Truth or Dare Questions: Truth or dare is a very interesting game to play with your friend, crush, BF, or GF. the Rule of the Game is decided by a Can or Bottle. Truth or Dare can be played with friends, couples, or family. Whether you want to play it with a large group or some of your closest friends is up to you.
Truth or Dare is extraordinary compared to other group games to lift arbitrary social affairs to a more significant level. It makes the bluntest of dull gatherings become animated and it gives a fun, individual, and close touch to social occasions with companions. It really is the exemplary party game for any gathering or sleepover!
In the previous article, I have shared Truth Questions and Dare Questions you can check those or check this article where I have thoroughly discussed Truth or dare questions and provide a large list of Truth or dare questions and divided them into two sections.
Best Truth or dare questions
If that players pick ‘Truth’, they should sincerely address an inquiry. That implies that you would prefer not to pose the basic questions to which they are glad to reply and if the player chooses dare then you have to be ready with your tricky Dare questions. So let’s get started.
Good Truth or Dare questions
If you hesitate to ask dirty or embarrassing Truth or Dare questions then you should check some Good Truth or Dare questions for asking your friends/ crush. This list of Truth or Dare questions are commonly in use
Good Truth Questions
No. | Good Truth Questions |
1 | After you’ve dropped a piece of food, what’s the longest time you’ve left it on the floor before eating it? |
2 | Are you scared of getting old? |
3 | Be honest: Do you have a favorite child? |
4 | Boxers or briefs? |
5 | Describe the weirdest thing you’ve ever done while inebriated. |
6 | Do you believe in aliens? |
7 | Do you believe in any superstitions? If so, which ones? |
8 | Do you have a work spouse? |
9 | Do you have any hidden talents? What are they? |
10 | Do you secretly dislike any of your friends’ kids? |
11 | Do you still have feelings for any of your exes? |
12 | Do you think cheating can ever be justified? How? |
13 | Has anyone ever walked in on you in the bathroom? |
14 | Have you ever accidentally hit something (or someone!) with your car? |
15 | Have you ever been arrested? |
16 | Have you ever been caught checking someone out? |
17 | Have you ever been fired from a job? |
18 | Have you ever been in a fight? |
19 | Have you ever been nude in public? |
20 | Have you ever broken someone’s heart? |
21 | Have you ever cheated on a partner? |
22 | Have you ever compromised your morals for money? How? |
23 | Have you ever considered cheating on a partner? |
24 | Have you ever faked sick to get out of a party? |
25 | Have you ever farted and blamed it on someone else? |
26 | Have you ever farted in an elevator? |
27 | Have you ever ghosted a friend? |
28 | Have you ever ghosted a partner? |
29 | Have you ever gone skinny dipping? |
30 | Have you ever gotten blackout drunk? |
Good Dare Questions
No. | Good Dare Questions |
1 | Act all creepy and smell someone’s hair until they notice what you’re doing. |
2 | Allow someone in the room to give you a quick, mini makeover. |
3 | Apply for a really weird job online. |
4 | Ask the person you’ve been crushing on out on a date for this weekend. |
5 | Call a hooker or strip club and ask for their rates. |
6 | Call a restaurant and ask really stupid questions about one of their menu options. |
7 | Call one of your friends’ relatives on the phone and sing Frozen’s ‘Let It Go’ at the top of your lungs. |
8 | Call one of your relatives and convince them that you really saw a UFO. |
9 | Call your girlfriend/boyfriend’s parents and tell them how much you love their child. |
10 | Call your parents and tell them you’re expecting a baby. |
11 | Chew a stick of gum without removing the wrapper. |
12 | Close your eyes and let another player feed you one spoonful of anything in the fridge. |
13 | Do your best fake “O” while looking someone in their eyes. |
14 | Do your best Michael Jackson impersonation. |
15 | Eat a spoonful of ketchup. |
16 | Eat half on an onion and don’t cry. |
17 | Eat spaghetti, Lady and the Tramp-style, with another player. |
18 | Every time one of the players chooses ‘dare,’ walk across the floor like a crab. |
19 | Find a picture of a random person online and say how much they mean to you in a social media post. |
20 | Find a wig and sing one verse and chorus of a Whitney Houston song. |
21 | Find something stinky in your trash and leave it on your head for a full minute. |
22 | For the next 15 minutes, talk with a deep country accent. |
23 | For the rest of the game, pretend to speak like the current president of the United States. |
24 | Get a Hot Cheeto and put it in your nostril for 2 minutes. |
25 | Give someone in the room a foot massage. |
26 | Go outside and cut 50 blades of grass with a pair of scissors. |
27 | Go skinny dipping in a pool or streak around the house. |
28 | Go to your neighbor’s house and explain to them that you’re looking for your pet penguin who just happens to be invisible. |
29 | Hold hands with one of the other players for the rest of the game. |
30 | Leave an R-rated voicemail for one of your exes. |
Dirty Truth or Dare questions
When searching this, I wasn’t really sure I would find Truth or Dare questions that would be dirty or flirty enough but surprisingly, I found really great ones that blew my expectations.
Dirty Truth Questions
1Have you ever gotten mad at a friend for posting an unflattering picture of you?
