350+ Best Q and A Questions For Youtube Vlog

If you don’t have the time to plan and record your next video, recording something like Q and A Questions can give you content you can easily publish. These tag questions will allow your friends or viewers on YouTube to get to know you better by asking interesting questions about your experiences and preferences!

Journalists love it, Writers love it, Tv Shows use it, magicians use it, and after reading this post, you will also learn to use them more effectively.

In the previous article, I already listed some Who Knows Me Better Questions, Now this post is all about Youtube Vlogger on the topic of Q and A Questions for Youtube.

Best Q and A Questions

Hope you enjoy this list and good luck in your recording! We have listed the Q and A Questions into five parts. Those are Q and A Questions for Youtube, Q and A Questions for Teens, Q and A Questions for Kids, Good Q and A Questions, Funny Q and A questions.

Q and A Questions for Youtube

if you don’t have lots of followers who has a question for you, you have to come up with your own interesting questions that you think your audiences might be interested in. Thinking about these questions can be a pain.

So here is my large collection on Q and A Questions for Youtube.

No. Q and A Questions for Youtube
1 Are you hot?
2 Are you in love?
3 Are you rich?
4 Are you wearing pants right now?
5 Are your grandparents still married?
6 Can you do a split?
7 Can you whistle?
8 Did your mother go to college?
9 Do you belong to any warehouse stores (Costco, BJ’s, etc.)?
10 Do you eat breakfast every morning?
11 Do you know a hoarder?
12 Do you know triplets?
13 Do you know who Kermit the frog is?
14 Do you like coffee?
15 Do you miss anyone or anything right now?
16 Do you prefer Titanic or The Notebook?
17 Do you sleep with a nightlight?
18 Do you spell the color as grey or gray?
19 Do you take any pills or medication daily?
20 Do you usually remember your dreams in the morning?
21 Have you ever been to Olive Garden?
22 Have you ever had Indian food?
23 Have you ever seen Finding Nemo?
24 Have you ever taken karate lessons?
25 Have you ever won a trophy or medal?
26 Have you read any of the Harry Potter, Hunger Games or Twilight series?
27 Have you watched any movies this week?
28 How is your best friend?
29 How many countries have you been to?
30 How many oceans have you swam in?
31 How many pairs of shoes do you currently own?
32 How many times have you been to the hospital?
33 How old do you think you’ll be when you get married?
34 How old were you when you found out that Santa wasn’t real?
35 How old were you when you learned how to ride a bike?
36 If you could know the absolute and total truth to one question, what question would you ask?
37 If you had to change your name, what would your new name be, and why would you choose that name?
38 If you have a nickname, what is it?
39 If you were given a one-minute ad slot during the Super Bowl that you couldn’t sell, what would you fill it with?
40 Is anyone in your family in the army?
41 Is your father bald?
42 Last movie you watched?
43 What are some things that sound like compliments but are actually insults?
44 What are you eating now?
45 What are you listening to now?
46 What are you watching now?
47 What are your plans for tonight?
48 What celebrity would you rate as a perfect 10?
49 What did you dress up as on Halloween when you were eight?
50 What did you want to be when you grew up?
51 What do you put on to bed?
52 What female celebrity do you wish was your sister?
53 What flavor tea do you enjoy?
54 What is something you’ve always wanted to try but have been too scared to?
55 What is the best and worst purchases you’ve ever made?
56 What is the best praise or advice you’ve received?
57 What is the craziest thing one of your teachers has done?
58 What is the dumbest way you’ve been injured?
59 What is the longest word you know?
60 What is the size of your bed?
61 What is your favorite pet?
62 What is your favorite subject?
63 What is your greatest achievement?
64 What language, besides your native language, would you like to be fluent in?
65 What male celebrity do you wish was your brother?
66 What medical conditions do you have?
67 What novels do you read?
68 What quote or saying do people spout but is complete BS?
69 What religion will you raise your children to practice?
70 What ridiculous thing has someone tricked you into doing or believing?
71 What sport do you play?
72 What TV shows do you like?
73 What was your favorite subject at school?
74 What was your favorite TV show when you were a child?
75 What were you doing 3 hours ago?
76 What will finally break the internet?
77 What would be on the gag reel of your life?
78 What would be your perfect job?
79 What would you name your boat if you had one?
80 What would you name your daughter if you had one?
81 What would you name your son if you had one?
82 What would your parents have named you if you were the opposite gender?
83 What’s a body part that you wouldn’t mind losing?
84 What’s something your brain tries to make you do and you have to will yourself not to do it?
85 What’s the best thing that’s happened to you this week?
86 What’s the closest thing to real magic?
87 What’s the first amusement park you’ve been to?
88 What’s the last compliment you got?
89 What’s the most interesting thing you’ve read or seen this week?
90 What’s the most useless talent you have?
91 What’s the name of your favorite restaurant?
92 What’s the name of your pet?
93 What’s the worst commercial you’ve recently seen? Why is it so bad?
94 What’s the worst grade you got on a test?
95 What’s your biggest screw up in the kitchen?
96 What’s your favorite candle scent?
97 What’s your favorite cheesy pick-up line? Have you ever used it for real?
98 When did you last go for shopping?
99 When did you last go on vacation?
100 When did you screw everything up, but no one ever found out it was you?
101 When do you usually go to sleep?
102 Where do you buy your jeans?
103 Where is the worst smelling place you’ve been?
104 Where is your best friend?
105 Which common saying or phrase describes you?
106 Which fictional character would be the most boring to meet in real life?
107 Which is your best feature?
108 Which three words describe you best?
109 Who do you truly love?
110 Who is the messiest person you know?
111 Who is the most inspirational person to you?
112 Who was the last person you chat with on Facebook?
113 Who was your favourite teacher and why?
114 Who was your role model when you were a child?
115 Who’s your favourite person in the world?
116 Why do you have a Tumblr?
117 Worst injury you have ever had?
118 Would you rather have an American accent or a British accent?
119 Would you rather live in a rural area or in the suburbs?
120 Your dream vacation?
Q and A Questions for Teens
Q and A Questions for Teens

