Dare Questions ideas: We love social media that might be Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. Also, we love to chat on Facebook messenger, WhatsApp, and Instagram DM. Day by day Social Media gains a special interest in all of the people in India. every age people participate here for an end to end DM. But we have a special interest in sharing some cool Dares Game and Dare Questions. and Get Reply with some hilarious Reactions.
Some websites providing old Dares that are backdated so I need to write an article on it by dividing it into four categories like Dare Questions for Friend, Family & for crush. You can use it to share on Facebook Messenger or WhatsApp as well. And also can use it as Whatsapp Dare.
Best Dare Questions For Family, Friends
Top 250 Cool Dare Questions for your friends, relative, or Crush. Dare Questions for Crush added Newly for you. Let’s get started…
1 | After you’ve dropped a piece of food, what’s the longest time you’ve left it on the floor before eating it? |
2 | Are you scared of getting old? |
3 | Be honest: Do you have a favorite child? |
4 | Boxers or briefs? |
5 | Describe the weirdest thing you’ve ever done while inebriated. |
6 | Do you believe in aliens? |
7 | Do you believe in any superstitions? If so, which ones? |
8 | Do you have a work spouse? |
9 | Do you have any hidden talents? What are they? |
10 | Do you secretly dislike any of your friends’ kids? |
11 | Do you still have feelings for any of your exes? |
12 | Do you think cheating can ever be justified? How? |
13 | Has anyone ever walked in on you in the bathroom? |
14 | Have you ever accidentally hit something (or someone!) with your car? |
15 | Have you ever been arrested? |
16 | Have you ever been caught checking someone out? |
17 | Have you ever been fired from a job? |
18 | Have you ever been in a fight? |
19 | Have you ever been nude in public? |
20 | Have you ever broken someone’s heart? |
21 | Have you ever cheated on a partner? |
22 | Have you ever compromised your morals for money? How? |
23 | Have you ever considered cheating on a partner? |
24 | Have you ever faked sick to get out of a party? |
25 | Have you ever farted and blamed it on someone else? |
26 | Have you ever farted in an elevator? |
27 | Have you ever ghosted a friend? |
28 | Have you ever ghosted a partner? |
29 | Have you ever gone skinny dipping? |
30 | Have you ever gotten blackout drunk? |
31 | Have you ever gotten mad at a friend for posting an unflattering picture of you? |
32 | Have you ever had a crush on a boss or teacher? |
33 | Have you ever had a crush on a coworker? |
34 | Have you ever had a near-death experience? |
35 | Have you ever had a one-night stand? |
36 | Have you ever had a paranormal experience? |
37 | Have you ever had a wardrobe malfunction? |
38 | Have you ever intentionally sabotaged a coworker? |
39 | Have you ever kept a library book? For how long? |
40 | Have you ever let someone take the blame for something you did? |
41 | Have you ever lied about your age? |
42 | Have you ever lied for a friend? |
43 | Have you ever lied on your resume? |
44 | Have you ever lied to your boss? |
45 | Have you ever peed in a pool? |
46 | Have you ever peed in the shower? |
47 | Have you ever picked your nose in public? |
48 | Have you ever pooped your pants as an adult? |
49 | Have you ever pretended to not get a text to get out of doing something? |
50 | Have you ever regifted a present? |
51 | Have you ever regretted something you did to get a crush or partner’s attention? |
52 | Have you ever seen a dead body? |
53 | Have you ever sent a sext to the wrong person? Who? |
54 | Have you ever sent a sext? |
55 | Have you ever seriously injured another person? |
56 | Have you ever stolen something from work? |
57 | Have you ever thrown up in public? |
58 | Have you ever used a fake ID? |
59 | How do you really feel about the twilight saga? |
60 | How do you really feel about your mother-in-law? |
61 | How long have you had your oldest pair of underwear? |
62 | How long was your longest relationship? |
63 | How many gossip blogs do you read a day? |
64 | How many pairs of granny panties do you own? |
65 | How many people have you kissed? |
66 | How many photo editing apps do you have on your phone? |
67 | How many selfies do you take a day? |
68 | How many times a week do you wear the same pants? |
69 | How often do you wash your sheets? |
70 | If I went through your cabinets, what’s the weirdest thing I’d find? |
71 | If you could become invisible, what’s the worst thing you’d do? |
72 | If you could date two people at once, would you do it? If so, who? |
73 | If you could hire someone to do one thing for you, what would it be? |
74 | If you could only hear one song for the rest of your life, what would it be? |
75 | If you could set anyone here up with your best friend, who would it be and why? |
76 | If you could write anyone on Earth in for President of the United States, who would it be and why? |
77 | If you had one week to live and you had to marry someone in this room, who would it be? |