No. | Dirty Truth Questions |
2 | Have you ever had a crush on a boss or teacher? |
3 | Have you ever had a crush on a coworker? |
4 | Have you ever had a near-death experience? |
5 | Have you ever had a one-night stand? |
6 | Have you ever had a paranormal experience? |
7 | Have you ever had a wardrobe malfunction? |
8 | Have you ever intentionally sabotaged a coworker? |
9 | Have you ever kept a library book? For how long? |
10 | Have you ever let someone take the blame for something you did? |
11 | Have you ever lied about your age? |
12 | Have you ever lied for a friend? |
13 | Have you ever lied on your resume? |
14 | Have you ever lied to your boss? |
15 | Have you ever peed in a pool? |
16 | Have you ever peed in the shower? |
17 | Have you ever picked your nose in public? |
18 | Have you ever pooped your pants as an adult? |
19 | Have you ever pretended to not get a text to get out of doing something? |
20 | Have you ever regifted a present? |
21 | Have you ever regretted something you did to get a crush or partner’s attention? |
22 | Have you ever said, “I love you” and not really meant it? To whom? |
23 | Have you ever seen a dead body? |
24 | Have you ever sent a sext to the wrong person? Who? |
25 | Have you ever sent a sext? |
26 | Have you ever seriously injured another person? |
27 | Have you ever stolen something from work? |
28 | Have you ever thrown up in public? |
29 | Have you ever used a fake ID? |
30 | How do you really feel about the Twilight saga? |
Dirty Dare Questions
No. | Dirty Dare Questions |
1 | Leave your nose under another player’s armpit for thirty seconds. |
2 | Let another player have your phone and text anyone on your contact list anything. |
3 | Let another player pour ice down your back, chest, or butt. |
4 | Let everyone else playing choose something for you to brush your teeth with? |
5 | Let one of the other players draw your new eyebrows with a permanent marker. |
6 | Let one of the players give you a wedgie. |
7 | Let one person spank you as hard as they want to, on your butt. |
8 | Let someone read your dirty text messages out loud. |
9 | Let the person next to you do ten push-ups with you lying under them. |
10 | Lick peanut butter or some other kind of spread off someone’s cheek. |
11 | Lick someone’s tire. |
12 | Lick someone’s toe. |
13 | Like a bar of soap someone just used. |
14 | Make a ring with some foil paper and propose to whoever’s sitting on your right. |
15 | Make a sandwich with every single condiment in your fridge, then eat it. |
16 | Make a social media post saying you’re considering leaving your job/school to become a professional clown. |
17 | Make one of the other players repeat something at least five times by pretending not to hear them. |
18 | Make out with your hand. |
19 | Make up a rap on the spot and sing it to everyone in the room. |
20 | Open any random book and read the entire page as if you were acting out a Shakespearean play. |
21 | Pretend to be a chicken who’s having trouble laying an egg. |
22 | Pretend to be on dog peeing on a tire. |
23 | Pretend to remove bugs from someone’s hair and eat it- kind of like a monkey would. |
24 | Put the mark of Simba on another player’s head using ketchup. |
25 | Roast every player that’s in the game. |
26 | Serenade anyone in the group. |
27 | Swallow a raw egg. |
28 | Switch socks with someone in the group. |
29 | Take off your socks using your teeth. |
30 | Text one of your friends and tell them you didn’t appreciate them farting in your presence the last time you two hung out. |
31 | Show the most embarrassing photo on your phone |
32 | Show the last five people you texted and what the messages said |
33 | Let the rest of the group DM someone from your Instagram account |
34 | Eat a raw piece of garlic |
35 | Do 100 squats |
36 | Show us your screen time report |
37 | Keep three ice cubes in your mouth until they melt |
38 | Say something dirty to the person on your left |
39 | Give a foot massage to the person on your right |
40 | Put 10 different available liquids into a cup and drink it |
41 | Yell out the first word that comes to your mind |
42 | Give a lap dance to someone of your choice |
43 | Remove four items of clothing |
44 | Like the first 15 posts on your Facebook newsfeed |
45 | Eat a spoonful of mustard |
46 | Keep your eyes closed until it’s your go again |
47 | Send a sext to the last person in your phonebook |
48 | Show your orgasm face |
49 | Seductively eat a banana |
50 | Empty out your wallet/purse and show everyone what’s inside |

Funny Truth or Dare questions
Everyone enjoys a good laugh and everyone likes good conversation, so I’ve put together this list of Funny Truth or Dare questions to ask.
Funny Truth Questions
1 | Who would you hate to see naked? |
2 | How long have you gone without a shower? |
3 | If you could only text one person for the rest of your life, but you could never talk to that person’s face to face, who would that be? |
4 | How long have you gone without brushing your teeth? |
5 | What’s one thing you would never eat on a first date? |
6 | What have you seen that you wish you could unsee? |
7 | If you could be reincarnated into anyone’s body, who would you want to become? |
8 | If you switched genders for the day, what would you do? |
9 | What’s one food that you will never order at a restaurant? |
10 | What’s the worst weather to be stuck outside in if all you could wear was a bathing suit? |
11 | If your car broke down in the middle of the road, who in this room would be the last person you would call? Why? |
12 | What’s the most useless piece of knowledge you know? |
13 | What did you learn in school that you wish you could forget? |
14 | Is it better to use shampoo as soap or soap as shampoo? |
15 | If you run out of toilet paper, would you consider wiping with the empty roll? |
16 | What would be the worst part about getting pantsed in front of your crush? |
17 | If you could only use one swear word for the rest of your life, which one would you choose? |
18 | What’s the best thing to say to your friend that would be the worst thing to say to your crush? |
19 | Who do you think is the Beyonce of the group? |
20 | Would you rather eat dog food or cat food? |
21 | If you had nine lives, what would you do that you wouldn’t do now? |
22 | If you could play a prank on anyone without getting caught, who would you play it on? |
23 | What would the prank be? |
24 | Have you ever pretended to like a gift? How did you pretend? |
25 | Would you rather not shower for a month, or eat the same meal every day for a month? |
26 | What animal most closely resembles your eating style? |
27 | If you could choose to never sweat for the rest of your life or never have to use the bathroom, which would you choose? |
28 | If you could spend every waking moment with your gf or bf, would you? |
29 | Beauty or Brain? What’s your choice to have? |
30 | Be frank, How many dating sites you’re registered in? |
31 | Have you ever pass the blame on someone? An incident, you still regretting for. |
32 | Are you jealous of anyone of us? Share why? |
33 | Who is the ugliest person in this room? |
34 | Where you can see yourself after 5 years, Describe us. |
35 | That secret worst habits of yours, that no one knows about you. |
36 | Have you ever skipped a bath? How many times? |
37 | Share with us your worst online date ever. |
38 | Name a person you hate, without any solid reason. |
39 | Have any inventive ideas or crazy visions? Something that the world needs the most. |
40 | Tell us the truth, How many times have you come to college without a shower? |
41 | That ridiculous thing, you cried alone. |
42 | Have you ever pranked any innocent person that you still regret? |
43 | Which application consumes your most time? |
44 | Have you ever stolen something from a travel hotel? |
45 | How many times do you feel like, It’s true love? |
46 | Have you been caught cheating in the exams? |
47 | What is your worst job interview experience? |
48 | The person you want to be stuck in a lift with. Give us a reason, why? |
49 | Describe everyone here in just one word. But, only things, you hate about them. |
50 | Name an animal that is actually a nightmare for you. |
Funny Dare Questions
1 | Make a call to your teacher. Ask, when will be the surprise test? |
2 | That one thing that scares you the most. |
3 | Behave like a Chinese for the next 5-10 minutes. |
4 | Call your older family members and ask about weekend plans. |
5 | Keep jumping until your next turn. |
6 | Describe what’s your dream job like. |
7 | Mimic your favorite celebrity. |
8 | Predict the future of every person in this room. |
9 | Sing like you are a mouse with a high tone. |
10 | Pretend like you are a scooter for five minutes. |
11 | Go into silent mode, till your next turn. |
12 | Name a person you have to show you like, But hate for no reason. |
13 | 1-10, rate yourself, How confident do you feel about yourself? |
14 | Show us how many dating apps you’ve installed. |
15 | Grab your personal diary and read it aloud here. |
16 | Share something that you are hiding from your parents. |
17 | Cut four onions and show us you can cry, too. |
18 | Open a job portal and send applications to any random jobs. |
19 | Locked yourself in the bathroom till your next turn. |
20 | Call someone randomly and say, You have a crush on them. |
21 | Share your mobile lock screen password. |
22 | Behave like you are Michael Jackson for the next 10 minutes. |
23 | Recite the alphabet backward. |
24 | Beat an egg on your head. |
25 | Eat a snack without using your hands. |
26 | Make a funny hat and wear it on your head for the next two rounds. |
27 | Make a shirt/skirt of a garbage bag and wear it for the next two rounds. |
28 | Stand in the chicken pose for the next two rounds. |
29 | Eat a spoonful of mustard. |
30 | Imitate each one of the members in the room. |
31 | Act like your favorite teacher for the next 30 seconds. |
32 | Eat as much hot sauce as you can. |
33 | Break up with your girlfriend/boyfriend. |
34 | Fold yourself like a pretzel. |
35 | Give the person to your right a piggyback ride. |
36 | Do a belly dance. |
37 | Act like the waiter and take snack orders from every individual in the group. Serve them and ask if they enjoyed the food. |
38 | Create an outfit that has every color of the rainbow. You can borrow clothes from the host and the others in the group. Take no more than ten minutes. |
39 | Call your parents and tell them that they are grounded for a week. |
40 | For the rest of the night, dance like a ballerina instead of walking. |
41 | Dance to Auld Lang Syne. |
42 | Come up with a list of celebrities that each of the other players looks like in under two minutes. |
43 | Sing the latest pop song in the worst possible way and post the video on YouTube. |
44 | Tell a bad joke in a really excited tone! |
45 | Put ice in your shirt and stay still until it melts. |
46 | Try to lick your elbow while singing a song. |
47 | Try to touch your nose with your tongue. |
Flirty Truth or Dare questions over text
Approaching the girl you’ve had your eye on can not only be scary, but uncomfortable if you’re not exactly sure what to say.
