550+ BGMI Name Symbols For Indian Gamers

As you all know PUBG Mobile was earlier got banned by the Indian Govt for the data security of the Indian people. so after 6 months, PUBG Mobile official launched Battleground Mobile India (BGMI) which is the Indian own PUBG where they partnership with Krafton. As Indians love the game they look for BGMI symbols for making their unique username.

So in this post, I will share 550+ top-class symbols which are 100% supported on the BGMI game. So let’s get started.

Common BGMI Name Symbols

This list is given so that you can easily pick the Common BGMI Name symbol used by many other BGMI players. That’s not all we make a list of symbols below as well. We divided BGMI Symbols into sections like Korean, Chinese, Bracket type, star, currency, bracket, arrow, and many more types. So that you can pick yours according to your need.

٭ Ł × ®
【】 ⦇⦈

Smiley Face BGMI Symbols

Here is a new collection of smiley face symbols to use as your BGMI name.

ツ゚ ಠ_ಠ
ӵ  (^-^)
 (ツ゚) ت

Also Check: 250+ Japanese Smiley Face ツ Copy and Paste

Star type BGMI Name Symbols

This star type of symbol use is very less in BGMI. so making a unique BGMI Name you must choose one of these BGMI Symbols in your username.

 ✵  ✯  ❂
 ✦  ✷  ⁂
 ✩  ✹
 ✪  ✢
 ✻  ✣
 ✼  ✤
 ✭  ✽

Currency BGMI Name Symbols

This Currency type BGMI name symbol looks very cool for your BGMI in-game user name. It can provide your name with a High value worthy.

¢  ៛
 $  ₠  ₪
 €  ₡
 ₥  ﷼  ƒ
 ₦  ¤  ௹
 ₧ ฿

Bracket Type BGMI Name Symbols

Brackets are always a powerful symbol if you use them in math or in your BGMI name. So here is the list of Bracket BGMI name symbols for you…

〈 〉  ︾  ﹤ ﹥  ︻
《 》  ︿ ( )  ︼
「 」  ﹀  < >
『 』  ﹁ { }
【 】  〖 〗  ︺
 〔 〕 〘 〙 〈 〉
 ︵  〚 〛
 ︶ ﹙ ﹚  « »  ‹ ›
 ﹛ ﹜  ︸  ﹝ ﹞

Card and Chess Type BGMI Name Symbols

A symbol like chess or Card shows your intelligence. So BGMI players use that symbol in their BGMI name. So these are my collection of Card and Chess Type BGMI Name Symbols

 ♝  ♧
 ♣  ♚
 ♟  ♡  ♛
 ♤  ♥
 ♘  ♦

Arrow Type BGMI Symbols

The arrow always shows the direction that may be correct or incorrect. So choose your Arrow Type BGMI Symbols carefully from the list

 ⥆  ⟹
 ⤀  ⟺
 ⤁  ⥜
 ⤔  ⥊  ⥝
 ⤧  ⥞
 ⤝  ⤱  ⥣
 ⤟  ⥦
 ⤢  ⥖  ⤷  ⥩
 ⤣  ⥂  ⥮
 ⥘  ⥃  ⥯
 ⤥  ⥙  ⥪
 ⤪  ⥛
 ⤂  ⥻  ⤌

Greek BGMI Symbols

Greek BGMI symbols are for those who are totally independent. If you have a leadership quality you can use these Greek Symbols

 χ α Υ ξ
ψ β Φ ο
 ω  γ  Χ π
 Α  δ  Ψ  ρ
Β  ε  Ω  ς
 Γ  ζ  Μ  σ
 Δ η Ν  τ
Ε θ  Ξ  υ
 Ζ  ι  Ο  φ
 Η  κ Π Κ
 Θ  λ Ρ  Λ
 Ι  μ  Σ ν

Chinese BGMI Name Symbols

Chinese players are always Rules the BGMI Mobile tournament. BGMI symbols in Chinese can make a sense of PRO player in your friend circle.

