650+ Perfect Questions To Ask Your Boyfriend Now

Complete Fun, Romantic, Deep, Good, Freaky, Relationship, Cute Flirty, Sexual Questions to ask your boyfriend to build strong relationship in 2021.

Men are mostly incapable of continuing a conversation for their notorious short answers. I have collected 650+ best questions to ask your boyfriend to keep the conversation going and maintain the elasticity in between your relationship to know each other. Psychologically tested these what question to ask your boyfriend questions are something that in today’s date, every girl should be aware of.

Nothing comes for free in life, you need to put some extra effort in order to retain your partner. Just two or three questions for each date night and then talk about the answers but in detail.

650+ Perfect Questions To Ask Your Boyfriend Now

Complete Fun, Romantic, Deep, Good, Freaky, Relationship, Cute Flirty, Sexual Questions to ask your boyfriend to build a strong relationship in 2021. I did the homework for you and shared the handpicked list of questions to ask your boyfriend, you just need to use them at the right timing.

The time to use questions to ask your boyfriend is also discussed after each section. Make sure you took a look at the timing guide before using these questions to ask your boyfriend.

Fun Questions To Ask Your Boyfriend

Lighten the boring serious conversations with fun questions to ask your boyfriend like what’s a lame joke you use on a regular basis? Tested earlier these proven questions to ask a boyfriend funny can be also used as questions to ask your ex-boyfriend to test what they are holding for you, emotion or grudges.

Sl. No. Fun Question list To Ask Your Boyfriend
1 What’s a lame joke you use on a regular basis?
2 Do you have any hidden talents?
3 Have you ever had a dream about me?
4 If I was a dessert, what would I be and why?
5 What did you think to yourself after our first fight?
6 What’s the most daring thing you’ve ever done?
7 What are your secret thoughts when you see me at the end of the day?
8 What is your favorite physical feature of mine?
9 What sport would you never want to watch?
10 Who is the most beautiful person you can think of?
11 What’s your best memory from growing up?
12 What is your favorite thing to do in your spare time?
13 If I got really sick with a long-term illness, would you stick around and take care of me?
14 How have you changed in the past 5 years?
15 Would you prefer to cook a romantic dinner, or do the romantic dishes?
16 What was your favorite subject in school and why?
17 What kind of student were you?
18 What does this relationship mean to you?
19 If you had a horse, what funny name would you give it?
20 Are you an optimist, a pessimist, or a realist?
21 If I were offered a promotion and had to move away, would you move with me?
22 Will you support my decision if I want to go back to school one day?
23 Would it embarrass you if I called you a pet name in front of your friends?
24 What is your favorite thing I ever did for a special occasion for you?
25 How will we make sure the chores around the house are divided fairly?
26 Where is your favorite place to be kissed?
27 How important do you think date nights are when you’re married and have children?
28 What’s the story behind your last Instagram photo?
29 What do you think has been the hands-down funniest moment since we started dating?
30 What is your biggest pet peeve?
31 What were the major turning points in your life?
32 Where do you want to be living in 10 years?
33 If you could change your first name, the question to ask your boyfriend what would be the most epic name you could choose?
34 If your friends told you to dump me, how would you react?
35 What is the No. 1 thing you look for in a partner?
36 How do you want to be remembered?
37 Which of our kids are most like you? (or if you aren’t parents yet: Do you ever picture having kids?)
38 When you were a kid, did you feel that you fitted in?
39 Who of your friends do you like to spend time with the most?
40 If you could change anything about the way you were raised, what would it be?
41 Do you have a secret hunch about how you will die?
42 Do you think I look cute even when playing tomboy sports?
43 Can you explain to me the process of menstruation and why it occurs?
44 If you had one word to describe our relationship what would it be?
45 If you could change your name to anything, would you change it, and what would you change it to?
46 Do you prefer that I make the first move?
47 If we were to break up, who would move out?
48 What was your first impression of me when we actually met?
49 Would you go dress shopping or shoe shopping with me?
50 If you could have dinner with three people in the world, who would they be?
51 What does being together mean to you?
52 Did you go through puberty before or after everyone else, or right on time?
53 What’s your favorite magazine?
54 What makes life worth living to you?
55 You can only wear one thing for the rest of your life. What do you choose?
56 What would your dream mansion look like?
57 Do you let me win games?
58 How do you know you’re doing the right thing with your life?
59 What quirks does your body have?
60 Are you friends with your exes?
61 What’s your favorite waste of time?
62 What’s the one thing you want to achieve the most before you die?
63 What’s your take on getting the housework done if both partners work outside the home?
64 Describe me in a single word.
65 If I have to work really late, will you have a problem with cooking or picking up some dinner for both of us?
66 Where are you originally from? questions to ask your boyfriend What was your favorite place and why?
67 When did you know you wanted to be monogamous with me?
68 What kind of flower would describe me?
69 Do you ever get jealous if you see me talking to other attractive people?
70 If I was really sad, what would you do to cheer me up?
71 Do any health problems run in your family?
72 If our relationship ended, what’s the one thing about it you’d miss the most?
73 What’s one type of household chore you’re unwilling, or at least very resistant, to do?
74 Who was your favorite teacher when you were a child?
75 What’s a dirty habit that you can’t get rid of?
76 At what point did you decide that you wanted us to be “official?”
77 Which trait of mine drew you towards me?
78 Which of your personality traits do you wish you could change?
79 What’s the worst purchase you’ve ever made?
80 What about our relationship makes you really happy?
81 If you had to change one thing about yourself, what would you pick?