There’s no easier way to get someone talking than asking them about themselves. That’s why I’ve put together a list of some Flirty Truth or Dare questions over text questions you can ask the girl you’re interested in.
Flirty Truth Questions over text
No. | Flirty Truth Questions over text |
1 | If your parents went out of town for a week and you had the house to yourself, what would you do? |
2 | What was the worst day of your life and why? |
3 | What was the weirdest/strangest dream you have ever had? |
4 | What is the one question you do not want to be asked in this game? (remember this for later!) |
5 | Rate everyone in this room, on a scale of one to ten. |
6 | List five disgusting/annoying habits you have? |
7 | What is your weight? |
8 | Have you ever stolen something? |
9 | Did you let someone else take the fall for something you did? |
10 | What was your childhood nickname? |
11 | What is the most embarrassing thing that your parents caught you do? |
12 | What was the stupidest thing you ever did? |
13 | How long have you gone without showering/shaving? |
14 | Did you ever pee in the swimming pool, while swimming? |
15 | Did you ever spread a nasty rumor about someone else? |
16 | What’s the weirdest thing you did when you were alone, in front of a mirror? |
17 | What kind of pajamas do you wear to bed? |
18 | What is the silliest thing that you are attached to and still possess (if it were a thing)? |
19 | Did you ever watch an adult film and lie to your parents about it? |
20 | What was the biggest lie you told without getting caught? |
21 | If you were asked to make one of the people in this room your slave, who would you choose and why? |
22 | Who looks sexier: (give two girlfriends’ names)? |
23 | Name one thing you hate in each of us. |
24 | Who is the one person you hate most in the world? |
25 | What do you do when you are alone at home? |
26 | Did you ever cheat in a test? |
27 | Did you actually enjoy reading a romantic poem in literature class but pretended that it was lame? |
28 | What’s your career ambition? |
29 | How confident are you about achieving your dreams? |
30 | Which subject do you hate the most? |
31 | Which is the most boring class you had to attend? |
32 | Did you ever skip school by telling a lie and lie about it to your parents? |
33 | Did you ever mock a teacher or classmate behind their back? |
34 | What is the first thing you do after school every day? |
35 | What is your favorite thing to do at school? |
36 | Do you like gym class? |
37 | Are you into sports? |
38 | Who is your favorite teacher and why? |
39 | Have you ever played a prank on a teacher? |
40 | How many times have you been punished and sent to the principal’s office? |
41 | Who is the creepiest kid you know in school? |
42 | What is the lowest/worst grade you got in school? |
43 | Have you ever fallen asleep in class? |
44 | Did you pretend to be sick so you can skip class or avoid a test? |
45 | Who was the first boy that you kissed in school? |
Flirty Dare Questions over text
1 | Do your best sexy crawl |
2 | Pretend to be the person to your right for 10 minutes |
3 | Eat a snack without using your hands |
4 | Say two honest things about everyone else in the group |
5 | Twerk for a minute |
6 | Try and make the group laugh as quickly as possible |
7 | Try to put your whole fist in your mouth |
8 | Tell everyone an embarrassing story about yourself |
9 | Try to lick your elbow |
10 | Post the oldest selfie on your phone on Instagram Stories |
11 | Tell the saddest story you know |
12 | Howl like a wolf for two minutes |
13 | Dance without music for two minutes |
14 | Pole dance with an imaginary pole |
15 | Let someone else tickle you and try not to laugh |
16 | Put as many snacks into your mouth at once as you can |
17 | Scroll through your phone book until someone says stop. You either have to call or delete that person. |
18 | Down your drink (responsibly) |
19 | Try and make yourself cry in front of the group |
20 | Tell the group two truths and a lie, and they have to guess which one the lie is |
21 | Show off your secret talent |
22 | Reply to the first five Instagram Stories on your timeline |
23 | Share the first celebrity on your timeline’s Instagram to your Story |
24 | Put on as many layers as possible in 60 seconds |
25 | Fill your mouth with drink and gargle your answer to the next Truth |
26 | Smile as widely as you can and hold it for two minutes |
27 | Let the group choose an item for you to brush your teeth with. |
28 | Write your name on the floor with your tongue. |
29 | Go outside and pick exactly 40 blades of grass with a pair of tweezers. |
30 | Stick a Hot Cheeto in your nose and leave it there for 5 minutes. |
31 | Open Facebook, go to the account of the first person you see, and like every post on their wall going back to a year. |
32 | Eat a whole piece of paper. |
33 | Lick a car tire. |
34 | Open your front door and howl like a wolf for 30 seconds. |
35 | Let the person to your right put duct tape on any part of your body they choose and rip it off. |
36 | I dare you to tie your hands to your ankles for the rest of the game. |
37 | Put a bunch of honey on your nose and coat it with flour |
38 | Dump a bunch of legos on the floor and walk over it with your bare feet. |
39 | Eat a spoonful of mustard. |
40 | Jump into a dumpster. |
41 | Lift up the couch cushions, and if there is anything under it, you need to put it in your mouth for 10 seconds. |
42 | Spin around 10 times and try to walk straight. |
43 | Eat a raw egg. |
44 | Write a letter to your doctor describing an embarrassing rash you have, and post it on Facebook. |
45 | Cover your hair with shaving cream and leave it on until the end of the game. |
46 | Let the group choose 3 random things from the refrigerator and mix it together. Then you have to eat it. |
47 | Stand up and do jumping jacks until your next turn. |
48 | Rub your armpits and then smell your fingers. |
49 | Dig through the trash and name everything you find. |
50 | Sniff another player’s armpit for 10 seconds. |
Truth or Dare questions for teenagers
Now I will share some Truth or Dare questions for teenagers, This list is especially for teenagers. Mainly these aged people love to play Truth or dare game
Truth Questions for teenagers
No. | Truth Questions for teenagers |
1 | How do you really feel about your mother-in-law? |
2 | How long have you had your oldest pair of underwear? |
3 | How long was your longest relationship? |
4 | How many gossip blogs do you read a day? |
5 | How many pairs of granny panties do you own? |
6 | How many people have you kissed? |
7 | How many photo editing apps do you have on your phone? |
8 | How many selfies do you take a day? |
9 | How many times a week do you wear the same pants? |
10 | How often do you wash your sheets? |
11 | If I went through your cabinets, what’s the weirdest thing I’d find? |
12 | If you could become invisible, what’s the worst thing you’d do? |
13 | If you could date two people at once, would you do it? If so, who? |
14 | If you could hire someone to do one thing for you, what would it be? |