Q and A Questions for Teens

If you are a Teenager then this list of Q and A Questions are for you. Just pick according to your choice and ask it.

No. Q and A Questions for Teens
1 Who’s your favourite band or solo artist?
2 What do you see yourself doing in 5 years? 10 years?
3 What do you do when you feel bored?
4 Who is your hero and why?
5 Do you have a favourite movie?
6 What music makes you particularly happy?
7 How do you handle stress?
8 What do you enjoy doing for fun?
9 Do you like to read?
10 What do you dream about?
11 What really makes you angry and why?
12 What makes you most afraid?
13 Do you have a favourite colour?
14 What is your favourite thing to do outdoors?
15 What makes you laugh?
16 What do you think of bullying?
17 Do you believe in soul mates and true love?
18 Have you thought about what career or job you want to have?
19 What are your thoughts on marriage?
20 Do you think of yourself as religious or spiritual?
21 What do you wish you knew how to do that you can’t right now?
22 What subjects in school do you enjoy learning about?
23 Do you consider yourself more introverted or extroverted?
24 Do you think you’re more creative or practical?
25 How important is family to you?
26 When you have free time what do you enjoy doing?
27 What motivates you the most?
28 Do you find it easy to make friends or difficult?
29 What’s your favourite book?
30 Do you feel like you procrastinate?
31 What are the different cliques or social groups in your school and which one, if any, are you in?
32 Do you have a celebrity crush?
33 What is the coolest app that I don’t have on my phone?
34 What is the most embarrassing thing that I do?
35 Who do you eat lunch with at school?
36 How would you describe my parenting style?
37 What bands are you listening to these days?
38 Can you play me one of their best songs?
39 Who would you say is your best friend right now?
40 Where would be an awesome place to go for a family vacation?
41 What do you think of President Trump?
42 What do you think of my hairstyle?
43 Did I ever tell you about how I met your (mother, father)?
44 Who is your favourite and least favourite teacher this year?
45 Which shows are you watching right now?
46 Any of those shows you’d recommend for me?
47 Do you think aliens exist?
48 How male or female do you feel inside as you get older?
49 Is there anything you would like to learn how to do?
50 Have there been any books that you had to read this year that you really liked?
51 How would you describe your personality?
52 How would you describe my personality (or the other parent)?
53 Is bullying a problem at your school?
54 Is drug and alcohol use a big thing at your school?
55 What is the one thing you don’t know about me that you want to know?
56 What are some of the first things that you remember?
57 Which holidays do you really like and why?
58 Which holiday do you wish never existed?
59 What look are your going for when you get dressed?
60 How long do you want to live?

Q and A Questions for Kids

If you are a kid then this list of Q and A Questions are for you. Just pick according to your choice and ask it.

