200+ German Last Names With Their Meaning

German last names carry with them a rich history and heritage that has been passed down through generations.

These names are not just a collection of letters; they are a reflection of familial ties, regional origins, and even professions. In exploring German last names, we uncover the stories and traditions of our ancestors, shedding light on the diverse cultural tapestry that makes up our personal identities.

Join me on a journey through the fascinating world of German last names, where each name holds a unique significance and deep-rooted meaning.

German Last Names (Alphabetical Order)

German last names in alphabetical order reveal fascinating histories and meanings. Discover the rich heritage behind each surname today!

  1. Müller: Translates to “miller” in English. It is a common occupational surname, as milling grain was an essential job in communities.
  2. Schmidt: Equivalent to “smith” in English. This surname often denotes a profession related to metalworking.
  3. Schneider: Means “tailor” in English. It indicates an occupation in the garment industry.
  4. Fischer: Translates to “fisher” in English. This surname typically denotes someone who worked as a fisherman.
  5. Weber: Means “weaver” in English. It refers to those who worked in the textile industry.
  6. Meyer: A variant of “Meier,” which means “administrator” or “steward.” It was often used for people who managed estates.
  7. Wagner: Means “wagon maker” or “cartwright” in English. It denotes someone who made or repaired wagons.
  8. Becker:The same as “baker” in English. It represents those who were involved in baking bread and other goods.
  9. Hofmann: Means “steward” or “manager of the manor” in English. It was an occupational name for people who managed large estates or farms.
  10. Schulz: Indicates a “sheriff” or “constable.” It was a term used for local officials responsible for maintaining order.

German Last Names starting with A

Explore German last names beginning with A! Dive into their rich heritage and intriguing meanings to find out more about your ancestry.

  • Abel – Breath or vapor
  • Achilles – Warrior
  • Ackermann – Ploughman or field worker
  • Adler – Eagle
  • Aigner – Farmer
  • Albrecht – Noble, bright
  • Altenburg – From the old city
  • Altmann – Old man


  • Bach – Brook or stream
  • Bachmann – River man
  • Bäcker – Baker
  • Bahlow – From the meadow
  • Barthel – Son of Bartholomew
  • Bauer – Farmer
  • Baumann – Builder
  • Baumgartner – Orchardist or gardener
  • Beck – Beckon or stream
  • Becker – Baker
  • Benedik – Blessed
  • Berg – Mountain or hill
  • Berger – Mountain dweller
  • Bergmann – Miner
  • Beyer – Bavarian
  • Blau – Blue
  • Blum – Flower
  • Böhme – From Bohemia
  • Braun – Brown
  • Breitenbach – Broad stream
  • Breuer – Brewer
  • Bruck – Bridge
  • Bruckner – Bridge builder
  • Buchholz – Beech wood
  • Buchner – Bookmaker or scholar
  • Busch – Bush or thicket

German Last Names starting with D

Explore intriguing German last names beginning with D! Learn about their history and significance. Find the perfect name for your family tree!

  • Danner – Tanner
  • Degen – Sword
  • Demuth – Humility
  • Deutsche – German
  • Dietrich – Ruler of the people
  • Dirks – Ruler of the people
  • Dorn – Thorn
  • Dornbach – Thorny stream
  • Dost – Sweet smelling plant
  • Dreher – Turner or lathe operator


  • Eberhardt – Strong as a boar
  • Eckstein – Cornerstone
  • Eich – Oak
  • Eisenberg – Iron mountain
  • Eisenhauer – Iron hewer
  • Engel – Angel
  • Erhardt – Honorable and brave
  • Esser – Eater

List of German Last Names


  • Fahr – To drive or travel
  • Falk – Falcon
  • Fassbinder – Cooper or barrel maker
  • Faust – Fist
  • Fiedler – Fiddler
  • Finke – Finch (bird)
  • Fischer – Fisherman
  • Fleischer – Butcher
  • Fleischmann – Butcher
  • Fliegel – Wing
  • Foerster – Forester
  • Frank – Free or a member of the Frankish tribe
  • Franz – From France
  • Freund – Friend
  • Fröhlich – Cheerful
  • Froning – From the king
  • Fuchs – Fox
  • Fürst – Prince
  • German Last Names starting with G
  • Gabler – Fork maker
  • Gabriel – God is my strength
  • Gann – Goose
  • Gehl – Yellow
  • Gehlhaar – Yellow hair
  • Geiger – Violinist
  • Gentz – Gentle
  • Gerber – Tanner (one who works with animal hides)
  • Giese – Pledge
  • Gottlieb – Love of God
  • Gottschalk – God’s servant
  • Graf – Count or nobleman
  • Grimm – Fierce
  • Groß – Large or great
  • Gruber – Miner or pit worker
  • Grünberg – Green hill