15 | If you could only hear one song for the rest of your life, what would it be? |
16 | If you could write anyone on Earth in for President of the United States, who would it be and why? |
17 | If you had one week to live and you had to marry someone in this room, who would it be? |
18 | If you had to delete one app from your phone, which one would it be? |
19 | If you had to pick someone in this room to be your partner on a game show, who would it be and why? |
20 | If you met a genie, what would your three wishes be? |
21 | If you switched genders for a day, what would you do? |
22 | If you were guaranteed to never get caught, who on Earth would you murder? |
23 | Is there an ex with whom you’d consider reconciling? |
24 | List one positive and one negative thing about everyone in the room. |
25 | Meatloaf says he’d do anything for love, but he won’t do “that.” What’s your “that?” |
26 | Name a band you only pretend to like. |
27 | Name one thing you’d change about every person in this room. |
28 | Name someone you’ve pretended to like but actually couldn’t stand. |
29 | What app do you waste the most time on? |
30 | What are you most proud of in your life? |
31 | What are your favorite and least favorite of your body parts? |
32 | What bridges are you glad that you burned? |
33 | What celebrity do you think is overrated? |
34 | What do you think happens when you die? |
35 | What do you want on your tombstone? |
36 | What do your favorite pajamas look like? |
37 | What is that one thing you would never do for all the money in the world? |
38 | What is the worst date you’ve ever been on? |
39 | What is the youngest age partner you’d date? |
40 | What is your greatest fear in a relationship? |
41 | What song do you sing most in the shower? |
42 | What was the greatest day of your life? |
43 | What was the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever done on a date? |
44 | What was your biggest fear as a child? |
45 | What was your first heartbreak? |
46 | What was your most humbling moment? |
47 | What word do you hate the most? |
48 | What’s a skill you wish you had? |
49 | What’s been your most physically painful experience? |
50 | What’s one job you could never do? |
51 | What’s one movie you’re embarrassed to admit you enjoy? |
52 | What’s one responsibility you wish you didn’t have? |
53 | What’s one thing about your partner that you find least attractive? |
54 | What’s one thing in your life you wish you could change? |
55 | What’s one thing you’d do if you knew there no consequences? |
56 | What’s one useless skill you’d love to learn anyway? |
57 | What’s something that overwhelms you? |
58 | What’s something weird you do in your sleep? |
59 | What’s something you know you need to do but aren’t looking forward to at all? |
60 | What’s something you love to do with your friends that you’d never do in front of your partner? |
Dare Questions for teenagers
1 | Give your phone to another player to send a text message to their contact of choice. |
2 | Let the other players go through your phone for a minute. |
3 | Allow someone to pour ice down your shirt and pants. |
4 | Let another player throw flour in your face. |
5 | Sing a song chosen by the group while eating spoonfuls of peanut butter. |
6 | Close your eyes and let your friends put whatever food from the fridge they want in your mouth. |
7 | One by one, make up a title for each players’ movie about their life. |
8 | Let your friends pose you and stay like that until the next round. |
9 | Let each player choose one word, then attempt to form a sentence with it and post it to Facebook. |
10 | Empty your purse, backpack, or wallet and let everyone see what you have. |
11 | Allow the person to your right to tickle you. |
12 | Whoever’s name begins with an A in the group must call your parents and tell them what a bad friend you are to them. |
13 | Let each person in the group slap you as hard as they can on your butt. |
14 | Do your best impression of someone in the room and keep going until someone correctly guesses who it is. |
15 | Eat a raw onion and do your best not to cry. |
16 | Be blindfolded and let someone feed you something. |
17 | Lick mayonnaise off of someone’s toe. |
18 | Someone has to dip their finger in the trash can and you have to lick it. |
19 | Go to the bathroom, and the person to your left has to be in there with you the whole time. |
20 | Trade socks with the person to your right. |
21 | Have the person to your right do 10 squats while you lie underneath them. |
22 | Let a person in the group put a leash on you and walk you down the street. |
23 | Hold hands with the person to you left for the rest of the game. |
24 | Hand your phone to the person across from you and let them post whatever they want to your social media accounts. |
25 | Smells someone else’s shoes |
26 | Take the socks off the person’s feet across from you and wear them like gloves until your next turn. |
27 | Serenade the person next to you. |
28 | Take a selfie with the person next to you, and post it on social media along with a deep and emotional paragraph about what they mean to you. |
29 | Let the person across from you give you a wedgie. |
30 | Dance aggressively until you run out of breath. |
31 | Eat a single spaghetti like in Lady and the Tramp with the person to your left. |
32 | Get a bar of soap from the bathroom and sell it to the group for 3 minutes. |
33 | Go outside, and while skipping down the street, sing “Let it Go’ from Frozen. |
34 | With your eyes closed, pick someone from your contact list and send them a text. |
35 | Stand up and do your best impersonation of the person on your right. |
36 | Go in the kitchen and rearrange everything in the food pantry in alphabetical order. |
37 | Imagine the person to your left is your pet, talk to them as though you just got home. |
38 | Imagine that you are a dog and act like it until your next turn. |
39 | Describe what the sky looks like without using the words blue or white. |
40 | Sing the chorus of your favorite song. |
41 | Everytime someone chooses dare, walk across the floor like a crab and embrace them with a hug. |
42 | Make up a song about the host of the party. |
43 | Exchange shirts with the person to your left and wear it for the remainder of the game. |
44 | Knock on the neighbor’s door and explain to them that your pet penguin got loose and ask if you can look for it in their backyard. |
45 | Invent a new color for nail polish and describe the person who would be most likely to wear it. |
46 | For the next 15 minutes, everything you say must be spoken in baby talk. |
47 | Allow the person to your left to cut your hair however they see fit. |
48 | Give 5 dollars to each player if you curse at any point during the game. |
49 | Make a sandwich while blindfolded. |
50 | Stick an egg in the microwave and attempt to juggle it for 30 seconds. |
Truth or Dare questions for kids
Now I will share some Truth or Dare questions for kids, This list is especially for kids. As these Truth or Dare questions are for kids, These Truth or Dare questions not much dirty but interesting.