Time to Use: Avoid these questions to ask your boyfriend when he’s drunk if you don’t risk ending up being heartbroken. Some funny questions become a hard question to ask your boyfriend in such moments and might lose their essence as a question to ask your boyfriend funny.

Romantic Questions To Ask Your Boyfriend

A list of romantic questions to ask your boyfriend when you bored or want to accelerate the effects of the ambiance to turn into your favor like asking what is the most romantic place you’ve ever visited? Allow them to open up about their feelings and answer in more than one word.

Sl. No. Romantic Questions To Ask Your Boyfriend
1 What is the most romantic place you’ve ever visited?
2 What’s one secret you’ve wanted to tell me, but haven’t?
3 If you could be anyone else for a day, who would you choose?
4 If one of your friends flirted with me and I told you about it, how would you handle it?
5 Which of my friends do you think is the most fun?
6 What do you think of my dream of becoming a ______? (Fill in your own goal, like a novelist, karaoke star, or TV personality.)
7 What is something you want to know about me?
8 If you could go to the moon, would you?
9 What is your favorite body part?
10 How many times did you want to kiss me before our actual first kiss?
11 What’s one thing you’re scared to ask me, but really want to know the answer to?
12 Do you prefer coffee or tea?
13 What’s the angriest you ever felt?
14 Which would you like most: a summer house, a year-long vacation, or a boat?
15 Would you be willing to go in for testing again before we get more involved?
16 What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever eaten and liked?
17 Has a sad movie ever made you cry?
18 What things do I do that make you blush?
19 Do you ever dream about me?
20 Is there anything you consider absolutely unforgivable?
21 Have you ever been afraid of a ghost?
22 What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever eaten?
23 What names were ruined for you because you knew someone terrible with that name?
24 How would you describe our first kiss?
25 If I had to move away really far, would you come with me?
26 Do you think we’ve met before in a previous life?
27 If you could see into the future, what’s one thing you want to see?
28 Do you think I’m cute?
29 What’s the weirdest wrong number text or phone call you’ve gotten?
30 If we were stranded on an island with no food, would you hunt to help us survive?
31 What about us both is exactly the same since we first started dating?
32 What should a healthy relationship provide for the people in it?
33 What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done?
34 Do I make you want a future with me?
35 What’s your favorite thing about traveling?
36 Do you have any habits you want to change?
37 Which of your parents are you most like?
38 What’s your greatest talent?
39 Have you ever been cheated on?
40 What is your favorite date night movie?
41 Where is your favorite place to be with me?
42 Do you like it when I touch your face?
43 Do you have any regrets?
44 If you won the lottery, what would you do with the money?
45 What should be the next advancement in shoes?
46 How do you see our future together? Where do you see it headed?
47 Do you ever picture having grandchildren?
48 What was your best Halloween costume?
49 Do you have any secrets you’d share with me?
50 Am I the kind of girl you’d take home to your parents?
51 How do you feel about Elizabeth Warren and why?
52 What is your most controversial movie-related opinion?
53 Have you put yourself at risk for an STD by skipping protection?
54 What is your most unique trait?
55 What is the best outfit you’ve ever seen me wear?
56 How do you feel when we’re apart?
57 Would you ever dress up for no reason and just dance with me anywhere, even an empty parking lot?
58 What’s your favorite time of day to be intimate?
59 If you could live inside the world of one TV show, which would you choose?
60 Do you think you’ve been vulnerable in our relationship?
61 What is one thing that you wouldn’t change about your life?
62 Who was your hero when you were growing up?
63 When do you feel the most protected and taken care of?
64 What’s the kindest thing someone’s done for you?
65 Are you and your ex still friends?
66 When you break up with someone, how do you do it?
67 What, to you, is the most important thing in life?
68 What’s your favorite memory of us?
69 What is your happiest memory?
70 What was your favorite subject in middle school?
71 Who is your celebrity crush?
72 Tell me about your favorite childhood pet.
73 Do you think you would do better or worse on the SATs if you had to take them now?
74 What is your favorite board game?
75 What are your retirement plans?
76 How did you feel when we had our first kiss?
77 What’s the worst dream you’ve ever had?
78 Do you ever wish I could read your mind? When?
79 Do you think men and women can be platonic friends?
80 What’s something you’re afraid to tell me?

Time to Use: Romance is a powerful energy, do not mistake it for flirting. Avoid using these questions to ask your new boyfriend if you do not see him in your future bigger picture.

Deep Questions To Ask Your Boyfriend

Strengthen your relationship by asking a deep question to ask your boyfriend like what is the No.1 thing you look for in a partner? A serious questions list to ask your boyfriend like this will allow checking if you can be part of his bigger picture or not. These are personal questions list to ask your boyfriend, questions to ask your boyfriend about you will leave you in a different portal to have a deep conversation with your partner.