 ㊚  ㊖
 ㊛  ㊪  ㊗
 ㊝  ㊎  ㊣
 ㊞  ㊤
 ㊠  ㊑
 ㊡  ㊰  ㊧

Japanese BGMI Symbols

As Japanese BGMI symbols are cool and stylish in look, so BGMI player uses these symbols in their BGMI user name. We also have a lost list of it

 ぃ  ヌ
ノ ハ  ク  ほ
 う  ぼ
 ぇ  ケ  ぽ
 ヒ  ゲ  ま
 ぉ  み
 お  ピ  む
 ザ  も
 き  ゃ
 ぎ  ジ  や
 く  ス  ゅ
 ぐ  ズ  ゆ
 げ  ボ  ゼ  よ
 こ  ポ  ソ  ら
 マ  り
 さ  ミ  る
 ダ  れ
 し  ろ
 じ  ゎ
 ャ  ッ  わ
 す  ツ  ゐ
 ぞ  ゕ
 た  ・  ゖ
 だ  ゚ ゛
 レ  ヽ  ゜
  っ  ロ  ヾ  ゝ
 つ  ヮ  ゞ
 づ  ワ  ゟ
ヰ ヱ  ㍿  ゠
 ば  ァ
 と  ン  ぱ  ア
 ど  ヴ  ひ
 び  イ
 に  ヶ  ぴ  ゥ
 ぬ  ふ  ウ
 ね  ぶ  ェ
 の  ヹ  ォ

Korean BGMI Symbols

BGMI has a different Version of your Korean. So if you use a Korean symbol in your BGMI username that might give a High Popularity in your friend circle.

 ㅰ  ㅙ  ㅊ
 ㄲ  ㅱ  ㅚ  ㅋ
 ㄳ  ㅲ  ㅛ  ㅌ
 ㄴ  ㅳ  ㅜ  ㅍ
 ㄵ  ㅴ  ㅎ
 ㄶ  ㅵ  ㅏ
 ㄷ  ㅶ
 ㄸ  ㅷ  ㅠ  ㅑ
 ㄹ  ㅸ  ㅒ
 ㄺ  ㅓ
 ㄻ  ㅺ  ㅥ  ㅔ
 ㄼ  ㅻ  ㅦ
 ㄽ  ㅼ  ㅧ  ㅖ
 ㄾ  ㅽ  ㅨ  ㅗ
 ㄿ  ㅩ  ㅘ
 ㅀ  ㅪ  ㆇ
 ㅁ  ㆀ  ㅫ  ㆈ
 ㅂ  ㅬ  ㆉ
 ㅃ  ㆂ  ㅭ  ㆊ
 ㆃ  ㅮ  ㅈ
 ㅅ  ㆄ  ㅯ  ㅉ
 ㅆ  ㆅ  ㅇ  ㆆ
350+ Supported BGMI Name Symbols For Indian Gamers
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1. How to get a name card in BGMI/ BGMI?

You can get a rename card after completing your BGMI level and if you have already received it then play crew challenge and collect 200 points and redeem the rename card.

2. How to add symbols in the BGMI name?

You can add symbols into BGMI. But some symbols are not supported in BGMI. So be careful picking a supported symbol for your BGMI name. Just copy the symbols available here and paste them into your desired BGMI names.

3. how to change the name in BGMI?

First of all, open your BGMI/ BGMI app then go to your ‘inventory‘ Then scroll down at the end of the coupon sections and Click on Rename Card. Now you can Cange your BGMI/ BGMI name.

Also Read:


So here is my list of symbols for use in BGMI Names. The best list of BGMI Name symbols you can’t find in other portals. Thank you for reading this article. Share this article with your friend so that they can get their symbols for BGMI’s name.

Arun Verma
Arun Verma

Hi, myself Arun Verma. I Love Playing Multiplayer Games, Exploring new Technologies, Buying Cool Gadgets, and Deeply Research Names. Working at Deloitte gave me the knowledge to blog about Business Ideas I have to deal with on a regular basis.

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