Truth Questions for kids
1 | What’s something you would die if your mom found out about? |
2 | What’s something you’re embarrassed that you’re good at? |
3 | What’s something you’ve done that you still feel guilty about? |
4 | What’s something you’ve done that you’d judge someone else for doing? |
5 | What’s the best lie you’ve ever told anyone? |
6 | What’s the biggest prank you’ve ever played on someone? |
7 | What’s the biggest secret you’ve kept from your parents? |
8 | What’s the cheapest gift you’ve ever gotten for someone else? |
9 | What’s the craziest thing that has happened to you in a mall? |
10 | What’s the craziest thing you’ve done in front of a mirror? |
11 | What’s the craziest thing you’ve done on public transportation? |
12 | What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done in a movie theater? |
13 | What’s the cruelest thing you’ve ever done or said to a romantic partner? |
14 | What’s the dumbest thing you’ve ever lied about? |
15 | What’s the grossest smell that you secretly enjoy? |
16 | What’s the grossest thing that you do alone? |
17 | What’s the hardest drug you’ve ever tried? |
18 | What’s the last lie you told? |
19 | What’s the last movie that made you cry? |
20 | What’s the last purchase you regretted? |
21 | What’s the last song that made you cry? |
22 | What’s the last thing you Googled? |
23 | What’s the last YouTube video you watched? |
24 | What’s the longest you’ve gone without brushing your teeth? |
25 | What’s the longest you’ve gone without showering? |
26 | What’s the meanest thing you’ve ever said to someone else? |
27 | What’s the meanest thing you’ve ever said about someone else? |
28 | What’s the most bogus rumor you’ve ever heard about yourself? |
29 | What’s the most bogus rumor you’ve ever spread or heard about someone else? |
30 | What’s the most childish thing you still do? |
31 | What’s the most common misconception about you? |
32 | What’s the most embarrassing text in your phone right now? |
33 | What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve done in front of a crowd? |
34 | What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever posted on social media? |
35 | What’s the most embarrassing thing your parents have caught you doing? |
36 | What’s the most inappropriate time you’ve ever laughed? |
37 | What’s the most insane thing you’ve done to get out of a speeding ticket? |
38 | What’s the most offensive joke you’ve found funny? |
39 | What’s the most ridiculous thing you have an emotional attachment to? |
40 | What’s the most scandalous photo in your cloud? |
41 | What’s the most sinful thing you’ve done in a house of worship? |
42 | What’s the pettiest thing you’ve ever done? |
43 | What’s the scariest thing that’s ever happened to you? |
44 | What’s the scariest thing you’ve ever done? |
45 | What’s the smallest tip you’ve ever left at a restaurant? |
46 | What’s the weirdest dream you’ve ever had? |
47 | What’s the weirdest place you’ve ever given or gotten someone’s number? |
48 | What’s the weirdest place you’ve ever grown hair? |
49 | What’s the weirdest thing you do while driving? |
50 | What’s the weirdest thing you’ve done on a plane? |
Dare Questions for kids
1 | Eat a spoonful of hot sauce. |
2 | From now until your next turn, every time someone talks, interrupt by saying, “that’s a lie.” |
3 | You notice that the person sitting on your right has something on their face, spit on your finger, and wipe it off for them. |
4 | Get down on one knee and propose to the person on your left. |
5 | Awkwardly smell someone else’s hair until they notice. |
6 | Open Facebook and “like” the first thing that pops up even if you disagree with it. |
7 | Stand up and do your best impersonation of your mom. |
8 | Go for a short walk outside and while walking, hold a conversation with yourself. |
9 | Rearrange all the pictures in the room according to their size. |
10 | Take off your shoe and clean your foot as though you are an animal. |
11 | Stick your head in the toilet. |
12 | Put makeup on the person sitting the farthest away from you. |
13 | Do your best impersonation of someone else in the room and keep going until someone else guesses who you are. |
14 | Call a realtor and show genuine interest in a random house for several minutes. |
15 | For the next 10 minutes, when someone speaks, put your ear up close to them and act as though you can’t hear what they are saying. |
16 | For the rest of the game, you must cluck like a chicken at the beginning and end of everything you say. |
17 | Be silent and say nothing from now until your next turn. |
18 | While blindfolded, you must eat something that the person to your left chooses to feed you. |
19 | Tie your shoe strings together with another person and walk together to the end of the driveway and back. |
20 | Stand in the backyard and yell at the top of your lungs, “I was adopted! Nooooooo.” |
21 | Text a friend and tell them their hair is on backward. |
22 | Wear your clothes backward for the duration of the game. |
23 | Tell someone something negative you have said about them in private. |
24 | Go outside to the trash bin and throw a tantrum because someone put trash in it. |
25 | Call someone and confess your new-found love for Justin Bieber. |
26 | Kiss the person to your right on the cheek. |
27 | Sniff the person to your left and tell them they smell bad. |
28 | Sit on your hands for the remainder of the game. |
29 | Knock on the neighbor’s door and ask if you can park your helicopter in their driveway. |
30 | Take someone with you outside in the sight of the neighbors and stare into the sky until someone asks you what you are looking at, then tell them that you saw a UFO. |
31 | Text your mom and tell her that you are expecting a baby. |
32 | Walk outside frantically carrying an empty leash and approach people asking them if they have seen your pet alligator because it just escaped. |
33 | Go into the bathroom and look in the cabinet. Write a short summary of what you find and read it to the group. |
34 | Call the nearest gas station and ask them if they sell hemorrhoid cream. |
35 | Stop a car that is going down the street and tell them that their wheels are turning. |
36 | Make a sandwich containing every condiment in your refrigerator. |
37 | Close your eyes and let everyone draw on you for 5 minutes. |
38 | Tell a bizarre 2-minute story about the night you slept in the woods. |
39 | Stand up and dance the twist until your next turn. |
40 | Name the person in the room who you think is the best dressed. |
41 | Name the person in the room who you think is the worst dressed. |
42 | Text your siblings and tell them that you just found out you are adopted. |
43 | Make the sound of a dripping faucet until your next turn. |
44 | From now until the end of the game, every time you talk, speak like a robot. |
45 | Act like a cheerleader and do a cheer about the host of the party. |
46 | For the rest of the game, you must only communicate using animal sounds. |
47 | Make confetti out of a tissue. |
48 | Describe to the group what your last bathroom experience was like. |
49 | Get a magazine and go outside. Roll up the magazine, put it on your nose and act and sound like an elephant. |
50 | Make a hat out of aluminum foil then put the hat on and post a selfie to social media. Leave the hat on for the duration of the game. |

Truth or Dare Questions for boyfriend
If you are playing the Truth Or dare game with your Boyfriend then you must ask the below question to him. We listed 50+ Truth or Dare Questions for boyfriend