Deep Questions To Ask Your Boyfriend

Sl. No. Deep Questions To Ask Your Boyfriend
1 What is the No.1 thing you look for in a partner?
2 What’s your favorite book?
3 Where is your favorite place to kiss me?
4 What career do you wish you could have?
5 What kind of future do you see between the two of us?
6 What was your favorite toy?
7 What’s your best feature?
8 Would you ever quit your job to travel the world?
9 Would you meet my parents?
10 Do I look cute while working out?
11 Have you been tested for STDs/HIV?
12 What’s the happiest you ever felt?
13 If you could describe me with three words, what would they be?
14 Who was your first crush?
15 What was your parents’ relationship like?
16 Who’s the closest person to you in your extended family?
17 Are you superstitious?
18 Do you want kids? How many?
19 What’s your favorite non-sex activity that we do together?
20 When you wake up in the middle of the night, what do you think about?
21 What part of my body do you like the most?
22 What do you think I’d say is your most attractive quality?
23 Do you want to get married?
24 If you could feed me a dessert, what would you pick?
25 Do you think someone can be too much in love?
26 What’s the last thing you Googled?
27 Can you name ten authors who are not men?
28 Do you think I’m stronger in my career or stronger in my personal life?
29 What’s the worst thing you’ve ever done?
30 Why do you like/love me?
31 If I looked completely different, would you still love me?
32 If your life were a movie, what would it be called?
33 Why are shy when talking to me?
34 What’s your favorite animal and why?
35 What would you do if money and work were not factors?
36 Will you tell me if I have lipstick on my teeth or if my hair is standing straight up?
37 Hotdog or hamburger?
38 How did your last relationship end?
39 Who will be responsible for screening babysitters or a nanny?
40 Do you believe in fate? destiny?
41 What was the very first thing you thought about me?
42 When do you think you will be ready to move in together?
43 Is there a song that you think of when you think of me?
44 What’s something you’re glad you’ll never have to do again?
45 If you could change one thing about me what would it be?
46 Do you think I’m pretty?
47 What’s your favorite way to show affection?
48 Would you introduce me to your parents?
49 Do you believe there’s one person you’re ‘meant to be with?
50 Would you kiss me on the neck?
51 What do you think we need to work on the most in our relationship?
52 What was your first favorite movie, as a child?
53 When do you think is the right time to say “I love you”?
54 When you’re sick, do you like to have someone taking care of you, or do you prefer to be left alone until you’re better?
55 What silly thing do you take a lot of pride in?
56 What reminds you of me?
57 Who is your favorite cartoon character ever?
58 What makes you the happiest?
59 Do you think I’ve been vulnerable in our relationship?
60 If you could choose to be talented with words, music, or dance, what would you choose?
61 What do you like most that I do in bed?
62 What is a mistake you’ve made in a relationship in the past that you don’t want to repeat?
63 How did you spend your summer vacation?
64 If you could change one thing about our relationship what would it be?
65 What’s your favorite dessert?
66 In your life, what has been the biggest blessing in disguise?
67 Would you take my hand to dance, even if nobody else was on the dance floor?
68 What is the funniest thing I’ve ever said to you?
69 Do you believe everything happens for a reason, or do we just find reasons after things happen?
70 What’s something that you want to change about yourself?
71 What’s the worst breakup you’ve ever experienced? Why was it so bad?
72 Do you mean it when you say you love me?
73 Are you able to keep your anger under control?
74 Did you have a lot of friends as a child, or did you have just a few really good ones?
75 Who is one person you wish you could be?
76 What’s the accomplishment you are most proud of?
77 Do you think there’s such thing as the ‘right’ person for you?
78 What is your favorite sexual memory of us?
79 What makes you feel alive?
80 How would you deal with a disagreement with one of my family members or friends?
81 What’s one difference between us that you absolutely love?

Time to Use: Question to ask your boyfriend about your relationship are deeply rooted so avoid using these important questions to ask your boyfriend if he is not in a serious conversation or at least feeling happy to have a deep conversation.

Good Questions To Ask Your Boyfriend

Carefully selected good questions to ask your boyfriend are the most interesting questions to ask your boyfriend like have you ever been cheated on? Wondering about what are good questions to ask your boyfriend, these are the spells that never go vain when cast. Even a short answer like yes or no from the opposite end leads to the multiple numbers of questions following this, leading to long conversation time.