78 | If you had to delete one app from your phone, which one would it be? |
79 | If you had to pick someone in this room to be your partner on a game show, who would it be and why? |
80 | If you met a genie, what would your three wishes be? |
81 | If you switched genders for a day, what would you do? |
82 | If you were guaranteed to never get caught, who on Earth would you murder? |
83 | If you were rescuing people from a burning building and you had to leave one person behind from this room, who would it be? |
84 | Is there an ex with whom you’d consider reconciling? |
85 | List one positive and one negative thing about everyone in the room. |
86 | Meatloaf says he’d do anything for love, but he won’t do “that.” What’s your “that?” |
87 | Name a band you only pretend to like. |
88 | Name one thing you’d change about every person in this room. |
89 | Name someone you’ve pretended to like but actually couldn’t stand. |
90 | What app do you waste the most time on? |
91 | What are you most proud of in your life? |
92 | What are your favorite and least favorite of your body parts? |
93 | What bridges are you glad that you burned? |
94 | What celebrity do you think is overrated? |
95 | What do you think happens when you die? |
96 | What do you want on your tombstone? |
97 | What do your favorite pajamas look like? |
98 | What is that one thing you would never do for all the money in the world? |
99 | What is the worst date you’ve ever been on? |
100 | What is the youngest age partner you’d date? |
101 | What is your greatest fear in a relationship? |
102 | What song do you sing most in the shower? |
103 | What was the greatest day of your life? |
104 | What was the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever done on a date? |
105 | What was your biggest fear as a child? |
106 | What was your first heartbreak? |
107 | What was your most humbling moment? |
108 | What word do you hate the most? |
109 | What’s a skill you wish you had? |
110 | What’s been your most physically painful experience? |
111 | What’s one job you could never do? |
112 | What’s one movie you’re embarrassed to admit you enjoy? |
113 | What’s one responsibility you wish you didn’t have? |
114 | What’s one thing about your partner that you find least attractive? |
115 | What’s one thing in your life you wish you could change? |
116 | What’s one thing you’d do if you knew there no consequences? |
117 | What’s one useless skill you’d love to learn anyway? |
118 | What’s something that overwhelms you? |
119 | What’s something weird you do in your sleep? |
120 | What’s something you know you need to do but aren’t looking forward to at all? |
121 | What’s something you love to do with your friends that you’d never do in front of your partner? |
122 | What’s something you would die if your mom found out about? |
123 | What’s something you’re embarrassed that you’re good at? |
124 | What’s something you’ve done that you still feel guilty about? |
125 | What’s something you’ve done that you’d judge someone else for doing? |
126 | What’s the best lie you’ve ever told anyone? |
127 | What’s the biggest prank you’ve ever played on someone? |
128 | What’s the biggest secret you’ve kept from your parents? |
129 | What’s the cheapest gift you’ve ever gotten for someone else? |
130 | What’s the craziest thing that has happened to you in a mall? |
131 | What’s the craziest thing you’ve done in front of a mirror? |
132 | What’s the craziest thing you’ve done on public transportation? |
133 | What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done in a movie theater? |
134 | What’s the cruelest thing you’ve ever done or said to a romantic partner? |
135 | What’s the dumbest thing you’ve ever lied about? |
136 | What’s the grossest smell that you secretly enjoy? |
137 | What’s the grossest thing that you do alone? |
138 | What’s the hardest drug you’ve ever tried? |
139 | What’s the last lie you told? |
140 | What’s the last movie that made you cry? |
141 | What’s the last purchase you regretted? |
142 | What’s the last song that made you cry? |
143 | What’s the last thing you Googled? |
144 | What’s the last YouTube video you watched? |
145 | What’s the longest you’ve gone without brushing your teeth? |
146 | What’s the longest you’ve gone without showering? |
147 | What’s the meanest thing you’ve ever said to someone else? |
148 | What’s the meanest thing you’ve ever said about someone else? |
149 | What’s the most bogus rumor you’ve ever heard about yourself? |
150 | What’s the most bogus rumor you’ve ever spread or heard about someone else? |
151 | What’s the most childish thing you still do? |
152 | What’s the most common misconception about you? |
153 | What’s the most embarrassing text in your phone right now? |
154 | What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve done in front of a crowd? |
155 | What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever posted on social media? |
156 | What’s the most embarrassing thing your parents have caught you doing? |
157 | What’s the most inappropriate time you’ve ever laughed? |