Truth Questions for boyfriend
1 | Who in this room do you trust the least? |
2 | Who in this room would be your one phone call if you were in jail? |
3 | Who in this room would you list as your emergency contact? |
4 | Who is the best kisser you’ve ever had? |
5 | Who is your favorite person in your immediate family? |
6 | Who was the last person you said, “I love you” to? |
7 | Who was your first love? |
8 | Who was your first? |
9 | Who was your worst kiss ever? |
10 | Who would call you to help bury a body? Would you do it? |
11 | Who would you bring with you on a deserted island? |
12 | Who would you call to help bury a body? |
13 | Who would you hate to see naked? |
14 | Who’s the last person who called you? |
15 | Who’s the last person you lurked on social media? |
16 | Who’s the most surprising person to ever slide into your DMs? |
17 | Who’s the oldest person you’ve dated? |
18 | Who’s the person you most regret hooking up with? |
19 | Who’s your hall pass? |
20 | Who’s your hero? |
21 | Would you break up with your partner for $1 million? |
22 | Would you date someone shorter than you? |
23 | Would you date your high school crush today? |
24 | Would you ever consider being a nudist? |
25 | Would you ever get a prenup? |
26 | Would you ever get plastic surgery? |
27 | Would you marry someone rich even if you weren’t in love with them? |
28 | Would you volunteer as tribute for anyone in this room in The Hunger Games? |
29 | Who was the last person you got intimate with? |
30 | What’s the longest time you’ve left food on the floor before eating it? |
31 | How many times have you peed in a swimming pool? |
32 | Have you ever farted and lied about it? |
33 | Have you ever, in your entire life, whether accidental or not, eaten/tasted a booger? |
34 | How many different people have you kissed? |
35 | What’s the most embarrassing thing that has happened to you while you were hooking up? |
36 | When was the last time you peed yourself? |
37 | What would you do if you had to go number two in a public restroom and there was no toilet paper? |
38 | One a scale of one to ten, how attractive do you think you are? |
39 | Have you ever had a crush on a friend’s girlfriend/boyfriend? |
40 | Have you ever cheated on one or more of your significant others? |
41 | Who in the world would you not rescue from a burning building? |
42 | What illegal thing have you done recently? |
43 | Have you ever been arrested? |
44 | Would you trade your sibling/best friend for $10 million? |
45 | Would you spread a nasty rumor about your boyfriend/girlfriend for $1 million? |
46 | Which of your friends are you secretly envious of? |
47 | What’s the last thing you cried about? |
48 | Have you ever farted and blamed it on someone else? |
49 | What’s one way you got revenge on someone who wronged you? |
50 | What’s the worst lie you’ve ever told a boyfriend or girlfriend? |
Dare Questions for boyfriend
1 | Hang your socks from your ears until the end of the game. |
2 | Fill your mouth with water and act like a fountain. |
3 | For the rest of the game you must say your name at the beginning and the end of every sentence you speak. |
4 | Repeat everything the person to your left says until your next turn. |
5 | Choose one inanimate object that is in the room. Now spend the next 2-minutes telling the group what that object is thinking. |
6 | Attempt to lick your elbow for at least five minutes. |
7 | Make eye contact with a player and don’t break it until it’s your turn again. |
8 | Get a mouthful of water and gargle it until your next turn. |
9 | Do the chicken dance to no music until your next turn. |
10 | Crack an egg on your head. |
11 | Stick out your tongue and talk that way until your next turn. |
12 | Bust your best dance move right now. |
13 | Turn your pants inside out and wear them. |
14 | Do everything with “crab hands” for the rest of the game. |
15 | Reenact what you think it is like to give birth. |
16 | For the rest of the game, speak like you are the President of America. |
17 | Pretend like you are drunk for the rest of the game. |
18 | Make up a short cheer and shout it to the room. |
19 | Speak in the voice of your favorite cartoon character until your next turn. |
20 | Use ketchup to put the mark of Simba on your forehead. |
21 | Put a piece of American cheese on your cheek and leave it until your next turn. |
22 | Do 100 squats. |
23 | Show the most embarrassing photo on your phone. |
24 | Give a foot massage to the person on your right. |
25 | Say something dirty to the person on your left. |
26 | Let the rest of the group DM someone from your Instagram account. |
27 | Eat a banana without using your hands. |
28 | Twerk for a minute. |
29 | Keep your eyes closed until it’s your go again. |
30 | Like the first 15 posts on your Facebook newsfeed. |
31 | Send a sext to the last person in your phonebook. |
32 | Eat a raw onion. |
33 | Keep three ice cubes in your mouth until they melt. |
34 | Give a lap dance to someone of your choice. |
35 | Yell out the first word that comes to your mind. |
36 | Show off your orgasm face. |
37 | Empty out your wallet/purse and show everyone what’s inside. |
38 | Show the last five people you texted and what the messages said. |
39 | Try to put your whole fist in your mouth. |
40 | Remove four items of clothing. |
41 | Put 10 different available liquids into a cup and drink it. |
42 | Do your best impression of a baby being born. |
43 | Try to lick your elbow. |
44 | Pretend to be the person to your right for 10 minutes. |
45 | Be someone’s pet for the next 5 minutes. |
46 | Try to drink a glass water while standing on your hands. |
47 | Do your best sexy crawl. |
48 | Say two honest things about everyone else in the group. |
49 | Put as many snacks into your mouth at once as you can. |
50 | Try and make the group laugh as quickly as possible. |
51 | Let someone shave part of your body. |
52 | Tell everyone an embarrassing story about yourself. |
53 | Post the oldest selfie on your phone on Instagram Stories. |
54 | For a guy, put on makeup. For a girl, wash off your make up. |
55 | Do four cartwheels in row. |
56 | Tell the saddest story you know. |
Truth or Dare questions for friends
If you are playing the Truth Or dare game with friends then you must ask the below question to him. We listed 50+ Truth or Dare Questions for Friends
Truth Questions for friends
1 | Have you ever stayed friends with someone because it benefitted you beyond just the friendship? |
2 | What’s the biggest mistake you’ve ever made? |
3 | What’s the most disgusting thing you’ve ever done? |
4 | Who would you like to kiss in this room? |
5 | What’s the worst thing anyone’s ever done to you? |
6 | Have you ever had a run in with the law? |
7 | What’s your worst habit? |
8 | What’s the worst thing you’ve ever said to anyone? |
9 | Have you ever peed in the shower? |
10 | What’s the strangest dream you’ve had? |
11 | Have you ever been caught doing something you shouldn’t have? |
12 | What’s the worst date you’ve been on? |
13 | What’s your biggest regret? |
14 | What’s the biggest misconception about you? |
15 | Have you ever said something you regret about someone in this room? |
16 | What’s one thing you wish people knew about you? |
17 | Where’s the weirdest place you’ve had sex? |
18 | Why did your last relationship break down? |
19 | Have you ever lied to get out of a bad date? |
20 | What’s the most trouble you’ve been in? |