Sl. No. Good Questions To Ask Your Boyfriend
1 Have you ever been cheated on?
2 What are your plans for getting out of debt or staying out of it?
3 If there was only one cookie left, would you give it to me?
4 What is your first thought in the morning when you wake up next to me?
5 If you had a secret lair like Batman or Superman, what would it be like?
6 What is the best thing about our relationship?
7 If you could wake up tomorrow having gained one quality or ability, what would it be?
8 What is your favorite pet name for me?
9 What is your favorite sexual position?
10 Have ever been in a relationship?
11 Do you believe in soulmates?
12 What is your favorite Simpsons joke?
13 What’s your favorite memory with your dad?
14 What is your favorite song?
15 What crazy things will you do if you ever become rich?
16 What do you get overly emotional about?
17 What is the most romantic place you’ve ever visited?
18 What is your favorite sexual fantasy?
19 Would you kiss me on the forehead?
20 What is your philosophy on money within a marriage? Is what’s yours mine and vice versa, or will you prefer separate accounts and a roommate situation with bill paying?
21 Best purchase?
22 Would you kiss me on the nose?
23 Do you like to cuddle?
24 Would you hold my hand in public?
25 Where do you see yourself living when you retire?
26 What’s the craziest thing you’d do for me?
27 What would your perfect day look like?
28 Guess what part of your body I like the most.
29 What’s one thing you hope happens in the future of our relationship?
30 What do I mean to you?
31 Do you think we’re soulmates?
32 Do you want to live together?
33 What kind of movie do you like us to watch together?
34 What was your feeling when we had our first kiss?
35 Do you want a big wedding or a small one?
36 What’s a new nickname/pet name that you would like to call me?
37 If we could go anywhere together right now, where would you want to go?
38 How long do you think we will live together before getting married?
39 How do you feel about taking in family members during a hard time? Elderly parents?
40 What do you think about couples who own a business together and spend all their time together?
41 Where have you always wanted to travel?
42 What is the hottest you’ve ever looked?
43 What would you do with an extra $1,000 to spend only on yourself?
44 If you could pick one year of your life to do over, which would it be and why?
45 What do you think each person’s role is in a marriage?
46 What celebrity most resembles me?
47 If there was only one cookie left, would you share it?
48 Do you have any bad habits I should know about?
49 What’s your favorite drink and why?
50 What do you remember most about the night/day we first met?
51 Did you ever consider a totally different career path?
52 Do you think about me during the day?
53 If you could choose a superpower, what would you choose?
54 What’s your favorite piece of clothing?
55 How often do you go into a room and forget why you went into the room?
56 What’s your dream job?
57 When was a time you were deeply hurt?
58 When’s the last time you felt vulnerable? How did you cope?
59 What’s the kindest thing you’ve ever done for someone?
60 What do you think of public displays of affection?
61 Coffee or tea?
62 Love or sex?
63 Who knows you the best?
64 What do you feel when you look into my eyes?
65 What are your thoughts on having a family?
66 What did you think after your first sexual experience?
67 Who do you think is the most affectionate in our relationship?
68 Would you ever go skinny dipping with me?
69 How do you feel about my family and/or friends?
70 Who was your first kiss?
71 When was the last time you cried and why?
72 Are you open to the idea of marriage counseling?
73 How much debt do you have right now?
74 How can you tell that you’re going to be friends with someone?
75 What is your favorite memory of dating me?
76 Would you kiss me on the wrist?
77 What about us do you think works well together? How do we balance each other out?
78 What’s the most anxious you ever felt?
79 What’s another career that you think you would love?
80 What are some prominent things that have happened in your past that you think have contributed greatly to who you are today?
81 What is your ideal date?

Time to Use: You got the solution for what are some good questions to ask your boyfriend. Do not overuse them, they are golden nuggets that need to be used during a crisis. Stock them up and use them for some future dead conversations.

Freaky Questions To Ask Your Boyfriend

Freezy late replies? Try freaky questions to ask your boyfriend ask if you want children, how many children do you want? At times these dirty talk to your boyfriend or weird questions to ask your boyfriend makes them pause for a while before they answer casually to you and other girls at the same time.

Sl. No. Freaky Questions To Ask Your Boyfriend
1 How many children do you want?
2 How do you handle disagreements?
3 Do you think it’s OK for men and women who are in separate relationships to go have coffee or lunch together?
4 What’s one household chore you don’t know how to do?
5 If you could go anywhere right now, where would you go?
6 What traits do you like about yourself?
7 What is an important life lesson you’ve learned?
8 What about us is both exactly the same since we first started dating?
9 Where is your favorite place to be massaged?
10 What’s your biggest weakness in this relationship?
11 Describe an ideal weekend.
12 Do you think aliens exist?
13 What is your favorite love song?
14 If a girl asked for your number, would you give it to her, just in case we break up?
15 What does love mean to you?
16 What was your relationship like with your parents?
17 Do you plan to adopt or purchase a pet in the near future?
18 Everything happens for a reason—why do you think we met?
19 Cookie dough or cookies?
20 How can you tell you’re really comfortable with someone?
21 What’s something you believe that most people don’t?
22 Do you talk about me when you’re with your friends?
23 Do you prefer to listen to your heart or brain when making important decisions?
24 What are some of your favorite childhood memories?
25 What’s the most romantic movie you’ve ever seen?
26 Describe the ideal vacation.
27 Would you rather live in a cave or under the sea?
28 Do you think fighting in a relationship is healthy, or do you think it should be avoided?
29 If money were no object, what would you have for breakfast every day?
30 Is there anything you’re afraid of in life?
31 Have you ever gotten really obsessed with some topic?
32 What are some things in your childhood you’d like to improve upon for your child/children?
33 What do you want to change about us as a couple?
34 Which color underwear have you worn today?
35 What was your first impression of me?
36 When’s the last time you pushed out of your comfort zone? How did it make you feel?
37 Would you ever write a song for me?
38 If something happened where I had to move very far away, would you attempt long-distance? Or go our separate ways?
39 What you rather eat McDonald’s or a nice, healthy meal?
40 Do you want a small wedding, a large one, a visit to the courthouse, an elopement, or do you have no opinion at all?
41 What is your favorite meal of all time?
42 Do I make you happy?
43 If you could change one thing in history, what would it be?
44 How much time do you spend on social networking in a week?
45 How will we handle paying the bills?
46 As a teenager, did you ever rebel against your parents?
47 What are your thoughts on divorce?
48 What things about me make you know I’m the one for you?
49 Would you change anything about your life, if you could?
50 How would you handle it if you lost your job?
51 Would you ever take me out on a picnic under the stars?
52 What’s one similarity between us that you absolutely love?
53 What do you want to do when you retire?
54 What was one of the best moments of your life?
55 If I could be your passenger in any car or vehicle, what would it be?
56 What event made you mature as a person the most?
57 What’s your biggest regret?
58 What’s your favorite way to receive affection?
59 What’s worst first date you’ve ever had?
60 Would you take me out to see a chick flick?
61 Share with your partner an embarrassing moment in your life.
62 Can you tell me about your most embarrassing moment?
63 Does it make you feel good when I tell you how cute you are?
64 Would you rather be a stay-at-home parent or a working parent and why?
65 Given the choice of anyone in the world, whom would you want as a dinner guest?
66 How old were you when you had your first kiss?
67 Who’s your celebrity crush?
68 What’s the best piece of advice you ever received?
69 How would you handle it if you thought another guy was hitting on me?
70 Do you think you’ll ever want to settle down and have kids?
71 Are you a neat freak, or do you tend to leave socks and other items lying around everywhere?
72 What do you think was your most vulnerable moment in our relationship?
73 Do you usually follow your head or your heart when making decisions?
74 What is the best gift you’ve ever given a partner?
75 Have you ever been in love before?
76 Do you like the way I walk?
77 What’s one thing I do that makes you feel good, that you wish I did more?
78 What are three words you would use to describe yourself?
79 What’s your biggest fear for this relationship?
80 Do you feel your parents treated you and your siblings the same or was there favoritism?
81 Do you think I’m more of an optimist, a pessimist, or a realist?