158 | What’s the most insane thing you’ve done to get out of a speeding ticket? |
159 | What’s the most offensive joke you’ve found funny? |
160 | What’s the most ridiculous thing you have an emotional attachment to? |
161 | What’s the most scandalous photo in your cloud? |
162 | What’s the most sinful thing you’ve done in a house of worship? |
163 | What’s the pettiest thing you’ve ever done? |
164 | What’s the scariest thing that’s ever happened to you? |
165 | What’s the scariest thing you’ve ever done? |
166 | What’s the smallest tip you’ve ever left at a restaurant? |
167 | What’s the weirdest dream you’ve ever had? |
168 | What’s the weirdest place you’ve ever given or gotten someone’s number? |
169 | What’s the weirdest place you’ve ever grown hair? |
170 | What’s the weirdest thing you do while driving? |
171 | What’s the weirdest thing you’ve done on a plane? |
172 | What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever collected? |
173 | What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever done in a bathroom? |
174 | What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever said to a stranger? |
175 | What’s the weirdest thought you’ve had sitting on a toilet? |
176 | What’s the worst advice someone else has ever given you? |
177 | What’s the worst advice you’ve ever given someone else? |
178 | What’s the worst decision one of the other players has ever made? |
179 | What’s the worst present you’ve ever given someone else? |
180 | What’s the worst thing you’ve ever done at work? |
181 | What’s your best pickup line? |
182 | What’s your biggest fear today? |
183 | What’s your biggest insecurity? |
184 | What’s your biggest pet peeve about the person to your left? |
185 | What’s your biggest regret in life? |
186 | What’s your favorite guilty pleasure song? |
187 | What’s your favorite possession? |
188 | What’s your least favorite memory from college? |
189 | What’s your most absurd dealbreaker? |
190 | What’s your most bizarre nickname? |
191 | What’s your most embarrassing childhood memory? |
192 | What’s your most embarrassing grooming habit? |
193 | What’s your most embarrassing late night purchase? |
194 | What’s your number? |
195 | What’s your sleaziest pickup line? |
196 | When and where was your first kiss? Who was it with? |
197 | When did you stop believing in Santa Claus? |
198 | When was the last time you were really angry? Why? |
199 | When was your first time? |
200 | When’s the last time you apologized? What for? |
201 | When’s the last time you cried and why? |
202 | When’s the last time you dumped someone? |
203 | When’s the last time you got caught in a lie? |
204 | When’s the last time you got dumped? |
205 | When’s the last time you got rejected? |
206 | When’s the last time you lurked an ex on social media? |
207 | When’s the last time you made someone else cry? |
208 | When’s the last time you peed your pants? |
209 | When’s the last time you shared a toothbrush with someone else? |
210 | When’s the last time you wanted to hit somebody? |
211 | When’s the last time you watched an adult movie? |
212 | When’s the last time your partner embarrassed you? |
213 | Where are you ticklish? |
214 | Where do most of your embarrassing odors come from? |
215 | Where’s one place you’re dying to visit? |
216 | Which of your family members annoys you the most and why? |
217 | Who are you most jealous of? |
218 | Who do you most often text on the toilet? |
219 | Who in this group would you want to swap lives with for a week? |
220 | Who in this room do you trust the least? |
221 | Who in this room would be your one phone call if you were in jail? |
222 | Who in this room would you list as your emergency contact? |
223 | Who is the best kisser you’ve ever had? |
224 | Who is your favorite person in your immediate family? |
225 | Who was the last person you said, “I love you” to? |
226 | Who was your first love? |
227 | Who was your first? |
228 | Who was your worst kiss ever? |
229 | Who would call you to help bury a body? Would you do it? |
230 | Who would you bring with you on a deserted island? |
231 | Who would you call to help bury a body? |
232 | Who would you hate to see naked? |
233 | Who’s the last person who called you? |
234 | Who’s the last person you lurked on social media? |
235 | Who’s the most surprising person to ever slide into your DMs? |
236 | Who’s the oldest person you’ve dated? |
237 | Who’s the person you most regret hooking up with? |
238 | Who’s your hall pass? |
239 | Who’s your hero? |
240 | Would you break up with your partner for $1 million? |
241 | Would you date someone shorter than you? |
242 | Would you date your high school crush today? |
243 | Would you ever consider being a nudist? |
244 | Would you ever get a prenup? |
245 | Would you ever get plastic surgery? |
246 | Would you marry someone rich even if you weren’t in love with them? |
247 | Would you volunteer as tribute for anyone in this room in |
Dare Questions for friends
Are you on a hunt for Cool Dare questions to make your friend in an awkward situation then this List of Dare Questions for friends will definitely help you?
