muslims, it was skilled to the entirety of humanity.

Muslim Boy Names With Meaning in Hindi
Name Meaning in Hindi Urdu Spelling
Basem मुस्कराते हुए باسم
Adl न्याय العدل
Urwah सहयोग عروة
Dhiya धूम तान ضياء
Zaman भाग्य زمان
Nabil महान نبيل
Miraj अधिरोहण حاكمالهند
Naushad खुश نوشاد
Saiful सपने की तलवार سيف
Abdus Shafi मरहम लगाने वाले का नौकर عبدالشافي
Muslim Boys Name With Meaning in Hindi
Mimar वास्तुकार كومار
Mansoor विजयी منصور
Abdul Fattah सलामी का नौकर عبدالفتاح
Abdul Muhsin दाता का नौकर عبدالمحسن
Yaman धन्य है اليمن
Nadhir वार्नर نذير
Latif सज्जन اللطيف
Yathrib मदीना शहर يثرب
Atif संयुक्त عاطف
Naveed खुशखबरी نافيد

Muslim Boy Names With Meaning in Malayalam

Quality Muslim boy names with meaning in Malayalam full of wonderful suggestions here. South Indian best Muslim boy names are good options that you can consider. The very focal point of a Muslim’s confidence in their relationship with their Creator Allah.

Muslim Boy Names With Meaning in Malayalam
Name Meaning in Malayalam Urdu Spelling
Tawoos മയിൽ طاوس
Navid നല്ല വാര്ത്ത نافيد
Haneef നേരുള്ളവനും حنيف
Najm ഖഗോള ശരീരം نجم
Fakhrul അഹങ്കാരം فخر
Mash’al പന്തം مشعل
Wazir മന്ത്രി الوزير
Safwan പാറ صفوان
Salman സുരക്ഷിതം سلمان
Qutb സെലിബ്രിറ്റി قطب
Muslim Boys Name With Meaning in Malayalam
Abdul Maajid മികവിന്റെ ദാസൻ عبدماجد
Dakhil അപരിചിതൻ الدخيل
Marwan സോളിഡ് مروان
Hujjat തെളിവ് حجة
Nashat ആഹ്ലാദിക്കുക نشأت
Ehan പൂർണ്ണചന്ദ്രൻ بالكهان
Ishrat സമൂഹം عشرت
Ejaz അത്ഭുതം اعجاز
Asgar അർപ്പണബോധമുള്ള اصغر
Sheraz സ്നേഹമുള്ള شيراز

Muslim Boy Names in The Quran Book

A beautiful list of Muslim boy names in the Quran like Aamir, Owais, Tahir, Wahid, Luqman, and many more Muslim baby boy names in Quran, that I shared for the true seekers of Islamic Muslim boy names.

Muslim Boy Names in The Quran Book

Muslim Boy Names in The Quran Book
Name Meaning Urdu Spelling
Abdul Jawwad servant of the bountiful عبدالجواد
Muhtadi right guided مهتدي
Abdul Muqtadir servant of the powerful عبدالمقتدر
Al Kareem educator شركةالكريم
Abdul Mughni servant of the enricher عبدالمغني
Muqbil following مقبل
Yaqub a Prophet’s name يعقوب
Sikandar famous sovereign اسكندر
Muntazir awaiting منتظر
Sameer entertainer سمير
Arham merciful رهم
Azhar famous الأزهر
Farid unique فريد
Ulfat affection ألفت
Sharif honest شريف
Muslim Boys Name in The Quran
Abdul Rahman servant of the merciful one عبدالرحمن
Bassam smiling بسام
Wajid who finds واجد
Shaaf who gives health الشعف
Shabab youth شباب
Hashid gathered حاشد
Hajjaj orbit حجاج
Akdas holy book المدعو
Dabir judge دبير
Muneeb who turns repentance منيب
Nazim intelligence ناظم
Shafee intercessor الشافعى
Rashdan guidance الرشدان
Amaan most loveable آمان
Afham loving افهم

Muslim Baby Boy Names

Searching for Muslim baby boy names like Hakeem, Jubair, Asif, Razzaq, Yusuf, Aadil, and many more cute Muslim boy names choices including both the baby boy names Muslim in Urdu and Arabic Muslim baby boy names suggestions.

Muslim Baby Boy Names
Name Meaning Urdu Spelling
Yawer helper الياور
Hamza lion حمزة
Mumtaz who is distinguished ممتاز
Aamir civilized عامر
Qusay distant قصي
Wasil inseparable friend واصل
Wail returner انتحب
Humayun blessed همايون
Suwayd black السويداء
Hafiz guardian حافظ
Feroz shinning فيروز
Asrar secret اسرار
Arshad honest أرشد
Sarmad eternity سرمد
Sarfraz a person sitting at a high place سارفراز
Tasneen a heavenly fountain تسنيم
Reza wish رضا
Asad lion الأسد
Abdul Baseer servant of the all-seeing عبدالبصير
Zayd abundance زيد
Tharwat wealth ثروت
Amaar who prays عمار
Burhaan proof برهان
Fawad heart فواد
Mahdi rightly guided المهدي
Muslim Boys Name For Baby
Shayan praised شايان
Fadil honorable فاضل
Abdus Samad independent عبدالصمد
Basil brave ريحان
Abaan old Arabic name أبان
Ibrahim a Prophet’s name إبراهيم
Hadid strong حديد
Qadi judge القاضي
Surur happiness سرور
Hidayat instruction هداية
Abdul Malik servant of the sovereign lord عبدالملك
Faraj duty فرج
Yaqoot precious stone ياقوت
Izzat honor عزت
Dawoud a Prophet’s name داوود
Tamir tall تامير
Zohaib king صهيب
Haq power الحق
Afruz standing tall like a mountain أفروز
Nadeem companion نديم
Adeem rare نديم
Mostafa chosen one مصطفى
Abdul Muti servant of the giver عبدالمعطي
Zeeshan high standard زيشان
Tamkeen dignity تمكين

Modern Muslim Boy Names

Give modern Muslim boy names like Kabir, Danish, Saqib, Masoud, Omair, and many more latest Muslim boy names choices. Allah testing to check whether we share this abundance with his other creation. Allah testing to check whether we share this abundance with his other creation.

