250+ Effective Funny Would You Rather Questions

Would you rather questions are a great way to get a conversation started in a fun and interesting way. As Fun is should always the better option to impress. So I am going to share a large list of Funny Would You Rather Questions for the “Would you rather” game.

I have over 350 would you rather questions in our list, use them however you want, and have fun with them!

I have already written a bigger list of Would You Rather Questions and Now in this post, I will only share Funny Would You Rather Questions in brief. So that whatever you get to be completed.

Funny Would You Rather Questions

With this list, we’ll be sticking with funny questions to ask while playing Would You Rather. I’ve separated the list into sections to make it more accessible. I have divided it into 3 topics and they are Funny Would You Rather Questions for Kids, Funny Would You Rather Questions Dirty, Funny Would You Rather Questions for Couples.

Funny Would You Rather Questions for Kids

As these days ids becoming smarter as technology makes them grow. They love to play the “Would You Rather” Game with their friends. So Questions for them should be like a kid. Check this list of Funny Would You Rather Questions for Kids.

No. Funny Would You Rather Questions for Kids
1 Would you rather Have a dog with a cat’s personality or a cat with a dog’s personality?
2 If you were reborn in a new life, would you rather be alive in the past or future?
3 Would you rather eat no candy at Halloween or no turkey at Thanksgiving?
4 Would you rather date someone you love or date someone who loves you?
5 Would you rather lose the ability to lie or believe everything you’re told?
6 Would you rather be free or be totally safe?
8 Would you rather Look 10 years older from the neck up, or the neck down?
9 Would you rather Be extremely underweight or extremely overweight?
10 Would you rather Experience the beginning of planet earth or the end of planet earth?
11 Would you rather have three kids and no money, or no kids with three million dollars?
12 Would you rather Be the funniest person in the room or the most intelligent?
13 Would you rather Have a Lamborghini in your garage or a bookcase with 9000 books and infinite knowledge?
14 Would you rather Reverse one decision you make every day or be able to stop time for 10 seconds every day?
15 Would you rather Win $50,000 or let your best friend win $500,000?
16 Would you rather Run at 100 mph or fly at ten mph?
17 Would you rather Continue with your life or restart it?
18 Would you rather Be able to talk your way out of any situation, or punch your way out of any situation?
19 Would you rather Have free Wi-Fi wherever you go or have free coffee where/whenever you want?
20 Would you rather have seven fingers on each hand or have seven toes on each foot?
21 Would you rather live low life with your loved one or rich life all alone?
22 Would you rather Have no one to show up for your Wedding or your funeral?
23 Would you rather Rule the World or live in a World with absolutely no problems at all?
24 Would you rather go back to the past and meet your loved ones who passed away or go to the future to meet your children or grandchildren to be?
25 Would you rather Speak your mind or never speak again?
26 Would you rather Live the life of a king with no family or friends or live like a vagabond with your friends or family?
27 Would you rather know how you will die or when you will die?
28 Would you rather Speak all languages or be able to speak to all animals?
29 Would you rather get away with lying every time or always know that someone is lying?
30 Would you rather Eat your dead friend or kill your dog and eat it when you are marooned on a lonely island?
31 Would you rather Have a billion dollars to your name or spend $1000 for each hungry and homeless person?
32 Would you rather End death due to car accidents or end terrorism?