Dare: Choose any number from 1 – 50 ? #whatsapp_dare
Answer :
1? :: Say “I LOVE YOU” 100 times…
2? :: Change your WhatsApp deepey into my pic for 1 day…
3? :: Cal me and Tell ”I LOVE YOU”
4? :: Spend whole day with me…
5? :: Treat me KFC bucket…
6? :: Post my pic in moment and say “I MISS YOU”…
7? :: Give me your fb id…
8? :: You are lucky. So there is no dare for u…
9? :: Recharge of one month net pack to my number ……
10? :: Say “I SYG YOU” with my name in status…
11? : u run and marry with black boy
12? :: kiss me on cheeks
13? ::who am I for u?
14? :: Describe me in a word…
15? :: wen you are free call me and speek 5 time i love u
16? :: Send me ur cute pic…
17? :: kiss me on my lips and tell me who are me to you
18? :: Post your gf/bf pic…
19? :: Change your deepey in to your gf/bf pic for 1 day…
20? :: Give me your girlfriends num…
21? :: Create a song for me and sing it to me…
22? :: Who is ur second crush???
23? :: Change your deepey into my pic for 1 day…
24? :: Say “I MISS YOU” 50 times…
25? :: How will u propose me?
26? :: Make my pic as your WhatsApp deepey for 2 days…
27? :: Write my name with
❤ in your what’s up status…
28? :: “I AM MAD” Put this as your WhatsApp status for 1 day…
29? :: Take a pic of u now& and send it to me…& What are ur feelings on me?
30? :: Send me ur shirtless pic…
31? :: You are lucky. So there is no dare for u…
32? :: give me a hug wit 100 kiss…
33? :: Buy me 2 cadbury chocolates…
34? :: Call me and tell i love u…
35? :: Send me your crush’s pic…
36? :: Write my name with ur name in what’s up for 1 day…
37? :: Call me and giv 100 kisses…
38? :: Tell me one thing that u never tell anyone…
39? :: You are lucky. So there is no dare for u…
40? :: Tell me a secret about u…
41? :: Tell your secret about your realtionship between you and your gf/bf…
42? :: Make a deepey with u and another person he/she not ur bf/gf…
43? :: ask me a question…
44? :: Tell me something that u want to tell me but u couldnt…
45? :: What is in your mind now???
46? :: Give me your hp number…
47? :: Tell about ur crush…
48? :: Put my name and say “SAYANG I LOVE YOU”…
49? ::What are ur feelings on me?
50? :: You are lucky. So there i no dare for u…
Dare: Choose any number From 1 to 50 And have a dare so be careful2?
Reply Fast:
Answers :
1. Ask me out
2. Send me your cutest pic
3. Ice cream treat
4. What’s your deepest secret?
5. Make my picture your dp for 1 day
6. Delete my number
7. Write my name
8. Give me a treat
9. Put your status for a day saying “I am mad”
10.Take a picture of yourself & send it to me
11.Tell me something you always wanted to say but you couldn’t…
12. Call me and tell I LOVE YOU
13. Do a favor on me
14. What would u want our relation to be?
15. Be my slave for 2 days.
16. Call me and say my name in a loud voice!
17. write my name on your status saying You love me..!!
18. Send me your crush photo.
19. What change would you want in me?
20. Write your and my name in your status for 1 day!
21. Send me a picture of what you are doing now.
22. Voice clip me saying I wanna love you!
23. tell me one thing you have never told anyone
24. what are your feelings about me?
25. Tell me a secret about you?
26. Tell me a secret about your relationship?
27. Make our combined picture as your dp for 1 day
28. Send a voice note saying that you love me.
29. .seduce me to do something?
30. Write my name in Your status
31. make a dp of u and a guy with you. But he should not be your bf.
32. give me a treat
33.send me your best friends number :p
34. Voice clip send me your gonna crazy
35. send a pic of your crush
36. Put your status for a day saying “I Miss You (My Name)”
37. Take a picture of yourself & send it to me now
38. Don’t talk to me for 1 day :O
39. Ask me out
40. Send me a pic of you wearing the least clothes on you
41. What am I to you??
42. What’s your deepest secret? <3
43. Send me a voice note saying my name in a loud voice! (y)
44. Tell me something you always wanted to say but you couldn’t
45. How would you describe me?
46. be my slave for 2 days
47. Send me a picture of what you’re doing now.
48. Write your phone number in your status
49. Send me your favorite chaddi (shorts) pic ?
50. tell me one thing you have never told anyone
Dare: Ask your friend to pick an alphabet from them. Once they replied with an alphabet send them the below list of answers and ask them to do it.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
A: Update your WhatsApp status as “I’m Mad”.
B: Send me a picture of your hands.
C: Flirt with me for the next 15 minutes.
D: Recharge me for 100 Rs
E: Tell me the name of your crush.