21 | What’s the worst thing you’ve ever lied about? |
22 | What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given? |
23 | What’s your guilty pleasure? |
24 | What’s one thing you only do when you’re alone? |
25 | If you had to get back with an ex, who would you choose? |
26 | If you had to cut one friend out of your life, who would it be? |
27 | Do you have a favourite friend? |
28 | Did you ever drink before you were of the legal drinking age? |
29 | What is the craziest thing you have done while under the influence? |
30 | What was the last thing you searched for on your phone web browser? |
31 | If you had to choose between going naked or having your thoughts appear in thought bubbles above your head for everyone to read, which would you choose? |
32 | Have you ever walked in on your parents doing it? |
33 | After you’ve dropped a piece of food, what’s the longest time you’ve left it on the ground and then ate it? |
34 | Have you ever tasted a booger? |
35 | What’s the first thing you would do if you woke up one day as the opposite sex? |
36 | If someone heard you snoring, would they say it’s obnoxiously loud? |
37 | Have you ever peed in a pool full of people? |
38 | Who do you think is the worst dressed person in this room? |
39 | Have you ever farted in an elevator? |
40 | True or false? You have a crush on an elderly person? |
41 | What is the largest amount of food you’ve eaten in one sitting? |
42 | Of the people in this room, who do you want to trade lives with for one day? |
43 | What are some things you think about when sitting on the toilet? |
44 | What is the most embarrassing situation you’ve ever been a part of? |
45 | Did you have an imaginary friend growing up? |
46 | Do you cover your eyes during a scary part in a movie? |
47 | Have you ever practiced kissing in a mirror? |
48 | What, if any, sport do you absolutely hate against popular opinion? |
49 | Did your parents ever give you the “birds and the bees” talk? |
50 | What is your guilty pleasure that you never tell anyone? |
Dare Questions for friends
1 | Belly dance like your life depended on it. |
2 | Curse like sailor for 20 seconds straight. |
3 | Howl like a wolf. |
4 | Dance without music for one minute. |
5 | Pole dance with an imaginary pole. |
6 | Let someone else tickle you and try not to laugh. |
7 | Serenade the person to your right. |
8 | Talk in an accent for the next 3 rounds. |
9 | Make every person in the group smile, keep going until everyone has cracked a smiled. |
10 | Kiss the person to your left. |
11 | Attempt to do a magic trick. |
12 | Eat five tablespoons of a condiment. |
13 | Attempt to breakdance for one minute. |
14 | Let the group give you a new hairstyle. |
15 | Do the worm. |
16 | Take a shower with your clothes on. |
17 | Break two eggs on your head. |
18 | Sell a piece of trash to someone in the group using your best salesmanship. |
19 | Attempt to walk on your hands for as far as you can. |
20 | Imitate a celebrity every time you talk. |
21 | Try to juggle 2 or 3 items of the group’s choosing. |
22 | Gargle something that shouldn’t be gargled, but won’t hurt you. |
23 | Get slapped on the face by the person of your choosing. |
24 | Spin an imaginary hula hoop around your waist for the rest of the round. |
25 | Seduce a member of the same gender in the group. |
26 | Compose a poem on the spot based on something the group comes up with. |
27 | Poll dance for 1 minute with an imaginary pole. |
28 | Choose someone from the group to give you a spanking. |
29 | Post an extremely unflattering picture of yourself to the social media outlet of your choosing. |
30 | Hold a funny face for the rest of the round. |
31 | Imagine something in your room. Now spell it with your nose and keep spelling it with your nose until someone from the group guesses what you are trying to spell. |
32 | After the group chooses one rude word, sing a song and insert that rude word once into every line of the song. |
33 | Drag your butt on the carpet like a dog from one end of the room to the other. |
34 | Open a bag of snacks or candy using only your mouth, no hands or feet. |
35 | Bend at the waist so that you are looking behind you between your legs. Now run backwards until you can tag someone with your butt. |
36 | Go to the bathroom, take off your underwear and put it on your head. Wear it on your head for the rest of the game. |
37 | Act like whatever animal someone yells out for the next 1 minute. |
38 | Eat one teaspoon of the spiciest thing you have in the kitchen. |
39 | Transfer an ice cube from your mouth to the person’s mouth on your right. |
40 | Call the 3rd contact in your phone and sing them 30 seconds of a song that the group chooses.No talking. |
41 | Pretend to be a food. Don’t pretend to eat the food, pretend to be the food. Keep pretending until someone in the group guesses the food you are. |
42 | Drop something in the toilet and then reach in to get it. |
43 | Find the person whose first name has the same letter as your first name or whoever’s first name’s first letter is closest to yours. Now lick their face. |
44 | Sit in a spinning chair and have the group spin you for 30 seconds. |
45 | Jump up and down as high as you can go for a full minute. |
46 | Let two people give you a wet willy at the same time. |
47 | Sing a praise song about a person of the groups choosing. |
48 | Depict a human life through interpretive dance. |
49 | Dance with no music for 1 minute. |
50 | Write something embarrassing somewhere on your body (that can be hidden with clothing) with a permanent marker. |
51 | Beg and plead the person to your right not to leave you for that other boy or girl. |
52 | Put ice cubes down your pants. |
53 | Stick your arm into the trash can past your elbow. |
54 | Lick the floor. |
55 | Switch clothes with someone of the opposite sex in the group for three rounds. |
56 | Let the group pose you in an embarrassing position and take a picture. |
57 | Give someone your phone and let them send one text to anyone in your contacts. |
58 | Let the group look through your phone for one minute. |
59 | Drink a small cup of a concoction that the group makes. |
60 | Let the person to your left draw on your face with a pen. |
61 | Imitate popular YouTube videos until someone can guess the video you are imitating. |
62 | Grab a trash can and make a hoop with your hands above the trash can. Have other members of the group try to shoot trash through your hoop. |
63 | Make up a 30-second opera about a person or people in the group and perform it. |
64 | Do pushups until you can’t do anymore, wait 5 seconds, and then do one more. |
65 | Shows us your recent search history. |

Crush truth or Dare questions
If you are playing the Truth Or dare game with your Crush then you must ask the below question to him. We listed 50+ Crush Truth or Dare Questions
Crush Truth Questions
1 | If someone offered you $1 million dollars to break up with your girlfriend/boyfriend, would you do it? |
2 | If you were reborn, what decade would you want to be born in? |
3 | If you could go back in time in erase one thing you said or did, what would it be? |
4 | Has your boyfriend or girlfriend ever embarrassed you? |
5 | Have you ever thought about cheating on your partner? |
6 | If you could suddenly become invisible, what would you do? |
7 | Have you ever been caught checking someone out? |
8 | What is your favorite alcoholic beverage? |
9 | Have you ever waved at someone thinking they saw you when really they didn’t? What did you do when you realized it? |