Modern Muslim Boy Names
Name Meaning Urdu Spelling
Salaam peace سلام
Abdur Rauf servant of the compassionate عبدالرؤوف
Sofian sand storm سفيان
Karim giver كريم
Tali ascending شتاء
Qaadir capable القادر
Abyan eloquent أبين
Ahsan best of all احسان
Ma’n assistance معن
Mubarak fortunate مبارك
Raheel who shows the way الرحيل
Rahmat mercy رحمة
Omair intelligent عمير
Al hakeem the wise شركة
Shuayb a Prophet’s name شعيب
Safeer emissary السفير
Ramadan 9th month of the islamic calendar رمضان
Khayr safe خير
Usayd little lion أسيد
Dawid prince الداود
Zaeem leader الزعيم
Yusuf a Prophet’s name يوسف
Kazim restrainer of anger كاظم
Abdul Nafi servant of the propitious عبدنافع
Adam Prophets name آدم
Abrash spotted الأبرش
Amr my life عمرو
Hanif true believer حنيف
Imran a Prophet’s name عمران
Nazeer who warns نظير
Awf fragrance عوف
Abdul Qaadir servant of the capable عبدالقادر
Aneeq valuable الأنيق
Wajih commanding personality وجيه
Taha surah in Quran خلف
Asfar morning’s light الأصفر
Turhan mercy تورهان
Mujeeb responder مجيب
Bilal name of the prophet’s muezzin بلال
Safdar who breaks the enemy’s rank سافدار
Hussain beautiful حسين
Ateeb very pious أتيبالبالغ
Kareem generous كريم
Walid new-born child والي
Abdul Khabir servant of the one who is aware عبدالخبير
Najib intelligent نجيب
Sultaan authority السلطان
Zia wise ضياء
Armaan desire آرمان
Arqam pen الأرقم
Modern Muslim Boys Name
Tanwir enlightening تنوير
Umar name of the second caliph عمر
Shahbaz falcon شهباز
Ziyad abundance زياد
Shad happy الشابلنوعمنالسمك
Haytham young hawk هيثم
Jamil lovely جميل
Sarfaraz king سارفاراز
Salik passable سالك
Qani satisfied قاني
Nusayr narrator of hadith نصير
Tameem perfect تميم
Jalil great جليل
Ilyas a Prophet’s name الياس
Murshid spiritual guide مرشد
Rameez symbol رميز
Abdul Qadeer servant of the powerful عبدالقدير
Yasir wealthy ياسر
Wasay boundless الوصي
Haseen beautiful الحصين
Sa’d felicity سعد
Taufiq guidance توفيق
Akram more generous أكرم
Parvez success برفيز
Sabir patient صابر
Saqib shining star ثاقب
Zain beloved زين
Samit quiet سامت
Abrar piety أبرار
Dameer heart الضمير
Shameem fragrance شميم
Shaheer well-known شهير
Mansur divinely aided منصور
Razeen grave رزين
Hajib edge الحاجب
Rawahah departure رواحة
Nooh a Prophet’s name جيد
Zahi bright زاهي
Abdul Hadi servant of the guide عبدل
Aayan Allah’s gift أعيان
Ramiz symbol رامز
Tammam generous تمام
Abdur Rasheed servant of the guide to right path عبدالرشيد
Shahid witness شهيد
Moazzam respectable المعظم
Abdus Salaam servant of the giver of peace عبدالسلام
Ammar long of age عمار
Nasir protector ناصر
Abdur Rahman servant of the most gracious عبدالرحمن
Mukhlis pure-hearted مخلص

Top 100 Muslim Boy Names

Trending top 100 Muslim boy names like Fadil, Nadir, Baraz, Malang, Luham, and many more beautiful Muslim boy names are advised for you. The riches and common great we have on Earth are not our own to claim, they are just brief.

Top 100 Muslim Boy Names
Name Meaning Urdu Spelling
Malik master مالك
Sawad blackness سواد
Firoz gift فيروز
Zaheer shining زهير
Nafis precious نفيس
Wasif man of qualities واصف
Basel brave بازل
Abdul Kareem servant of the most generous عبدالكريم
Taban resplendent طابا
Wafi loyal وافي
Obaid small slave عبيد
Rafee refined الرافع
Tauqeer respect من
Shah king شاه
Qadeer powerful القدير
Thabit firm ثابت
Sagheer small الصغير
Ghanem successful غانم
Zohair best friend of Prophet زهير
Israr insist إسرار
Daniel intelligent دانيال
Saahir wakeful الساحر
Rashad maturity رشاد
Faqeeh jurist فقيه
Sa’id fortunate سعيد
Fattah who attains victory الفتاح
Shafqat affection شفقت
Batal champion البطل
Ishaq a Prophet’s name إسحاق
Madani civilised مدني
Suhayl canopus سهيل
Abdul Hakeem servant of the wise عبدالحكيم
Munzir warner منذر
Sinan spear head سنان
Ghannam shepherd غنام
Fawwaz successful فواز
Abdul Hameed servant of the praiseworthy عبدالحميد
Khaleeq worthy خليق
Dean religion عميد
Mika sweet ميكا
Abdul Khaliq servant of the creator عبدخالد
Waqas warrior قاص
Haleem patient حليم
Ghazanfar lion غضنفر
Ghulam one who can serve غلام
Abdul Mujeeb servant of the responsive عبدمجيب
Kaleem speaker كليم
Faisal handsome فيصل
Asar fourth prayer of the day اسار
Faiz grace فايز
Top 100 Muslim Boys Name
Hashmat dignity حشمت
Fadl reward فضل
Shaheem intelligent شاهين
Awad reward عوض
Nadir precious الدركالأسفل
Nameer pure نمير
Hayder lion حيدر
Mujibur responsive مجيب
Arbab looks after someone أرباب
Yunus a Prophet’s name يونس
Aslam peace اسلام
Hani delighted هاني
Misbah lamp مصباح
Nihal prosperous نهال
Arif knowledgeable عارف
Sulaiman a Prophet’s name سليمان
Jamal beauty جمال
Rehan king ريحان
Abdul Raafi servant of the one who raises عبدرافع
Hameem friend حميم
Khateeb preacher الخطيب
Rabbani divine رباني
Mekka holy city مكةالمكرمة
Mahad nice مهد
Deen religion الدين
Khalis clean الخالص
Faris rider فارس
Halwani confectioner حلواني
Inaam reward إنعام
Jawhar jewel جوهر
Arsh crown عرش
Faruq who distinguishes truth from false فاروق
Luqman a Prophet’s name لقمان
Naseer who helps نصير
Anwar more radiant أنور
Azmat respect عزمت
Hisham generosity هشام
Sumayya martyr of Islam سمية
Saifan sword of Allah سعيفان
Qaseem portion القصيم
Mumin who believes مؤمن
Abdus Sabur servant of the forbearing عبدالتحمل
Taj crown تاج
Abdus Sabour servant of the patient عبدالصبور
Asim protector عاصم
Marghoob desirable مرغوب
Saib forsaken صائب
Shahzad king’s son شاهزاد
Athar neat أطهر
Subhi early morning صبحي

Indian Muslim Boy Names

Good Indian Muslim boy names like Mustafa, Izhar, Ehsan, Ahmed, Aamir, and many more options including Muslim boy names with meaning in Tamil. It isn’t our social standing, common regard, or the equilibrium of our financial balances that will give us a definitive remaining before Allah.