F: Change your WhatsApp DP to my picture.
G: Say I Love You in a voice note.
H: Gift me a pair of shoes.
I: Propose me in your style.
J: Tell me a joke.
K: Send the last 5 pictures from your camera roll.
M: Name of your Ex?
N: What is your relationship status.
O: Act as my Slave for the next 10 days.
P: Don’t message me until you take a bath next time.
Q: Tell me one secret.
R: Describe our relationship with a movie name.
S: Sing a song and send it as a voice note.
T: What do you eat today?
U: What do you think about me when you met me for the very first time.
V: How much money do you have in your wallet now?
W: Say the Remaining balance on your mobile phone right now.
X: Send the screenshot of you phone’s home screen.
Y: Dance for 10 seconds and send me that video.
Z: Write “Champ” on your left hand and show me when we meet next time.
Dare: Choose any one of your Lucky number ?
#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #0
#2 Tell something which you do not like in me !
#3 Write a Whatsapp status for me for the next 12 hours!
#4 Call me and sing a song 4 me!
#5 What you like the most in me?
#6 Rate me as a friend from 3 to 9
#7 Rs 10.5 recharge on my phone
#8 Tell me your relationship status-Single, Committed, Complicated, Engaged, Married, Divorced
#9 Tell me your boyfriend/girlfriend’s name.
#0 Rate me in looks from 1 to 99.
Dare: Choose the emoji, and get ready for your dare!!
😀 Tell me something about your personal life.
😁Give me Cadbury silk when u meet me.
😂 Write my name on your status for 6 hours.
🤣 How you want me to be?
😃 Send me your crush picture.
😅 Write your status saying you love me.
😆 Put my DP as your for 2 day
😉 Send me your funniest picture.
😊 Tell me ur crush name
😋 What do you feel about me?
😎 Put my DP and my status for 4 hours.
😍 Hug me tight when you will meet me.
😘 Do my any work.
😥 On spot selfie must send now whatever You are doing.
😮 Do my recharge of 198/-
😪 Send me 10 friendship messages.
😯 Describe me in 3 lines.
😫 Tell me ur deepest secret.
😴 Tell me whom you kissed first in your life
😌 Tell me honestly whom do you love?
😛 Tell me about your love . Describe him/ her.
😜 Write a status that I am the best and keep it for one day.
😝 I will ask you three questions which you have to answer honestly.
🤤 Upload a picture which I will give you, as your profile pic on fb
😒 Propose me right now.
😓 Send me a video of yours by saying anything.
😔 Write a text about me and send it to me.
Dare: Choose any number From 1 to 50 And have a dare so be careful 😝
Reply Fast
Answers :
1. Ask me out
2. Send me your cutest pic
3. Ice cream treat
4. What’s your deepest secret?
5. Make my picture your dp for 1 day
6. Delete my number
7. Write my name
8. Give me a treat
9. Put your status for a day saying “I am mad”
10.Take a picture of yourself & send it to me
11.Tell me something you always wanted to say but you couldn’t…
12. Call me and tell I LOVE YOU
13. Do a favor on me
14. What would u want our relation to be?
15. Be my slave for 2 days.
16. Call me and say my name in a loud voice!
17. write my name on your status saying You love me..!!
18. Send me your crush photo .
19. What change would you want in me?
20. Write your and my name in your status for 1 day!
21. Send me a picture of what your doing now.
22. Voice clip me saying I wanna love you !
23. tell me one thing you have never told anyone
24. what are your feelings about me?
25. Tell me a secret about you 😁
26. Tell me a secret about your relationship?
27. Make our combined picture as your dp for 1 day
28. Send a voice note saying that you love me.
29. .seduce me to do something 😉
30. Write my name in Your status
31. make a dp of u and a guy with you.. But he should not be your bf.
32. give me a treat
33.send me your best friends number :p
34. Voice clip send me your gonna crazy
35. send a pic of your crush
36.Put your status for a day saying “I Miss You (My Name)”
37.Take a picture of yourself & send it to me now
38. Don’t talk to me for 1 day :O
39. Ask me out
40. Send me a pic of you wearing the least clothes on you
41. What am I to you??
42. What’s your deepest secret? <3
43. Send me a voice note saying my name in a loud voice! (y)
44. Tell me something you always wanted to say but you couldn’t
45. How would you describe me?
46. be my slave for 2 days
47. Send me a picture of what your doing now.
48. Write your phone number in your status
49. Send me your favorite chaddi (shorts) pic 🙃
50. tell me one thing you have never told anyone
Dare: Select any number from 1 to 25 and I’ll tell your dare
Answer :
1. Send a voice note saying that You love me.
2. Give me a treat
3. write my name <3 in your status O:)
4. Ignore me 😄
5. Tell me a secret about you 🤐
6. delete my number :/
7. Make my picture your dp for 1 day
8. send a pic of your legs
9. who am I for You.