Time to Use: These questions are great for truth or dare questions to ask your boyfriend as well, also well known for questions to ask your boyfriend to get to know him. Avoid using these while having deep conversation about your future plans.

Relationship Questions To Ask Your Boyfriend

Take things to the next level with relationship questions to ask your boyfriend like when do you think is the right time to say “I love you”? Tons of questions to ask a boyfriend about your relationship are also used as truth questions ideas to ask your boyfriend to create a longer picture in your mind.

Sl. No. Relationship Questions To Ask Your Boyfriend
1 When do you think is the right time to say “I love you”?
2 What movie reminds you of us?
3 What do you want to get out of life?
4 What’s the weirdest celebrity crush you’ve ever had?
5 How long do you think people should wait before having kids?
6 What kind of ice cream describes you best?
7 If you have a vision of the perfect date to take me on, what is it like?
8 What’s one thing about your life you would never change for someone else, including me?
9 Do you think I’m the ‘right’ person for you? (If yes) What about me makes me the ‘right’ person?
10 What does it feel like to you when we hold each other?
11 What was the best party you ever went to?
12 What word describes you better than any other word?
13 What’s the most scared you ever felt, as a child?
14 What is a quirky thing about me that you love?
15 What’s your favorite physical quality about me?
16 What cartoon character do you think is the hottest of all time?
17 What would be your ideal vacation with me?
18 If you had to eat the same food for a month, what would it be?
19 What did you think when you first met me?
20 Do you think I would look sexy with glasses?
21 What did you learn about physical affection from your parents?
22 If we were in a group at a party and told a horrible joke that no one else laughed at, what would you do?
23 What would you do with your life if you were suddenly awarded a billion dollars?
24 couple flirting outside on balcony that song reminds you of me?
25 How easily do you change your opinions?
26 If you got sick, do you think I would be there to care for you?
27 Do you like to hold my hand?
28 Would you ever consider having additional roommates to cut costs if we had a place with enough space?
29 Have you had a night spent with your ex-girlfriend?
30 Where is the craziest place you have danced?
31 Are you close with members of your extended family?
32 What’s one thing that you’ve never told anyone?
33 Do you prefer a good hug or a good kiss?
34 What is a book or movie you’ve always lied about having read or seen?
35 If I were to cook you dinner, what would make you the happiest?
36 What is your favorite memory of me so far?
37 What’s the funniest screw up you’ve ever seen on social media?
38 Do you think of yourself as an introvert or an extrovert?
39 What is one behavior that you never tolerate?
40 If you were a vegetable, what vegetable would you be and why?
41 How often is your brain on autopilot?
42 Was it love at first sight with us?
43 Ice cream or milkshake?
44 What would you do if we were in zero gravity?
45 If you owned a boat, what would you call it?
46 Does it mean a lot to you when I say I love you?
47 If I was scared, would you hold me?
48 What is the number one best thing about our relationship?
49 What kind of dad do you want to be?
50 If you were able to live to the age of 90 and retain either the mind or body of a 30-year old for the last 60 years of your life, which would you choose?
51 What’s the hardest truth you’ve come to grips with?
52 How would you handle it if I lost my job, and we were living together and sharing expenses?
53 What was your favorite class in high school?
54 When did you know you wanted to kiss me?
55 If we are watching a scary movie, can I hide my eyes and cuddle you close?
56 Who is your favorite family member?
57 Do I make you want to reach your fullest potential?
58 What is your favorite dream that involved me?
59 Would you shout my name to the world?
60 What are your goals in the relationship?
61 what is your favorite position?
62 If you had to leave your house, what is the one thing you would take with you?
63 What tv show could you binge-watch all day?
64 What do you consider cheating, besides the obvious?
65 What’s one thing you think makes our relationship unique from everyone else’s?
66 Did you collect stuff as a child?
67 What would you say if I told you I have a large amount of debt?
68 Would you kiss me in public?
69 What do you think about couples who are married but live in different cities?
70 What’s your favorite memory with your mom?
71 If you could have any kind of cake made for you in any size, shape, or color, what would it be?
72 If you’re having a bad day, how can I cheer you up?
73 What is something I can help you with?
74 If you’re lost, do you ask for directions?
75 If you could meet one celebrity, who would it be?
76 Which of your friends is most like you?
77 When did you first think I was attractive?
78 What’s your opinion on credit cards?
79 Are you satisfied emotionally and sexually in the relationship?
80 You have three wishes from a genie. Go!
81 If one of my friends flirted with you, would you tell me?