Indian Muslim Boy Names

Indian Muslim Boy Names
Name Meaning Urdu Spelling
Falah success فلاح
Nizam administration نزام
Arfan gratefulness عرفان
Hami protector إلهامي
Ilan good person إيلان
Abdul Munim servant of the generous عبدالمنعم
Farouk knowing right from wrong فاروق
Humaid praised حميد
Sahl uncomplicated سهل
Jubair counsels or brings together جبير
Muslih reformer مصلح
Juma friday جمعة
Sadik truthful صادق
Asher knowledgeable آشر
Sabil path السبيل
Makki pertaining to makkah فيكي
Akhlaq behaving الاخلاق
Basim smiling باسم
Mehtab moon مهتاب
Abdullah servant of Allah عبدالله
Fahad wild cat فهد
Saleel noble hearted سليل
Zuhoor manifestation الزهور
Yawar helping ياور
Abdul Raheem servant of the most compassionate عبدالرحيم
Fareed unique فريد
Fazal grace فضل
Shams sun شمس
Baqir beloved one باقر
Rayhaan sweet basil ريحان
Bishr joy بشر
Nabih alert نبيه
Shakir thankful شاكر
Wisam badge وسام
Behzad honest and caring بهزاد
Fuad heart فؤاد
Najih successful ناجح
Yusr convenience اليسر
Abdul Ghafoor servant of the forgiver عبدالغفور
Muhammad name of the last Prophet محمد
Thayer rebel ثاير
Junayd warrior جنيد
Abdul Waali servant of the governor عبدالولي
Khayri charitable خيري
Abdul Rashid servant of the rightly guided عبدالرشيد
Aarif aware عارف
Shaharyar king شهريار
Sarab mirage سراب
Akbar great اكبر
Tobias a star توبياس
Indian Muslim Boys Name
Jihad struggle الجهاد
Maruf known الجبهةالمتحدةالثورية
Nazar who gives نزار
Shareef good شريف
Khurshid sun خورشيد
Rabi breeze ربيع
Qahtan name of Tribe قحطان
Sohail gentle سهيل
Fawzan salvation فوزان
Abdus Sami servant of the all hearing ساميعبد
Razam lion رزام
Faysal decisive فيصل
El Amin trustworthy شرمامين
Masarrat delight المسرات
Utbah threshold عتبة
Shan dignity شان
Ghawth succour الغوث
Abdul Mannan servant of the benefactor عبدمينان
Islam submission to Allah الإسلام
Abdul Ghafur servant of the all-forgiving عبدالغفور
Muhib who loves مهيب
Waqar respect قار
Faeq excellent فائق
Sayyar constantly on the move سيار
Hamood who praises Allah حمود
Muhajir immigrant المهاجرين
Siraj light سراج
Ehsan powerful إحسان
Ashik lover ناشيك
Maymun fortunate ميمون
Wakalat advocacy الوكالات
Abdul Rasheed servant of the rightly guided عبدالرشيد
Abdul Naseer servant of the helper عبدنصير
Abdul Raqib servant of the vigilant عبدرقيب
Abdul Lateef servant of the kind عبداللطيف
Nasih advisor ناصح
Labib sensible لبيب
Abdul Halim servant of the wise عبدالحليم
Raza handsome رضا
Mazin cloud carries rain مازن
Riyad gardens الرياض
Husni good حسني
Salamah integrity سلمة
Abdul Waajid servant of the finder عبداجد
Gulshan flower garden جولشان
Kashif uncoverer الكاشف
Raihan heavens’ flower ريحان
Abdul Hafeez servant of the protector عبدالحفيظ
Sami lofty سامي
Ubaydullah servant of Allah عبيدالله
Indian Muslim Boys Name
Afeef pure عفيف
Muammar senior معمر
Abdul Hannan servant of the merciful عبدالحنان
Shafi pure الشافي
Shamas sun شماس
Abdul Mateen servant of the firm عبدسنالمراهقة
Nadim friend نديم
Mehboob loveable محبوب
Adeeb literary person أديب
Shabaz handsome شاباز
Rafeek friend رفيق
Adham black أدهم
Abdul Nur servant of the light عبدالنور
Umayr old Arabic name عمير
Alman kind علمان
Ameer commander أمير
Numair baby tiger نمير
Kashan place of rulers كاشان
Ahmad highly adored أحمد
Abdul Karim servant of the gracious عبدالكريم
Jumanah pearl جمانة
Amer rich عامر
Sadeem haze سديم
Mahbub darling محبوب
Aidan intelligent ايدين
Hammam great man همام
Nashit energetic تقوىلل
Afzal top most أفضال
Fajer morning الفجر
Tariq a late visitor طارق
Abdul Jaleel servant of the great and revered عبدالجليل
Sahib companion صاحب
Haider lion حيدر
Fayek superior فايق
Ma’mun trustworthy مأمون
Mutasim name of Khalifah المعتصم
Shahin falcon شاهين
Idris a Prophet’s name إدريس
Emran progress عمران
Jan life يناير
Shihab blaze شهاب
Rayyan pretty الريان
Arbaaz eagle أربااز
Salamat safety سلامات
Ghazi conqueror غازي
Zayer tourist زاير
Ismah preservation عصمة
Gulab rose جلاب
Anwaar glow أنوار
Sultan power سلطان

Pakistani Muslim Boy Names

Best Pakistani Muslim boy names Jubair, Wahib, Azhar, Imtiaz, Atif, Khalid, and many more new Muslim boy names suggestions. To know, talk, and live the Arabic language involves a completely unique origination of the universe and hence shows an alternate reality, one that is roomy, comprehensive, rich, and interconnected.

Pakistani Muslim Boy Names
Name Meaning Urdu Spelling
Barraq shining براق
Shahab meteor شهاب
Nazeef clean نظيف
Thaqib piercing الثاقب
Iftikhar proud افتخار
Gulzar garden غولزار
Zayan bright سيدزيان
Nasim breeze نسيم
Mahfuz preserved محفوظ
Faik surpassing فايق
Sawwaf wool stapler الصواف
Mushtaq ardent مشتاق
Firas perspicacious فراس
Yahya a Prophet’s name يحيى
Shifa cure الشفاء
Arsal one who was sent عرسال
Faiq outstanding فايق
Hamd praise الحمد
Saad companion of Prophet يمكنك
Ashraf honourable أشرف
Natiq speaker ناطق
Abid worshipper عابد
Uthman name of the third Caliph عثمان
Abdul Haseeb servant of the respected عبدحسيب
Jiyad very good ياد
Arslan lion ارسلان
Ra’id pioneer رائد
Mamduh praised ممدوح
Sarwar leader سروار
Sarim brave الصارم
Abdul Ghani servant of the self-sufficient عبدالغني
Naseem breeze النسيم
Hamdan one who lauds حمدان
Fardeen radiant فاردين
Rafay elevate rank رفاعي
Zair pilgrim زعير
Baber courageous بابير
Amjad more glorious أمجد
Hamdi praise حمدي
Qasim firm قيس
Zaki intelligent زكي
Sameh forgiver سامح
Hatib wood collector خطيب
Qudamah companion of Prophet قدامة
Taysir facilitation تيسير
Usman name of the third Caliph عثمان
Robeel flight روبيل
Sa’ood fortunate سعود
Abdul Mani servant of one who prevents عبدماني
Rizwan peon of paradise رضوان
Pakistani Muslim Boys Name
Salam peace السلام
Houda guided هدى
Musaid helper مساعد
Abdul Awwal servant of the first one عبدالأول
Abdul Ahad slave of Allah عبدالأحد
Amin trustworthy امين
Shaban name of an islamic month شعبان
Abdul Qayyum servant of the self-subsistent عبدالقيوم
Dilawar courageous ديلاوار
Jad curly جاد
Liban successful لبنان
Khazin treasurer الخازن
Azeem great نظيم
Uzair a Prophet’s name عزير
Aryan utmost strength الآرية
Masroor happy person مسرور
Rakhshan dazzling رخشان
Hazim prudent حازم
Imaan faith المعتقدات
Abdur Raqeeb servant of the watchful عبدالرقيب
Azzam determined عزام
Musa a Prophet’s name موسى
Hussein handsome حسين
Fahim clever فهيم
Naim tranquillity نعيم
Roshan bright روشان
Khawar east to west خوار
Jari powerful ياري
Fatik lethal فهر
Musaddiq who confirms or verifies another مصدق
Lutfi gentle لطفي
Mustakim straight road أسود
Abdul Wahhab servant of the bestower عبدالوهاب
Zaid growth زيد
Khaldun implies eternity خلدون
Marzuq blessed مرزوق
Akmal lion اكمل
Qaim rising القائم
Haikal tale هيكل
Kaiser emperor قيصر
Naseef just one ناصيف
Akeem wise أكيم
Ammaar one with strong imaan عمار
Nasr victory نصر
Fahd lynx فهد
Zamil friend الزامل
Maqbool popular مقبول
Atik black cloth of the qaaba عتيق
Subhan holy سبحان
Mufid useful مفيد

Arabic Muslim Boy Names

Holistic Arabic Muslim boy names like Luay, Eilqar, Abbaas, Sahabah, Kalifah, and many more beautiful Muslim boy names choice. It is of most extreme significance to follow our Creator’s direction, via the Holy Qur’an, to support this cozy relationship with our Lord.