10.Take a picture of yourself & send it to me now
11. Don’t talk to me for 1 day :O
12. Ask me out
13. Send me your latest picture
14. What was your secret ?
15. What’s your deepest secret?<3
16. Send me a voice note saying my name in a loud voice!(y)
17. Tell me something you always wanted to say but you couldn’t
18.write ma name on your status saying you love me..!!
19. be my slave for 2 days
20. Write your phone number in your status for 1 day!! B)
21. Send me a picture of what your doing now.
22. Voice clip me saying I wanna go crazy
23. tell me one thing you have never told anyone B)
24. what’s on your mind
25. describe me with a single Movie name?
📓: You love me
📘 : Timepass
📙 : Tag me in Instagram Caption
📒 : You need me
📗 : You are addicted to me
📔 : I’m nothing for you
Dare Questions for Crush or GF
Dare Questions for Crush is the best thing to play with your friends, crush, and Lover. I am sure you have sent many Dare Questions DM to your contacts. As you know, technology is developed rapidly all over the world and people totally rely upon brands.
Dare: Select your desired Heart Number and reply to me in 10 seconds and I will send you Dare for your selected Heart and remember that you can’t back out as you have chosen to play this WhatsApp Game.
❤1 ❤2 ❤3 ❤4 ❤5 ❤6 ❤7 ❤8 ❤9 ❤10 ❤11 ❤12 ❤13 ❤14 ❤15 ❤16 ❤17 ❤18 ❤19 ❤20
Here is the Dare to perform for your selected Heart Number.
- ❤ Propose Me. ?
- ❤ Make My Name As Your Status, Saying That You Want To Marry Me.?
- ❤ Send Me I Love You. ?
- ❤ Sing Your Favourite Song Or Dedicate A Song To Me As A Video Clip. ?
- ❤ Speak About Me For At Least 3 Minutes And Send Me A Video. ?
- ❤ Tell Me Which Brand Undergarments You Wear.?
- ❤ Tell Me Your Deepest Secret.
- ❤ Flirt me!!?
- ❤ Make A Collage Of Our Photos And Make It DP. ?
- ❤ Tell Me The Name Of Your First Crush. ?
- ❤ Write I Love You 50 Times And Send It To Me. ?
- ❤ Tell Me The Name Of First Girl/Boy, You Kissed. ?
- ❤ Come On Video Call And Send Me Kisses. ?
- ❤ What Am I To You?
- ❤ Be My One Day BF/GF.?
- ❤ Send Me A Picture Of What You Are Doing Now.
- ❤ Do, 6,7 and 11th Dare.
- ❤ Dance On Any Song And Send Me The Video.
- ❤ Send Me A Picture Of You Wearing Least Clothes.
- ❤ Tell Me Two Negative Points About Me That You Hate The Most.
Dare: Choose one of your favorite colors from below and I will dare you. Remember, you need to perform the task given task. Otherwise, Take a breath and think again before participating.
- Yellow
- Blue
- Green’
- Orange
- Purple
- Red
- White
- Yellow – Ask your neighbor for a roll of toilet paper
- Blue – Delete your Partner’s Number from your phone
- Green – Don’t Talk to your partner for 24 hours.
- Orange – Tell your partner name to your mom.
- Purple – Drink 1 Glass Water within 10 seconds.
- Red – Read the last message from your partner loudly.
- White – Use your partner’s photo on your WhatsApp story.
Dare: Choose any number between 1 to 25 and I will send you your dare.
1. Write your crush name in your status.
2. Will you kill anyone if you get permission? If yes, Who is that person?
3. Be my GF/BF for one day.
4. The quality you like the most in yourself?
5. The quality you’d like to change in yourself?
6. What do you like about me?
7. The thing you don’t like in me
8. In your interest, the person you like to marry.
9. Send me your cutest picture.
10. Describe me in one word.
11. The most important person in your life?
12. My contact name on your phone.
13. The nickname you want to give me?
14. Things you like most in me?
15. A color that suits me?
16. Relation status you want to be with me? (No cheating)
17. The thing you like most about my character?
18. The thing you hate in my attitude?
19. Which type of dress suits me most?
20. Dedicate a song to our relationship?
21. Rate my WhatsApp profile picture out of 100?
22. The first thing you notice in a person when you meet them for the first time.
23. Your Best Friend.
24. What is your opinion on me?
25. What is your crazy dream?
Dare: Select any one option from the given list and I will tell you who I am for you.