33 Would you rather Leave your unemployed son homeless or pay for his dr#g habits and illegal activities?
34 Would you rather End the life a single human being or 100 cute baby animals?
35 Would you rather End hunger or end your hunger?
36 Would you rather Skinny dip with your classmate or with a stranger?
37 Would you rather give up your love life or work life?
38 Would you rather live in an amusement park or a zoo?
39 Would you rather be a millionaire by winning the lottery or by working 100 hours a week?
40 Would you rather read minds or accurately predict future?
41 Would you rather eat only pizza for 1 year or eat no pizza for 1 year?
42 Would you rather visit 100 years in the past or 100 years in the future?
43 Would you rather get caught eating a booger or scratching your privates?
44 Would you rather play video games or play outside?
45 Would you rather have an unlimited amount of chips or candy?
46 Would you rather have cookies or cake?
47 Would you rather eat tacos or pizza?
48 Would you rather to never eat your favorite food the rest of your life or only be allowed to eat your favorite food for the rest of your life?
49 Would you rather be a police officer or fire fighter?
50 Would you rather never have to brush your teeth again or never have to take a bath or shower again?
51 Would you rather lick the bottom of your shoe or eat your boogers?
52 Would you rather eat a dead bug or a live worm?
53 Would you rather get good grades or be good at sports?
54 Would you rather go to the school only for four months in the winter and have the rest of the year off or go to school in the summer and have the rest of the year off?
55 Would you rather be the most intelligent kid in school and make awesome grades or be the most popular kid in school and make poor grades?
56 Would you rather set the table before dinner or clean up after dinner?
57 Would you rather get up very early or stay up very late?
58 Would you rather jump into a pool of chocolate pudding or a pool of mud?
59 Would you rather have a dog as a pet or a cat as a pet?
60 Would you rather have five stitches to fix a bad cut or have a tooth pulled?
61 Would you rather play inside all day or play outside all day?
62 Would you rather sneeze cheese or have your tears be chocolate flavored?
63 Would you rather have 500 spiders in your bedroom or 1000 grasshoppers in the rest of the house?
64 Would you rather live in an amusement park or a zoo?
65 Would you rather lie to your parents or lie to your best friend?
66 Would you rather eat two tablespoons full of liquid soap or drink a glass full of liquid one tablespoon in water?
67 Never understand what your parents are saying or only understand 70% of what your boss is saying?
68 Eat only rice for the rest of your life or eat only tortillas?
69 Be strong but look rail thin or be weak but look buff?
70 Talk like Yoda or breathe like Darth Vader?
71 Lick your own toilet seat or rub your hands all over a public toilet seat and go to dinner afterwards without washing your hands?
72 Have permanently pointy teeth or have permanently redshot eyes?
73 Have every movie you watch slowly turn into Shrek or have every song you listen to slowly turn into Smash Mouth’s “All Star”?
74 Have a cat with a human face or a dog with human hands for paws?
75 Get $10,000 now or find a penny whenever you reach into your pocket?
76 For the same annual salary, star in a TV show or on a popular YouTube channel?
77 Have incredibly strong fingers or an incredibly strong sense of smell?
78 Assuming you will still emit the same volume of gas, fart all your farts for the year on December 31st, OR fart once per day, at exactly noon?
79 Never need glasses or never have back pain?
80 Eat a whole raw jalapeno or chug an entire bottle of mustard?
81 Be Donald Trump for a month or be Melania for a month?
Funny Would You Rather Questions Dirty
Funny Would You Rather Questions Dirty