Time to Use: Strong relationship comes with trust and respect for each other. Questions to ask your boyfriend about me or serious questions to ask your boyfriend about the future are very deep questions, never waste them while you’re boozing at the weekend party. Grab a cup of warm coffee, try using them in the morning conversation when the mind is free.

Cute Flirty Questions To Ask Your Boyfriend

Casual relationships with cute flirty questions to ask your boyfriend like who is the most beautiful person you can think of? Cute questions list to ask your boyfriend are the question to ask your boyfriend about yourself in an indirect way to understand what goes in their mind about you.

Cute Flirty Questions To Ask Your Boyfriend

Sl. No. Cute Flirty Questions To Ask Your Boyfriend
1 Who is the most beautiful person you can think of?
2 What’s one type of household chore you’re unwilling, or at least very resistant, to do?
3 What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done?
4 Who do you think has it harder: men or women?
5 When you break up with someone, how do you do it?
6 If you could throw anything against a brick wall, what would it be?
7 What was your favorite school lunch as a kid?
8 Would you enjoy a hot air balloon ride over a pretty terrain?
9 If you have a billion dollars, what do you think your life would be like?
10 What do you tell your friends about me when I’m not around?
11 Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
12 Where do you want to live in the long term? City? Mountains? Country?
13 Do you remember the day we met?
14 What are your dealbreakers?
15 Have you ever broken the law?
16 When we are with my family, do I make you feel like you’re still my priority?
17 Can you tell me what accounts for the sun appearing to rise and set?
18 When we hang out with friends, do I make you feel like you’re still my priority?
19 What’s the grossest thing you’ve drunk?
20 How would you describe your family?
21 How much time do you expect us each to be able to hang out with our friends once we’ve had children?
22 What do you think is your best attribute as a boyfriend?
23 If you could write a note to your younger self, what would you say in only three words?
24 Would you like to be famous? In what way?
25 If you could spend the day with someone famous, alive or dead, who would it be?
26 If we got married someday, where would you want to take me on a honeymoon?
27 How do you fight off procrastination?
28 What have you accomplished in the past year that you are most proud of?
29 What outfit of mine do you like the most?
30 If you could go back in time, but only to last week, what moment would you visit and why?
31 What was the first thing that you noticed about me that made you feel attracted?
32 Would you ever go skydiving?
33 When did you first realize you loved/liked me?
34 Did you like high school or college better?
35 Do you believe that I love you?
36 What are your financial priorities and goals?
37 What is your favorite item of clothing?
38 What is your favorite thing about me?
39 What’s one thing you feel our relationship is lacking?
40 When was our most romantic kiss?
41 What are your thoughts on marriage?
42 What is your fondest childhood memory?
43 What is something I could do to make you trust me even more?
44 When do you feel appreciated the most?
45 What do you want out of being together?
46 What’s your favorite physical feature of your own?
47 What’s one quality about me that I see as a flaw that you absolutely love?
48 What is your biggest fear?
49 What is something that never ends well?
50 How would you handle it if we found out our child had a terrible illness or disease?
51 If you could go back in time, what age would you be again?
53 What’s your jam?
54 What do you think is your biggest strength in this relationship?
55 Do fish have necks?
56 If I had to move really far, would you stay in a long-distance relationship with me?
57 Would you risk your life to save mine?
58 Who is someone you looked up to as a kid?
59 What do you like about us as a couple?
60 What is something important you’ve learned from another couple?
61 What’s my best physical feature?
62 What makes me different from the other people you’ve been with?
63 Does it make you smile when I send you a text message?
64 Do you prefer a date watching movies at home, snuggled up on the couch, or out at the movie theater?
65 If you didn’t win anything in a carnival game, would you try again?
66 Do you get butterflies when you read my notes?
67 Do you ever compare yourself to other guys/girls?
68 What do you think the most important element is in maintaining a relationship?
69 If you caught another guy trying to pick me up, what would you do or say?
70 55efc597b4dcd
71 If you could suddenly be very good at something questions to ask your boyfriend without having to put any effort into getting good at it, what would it be?
72 What’s the best way to earn somebody’s respect?
73 What food reminds you of me?
74 What would you do if I were suddenly unable to speak your language?
75 What would you do if a guy asked for your number?
76 Would you take a break from your favorite hobby to spend time with me?
77 What are your thoughts on how to discipline children?
78 What would you do first if you gained the ability to fly?
79 Do you like to travel or would you rather stay at home?
80 Would you prefer to lay on a beach with me to get a tan or get playful in the water?