  • Haas – Hare
  • Haber – Oats or grains
  • Hafer – Oat
  • Haller – Dweller in the hall
  • Hamer – Hammer
  • Hartmann – Strong man
  • Hauser – House dweller
  • Heer – Army
  • Heinz – Home ruler
  • Heller – Light
  • Hengst – Stallion
  • Hermann – Army man or warrior
  • Hertz – Heart
  • Hoch – High
  • Hofbauer – Farm builder or cultivator
  • Hofmann – Steward of the manor
  • Hollander – From Holland
  • Holtz – Wood
  • Horn – Horn (musical instrument or animal horn)
  • Huber – Landowner or farmer


  • Jäger – Hunter
  • Jordan – Descendant of the one who has descended
  • Jost – Just or fair
  • Junker – Young nobleman

German Last Names starting with K

German last names beginning with K offer a glimpse into heritage. Dive into our collection to learn about their significance and stories!

  • Kaiser – Emperor
  • Kalb – Calf
  • Kappel – Chapel
  • Kaufmann – Merchant
  • Keil – Wedge
  • Keller – Cellar or basement
  • Kirsch – Cherry
  • Klar – Clear or pure
  • Klein – Small
  • Knapp – Boy/petty freeholder
  • Koch – Cook
  • Kohl – Cabbage or cabbage farmer
  • Köhler – Charcoal burner
  • Kohnen – Priest or cleric
  • Koller – Angry
  • König – King
  • Konrad – Bold counselor
  • Kramer – Peddler
  • Kron – Crown
  • Krüger – Innkeeper
  • Kruger – Innkeeper or tavern owner
  • Kuhn – Bold or brave
  • Kurtz – Short
  • Kurz – Short


  • Lang – Long or tall
  • Lantz – Lance or weapon
  • Laub – Foliage or leaves
  • Lechner – Plasterer
  • Lehmann – Tenant or farmer
  • Lenz – Spring
  • Leo – Lion
  • Lieb – Beloved or dear
  • Linde – Linden tree
  • Lindemann – Lime tree man
  • Link – Left-handed
  • Lorenz – Laurel-crowned
  • Löwe – Lion

German Last Names starting with M

Unlock the mystery of  German Last Names starting with M! Learn about their origins and significance in this captivating exploration of genealogy.

  • Maffei – Son of Matthew
  • Mahler – Painter
  • Maier/Mayer – Farmer or landlord
  • Mann – Man
  • März – March (the month)
  • Meier – Steward or bailiff
  • Merz – March (the month)
  • Metzger – Butcher
  • Müller – Miller


  • Nagel – Nail (metal nail or fingernail)
  • Neider – Envious
  • Neumann – New man


  • Oster – Easter


  • Pecht – Pitch or tar
  • Peters – Rock or stone
  • Pfaff – Priest
  • Pfeiffer – Piper or flute player
  • Pflug – Plow
  • Prenzel – Briar or thorn


  • Reinhardt – Brave counsel
  • Richter – Judge
  • Ritter – Knight
  • Roth – Red
  • Rothschild – Red shield

German Last Names starting with S

Explore German Last Names starting with S! Dive into fascinating histories and meanings that connect you to rich cultural traditions.

  • Sachs – Saxon
  • Schäfer – Shepherd
  • Schick – Skillful
  • Schmidt – Smith (blacksmith)
  • Schneider – Tailor
  • Scholz – Registrar or clerk
  • Schreiber – Scribe or writer
  • Schröder – Tailor
  • Schulz/Schultz – Mayor or town official
  • Schuster – Shoemaker
  • Schwarz – Black
  • Seidel – Goblet or chalice
  • Sommer – Summer
  • Stein – Stone or rock


  • Vogel – Bird
  • Voigt – Overseer or bailiff

German Last Names starting with W

  • Wagner – Wagon maker
  • Walter – Ruler of the army
  • Weber – Weaver
  • Weiss – White
  • Wendell – Wanderer
  • Werner – Protector or army
  • Wiese – Meadow
  • Wirth – Landlord or host
  • Wirtz/Würtz – Innkeeper
  • Wolf – Wolf


  • Ziegler – Brickmaker
  • Zimmermann – Carpenter
  • Zorn – Fury or anger

How to Find a Good German Last Name?