Funny Would You Rather Questions Dirty

Do you love to have some Would You Rather Questions that are Dirty and funny as well? Then this list of Funny Would You Rather Questions Dirty is only for you.

No. Funny Would You Rather Questions Dirty
1 Would you rather have finger sized nipples or nipple sized fingers?
4 Would you rather have sex with a hideously ugly person or a beautiful, fresh corpse?
5 Would you rather go bright purple when embarrassed or sweat so much you soak your clothes?
6 Would you rather fart every time you laugh or burp every time you cry?
7 Would you rather eat your family pet or kill your parents?
8 Would you rather have sex with someone with really bad BO or really bad breath?
10 Would you rather cheat and be caught or be cheated on and never be told?
11 Would you rather wear someone else’s dirty underwear or use their toothbrush?
12 Would you rather have a 1-minute conversation with your past self or your future self?
13 If you could reincarnate yourself, would you rather come back as a human or an animal?
15 Would you rather be constantly itchy or constantly sticky?
16 Would you rather spend the day wearing wet socks or spend the day with a popcorn kernel stuck in your teeth?
17 Would you rather drink two litres of piss or two litres of sweat?
18 Would you rather lick someone’s armpit or have someone else lick your armpit?
19 Would you rather have a ten-inch long belly button that swayed to music or accordions for legs?
20 Would you rather be constantly naked or always have people watch you have sex?
21 Would you rather be just friends with someone you love or marry someone you hate?
22 Would you rather be born with an elephant trunk or a giraffe neck?
23 Would you rather never leave the country or leave and never come back?
24 Would you rather eat poison ivy or a handful of wasps?
25 Would you rather be stranded on an island alone or with the person you hate the most?
26 Would you rather crap yourself once a year in public or every day in private?
29 Would you rather be the recipient of a bukkake party or throw a bukkake party?
30 Would you rather drown or burn to death?
31 Would you rather fulfil your biggest wish or resolve your biggest regret?
32 Would you rather drink a cup of your mum’s period blood or your dad’s sperm?
33 Would you rather be a superhero or a wizard?
34 Would you rather be a feminine man or a masculine woman?
35 Would you rather have an STI and never pass it on or have everyone think you have an STI?
37 Would you rather know what your pets think of you or never hear them speak?
38 Would you rather be incredibly beautiful and incredibly stupid or very ugly and super intelligent?
39 Would you rather shout all the time or whisper all the time?
40 Would you rather be a tree that can feel pain or a snail that would never die?
41 Would you rather pay or get paid every time you have sex?
42 Would you rather be a homewrecker or be home wrecked?
44 Would you rather see the texts your ex wrote about you or have them see the texts you sent about them?
45 Would you rather eat a whole jar of mayonnaise or a whole tub of butter?
46 Would you rather pee every time you stand up or poop every time you sit down?
47 Would you rather be a genius that nobody believes or an idiot that everybody believes?
48 Would you rather be eaten by maggots from the inside out or ants from the outside in?
49 Would you rather meet the love of your life knowing that they’ll die in a year or never meet them?
50 Would you rather have the best house in a bad neighbourhood or the worst house in a fancy neighbourhood?
51 Would you rather be a member of the Kardashian family or a member of the Obama family?
52 Would you rather live in the white house or Buckingham palace?
53 Would you rather live without music or live without tv?
54 Would you rather have diarrhea during your wedding ceremony or on your wedding night?
55 Would you rather live your life over as the opposite gender or start your life over as a kid again?
57 Would you rather sit on a dick and eat cake (up your butt) or sit on a cake and eat a dick?
58 Would you rather pole dance naked for your parents or make out with them?
59 Would you rather lick a strangers condom or eat a handful maggots out of a dead corpse?
60 Would you rather die quickly or slowly but not painfully?
61 Would you rather paint a wall with your face or your knees?
62 Would you rather have a runny nose for the rest of your life or cough after every word?
63 Would you rather have your brain transplanted into a robot’s body or an animal’s body of your choice?
64 Would you rather sneeze all the time or have hiccups all the time?
65 Would you rather die by a zombie attack or a shark attack?
66 Would you rather always forget who you are or always forget who everyone else is?
67 Would you rather be completely sober your whole life or show up to your kids’ graduation completely pissed?
68 Would you rather have to say all your sentences backwards or have to communicate through charades for a week?
69 Would you rather have a rewind button or a pause button in your life?
70 Would you rather fight 100 duck sized horses or one horse sized duck?
71 Would rather be able to speak to animals or every language in the world?
72 Would you rather lose your sex organs forever or gain 200lbs for the rest of your life?
73 Would you rather have sex with your cousin in secret or not have sex with your cousin but everyone would think you did?
74 Would you rather get explosive diarrhea every time you meet your boss or every time you meet your SO’s parents?
75 Would you rather have a head the size of a tennis ball or the size of a watermelon?
78 Would you rather die saving 10,000 strangers from death knowing no one would ever know it was you or live knowing everyone would know you decided not to save 10,000 people’s lives?
79 Would you rather peel all your nails out of your fingers or pull all the teeth out of your mouth?
80 Would you rather freeze to death or burn to death?
81 Would you rather have no arms or no legs?
82 Would you rather have no fingers or no eyes?
83 Would you rather crap your pants in public once a year for the rest of your life or crap yourself in private every day for the rest of your life?
84 Would you rather be a virgin forever or have sex with your brother/sister one time?
86 Would you rather live forever or die in the next five minutes?
87 Would you rather be married to Paris Hilton or Charlie Sheen?
88 Would you rather give or receive a lap dance?
89 Would you rather have uncontrollable gas at work for the rest of your life or uncontrollable gas on every first date for the rest of your life?
90 You can only hear one song for the rest of your life. Bohemian Rhapsody or Ring of Fire?
91 Would you rather be filthy rich but have to be Justin Bieber’s assistant or dirt poor but get to be anyone’s assistant you choose?
93 Would you rather have a time machine that only goes back in time or a time machine that only goes forward in time?
94 Would you rather have an animal best friend that could be any animal you choose and it would be intelligent and speak to you (and you could ride it around town if it is a large animal like a bear) or be married to someone with a hot body?
95 Would you rather have the superpower to fly or to become invisible?
96 Would you rather have unlimited love or unlimited money?

Funny Would You Rather Questions for Couples

As this game is completely for couples there is a huge demand for this Funny Would You Rather Questions for Couples. Check this list of Funny Would You Rather Questions for Couples.