- Dairy Milk
- Cold Coffee
- Pizza
- Cigarette
- Chocolates
- Pastries
- Chips…
- You love me
- Time Pass?
- We are friends?
- You need me. ?
- Good friends for life: -x
- Addicted to me?
- I can’t live without me. ?
Dare: Choose a three-digit number from below and I will tell you exactly what you are. Reply fast!!!
- 012
- 123
- 234
- 345
- 456
- 567
- 678
- 789
- 890
012: Handsome?
123: Loving and most caring:-?
234: Silent Killer?
345: True Lover?
456: Sex Addicted?
567: Heart Broker?
678: Sweet ?
789: Lazy?
890: Hard Worker?
Dare: Choose a ❤ from the given below and I will send you a dare for the selected.❤ Please note that you can’t revert back from the dare if you choose to play.
❤1 ❤2 ❤3 ❤4 ❤5 ❤6 ❤7 ❤8 ❤9 ❤10
❤1. Be My BF/GF for 1 day
❤2. Use My Photo as your WhatsApp DP
❤3. Reveal your relationship status – Single or committed?
❤4. What do you like the most in me?
❤5. Rate my look from 1 to 10
❤6. Propose me
❤7. Kiss Me
❤8. What Kind of Relationship do you expect from me?
❤9. What qualities do you search for your life partner?
❤10. Tell me the name of your GF/BF
Dare: 10 Simple questions are there, you have to ask answers to your lover and check how much she/he loves you.
- Things you like most in me?
- Your Favourite Colour?
- A nickname that you have given to me?
- My Contact name on your phone?
- The things you hate in me?
- Things you like most about my personality?
- Relation status you want to be with me?
- Which dress color suits me the most?
- Your Favourite Song?
- Rate My DP out of 10?
Send this Whatsapp dare messages to your contacts and check out their interesting answers.
Dare: Rearrange these : (Hint – 10 Daily life things)
- ckwcloall
- akoeofbc
- nilegnifac
- mresceboeinl
- rsiomagsrlr
- bhtdeees
- ptapwash
- orimrr
- bkoo
Answers: Wants to know answers of given dares? See Below?
- Wall Clock
- Facebook?
- Ceiling Fan
- Mobile Screen?
- Mirror Glass
- Bedsheet?
- Sunlight?
- Mirror
- Book?
Dare: Answers These Questions?
- Who I am for you?
- One Word that describes me?
- How did we meet for the first time?
- My name of your phone?
- First Impression?
- Current Impression?
- Do you trust me?
- What you dislike about me?
Send it to your friends and get amazing replies but reply to me first ?? I will put on my story…
Answers For Given Dares: If your friends ask you to answer these given dares, then you can use these funny answers: -x
- Akhand Chutiya?
- Chutiya?
- Pata Nahi?
- Best Friend <3
- Dekhte Hi Laga tha koi chutiya niklega ?
- Same as Earlier (Chutiya)?
- Bilkul Nahi?
- Stop Doing Chutiyapa
These are some Whatsapp Dare Questions & Answers for friends. Some other WhatsApp dares are shared below for friends.
Dare: Answer ONLY in ‘Yes‘ or ‘No‘
1) If somebody sits in the first row, normally people entering the class sees them.
2) If a girl looks at anyone and laughs, is it love?
3) While singing, if somebody forgets lines of the songs, will he/she stop singing?
4) Shouldn’t I introduce you to my parents as a friend?
5) You have said you also like Banana, karela, juice. Is it true?
Dare: Select any number from 1 – 6
- : You love me
- : Timepass
- : You’re playing with me
- : You need me
- : You are addicted to me
- : I’m nothing for you
Dare: Select a ❤️ and I will give you a dare?
❤️ 1 ❤️ 2 ❤️ 3 ❤️ 4 ❤️ 5 ❤️ 6 ❤️ 7 ❤️ 8 ❤️ 9 ❤️ 10
- Use my pic as your WhatsApp story for one day?
- purpose me?
- Tell me your biggest secret?
- Tell me the name of your crush ❤️
- Write “getting married” in your Whatsapp status ?? ??
- Send me your funniest pic?
- First thing you notice in me when you meet me first?
- Tell me the name of your BF/GF.?
- What is your memorable day?
- 50 rs. recharge on my number?
Extreme dare Questions For Family
Check an extreme list of Popular dare Questions for your Friends family and Crush. Probably these Dare Questions are more used in this modern Era.