Arabic Muslim Boy Names
Name Meaning Urdu Spelling
Shariq bright شارق
Abdul Hafeedh servant of the preserver عبدالحفيظ
Tabassum smiling تبسم
Antarah name of the freed slave of sulaym عنترة
Ashar who holds wisdom العشار
Basir bringer of glad tidings بصير
Gohar diamond جوهر
Javier month of January خافيير
Ali fourth caliph of Islam علي
Ahyan gift of Allah نهيان
Abdul Qudoos servant of the most holy عبدالقدوس
Rayn gate of heaven الرين
Zafir victorious ظافر
Shadan happy شدن
Makhdoom reserved مخدوم
Ubadah worship عبادة
Laith lion ليث
Asghar shorter اصغر
Shahrukh concerning شاروخ
Abdul Hafiz servant of the guardian عبدالحفيظ
Nazih pure نزيه
Abdul Ali servant of the high one عبدعلي
Zulqarnain two beautiful eyes ذوالقرنين
Ismail a Prophet’s name اسماعيل
Afif modest عفيف
Rayhan fragrance الريحان
Tawfeeq divine help توفيق
Salah righteousness of the faith صلاح
Sulayman a Prophet’s name سليمان
Qais lover قيس
Lu’ay shield لؤي
Lutf enjoyment لطف
Abdul Wajid servant of the finder, the perceiver عبدالمجيد
Duha fore noon الضحى
Mensur winner يكفلل
Talhah kind of tree طلحة
Izz prestige عز
Murad desire مراد
Rabiah greenery الربيعة
Syed always in control سيد
Zaim leader الزعيم
Jabir comforter جابر
Saadat blessing سعدات
Mubeen clear المبين
Abdul Badee servant of the originator عبدبديع
Uzayr precious عزير
Amir prosperous الأمير
Abdur Rashid servant of the guide عبدالرشيد
Javed bright جاويد
Abdul Dhahir servant of the manifest الظاهرعبد
Arabic Muslim Boys Name
Abdul Rabb servant of the lord عبدالرب
Munaf exalted مناف
Hafid wise حفيظ
Abdul Aziz servant of the powerful one عبدالعزيز
Motaz proud معتز
Fadi redeemer فادي
Sakhrah rock الصخرة
Umair intelligent عمير
Abdus Shakur servant of the appreciative عبدالشكور
Rushd right path رشد
Maysarah comfort ميسرة
Awn assist عون
Saqer falcon صقر
Abdur Razzaq servant of the provider عبدالرزاق
Taimur iron تيمور
Khayyat tailor الخياط
Abdul Majeed servant of the most glorious عبدالمجيد
Qabeel son of Sayyidina Aadam قابيل
Abdul Azim servant of the great عبدالعظيم
Iyaad generous عياض
Zakariyya a Prophet’s name زكريا
Nabeel noble man نبيل
Daniyal intelligent دانيال
Salim secure سالم
Zubair proper name الزبير
Zoran dawn زوران
Jawad liberal جواد
Sajjad who does much prostrations سجاد
Rajab 7th month of the islamic calendar رجب
Abdul Haq servant of the truth عبدالحق
Azaan call for the prayer ازان
Fawzi achievement فوزي
Aasim keeps away from sins عاصم
Mukhtar authorised مختار
Khidr green خضر
Rasool name of the Nabi رسول
Nawfal generous نوفل
Wafiq successful وفيق
Mahmud praised one محمود
Naib deputy نايب
Abdul Wasi servant of the all embracing عبدالوصي
Ayyash bread seller عياش
Khalid glorious خالد
Jibran reward نخالة
Kawthar a river in paradise الكوثر
Osama lion أسامة
Rehmat ullah blessings of Allah almighty رحمت-اولاه
Wahhaj glowing هاج
Wafa fidelity وفاء
Abbas gloomy look عباس

Muslim Boy Names A to Z

A complete list of Muslim boy names A to Z most searched alphabets to receive the blessings from Prophet Muhammad with open hands are shared below, that includes all Muslim name boy. It is basic to have an expanded consciousness of our Lord to empower us to accomplish never-ending harmony, satisfaction, and happiness in both this world and the Hereafter.