Time to Use: Juicy questions to ask your boyfriend like this are good for immature casual relationships. You can try them but do not overuse kinky questions to ask your boyfriend in a relationship, you may end losing trust or respect for each other.

Sexual Questions To Ask Your Boyfriend

Spice up with the sexual questions to ask your boyfriend like what is your favorite thing about me? Intimate questions to ask your boyfriend or flirty questions list to ask your boyfriend are great choices to turn the heat up and take the game to the next level.

Sl. No. Sexual Questions To Ask Your Boyfriend
1 What is your favorite thing about me?
2 What’s the sexiest dream you’ve ever had about us?
3 How many sexual partners have you had?
4 Do you ever think about me sexually during the day?
5 Who do you think has it harder: men or women?
6 If you could throw anything against a brick wall, what would it be?
7 What was your favorite school lunch as a kid?
8 Would you enjoy a hot air balloon ride over a pretty terrain?
9 If you have a billion dollars, what do you think your life would be like?
10 55efc63c48adf
11 What do you tell your friends about me when I’m not around?
12 Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
13 Where do you want to live in the long term? City? Mountains? Country?
14 Do you remember the day we met?
15 What are your dealbreakers?
16 Have you ever broken the law?
17 When we are with my family, do I make you feel like you’re still my priority?
18 Can you tell me what accounts for the sun appearing to rise and set?
19 When we hang out with friends, do I make you feel like you’re still my priority?
20 What’s the grossest thing you’ve drunk?
21 How would you describe your family?
22 How much time do you expect us each to be able to hang out with our friends once we’ve had children?
23 What do you think is your best attribute as a boyfriend?
24 If you could write a note to your younger self, what would you say in only three words?
25 Would you like to be famous? In what way?
26 If you could spend the day with someone famous, alive or dead, who would it be?
27 If we got married someday, where would you want to take me on a honeymoon?
28 How do you fight off procrastination?
29 What have you accomplished in the past year that you are most proud of?
30 What outfit of mine do you like the most?
31 If you could go back in time, but only to last week, what moment would you visit and why?
32 What was the first thing that you noticed about me that made you feel attracted?
33 Would you ever go skydiving?
34 When did you first realize you loved / liked me?
35 Did you like high school or college better?
36 Do you believe that I love you?
37 What are your financial priorities and goals?
38 What is your favorite item of clothing?
39 What is your favorite thing about me?
40 What’s one thing you feel our relationship is lacking?
41 When was our most romantic kiss?
42 What are your thoughts on marriage?Man kissing girlfriend’s hand
43 What is your fondest childhood memory?
44 What is something I could do to make you trust me even more?
45 When do you feel appreciated the most?
46 What do you want out of being together?
47 What’s your favorite physical feature of your own?
48 What’s one quality about me that I see as a flaw that you absolutely love?
49 What is your biggest fear?
50 What is something that never ends well?
51 How would you handle it if we found out our child had a terrible illness or disease?
52 If you could go back in time, what age would you be again?
54 What’s your jam?
55 What do you think is your biggest strength in this relationship?
56 Do fish have necks?
57 If I had to move really far, would you stay in a long distance relationship with me?
58 Would you risk your life to save mine?
59 Who is someone you looked up to as a kid?
60 What do you like about us as a couple?
61 What is something important you’ve learned from another couple?
62 What’s my best physical feature?
63 What makes me different from the other people you’ve been with?
64 Does it make you smile when I send you a text message?
65 Do you prefer a date watching movies at home, snuggled up on the couch, or out at the movie theater?
66 If you didn’t win anything in a carnival game, would you try again?
67 Do you get butterflies when you read my notes?
68 Do you ever compare yourself to other guys/girls?
69 What do you think the most important element is in maintaining a relationship?
70 If you caught another guy trying to pick me up, what would you do or say?
71 If you could suddenly be very good at something without having to put any effort into getting good at it, what would it be?
72 What’s the best way to earn somebody’s respect?
73 What food reminds you of me?
74 What would you do if I were suddenly unable to speak your language?
75 What would you do if a guy asked for your number?
76 Would you take a break from your favorite hobby to spend time with me?
77 What are your thoughts on how to discipline children?
78 What would you do first if you gained the ability to fly?
79 Do you like to travel or would you rather stay home?
80 Would you prefer to lay on a beach with me to get a tan or get playful in the water?
81 Who do you think is the MVP, LeBron or Giannis?
82 Do you believe in God?
83 If I said you could date other people, would you?
84 Do you feel warm when we hug?
85 Do you like kissing or hugging more?
86 How will we make sure we each get to spend time alone when we share the same place?
87 Did you ever want more or fewer siblings?
88 What did you learn about marriage from your parents?
89 If you could change one thing about your life, what would it be?
90 What is your favorite sexual feature of mine?
91 Would you rather go on a road trip with me or with friends?
92 Is there something that you’ve dreamt of doing for a long time? Why haven’t you done it?
93 If you want children, how many children do you want?
94 What is the one thing that makes you feel alive?
95 How did you siblings shape who you are?
96 Is there anything that I’d be surprised to find in your bedroom?
97 Would you rather hug for 5 seconds or kiss for 1 second?
98 What are you hoping to learn in the coming year?
99 Which of your friends would you choose if you had to be on a desert island with just one?
100 If someone had something on their face, would you tell them?
101 What is your favorite thing that I do for you?