Finding a good German last name can be a fascinating and rewarding experience, whether you’re researching your family history, creating a character for a story, or simply curious about the origins and meanings of German surnames. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you find the perfect German last name.

1. Understand the Structure of German Surnames

German surnames often fall into several categories, each reflecting aspects of the individual’s life or background:

  • Occupational (Berufsname): Names based on the profession of the individual or their ancestors (e.g., Schneider – tailor, Müller – miller).
  • Geographical (Herkunftsname): Names derived from a person’s hometown or region (e.g., Berliner – someone from Berlin, Bayer – someone from Bavaria).
  • Descriptive (Übername): Names describing physical characteristics or personality traits (e.g., Klein – small, Groß – large/tall).
  • Patronymic (Vatersname): Names derived from the father’s first name (e.g., Hansen – son of Hans).

2. Use Online Resources and Databases

Several online resources can help you search for German surnames:

  • Ancestry.com: Offers extensive databases for surname research, including German surnames.
  • FamilySearch.org: A free resource with a vast collection of genealogical records.
  • Forebears.io: Provides the distribution and meaning of surnames globally.
  • Behind the Name: Includes the meanings and origins of surnames, including German ones.

3. Consult German Surname Books

Books can also be a valuable resource for finding German last names:

  • “Deutsches Namenlexikon” (German Name Dictionary) by Hans Bahlow
  • “Dictionary of German Names” by Hans Bahlow (an English version of the above book)
  • “German-American Names” by George F. Jones

4. Access Historical Records

Historical records can provide context and examples of German last names:

  • Church Records (Kirchenbucher): Baptisms, marriages, and burials often listed surnames.
  • Civil Registrations (Standesamt): Government records of births, marriages, and deaths.
  • Census Records (Volkszählungen): Regularly conducted censuses that recorded surnames and other personal information.

5. Explore Name Lists and Forums

Joining genealogy forums and exploring curated name lists can yield great results:

  • Genealogy.com and Ancestry Community Forums allow you to connect with others researching similar surnames.
  • Name Lists on websites like GermanNames.de offer curated lists of common and unique German surnames.

6. Analyze the Meaning and Popularity

Understanding the meaning and popularity of a surname can help you decide if it’s a good fit:

  • Use resources like Ancestry.com and Behind the Name to uncover the meanings.
  • Review historical documents to see how commonly the name was used.


1. What are common themes in German last names?

Many German last names derive from occupations, geographical locations, or characteristics, often reflecting the profession or traits of ancestors.

2. How do I find the meaning of a specific German last name?

There are various online resources and databases that specialize in etymology, or you can consult books on German genealogy and surnames for deeper insights.

3.  Are there regional variations in German last names?

Yes, different regions of Germany have distinct naming conventions and influences that reflect local culture, history, and dialects.

4. Can I trace my ancestry using my German last name?

Yes, your last name can often lead to genealogical research tools that help trace your family lineage back to its origins in Germany.

5. Do all Germans have surnames derived from their ancestors’ professions?

No, while many surnames are occupational (like Müller for miller), others may originate from places, personal characteristics, or even nicknames.

6. What is the significance of umlauts in German last names?  

Umlauts (ä, ö, ü) often change the pronunciation and sometimes the meaning of a surname; they are an important aspect of proper spelling and cultural significance.

7. Is it common for Germans to change their last names after moving abroad? 

Some individuals may adapt or simplify their surnames for ease of pronunciation or integration into new cultures when relocating.

8. How can I learn more about the historical context of my German surname?  

Consider researching historical records, visiting archives in Germany, or utilizing online genealogy services to gain a better understanding of your surname’s background.

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Final Words

Finding a good German last name involves a mix of research and exploration. By understanding the structure of German surnames, utilizing online databases, consulting books, accessing historical records, and engaging with genealogy communities, you can discover the perfect surname that fits your needs.

Hi, myself Arun Verma. I Love Playing Multiplayer Games, Exploring new Technologies, Buying Cool Gadgets, and Deeply Research Names. Working at Deloitte gave me the knowledge to blog about Business Ideas I have to deal with on a regular basis.

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