Muslim Boy Names A to Z
Name Meaning Urdu Spelling
Sajid prostrating ساجد
Fahmi understanding فهمي
Mufid jurist ممتاز
Munir shining منير
Nasser protector ناصر
Arman army man عرمان
Imtiyaz distinct امتياز
Silah arms سيلا
Farooq comely فاروق
Rafik friend رفيق
Sanaullah worshiper of Allah سناءالله
Basharat good news بشارات
Muzhir witnessed مزهر
Hadi guide حتى
Samir entertaining سمير
Almir prince ألمير
Abdul Mumin servant of the guardian of faith عبدالمؤمن
Najeeb noble birth نجيب
Wahb giving وهب
Rahim merciful رحمة
Ghufran forgiving غفران
Zarar brave ضرار
Yasin a Prophet’s name ياسين
Azad freedom آزاد
Tayyab clean طيب
Mueen who helps معين
Faheem intelligent فهيم
Aydin brilliant أيدين
Adil honest عادل
Hanifah upright حنيفة
Raees rich ريس
Ayub a prophet of Allah أيوب
Zameer conscience مدافعة
Muzammil wrapped one مزمل
Abdus Sattar one who conceals faults عبدالستار
Qasim divider قاسم
Fateh victory فتح
Burhan proof برهان
Bashar bringer of glad tidings بشار
Mursal ambassador مرسل
Hafs lion حفص
Musharraf who is honoured مشرف
Ihab leather إيهاب
Fateen clever فطين
Rafi high-ranking رافي
Bashaar One who brings good news بشار
Riaz garden رياض
Sayid lord سعيد
Mateen substantive فيسنالمراهقة
Shafiq compassionate شفيق
As’ad happier أسعد
Diya light ضياء
Humam courageous همام
Naji safe ناجي
Sadan fortunate سدان
Abdul Qadir servant of the powerful عبدالقادر
Iqbal responsiveness إقبال
Khuram tiger خورام
Fakih humorous فقيه
Barkat growth بركات
Muslim Boys Name
Aftab sun افتاب
Ahab strong أهاب
Talal nice admirable طلال
Raamis good looking مؤطر
Sahar bewitch سحر
Sawa equal سوا
Sadiq truthful صادق
Sakhawat generosity شوكت
Parsa pious بارسا
Muhaimin protector مهيمن
Naqeeb leader النقيب
Salsaal pure water نوعمنالسلطة
Fakhr pride فخر
Muttaqi righteous متقي
Kamil perfect كامل
Sharafat nobility شرفات
Maher skilled ماهر
Sharaf honour شرف
Abdul Noor servant of the one who is light عبدالنور
Ayaan god’s gift أيان
Talat countenance طلعت
Qamar moon قمر
Shaheen falcon شاهين
Mahd guided one العهد
Masum infallible مجموع
Jibril archangel of Allah غابرييل
Abdul Warith servant of the supreme inheritor عبدالتراثله
Sa’ir walking سعير
Naqi pure نقي
Sariyah travels by night سارية
Mubashir spreader of good news مبشر
Ghazzal name of a reciter of Quran غزال
Azlan lion أزلان
Irfan gratefulness عرفان
Ridwan gates of heaven رضوان
Nur highest paradise نور
Abdul Muhaimin servant of the supervising عبدمهيمن
Khurram cheerful خرام
Mu’ayyad supported المؤيد
Shabbir pious شابير
Hubaab bubble of water الحباب
Minhaj path العقيدة
Hesam sharp sword حسام
Anees close friend أنيس
Abdul Baqi servant of the eternal عبدالباقي
Zarrar great muslim warrior زرار
Uqbah end of everything عقبة
Lateef kind اللطيف
Wali guardian والي
Farhan happy فرحان
Ghusun branches of tree الغصون
Hasan handsome حسن
Harith cultivator الحارث
Rauf merciful رؤوف
Muzakkir reminder مذكر
Khadim servant كاظم
Insaf judge with justice إنصاف
Thamar fruit ذمار
Abdul Wahid servant of the unique عبدالواحد
Imaad pillar of strength عماد
Muslim Boys Name
Umran prosperity عمران
Kabeer great الكبير
Mamoon secure مأمون
Qudoos most holy القدوس
Jalal glory جلال
Rasheed rationale رشيد
Rahil path guider رحمة
Khursheed sun خورشيد
Hamzah lion حمزة
Fatih conqueror فاتح
Nabhan alert نبهان
Rabah gainer رباح
Masud auspicious مسعود
Agharr handsome الأغر
Zakariya a Prophet’s name زكريا
Noman all blessings of Allah نعمان
Saud felicities سعود
Rabee spring ربيع
Inayat kindness عنايت
Aijaz blessing إعجاز
Sabur perservent سابور
Ubayd worshipper عبيد
Muslim who submits to Allah مسلم
Shoaib a Prophet’s name شعيب
Kasim lovely قاسم
Hibbaan fleshy حبان
Musheer advisor مشير
Ahad the one الأحد
Talha name of tree طلحة
Iskandar sikandar اسكندر
Nasif equitable ناصيف
Raquib most watchful الرقيب
Isa a Prophet’s name عيسى
Raghib desiring راغب
Haroon a Prophet’s name هارون
Wahib liberal donor وهيب
Saleem unimpaired سليم
Haji pilgrim حاجي
Jasim healthy جاسم
Hammad praising حماد
Shamel complete شامل
Abdul Rahim servant of the compassionate عبدالرحيم
Abdul Alim servant of the all knowing عبدالعليم
Rafiq kind رفيق
Salar leader سالار
Kazi judge عمل
Haitham eagle هيثم
Mustafa chosen one مصطفى
Adawi Grandson of Sayyindina Umer العدوي
Mounir sunlight منير
Najam star نجم
Watheq firm الواثق
Abdul Haleem servant of the forbearing one عبدالحليم
Madyan holy place in Saudi Arabia مدين
Siwar bracelet سوار
Fayd abundance فيض
Ahmar red coloured الأحمر
Nawaz prince نواز
Majd nobility نجد
Shakeel handsome شكيل
Muslim Boys Name
Hud a Prophet’s name هود
Na’il acquirer نائل
Hakim brother الحكيم
Saal year consisting of twelve months قاعة
Yameen oath يمين
Sayhan flowing سيحان
Sadaqat truth صدقة
Fakhri glorious فخري
Abdul Majid servant of the noble عبدالمجيد
Fakeeh cheerful فقيه
Unal strong spirit اونال
Abdul Quddus servant of the holy عبدالقدوس
Aqdas holy الأقدس
Nafees pureness النفيس
Rahat response رهط
Farrukh auspicious فاروق
Kafeel responsible كفيل
Shadi singer شادي
Hilal crescent هلال
Tanveer rays of light تنوير
Khalaf descendants خلف
Imad support عماد
Sahir wakeful ساهر
Abdul Kabir servant of the great عبدالكبير
Shaukat grandeur شوكت
Rawdah paradise الروضة
Majdi glorious أحمد
Hamid commendable حامد
Nidal defence نضال
Abdur Raheem servant of the most merciful عبدالرحيم
Abdul Rauf servant of the merciful عبدالرؤوف
Mohsin attractive محسن
Talib sender طالب
Ghalib victor غالب
Abdul Wadood servant of the loving عبددود
Seema expression سيمة
Zakar handsome زكر
Suhayb companions name صهيب
Zafar victorious ظفر
Muhsin beneficent محسن
Intaj king شركةالإنتاجلل
Noor attribute of Allah شاب
Qadar divine destiny القدر
Hatim judge حاتم
Sakhr rock صخر
Sahil guide سهيل
Pervaiz breeze برويز
Abdul Ghaffar servant of the forgiver عبدالغفار
Barr just بر
Wasim handsome وسيم
Habib beloved حبيب
Abdul Rauf servant of the acceptor of repentance عبدالتواب
Yaqeen belief اليقين
Kawkab star كوكب
Mujaddid who refreshes مجدد
Jaan life الجان
Rajaa hope رجاء
Shabaan Islamic month الشباب
Hasham servant هاشم
Ajmal beautiful أجمل
Muslim Boys Name
Saeed blissful سعيد
Abdul Rafi servant of the exalter عبدرافي
Abdul Hamid servant of the praiseworthy عبدالحميد
Affan forgiving person عفان
Ashfaq compassionate friend أشفق
Asbagh coloured animal الأصباغ
Shiraz sweet شيراز
Mu’awiyah first ummayad caliph معاوية
Sahab cloud سحاب
Maaz brave man نعاز
Kabir big الكبير
Iyaas compensation إياس
Atiq ancient عتيق
Khalifah caliph خليفة
Jaffer flowing water جعفر
Mustajab who is heard مستجاب
Nuri shining نوري
Salih flawless صالح
Shaqeeq real brother شقيق
Wadi calm وادي
Qadim ancient القديم
Hassan who beautifies حسن
Wahid unique وحيد
Tahir clean طاهر
Nuh a Prophet’s name نوح
Zeyad prince زياد
Mufid who prospers مفلح
Hooman good soul هومان
Jafar rivulet جعفر
Omar long-lived عمر
Abdus Shaheed servant of the witness عبدالشهيد
Jarrar brave جرار
Shabah resembling الشبح
Akif attached عاكف
Hibah grant هبة
Sarosh angel ساروش
Mashhud manifest مشهود
Babar Brave بابار
Issar sacrifice إيسر
Zuhair Prophet زهير
Shameel complete شميم
Aqeel wise عقيل
Ghaith rain غيث
Radi satisfied راضي
Yar friend يار
Abdul Hakam servant of the arbitrator عبدالحكم
Dildar charming دلدار
Faraz ascent فراز
Ridha contentment رضا
Naeem blessing نعيم

Muslim Boy Names Starting with A

Looking for Muslim boy names starting with A like Aatif, Aaqib, Aadil, Adnan, Aayan, Aadab, and many more Muslim baby boy names starting with a or Muslim boy names starting with a with meaning are included inside this list. The common great deeds, our demonstrations of giving, our compliance to our Lord, our modesty and liberality towards others, and above all, our goal.