10 | What’s the longest time you’ve stayed in the bathroom, and why did you stay for that long? |
11 | What’s the most unflattering school picture of you? |
12 | Have you ever cried because you missed your parents so much? |
13 | Do you prefer a bath or a shower? Why? |
14 | Would you rather be caught picking your nose or picking a wedgie? |
15 | Describe the strangest dream you’ve ever had. Did you like it? |
16 | Have you ever posted something on social media that you regret? |
17 | What is your biggest and most irrational fear? |
18 | What is the scariest movie you have ever seen? |
19 | Do you sing in the shower? |
20 | Have you ever ding dong ditched someone? |
21 | What is something you have done that has made you really proud? |
22 | The world ends next week and you can do anything you want (even if it’s illegal). What would you do? |
23 | Would you wear your shirt inside out for a whole day if someone paid you $100? |
24 | What salad dressing could you drink out of the bottle? |
25 | What is the most childish thing that you still do? |
26 | How far would you go to land the guy or girl of your dreams? |
27 | If you had to choose would you rather have a broken arm or a broken leg and why? |
28 | Tell us about a time you embarrassed yourself in front of a crush. |
29 | Have you ever kept a library book? |
30 | Who is one person you pretend to like, but actually don’t? |
31 | What children’s movie could you watch over and over again? |
32 | Do you have bad foot odor? |
33 | Do you have any silly nicknames? |
34 | When was the last time you wet the bed? |
35 | How many pancakes have you eaten in a single sitting? |
36 | Have you ever accidentally hit something with your car? |
37 | If you had to make out with any Disney character, who would it be? |
38 | Have you ever watched a movie you knew you shouldn’t? |
39 | Have you ever wanted to try LARP (Live Action Role-Play)? |
40 | What app on your phone do you waste the most time on? |
41 | Have you ever pretended to be sick to get out of something? If so, what was it? |
42 | What is the most food you’ve eaten in a single sitting? |
43 | What is the single most painful experience of your life? |
44 | Do you dance when you’re by yourself? |
45 | Would you have voted for or against Trump? |
46 | What song on the radio do you sing with every time it comes on? |
47 | Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? |
48 | Do you own a pair of footie pajamas? |
49 | What is the meanest thing you’ve ever said to someone? |
50 | Are you scared of the dark? |
51 | What ‘As seen on TV’ product do you secretly want to buy? |
52 | Do you still take bubble baths? |
53 | If you were home by yourself all day, what would you do? |
54 | What is something you’ve done to try to be ‘cooler’? |
55 | When was the last time you brushed your teeth? |
56 | How often do you wear the same outfit in a week? |
57 | Have you ever used self tanner? |
58 | What is your favorite breed of dog? |
59 | Do you have a security blanket? |
60 | Do you still have something you have cherished from childhood? |
61 | Have you ever eaten something off the floor? |
62 | Have you ever butt-dialed someone? |
63 | Do you like hanging out with your parents? |
64 | Do you prefer staying up late or going to bed early? |
65 | Have you ever got caught doing something you shouldn’t? |
66 | What part of your body do you love and which part do you hate? |
67 | Have you ever pooped your pants? |
68 | What was the last rate-R movie you watched? |
69 | What is your favorite type of ice cream? |
70 | Do you lick your plate? |
71 | What is something that no one else knows about you? |
Crush Dare Questions
1 | Just go and talk to your crush. |
2 | Rate everyone here you love the most, from 1 to 10. |
3 | Name of the school teacher you secretly liked in our school days. |
4 | Share your awkward project presentation again. |
5 | Definition of a perfect partner from your viewpoints. |
6 | The reason behind your fit body… Routine exercise or Steroids. |
7 | Share your feelings you have while it’s love at first sight. |
8 | Give the name of the person, you want to lock in the bathroom. |
9 | Describe the best things of everyone present here. |
10 | Things that make you feel proud of yourself. |
11 | That fear from the current relationship, you hide inside. |
12 | Suggestions for each person here, for their personality and behavior. |
13 | Just “Unfriend” that one, you are talking most these days. |
14 | Pretending like you are in front of your crush. |
15 | Share your first job experience with us. |
16 | Things you want to say to your current boss. |
17 | We want you to sing for us, in an evil voice. |
18 | Dance with the mop. |
19 | Keep slapping your self till your turn. |
20 | We are hungry. So just order pizza for us. |
21 | Say alphabets, But in Reverse. |
22 | Give us a demo of what you have a plan to propose. |
23 | For the next 5 minutes, act as if you are a Dog. |
24 | Take a selfie and upload it now, without any filters. |
25 | Just ask for a cup of sugar, from your neighbor. |
26 | Like every post of the person, you get to see the first on Facebook. |
27 | Show us how you cry alone. |
28 | Act like a goat, learning alphabets |
29 | Wear your underwear over your head for the entire game. |
30 | Text the first person, who is live on Facebook with Hi. And reply with just Hi, 10 times. |
31 | Change your relationship status from Relationship to single, and vice versa. |
32 | Call the 18th contact number in your phonebook, and wish Happy birthday. |
33 | Ask for Indian food at a Chinese restaurant. |
34 | According to you, who has bad teeth? Ok, so Brush their teeth. |
35 | Get on your knees, till your turn. |
36 | Talk to yourself in the mirror. |
37 | Sing like you are an opera singer. |
38 | Eat ice cream with tomato sauce. |
39 | Pluck three of your nose hair. |
40 | Go and just hug a tree, till your neighbor notices you. |
41 | Do the 40 Pushups. |
42 | Take a selfie with the person next to you and post with an emotional caption. |
43 | Time to headstand for 2 minutes. |
44 | We want to see what you have in your purse. |
45 | Talk continuously without pause. |
46 | Go out and say I love you to the first person you meet. |
47 | Sing and dance like you go mad. |
48 | Color your front two teeth with two different colors. |
49 | Call home and inform your family that you are married now. |
50 | Call the last person you texted and shout on him/her. |
51 | Perform 50 squats. |
52 | Call the waiter and sing a romantic song for him. |
53 | Call your partner and tell him/her you were cheating on them. |
54 | Have a vinegar shot. |
55 | Make the first five emoji faces that you have used recently. |
56 | Call an old friend of yours and tell him/her that they were your first crush. |
57 | Send a request to a random guy on Facebook and message them to accept the request immediately. |
58 | Mimic the person you hate for 10 mins. |
59 | Show the signature steps of each song given by us. |
60 | Pick up anything from here and eat it seductively. |
61 | Pay the bill for dinner. |
62 | Tell your mobile password. |
63 | Send your one photo to your boss. |
64 | Go on the road and stop a car by dancing. |
Hi, my name is Mr. Arun Verma. Thank you for reading my article. If You found this article valuable enough, I will love to hear from You. Let me know your thoughts about the list of Truth and dare questions post in the comment section below.
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