No. Q and A Questions for Kids
1 What is your favourite movie?
2 What is your favourite book?
3 What is your favourite song?
4 What is your favourite family tradition?
5 What is your favourite colour?
6 What is your favourite joke?
7 What is your favourite day of the week?
8 What is your favourite time of year?
9 What is your favourite thing to do with friends?
10 Where is your favourite place to go on vacation?
11 What is your favourite dessert?
12 What is your favourite thing about yourself?
13 If you could eat one thing every day for the rest of your life, what would it be?
14 If you could trade places with anyone for a day, who would it be?
15 If you could have any superpower, what would it be?
16 If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?
17 If you could be any animal, what would you be?
18 If you could be any age, what age would you be?
19 If you could be a famous person for a week, who would you be?
20 If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would you go?
21 If you could go back and do something differently, what would it be?
22 What is your favourite thing about yourself?
23 When is the last time you made someone smile?
24 Can you remember a time when you had a really good day?
25 What do you feel grateful for today?
26 What is something you are really good at?
27 What are you most proud of?
28 What do you want to be when you grow up?
29 Do you want to be famous?
30 What made you laugh today?
31 What do you worry about the most?
32 What does it mean to be a good friend?
33 What motivates you?
34 What is one thing you couldn’t live without?
35 What was the best part of your day?
36 What is the last dream you had?
37 What is something you are really looking forward to?
38 What is something you want to learn how to do?
39 Would you rather slide down a slide or swing on a swing?
40 Would you rather play football or tennis?
41 Would you rather be smart or incredibly funny?
42 Would you rather ride a horse or an elephant?
43 Would you rather have oatmeal for breakfast or lunch?
44 Would you rather be six years older or three years younger?
45 Would you rather be a painter or a sculptor?
Funny Q and A questions
Funny Q and A questions

Funny Q and A questions

Here are some funny Q and A questions for you to easily pick the hilarious one.

No. Funny Q and A questions
1 All places you have piercings on your body?
2 Are you a drama queen or king?
3 Are you a flirt?
4 Are you always happy?
5 Are you always impatient?
6 Are you drunk?
7 Are you hungry 24/7?
8 Beer or wine?
9 Can you fart in public?
10 Can you spend all your money on something stupid?
11 Do you always smile for the camera when taking pictures?
12 Do you ask or answer stupid questions?
13 Do you cry in public?
14 Do you cry in sad movies?
15 Do you dance or sing in the car?
16 Do you enjoy watching cartoons or animes?
17 Do you have a stalker?
18 Do you sing or dance in the shower?
19 Ever peed in the woods?
20 Ever stolen a street sign before?
21 Feeling sleepy?
22 Have you ever forgotten your birthday?
23 Have you ever laughed at the wrong moment?
24 How do you feel about putting pineapple on pizza?
25 How long can you stay without bathing?
26 How many chickens would it take to kill an elephant?
27 If animals could talk, which would be the rudest?
28 In 40 years, what will people be nostalgic for?
29 In one sentence, how would you sum up the internet?
30 Is a hotdog a sandwich? Why or why not?
31 Is cereal soup? Why or why not?
32 Talk to animals?
33 Toilet paper, over or under?
34 Wet your bed?
35 What are the unwritten rules of where you work?
36 What did you dress up for Halloween when you were a kid?
37 What inanimate object do you wish you could eliminate from existence?
38 What is something that everyone looks stupid doing?
39 What is the funniest joke you know by heart?
40 What is the most embarrassing thing you have ever worn?
41 What is the sexiest and least sexy name?
42 What is the weirdest thing you have seen in someone else’s home?
43 What kind of secret society would you like to start?
44 What mythical creature would improve the world most if it existed?
45 What part of a kid’s movie completely scarred you?
46 What secret conspiracy would you like to start?
47 What used to be considered trashy but now is very classy?
48 What’s invisible but you wish people could see?
49 What’s the best inside joke you’ve been a part of?
50 What’s the best type of cheese?
51 What’s the best Wi-Fi name you’ve seen?
52 What’s the most imaginative insult you can come up with?
53 What’s the most ridiculous fact you know?
54 What’s the weirdest smell you have ever smelled?
55 What’s the weirdest thing a guest has done at your house?
56 Where is the strangest place you’ve urinated or defecated?
57 Which body part do you wish you could detach and why?
58 Would you drop your phone after you just bought it?
59 Would you give all your money to charity?
60 Would you marry a celebrity?


Hi, my name is Mr Arun Verma. Thank you for reading my article. If You found this article valuable enough, I will love to hear from You. Let me know your thoughts about this post in the comment section below.

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