Muslim Boy Names Starting with A
Name Meaning Urdu Spelling
Abdullah servant of Allah عبدالله
Aasim keeps away from sins عاصم
Abdul Hamid servant of the praiseworthy عبدالحميد
Asbagh colored animal الأصباغ
Arbab looks after someone أرباب
Abdul Wahid servant of the unique عبدالواحد
Adham black أدهم
Akeem wise أكيم
Adel judges fairly عادل
Alman kind علمان
Abdul Mateen servant of the firm عبدسنالمراهقة
Asim protector عاصم
Ashik lover ناشيك
Al Kareem educator شركةالكريم
Agharr handsome الأغر
Akhlaq behaving الاخلاق
Abdul Waajid servant of the finder عبداجد
Azaan call for the prayer ازان
Aarif aware عارف
Abdul Quddus servant of the holy عبدالقدوس
Abdul Alim servant of the all-knowing عبدالعليم
Arham merciful رهم
Arshad honest أرشد
Adeem rare نديم
Azeem great نظيم
Arsh crown عرش
Abdul Warith servant of the supreme inheritor عبدالتراثله
Amjad more glorious أمجد
Abdus Sami servant of the all-hearing ساميعبد
Akif attached عاكف
Asghar shorter اصغر
Abdul Haleem servant of the forbearing one عبدالحليم
Ahsan best of all احسان
Abdul Munim servant of the generous عبدالمنعم
Akhtar a star أختار
Abul Hassan son of Ali أبوالحسن
Abdus Sabour servant of the patient عبدالصبور
Arslan lion ارسلان
Afzal top most أفضال
Abdul Dhahir servant of the manifest الظاهرعبد
Abdul Aziz servant of the powerful one عبدالعزيز
Amaar who prays عمار
Abdul Ghafur servant of the all-forgiving عبدالغفور
Abdul Khabir servant of the one who is aware عبدالخبير
Abdul Muqtadir servant of the powerful عبدالمقتدر
Aftab sun افتاب
Akram more generous أكرم
Azzam determined عزام
Aiman fearless أيمن
Abdul Mughni servant of the enricher عبدالمغني
Muslim Boys Name
Asad lion الأسد
Abdul Hafeedh servant of the preserver عبدالحفيظ
Abdus Sattar one who conceals faults عبدالستار
Abdul Ghani servant of the self-sufficient عبدالغني
Abdus Shakur servant of the appreciative عبدالشكور
Abdul Qadeer servant of the powerful عبدالقدير
Abdul Mumin servant of the guardian of the faith عبدالمؤمن
Anwaar glow أنوار
Akbar great اكبر
Abdur Raheem servant of the most merciful عبدالرحيم
Abdul Ahad slave of Allah عبدالأحد
Asar fourth prayer of the day اسار
Adawi Grandson of Sayyindina Umer العدوي
Ahmad highly adored أحمد
Azmat respect عزمت
Armaan desire آرمان
Abdul Ali servant of the high one عبدعلي
Arman army man عرمان
Arbaaz eagle أربااز
Abdul Aleem servant of the all-knowing عبدالعليم
Abdul Kareem servant of the most generous عبدالكريم
Azim greatest العظيم
Ashar who holds wisdom العشار
Abdul Rahim servant of the compassionate عبدالرحيم
Abdul Rauf servant of the acceptor of repentance عبدالتواب
Abdul Awwal servant of the first one عبدالأول
Akmal lion اكمل
Ateeb very pious أتيبالبالغ
Abdul Maalik servant of the master, the lord عبدالملك
Aqeel wise عقيل
Aslam peace اسلام
Abdul Karim servant of the gracious عبدالكريم
Abdul Raafi servant of the one who raises عبدرافع
Ashraf honorable أشرف
Abid worshipper عابد
Affan forgiving person عفان
Abyan eloquent أبين
Abdul Nur servant of the light عبدالنور
Abdur Rashid servant of the guide عبدالرشيد
Abdul Malik servant of the sovereign lord عبدالملك
Aayan Allah’s gift أعيان
Abdul Rasheed servant of the rightly guided عبدالرشيد
Abdul Ghafoor servant of the forgiver عبدالغفور
Aamir civilized عامر
Abdul Hannan servant of the merciful عبدالحنان
Arqam pen الأرقم
Abdul Rashid servant of the rightly guided عبدالرشيد
Atik black cloth of the Kaaba عتيق
Ayyash bread seller عياش
Arfan gratefulness عرفان
Amir prosperous الأمير
Aneeq valuable الأنيق
Amer rich عامر
Abdul Hakeem servant of the wise عبدالحكيم
Ahad the one الأحد
Asher knowledgeable آشر
Abdul Mujeeb servant of the responsive عبدمجيب
Ammaar one with strong Imaan عمار
Adl justice العدل
Asfar morning’s light الأصفر

Muslim Boy Names Starting with F

Searching for Muslim boy names starting with F like Faheem, Faleeh, Faihan, Faran, Farooq, Fasih, and many more new Muslim baby boy names choices in the list. Not exclusively did the power of Bode’s words express my opinion they likewise helped me to remember the idea of magnificence in the Islamic convention, which drove me to consider my affection for the Arabic language.

Muslim Boy Names Starting with F
Name Meaning Urdu Spelling
Farouk knowing right from wrong فاروق
Fateen clever فطين
Faeq excellent فائق
Fattah who attains victory الفتاح
Faraj duty فرج
Fayd abundance فيض
Faik surpassing فايق
Fawzi achievement فوزي
Fateh victory فتح
Fawzan salvation فوزان
Farhan happy فرحان
Faheem intelligent فهيم
Fahmi understanding فهمي
Fadil honourable فاضل
Fahd lynx فهد
Farrukh auspicious فاروق
Faisal handsome فيصل
Feroz shinning فيروز
Faiz grace فايز
Fakih humorous فقيه
Fakhr pride فخر
Faraz ascent فراز
Fareed unique فريد
Fawad heart فواد
Fuad heart فؤاد
Muslim Boys Name
Firas perspicacious فراس
Fajer morning الفجر
Fakhri glorious فخري
Fadl reward فضل
Fawwaz successful فواز
Faqeeh jurist فقيه
Faysal decisive فيصل
Fadi redeemer فادي
Fatik lethal فهر
Faizan ruler فيضان
Fakeeh cheerful فقيه
Farid unique فريد
Falah success فلاح
Fayek superior فايق
Fatih conqueror فاتح
Fazal grace فضل
Faruq who distinguishes truth from false فاروق
Faris rider فارس
Fahim clever فهيم
Faiq outstanding فايق
Fardeen radiant فاردين
Farooq comely فاروق
Fakhrul proud فخر
Fahad wild cat فهد
Firoz gift فيروز

Muslim Boy Names Starting with H

Seeking Muslim boy names starting with H like Habib, Hamzah, Hamed, Hafid, Haysam, Humayd, and many more Muslim boy names with h inside the list. The individuals who double-cross the land – they see my capacity to adjust to grotesqueness as an omen of progress, a propitious sign. In any case, I consider it to be a defect, a method of stifling my faculties, of lessening myself to a machine.

Muslim Boy Names Starting with H
Name Meaning Urdu Spelling
Hanif true believer حنيف
Humayun blessed همايون
Hatim judge حاتم
Hajjaj orbit حجاج
Haleem patient حليم
Haitham eagle هيثم
Haseen beautiful الحصين
Hamza lion حمزة
Hameem friend حميم
Haytham young hawk هيثم
Harith cultivator الحارث
Hesam sharp sword حسام
Houda guided هدى
Hussain beautiful حسين
Hayder lion حيدر
Hazim prudent حازم
Hammam great man همام
Hadi guide حتى
Hibah grant هبة
Haneef upright حنيف
Humam courageous همام
Hisham generosity هشام
Hammad praising حماد
Hamdan one who lauds حمدان
Hafiz guardian حافظ
Muslim Boys Name
Hashmat dignity حشمت
Haq power الحق
Hani delighted هاني
Haji pilgrim حاجي
Hamd praise الحمد
Hamood who praises Allah حمود
Hamid commendable حامد
Habib beloved حبيب
Hakim brother الحكيم
Hasham servant هاشم
Hooman good soul هومان
Humaid praised حميد
Hatib wood collector خطيب
Hibbaan fleshy حبان
Hamdi praise حمدي
Hidayat instruction هداية
Hami protector إلهامي
Husni good حسني
Hassan who beautifies حسن
Haikal tale هيكل
Hafs lion حفص
Halwani confectioner حلواني
Hasan handsome حسن
Hussein handsome حسين
Hashid gathered حاشد

Muslim Boy Names Starting with I

Looking for Muslim boy names starting with I like Irfaan, Ishaq, Ithaar, Izhar, Inshaf, Imaad, and many more latest Muslim baby boy names full list. The significance of magnificence in Islam is interesting and pivotal on the grounds that one of the all-encompassing reasons for this deen (confidence, religion, statement of faith) is to bring harmony, first inside oneself, at that point with one’s environmental factors and, at last, with the whole creation.