102 What song makes you think about me?
103 How do you cope with stress?
104 Do you see us getting married in the near future?
105 What would you do with a million dollars?
106 Another girl hits on you in front of me. How would you handle it? What about if I wasn’t there?
107 What’s your favorite non-physical quality about me?
108 Do you have any deal-breakers, things that would make you seriously reconsider our relationship?
109 Would you rather race me on a jet ski or have me on the back of yours?
110 What’s one thing you want to do together that we’ve never done before?
111 Have you ever had your heart broken?
112 What music do you like that you wish you listened to more?
113 You just found five dollars on the ground. What do you do?
114 What are you a snob about?
115 What was your favorite date night we ever had?
116 What is your favorite scent?
117 What’s one thing you always procrastinate on?
118 How will we spend our holidays?
119 How would you describe the way I smell?
120 If you could relive one day in your life, what day would you choose?
121 How soft are you?
122 Describe yourself in a single word.
123 What is your stance on divorce?
124 How would you describe the way I kiss?
125 Do you think your family will like me too?
126 Would you ever take a bath with me?
128 Are you a spender or a saver?
129 What would the title of your autobiography be?
130 Where would you live if money and work were not a factor?
131 What is the biggest lesson you’ve learned from previous relationships?
132 What’s a question you’ve never asked me?
133 If you had one word to describe our love what would it be?
134 What are you really obsessed about?
135 What was your very first impression of me when you first saw me?
136 Is there anything you dislike about me?
137 Describe your dream house.
138 What is one thing on your bucket list?
139 How long did you think our relationship would last when we first started dating?
140 As a child, did you trust both of your parents?
141 What’s the most stress relieving thing you can get/do for less than 20$?
142 Do you like kissing in the dark or kissing in the rain more?
143 Would you ever take me on a trip with you and your friends?
144 How often do you get into arguments with people on the internet?
145 What about me made you fall in love?
146 Would you rather take me camping or on a tropical vacation?
147 If our spending/saving goals differ, how will we compromise?
148 When was a time that you laughed the hardest?
149 Would you give me a piggyback ride if my feet hurt?
150 What are some of your ideas for how to keep a relationship strong over time?
151 When was the last time you thought about me in a positive way?
152 What do you most look forward to about getting old?
153 If you could see into the future, what would you want to know?
154 Would you be willing to take on two jobs temporarily if that’s what it took to make ends meet?
155 What can I do to make sure you feel safe with me?
156 What’s the weirdest conversation you’ve ever overheard?
157 Do you like when I touch your face?
158 Would you be agreeable to staying home with the kids if my career was about to take off or if I made enough at my job to support that arrangement?
159 If I have a disagreement with one of your family members or friends, will you stand up for me?
160 What is the coolest flag in use?
161 If I were to make you breakfast, what would you want it to be?
162 What is your favorite outfit?
163 In what situations do you act least like yourself?
164 What is your favorite thing to do on a date?
165 Would you ever write a poem about me?
166 What’s something I do, that I don’t realize I do, that you love?
168 Is love something that scares you?
169 Who was the first person to have a crush on you?
170 Who’s your hero?
171 Do you believe in love at first sight?
172 Are you comfortable talking about where our relationship is going?
173 Where do you see us in five years?
174 What is something you do which might cause me to question your loyalty?
175 What about love scares you?
176 Do you want children?
177 What do you see when you close your eyes kissing me?
178 Which significant other before me had the biggest impact on you?
179 What would it look like if you fully lived up to your potential?
180 How do you think we both have changed since we first started dating?
181 If you woke up tomorrow with no fear, what would you do first?
182 Which of your parents did you go to when you wanted to talk?
183 What’s your favorite sport? Couple cuddling
184 Do you still text with any of your exes?
185 Do you think dogs go to heaven?
186 How would you react to bad news?
187 What is your favorite book?
188 What’s your favorite personality trait of your own?
189 When you’re alone, do you think about me?
190 What is on your bucket list that we can do together this year?
191 If you could describe me with 3 words, what would they be?
192 Tell me about your (best friend, parents, siblings). What’s your relationship with them like?

Time to Use: Be confident about the outcomes first then use these inappropriate questions to ask your boyfriend without spinning things around. Men are worst for catching the clues and loves things that are bold and strong. Ignore asking these questions if you are in a double mind and not too sure about the next level.

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Final Words

Hi, my name is Mr. Arun Verma. Thank you for reading my article. If You found this article valuable enough, I will love to hear from You. Let me know your thoughts about this post in the comment section below. People are looking for 21 questions to ask your boyfriend, questions ideas to ask your boyfriend, random questions to ask your boyfriend, questions to ask your BF on the internet these days.

I think you got the questions from 650+ Perfect Questions To Ask Your Boyfriend Now after reading this article. What are some questions ideas to ask your boyfriend that is collected by us with our ChampW team’s extreme efforts, so kindly help us by sharing?

Arun Verma
Arun Verma

Hi, myself Arun Verma. I Love Playing Multiplayer Games, Exploring new Technologies, Buying Cool Gadgets, and Deeply Research Names. Working at Deloitte gave me the knowledge to blog about Business Ideas I have to deal with on a regular basis.

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