No. Funny Would You Rather Questions for Couples
1 Would you rather stay at home or go out for a date?
2 Would you rather dine in a 5-star restaurant or enjoy homemade dinner by the campfire?
3 Would you rather put your arm around my shoulder or hold hands in public?
4 Would you rather see me with makeup or without makeup?
5 Would you rather stay alone with me or hang out with friends on the weekend?
6 Would you rather have the same tattoos or piercings?
7 Would you rather kiss me on the forehead or cheek?
8 Would you rather spend an evening watching the sunset or at a theater?
9 Would you rather stay in casuals with me at home or dress up and enjoy at a pub?
10 Would you rather talk to me on call or chat via texts?
11 Would you rather have coffee or wine with me?
12 Would you rather lose an argument to make me happy or make me sad by winning it because you were right?
13 Would you rather play board games or video games with me?
14 Would you rather go into the past with me or see the future with me?
15 Would you rather talk to my parents or your parents when in crisis?
16 Would you rather buy new clothes or new cosmetics for me?
17 Would you rather visit your in-laws or experience an adventure trip?
18 Would you rather wait for me or keep me waiting?
19 Would you rather your baby looked like you or me?
20 Would you rather have your best friend or me by your side when facing a problem?
21 Would you rather spend time with your family or your friends?
22 Would you rather have a homemade dinner or a special candlelight dinner at a restaurant?
23 Would you rather have sweets or drinks?
24 Would you rather get a massage from me or by a professional at a salon?
25 Would you rather spend the weekend at home or a hotel?
26 Would you rather do something naughty or serious with me?
27 Would you rather ask me for advice or think by yourself?
28 Would you rather cook for me or have me cook for you?
29 Would you rather spend a bonus check on yourself or get something for the house?
30 Would you rather have me drive for you or drive for me this weekend?
31 Would you rather be dumped by or dump a person?
32 Would you rather go to a Justin Bieber concert or The Jonas Brothers’ concert?
33 Would you rather live in a 500-square-foot apartment or be in a long-distance relationship?
34 Would you rather have a partner with money but no sense of humor or a poor but witty one?
35 Would you rather vouch for a simple, private engagement proposal or a public one in front of a live audience?
36 Would you rather keep $5000 in lottery wins for yourself or share with anyone?
37 Would you rather shout ‘I love you’ or convey it through letters?
38 Would you rather watch comedy shows or action thrillers?
39 Would you rather be a scientist or a painter?
40 Would you rather have wisdom or popularity?
41 Would you rather live with me or with a million dollars?
42 Would you rather spend your special occasions with just me or with the entire family?
43 Would you rather sing a song for me or dance with me?
44 Would you rather stay visible or invisible?
45 Would you rather be a movie star or a sports star?
46 Would you rather go without the internet or your friends for a week?
47 Would you rather grow old with me and experience a future or stay young with me and enjoy the present?
48 Would you rather go on a blind date or a date with an ex?
49 Would you rather give up parties or fast food?
50 Would you rather use your partner’s toothbrush or not brush for a week?
51 Would you rather kiss a pig or a donkey?
52 Would you rather eat uncooked meat or cooked fruit?
53 Would you rather give up your car or your pet?
54 Would you rather steal cash or a laptop?
55 Would you rather have free Wi-fi anywhere you go or free electricity at home?
56 Would you rather be a donkey doing nothing or a tiger doing loads of work?
57 Would you rather burp or fart in a crowded room?
58 Would you rather give up fast food for a year or shopping for a month?
59 Would you rather live on a tree in the jungle or a cave on an island?
60 Would you rather drink a bottle of tomato ketchup or eat a box of salty, spicy cookies?
61 Would you rather be trapped in a jungle or a haunted house?
62 Would you rather be an actor or date an actor?
63 Would you rather be a part of a comic show or an art theater?
64 Would you rather have falling hair or wrinkles?
65 Would you rather stay as you are or change?
66 Would you travel in a bus with a snake or a plane with frogs?
67 Would you rather sit blindfolded to watch your favorite movie or sit with a closed mouth at your favorite food joint?
68 Would you rather have one ear bigger than the other or one hand bigger than the other?
69 Would you rather taste something without seeing or wear something without seeing?
70 Would you rather pause the time or fast forward it?
71 Would you rather live in a messy and dirty bungalow or a small clean house?
72 Would you rather have an extra finger or a missing finger?
73 Would you rather be embarrassed in front of your colleagues or in-laws?
74 Would you rather be jailed for being a mysterious person or for being too adorable?
75 Would you rather be attacked by a maniac or an animal?
76 Would you rather be sticky all day or itchy all night?
77 Would you rather have hiccups all day or sneeze all day?
78 Would you rather have soup or salad for the rest of your life?
79 Would you rather live in a house filled with bugs or cockroaches?
80 Would you rather be talked about for being bad or hated for being good?
81 Would you rather wear sweatpants for the rest of your life (including funerals and weddings) or have to wear sequins to everything?
82 Would you rather have every meal you eat for the rest of your life be a little too spicy, or a little too sweet?
83 Would you rather be able to speak and understand every language in the world or know how to talk to animals?
84 Would you rather have to eat food with moldy jam on it once a day, or never eat a meal with me again?
85 Would you rather not shower for a week or not brush your teeth for a week?
86 Would you rather be able to see your own future or be able to see everyone else’s future, but not your own?
87 Would you rather burp butterflies or fart glitter?


Hi, my name is Mr. Arun Verma. Thank you for reading my article. If You found this article valuable enough, I will love to hear from You. Let me know your thoughts about this post in the comment section below.

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Hi, myself Arun Verma. I Love Playing Multiplayer Games, Exploring new Technologies, Buying Cool Gadgets, and Deeply Research Names. Working at Deloitte gave me the knowledge to blog about Business Ideas I have to deal with on a regular basis.

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