Muslim Boy Names Starting with I
Name Meaning Urdu Spelling
Isa a Prophet’s name عيسى
Iyaad generous عياض
Iskandar sikandar اسكندر
Issar sacrifice إيسر
Insaf judge with justice إنصاف
Inaam reward إنعام
Izz prestige عز
Ibrahim a Prophet’s name إبراهيم
Irfan gratefulness عرفان
Imran a Prophet’s name عمران
Intaj king شركةالإنتاجلل
Ismah preservation عصمة
Ilyas a Prophet’s name الياس
Imaan faith المعتقدات
Idris a Prophet’s name إدريس
Muslim Boys Name
Imtiyaz distinct امتياز
Ihab leather إيهاب
Inayat kindness عنايت
Ismail a Prophet’s name اسماعيل
Islam submission to Allah الإسلام
Israr insist إسرار
Iftikhar proud افتخار
Imaad pillar of strength عماد
Imad support عماد
Ilan good person إيلان
Ishaq a Prophet’s name إسحاق
Ishrat society عشرت
Iyaas compensation إياس
Iqbal responsiveness إقبال
Izzat honour عزت

Muslim Boy Names Starting with L

Searching for Muslim boy names starting with L like Labib, Liban, Lateef, Lutaif, Lasin, Labeeb, and many more great name choices full list added. In Arabic, each word has numerous layers of significance and profundity, frequently final to their English or other European equivalences.

Muslim Boy Names Starting with L
Name Meaning Urdu Spelling
Lu’ay shield لؤي
Lutf enjoyment لطف
Lateef kind اللطيف
Luqman a Prophet’s name لقمان
Lutfi gentle لطفي
Liban successful لبنان
Latif gentle اللطيف
Laith lion ليث
Labib sensible لبيب

Muslim Boy Names Starting with M

Seeking Muslim boy names starting with M like Maahir, Madani, Maazin, Mahjub, Majid, Malik, and many more modern Muslim boy names starting with m including Muslim boys name with m ultimate collection inside. Not at all like some other known book, the Holy Qur’an actually stays unaltered and liberated from any irregularities.

Muslim Boy Names Starting with M

Muslim Boy Names Starting with M
Name Meaning Urdu Spelling
Mubashir spreader of good news مبشر
Mansoor victorious منصور
Masroor happy person مسرور
Maruf known الجبهةالمتحدةالثورية
Muslim who submits to Allah مسلم
Madani civilised مدني
Munaf exalted مناف
Mukhtar authorised مختار
Muslih reformer مصلح
Munzir warner منذر
Ma’mun trustworthy مأمون
Maymun fortunate ميمون
Mohsin attractive محسن
Mahaz place of war مهاز
Muneeb who turns repentance منيب
Masarrat delight المسرات
Muhib who loves مهيب
Ma’n assistance معن
Munir shining منير
Muammar senior معمر
Muzammil wrapped one مزمل
Muhajir immigrant المهاجرين
Makki pertaining to makkah فيكي
Mufid useful مفيد
Majd nobility نجد
Mujibur responsive مجيب
Mehboob loveable محبوب
Mujahid warrior مجاهد
Muttaqi righteous متقي
Mansur divinely aided منصور
Murshid spiritual guide مرشد
Marzuq blessed مرزوق
Muhsin beneficent محسن
Mumtaz who is distinguished ممتاز
Mushtaq ardent مشتاق
Mazin cloud carries rain مازن
Mahmud praised one محمود
Muhaimin protector مهيمن
Masud auspicious مسعود
Musaid helper مساعد
Murad desire مراد
Mustafa chosen one مصطفى
Mufid who prospers مفلح
Muzakkir reminder مذكر
Mustajab who is heard مستجاب
Maqbool popular مقبول
Mahad nice مهد
Mehtab moon مهتاب
Mu’ayyad supported المؤيد
Malik master مالك
Muslim Boys Name
Mueen who helps معين
Marghoob desirable مرغوب
Mu’awiyah first ummayad caliph معاوية
Mamduh praised ممدوح
Mufid jurist ممتاز
Mujeeb responder مجيب
Mensur winner يكفلل
Maaz brave man نعاز
Musheer advisor مشير
Mekka holy city مكةالمكرمة
Mamoon secure مأمون
Mukhlis pure-hearted مخلص
Marwan solid مروان
Mimar architect كومار
Mukarram honoured المكرم
Maysarah comfort ميسرة
Mubeen clear المبين
Mashhud manifest مشهود
Mahfuz preserved محفوظ
Mujaddid who refreshes مجدد
Musharraf who is honoured مشرف
Madyan holy place in Saudi Arabia مدين
Maher skilled ماهر
Mash’al torch مشعل
Miraj ascension حاكمالهند
Misbah lamp مصباح
Makhdoom reserved مخدوم
Muzaffar victorious مظفر
Musaddiq who confirms or verifies another مصدق
Muhammad name of the last Prophet محمد
Muntazir awaiting منتظر
Mounir sunlight منير
Mutasim name of Khalifah المعتصم
Mahbub darling محبوب
Motaz proud معتز
Mahdi rightly guided المهدي
Mateen substantive فيسنالمراهقة
Mahd guided one العهد
Mubarak fortunate مبارك
Muzhir witnessed مزهر
Musa a Prophet’s name موسى
Muqbil following مقبل
Minhaj path العقيدة
Murtaza generous مرتضى
Mursal ambassador مرسل
Majdi glorious أحمد
Moazzam respectable المعظم
Mika sweet ميكا
Mustakim straight road أسود
Masum infallible مجموع

Muslim Boy Names Starting with N

Looking for Muslim boy names starting with N like Nabeel, Nagur, Najeeb, Namood, Naseem, Naseef, Nasir, and many more Muslim baby boy names starting with n including Muslim boy names with n collection. Talking with individuals at the masjid, the excellence of Islam and the magnificence they want for the masjid arose as a progressing subject.

Muslim Boy Names Starting with N
Name Meaning Urdu Spelling
Nasser protector ناصر
Najeeb noble birth نجيب
Naim tranquillity نعيم
Naseer who helps نصير
Nazim intelligence ناظم
Nooh a Prophet’s name جيد
Nashat cheer نشأت
Nizam administration نزام
Nasif equitable ناصيف
Nasih advisor ناصح
Nafees pureness النفيس
Najib intelligent نجيب
Nazeef clean نظيف
Navid good news نافيد
Nazih pure نزيه
Naseef just one ناصيف
Numair baby tiger نمير
Nazir observer نذير
Naseem breeze النسيم
Nashit energetic تقوىلل
Naji safe ناجي
Nuh a Prophet’s name نوح
Nadir precious الدركالأسفل
Nafis precious نفيس
Nadr flourishing النضر
Muslim Boys Name
Naqeeb leader النقيب
Naqi pure نقي
Naeem blessing نعيم
Noman all blessings of Allah نعمان
Najih successful ناجح
Najam star نجم
Nur highest paradise نور
Na’il acquirer نائل
Nasr victory نصر
Nadim friend نديم
Nazeer who warns نظير
Nameer pure نمير
Nabih alert نبيه
Nabeel noble man نبيل
Nasir protector ناصر
Nusayr narrator of hadith نصير
Nasim breeze نسيم
Naushad happy نوشاد
Nabhan alert نبهان
Nazar who gives نزار

Muslim Boy Names Starting with R

Searching for Muslim boy names starting with R like Raamiz, Rabees, Rafan, Raghib, Rakeem, Raunaq, and many more Muslim boys name starting with r or Muslim baby boy names starting with r or Muslim boys name with r or Muslim boy names r best suited for your brave boy. Young ladies talked again and again about the excellence of mosques they’d found in the Islamic world, which stood out from the conventionality.