1 | Name ten body parts that your partner likes to kiss |
2 | Say a list of 10 items or things you bought and never used or regretted buying |
3 | If you were the opposite s*x for one hour, what would you do? |
4 | What was the most embarrassing moment of your life? |
5 | Have you ever been humiliated? Explain what happened and how you felt |
6 | Describe the strangest dream you’ve had in your life |
7 | Which player would you like to swap lives with for a week? |
8 | What physical feature do you get complimented on the most? |
9 | What is that one thing you would never do even if someone offered you all of the money in the world? |
10 | Among all the people in this room, which guy/girl would you like to date? |
11 | Who in the room do you think would be a bad date? |
12 | What is the quality or characteristic that would like to change about you? |
13 | Have you fallen in love with a friend of your partner? Has anyone noticed? |
14 | What do you think that your boyfriend/girlfriend thinks about marriage? |
15 | What was the craziest thing that has happened to you in a mall? |
16 | Mention the most annoying experience in some shopping. |
17 | What is the meanest thing you have done in your life? |
18 | Have you ever thought of cheat on your boyfriend/girlfriend? |
19 | Have you ever lied to your partner to avoid an intimate moment, for example, say that you feel sick? |
20 | What is the worst rumor or gossip you said or repeated and at the end was something wrong? |
21 | What was the most disgusting joke ever played with someone? |
22 | What’s your wildest fantasy? |
23 | Have you ever peed in a pool? |
24 | What is the most stupid thing you’ve done in front of a crowd? |
25 | What’s the first thing you would do if you were invisible? |
26 | Have you ever been hinted or has overstepped someone of the same s*x? What happened, how did you react? |
27 | Which of the players in this group considered to have the most sensual and daring clothes? |
28 | Who do you think is the worst party dress? What would you recommend? |
29 | You might think that someone of your friends or family made a terrible decision for life says who and what s/he did. |
30 | Say who (here) has a wrong partner or does not suit him. |
31 | If you were marooned on an island with one person whom you know personally, who would like it to be that person? |
32 | He mentions something that ever done and that you did not want to be known |
33 | What is the dumbest thing you’ve said your partner while on intimacy? |
34 | Have you ever picked your nose and eaten it? |
35 | Which of the people who are in this game, considered to have the best body? |
36 | Which of the people who are in this game, believes it has lately deteriorated their physical appearance: his body, his dress? |
37 | If you could suddenly become invisible, what more naughty things you like to do? |
38 | Go up to someone and scare them. |
39 | Very affectionately kiss another participant (the rest can choose whom). |
40 | Give a massage to a companion for 5 minutes. |
41 | Eat a tablespoon of butter. |
42 | Asks for money on the street telling a funny story and nothing credible and board 50$. |
43 | Sing and dance in the street like crazy. |
44 | Become the slave of another player of your choosing for 5 mins. |
45 | Embrace the first passing through the street. |
46 | Dance with a broom or mop. |
47 | For guys: Briefly walk like a lady in high heels. |
48 | Climb to sing in the bar of a bar. |
49 | Declare who is your true love. |
50 | Tell something very intimate. |
51 | Sing the alphabet without moving your mouth. |
52 | Do your best president impression. |
53 | Yell out the first word that comes to your mind right now. |
54 | Call the pizza place and order 300 sardine pizzas. |
55 | Once you have your eyes closed, feel someone’s face and guess who they are. |
56 | Make up a story about the item to your right. |
57 | Sing everything you say for the next 10 minutes. |
58 | Give a foot massage to someone present. |
59 | Give the person to your left a hickey. |
60 | Say the alphabet backward in 15 seconds. |
61 | Ask a random stranger to make out with you. |
62 | Act like you do not understand your language until your next turn (come up with your language). |
63 | Do pushups until it’s your turn again. |
64 | Wear a finger mustache for the next 5 minutes. |
65 | Eat a raw egg. |
66 | Bark like a dog. |
67 | Sing a song all the way through to the end. |
68 | Dance wildly to your favorite song. |
69 | Act like a dog and get petted by everyone. |
70 | Get a shower with all your clothes on. |
71 | Draw a face around your belly button. |
72 | Let someone write a word on your forehead in permanent marker. |
73 | Post an embarrassing picture of yourself online. |
74 | Put ice cube down bra or underwear and wait till melts. |
75 | Act like an old lady or an old man. |
76 | Spin around ten times, when you get done, try to walk in a straight line. |
77 | Go a whole minute without blinking. |
78 | Say “banana” after everything you say until it is your turn again. |
79 | Act like a monkey until it is your turn again. |
Dare Questions are the best games to play with your Lover, friends, and family. It is for sure that we all have sent many dare messages to the contacts. In the olden days, people used to play lots of games at home with their friends.
But nowadays, that does not work as we can’t see that thing anywhere as the new generation spends most of the time with their Mobile phones and laptops. I will include a new Dare Questions when new dare questions are there. Thank you for reading this article.