Muslim Boy Names Starting with R
Name Meaning Urdu Spelling
Raghib desiring راغب
Raza handsome رضا
Rafee refined الرافع
Rashid righteous راشد
Raihan heavens’ flower ريحان
Rabee spring ربيع
Rabah gainer رباح
Raheel who shows the way الرحيل
Roshan bright روشان
Raquib most watchful الرقيب
Razeen grave رزين
Rafay elevate rank رفاعي
Robeel flight روبيل
Rashdan guidance الرشدان
Rasool name of the Nabi رسول
Rayyan pretty الريان
Ramiz symbol رامز
Raees rich ريس
Rajaa hope رجاء
Rawdah paradise الروضة
Ridha contentment رضا
Rabiah greenery الربيعة
Rafik friend رفيق
Rafeek friend رفيق
Rehmat ullah blessings of Allah Almighty رحمت-اولاه
Rahmat mercy رحمة
Rabbani divine رباني
Rajab 7th month of the Islamic calendar رجب
Rasheed rationale رشيد
Rabi breeze ربيع
Muslim Boys Name
Raamis good looking مؤطر
Riaz garden رياض
Radi satisfied راضي
Rauf merciful رؤوف
Rizwan peon of paradise رضوان
Rakhshan dazzling رخشان
Rafi high-ranking رافي
Ridwan gates of heaven رضوان
Rahim merciful رحمة
Rahil path guider رحمة
Riyad gardens الرياض
Rashad maturity رشاد
Rayn gate of heaven الرين
Rehan king ريحان
Razam lion رزام
Reza wish رضا
Rameez symbol رميز
Rayhan fragrance الريحان
Rafiq kind رفيق
Rawahah departure رواحة
Ra’id pioneer رائد
Ramadan 9th month of the Islamic calendar رمضان
Rayhaan sweet basil ريحان
Rahat response رهط
Rushd right path رشد

Muslim Boy Names Starting with S

Seeking Muslim boy names starting with S like Saahir, Shaheem, Saamir, Saaqib, Saddam, Saeed, Shakib, Saifan, and many more modern Muslim boy names starting with s or Muslim boy names s or s names for boys Muslim or Muslim boy names starting with Sha complete great collection in the list. Individuals regularly discussed the magnificence they found in their religion—even in spots like the not-yet-renovated masjid, which struck some of them as not exactly lovely.

Muslim Boy Names Starting with S
Name Meaning Urdu Spelling
Salih flawless صالح
Sarfaraz king سارفاراز
Sajid prostrating ساجد
Shaheed witness الشهيد
Sa’id fortunate سعيد
Sariyah travels by night سارية
Saeed blissful سعيد
Shabaan Islamic month الشباب
Saifan sword of Allah سعيفان
Sadik truthful صادق
Sarab mirage سراب
Salamah integrity سلمة
Salah righteousness of the faith صلاح
Saahir wakeful الساحر
Siwar bracelet سوار
Shifa cure الشفاء
Shahzad king’s son شاهزاد
Shaqeeq real brother شقيق
Sabir patient صابر
Sawa equal سوا
Suhayl canopus سهيل
Seema expression سيمة
Saib forsaken صائب
Saqib shining star ثاقب
Subhan holy سبحان
Suwayd black السويداء
Shahbaz falcon شهباز
Shabaz handsome شاباز
Sadeem haze سديم
Salar leader سالار
Saiful Azman sword of dream سيف
Sanaullah worshiper of Allah سناءالله
Saud felicities سعود
Sarfraz person sitting at a high place سارفراز
Sa’ood fortunate سعود
Salif previous ساليف
Shadi singer شادي
Saqer falcon صقر
Saad companion of Prophet يمكنك
Shaheen falcon شاهين
Sharafat nobility شرفات
Salaam peace سلام
Shafee intercessor الشافعى
Sayid lord سعيد
Sajjad who does much prostrations سجاد
Shakir thankful شاكر
Saadat blessing سعدات
Shayan praised شايان
Sarmad eternity سرمد
Sayhan flowing سيحان
Muslim Boys Name
Suhayb companions name صهيب
Sulaiman a Prophet’s name سليمان
Shafqat affection شفقت
Sohaib sandy صهيب
Sharif honest شريف
Salsaal pure water نوعمنالسلطة
Shah king شاه
Shariq bright شارق
Sami lofty سامي
Safdar who breaks the enemy’s rank سافدار
Shameel complete شميم
Sahil guide سهيل
Shamel complete شامل
Shahab meteor شهاب
Sabil path السبيل
Sadan fortunate سدان
Shakeel handsome شكيل
Shafiq compassionate شفيق
Shoaib a Prophet’s name شعيب
Salim secure سالم
Saleem unimpaired سليم
Salik passable سالك
Sawwaf wool stapler الصواف
Sameer entertainer سمير
Shaharyar king شهريار
Samit quiet سامت
Sofian sand storm سفيان
Sadaqat truth صدقة
Surur happiness سرور
Silah arms سيلا
Sahir wakeful ساهر
Sahab cloud سحاب
Shabbir pious شابير
Sakhawat generosity شوكت
Shan dignity شان
Sikandar famous sovereign اسكندر
Shiraz sweet شيراز
Shabah resembling الشبح
Sarwar leader سروار
Shaban name of an islamic month شعبان
Sa’d felicity سعد
Saleel noble hearted سليل
Sakhrah rock الصخرة
Shaaf who gives health الشعف
Siraj light سراج
Sultan power سلطان
Sakhr rock صخر
Shadeed lover شديد
Sulayman a Prophet’s name سليمان
Sarim brave الصارم

Muslim Boy Names Starting with Z

Looking for Muslim boy names starting with Z like Zaakir, Zihan, Zafar, Zahid, Zakir, Zehaan, and many more good collection of beautiful names to ibadat the gift you received from Allah. Similar young ladies discussed the adhan, the call to supplication, as remarkably excellent—particularly when done by five voices immediately in the Islamic world, or, in Faribault, by an imam whose voice they especially cherished.

Muslim Boy Names Starting with Z
Name Meaning Urdu Spelling
Zafar victorious ظفر
Zohair best friend of Prophet زهير
Zahir shining زاهر
Zakariyya a Prophet’s name زكريا
Zarrar great muslim warrior زرار
Zayan bright سيدزيان
Zaeem leader الزعيم
Zaki intelligent زكي
Zakariya a Prophet’s name زكريا
Zuhair Prophet زهير
Zaman destiny زمان
Zaheer shining زهير
Zamil friend الزامل
Zaid growth زيد
Zulqarnain two beautiful eyes ذوالقرنين
Muslim Boys Name
Zayd abundance زيد
Zia wise ضياء
Zafir victorious ظافر
Zakar handsome زكر
Zubair proper name الزبير
Zameer conscience مدافعة
Zahi bright زاهي
Zuhoor manifestation الزهور
Zaim leader الزعيم
Zarar brave ضرار
Zoran dawn زوران
Zeeshan high standard زيشان
Zeyad prince زياد
Zain beloved زين
Zayer tourist زاير

Final Words

I think you got the best 1500+ Unique Muslim Boys Name From Holy Quran after reading this article. The Muslim Boys Name are collected by us with our ChampW team’s extreme efforts, so kindly help us by sharing on Facebook and Instagram and pin it on Pinterest.

Hi, myself Arun Verma. I Love Playing Multiplayer Games, Exploring new Technologies, Buying Cool Gadgets, and Deeply Research Names. Working at Deloitte gave me the knowledge to blog about Business Ideas I have to deal with on a regular basis.

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