120+ Goblin Names That Gives You A Truely Monstrous Identity

Looking for a distinctive yet meaningful name for your fantasy world characters? Fantasy stories have traditionally featured goblins. This list of goblin names and their meanings can help you construct memorable and meaningful characters. Find the right goblin name for your character!

Goblins have appeared in literature and art throughout for millennia. They’re generally depicted as wicked, ugly, troublemakers. They’re even said to consume youngsters! However, goblins vary. The Hobbit’s good goblins aid the heroes.

Goblin names are usually ominous. Goblins are typically characterised as wicked and mischievous. Not all goblin names are gloomy. Some popular goblin names have positive implications. “Grendel” comes from Old English “to demolish”.

List of Goblin Names with Meaning

Looking for creative names for your next Dungeons and Dragons game? Done! This topic discusses goblin names and their meanings. These names will give your characters magic and personality. Let’s check out the goblin names and their meanings!

  • Arktis— Arktis is Greek for bear. This name suits a formidable goblin commander.
  • Grimgrow— Perfect for a dark goblin. “Grima” means mask and “growan” means to grow.
  • Drog— Perfect for a mischievous goblin. “Drogga” means drag or trick in Old English.
  • Fro Grimgrow— From Old English “fro” meaning under and “grima” meaning mask. It suits a stealthy goblin.
  • Glorfindel— A goblin king or queen would suit this royal name. It comes from Sindarin “glor” (glory) and “findeln” (hair).
  • Golgron— A powerful goblin deserves this name. Old Norse “golgr” means throat.
  • Grengar— Perfect for a grouchy goblin. Old Norse “grinn” means to grin or growl.
  • Grimhild fits a goblin sorceress. Old Norse “grima” means mask and “hildr” means combat.
  • Gulo— Perfect for a ravenous goblin. Old Norse “guli” means glutton.
  • Skorgrim— A strong, warlike goblin deserves this name. Old Norse “skör” means perilous and “grim” means rage.
  • Snorri— A storytelling goblin deserves this name. The Old Norse term “snorri” means to tell or relate.
  • Aegir— Perfect for a mischievous goblin. Old Norse “áss” means God and “geirr” means spear.
  • Ragnar— Perfect for a brave goblin. From Old Norse “ragn” (advice) and “arr” (army).
  • Bor— A brave goblin deserves this name. Old Norse “björn” means bear.
  • Kjalnar— A peaceful goblin deserves this name. It comes from Old Norse “kaldr” (cold) and “naerr” (near).
  • Thor— A mighty goblin deserves this name. Old Norse “órr” means thunder.
  • Ulf— Perfect for a wild and vicious goblin. Old Norse “ulfr” means wolf.
  • Vidar— A stealthy goblin deserves this name. “Viðarr” means forest in Old Norse.
  • Yngvar— From Old Norse “yngvi” (young warrior) and “arr” (army), this name is suitable for a valiant and heroic goblin.
  • Fafnir— Perfect for a greedy and covetous goblin. Old Norse “fáfnir” means serpent.
  • Jormungandr— Perfect for a vicious goblin. “Iormungandr” means huge and “and” means snake in Old Norse.
  • Surtur— Perfect for a short-tempered goblin. “Surtur”— black in Old Norse— is its origin.

More Common names for Goblins are:

  • Berus— Perfect for a clever and deceitful goblin. Old Norse “berkr” means birch.
  • Fenris— A vicious goblin deserves this name. It comes from Old Norse “fen” (marshes) and “risi” (one army).
  • Hel— Perfect for a dark and nasty goblin. Old Norse “hel” means gloom.
  • Loki— This name suits a mischievous goblin. Old Norse “lokki” means air.
  • Nidhogg— Perfect for a dark and wicked goblin. “Níðhöggr”— snake— is its origin.
  • Skadi— Perfect for a dark and lovely goblin. “Skáði” means damage in Old Norse.
  • Garmr— A vicious goblin deserves this name. Old Norse “garmr” means scream.
  • Hati— Perfect for a vicious goblin. Old Norse “httr” means hate.
  • Svalinn— A tranquil goblin deserves this name. Old Norse “svalr” means cool and “inn” means indoors.
  • Fenrir— A vicious goblin deserves this name. Old Norse “fenrr” means crimson.
  • Jörmungandr— Perfect for a destructive and powerful goblin. Old Norse “jrmungandr” means huge and “and” means serpent.
  • Hela— Perfect for a dark and nasty goblin. Old Norse “hel” means death.
  • Tyr— A fearless goblin deserves this name. Old Norse “Týr” means god.
  • Odin— Perfect for a smart and powerful goblin. Old Norse “Óðinn” means frenzy.
  • Heimdall— A vigilant goblin deserves this name. From Old Norse “heimdallr” (world) and “dalr” (valley).


Dark Goblin Names

Goblins fascinate fantasy writers. Their enigmatic, mischievous character captivates viewers. This blog post lists dark goblin names, meanings, and etymologies. These ominous names inspire creative imaginations and explain the fascinating history of these mythical animals.

  • Arkana — Arkana means “secret” in goblin. The Latin term arcanus stems from the Greek word arkhein, meaning “to begin.”
  • Caliban— Tempest Shakespeare’s character. Kalb— “dog” in Arabic— is likely its origin.
  • Dagan— Philistine agriculture god Dagon. Dagan means “grain” in Hebrew.
  • Erebus— The Greek god of darkness. Erebos, meaning “darkness,” is his name.
  • Gorgons— Snake-haired monsters from Greek mythology. Gorgos, meaning “grave” or “dreadful,” may be their name.
  • Hades— Greek mythology’s underworld god. Hades means “unseen” in Greek.
  • Jormungandr— A huge sea snake in Norse mythology. His name originates from the Old Norse words jormungandr, “big beast,” and angandr, “snake.”
  • Kraken— The fabled sea monster resembles a huge squid. Krake— Old Norse for “octopus”— is its name.
  • Leviathan— A biblical sea monster that opposes God. The Hebrew word livyathan means “whale.”
  • Hyde — Marley and Mr. Hyde are from Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol and Robert Louis Stevenson’s book, respectively.
  • Sauron— J.R.R. Tolkien’s wicked sorcerer Sauron leads an army of dark goblins.
  • Sidhe— Irish folklore’s subterranean elves. Síd means “mound” or “hill” in Old Irish.
  • Typhon— A hundred-headed monster in Greek mythology. Smoke (typhon) is his name.
  • Von Carstein— The von Carstein family, demonic vampires in Warhammer fiction, ruled over dark goblins.
  • Witch-king— J.R.R. Tolkien’s Witch-king leads the Nazgûl, a dark goblin army.
  • Zmey— A three-headed dragon-like creature in Slavic legend. “Zmij” is Old Church Slavonic for “snake.”
  • Haitian zombies— Haitian zombies are corpses resurrected by magic.
  • Raven— A dark-omen bird.
  • Shade — Darkness. Dark-heartedness is another meaning.
  • Ebony— Deep black.
  • Onyx— A protecting black stone.


Negative Goblin Names

Welcome to our site on the List of Negative Goblin Names. Fantasy aficionados sometimes name their characters after mythology. Goblin names are a good example of a generation-old custom, and we’ll look at their meanings.

  • Grendel— A famous negative goblin name, comes from the Old English word “gramme,” meaning “rage.” In “Beowulf,” Grendel plagued a country until Beowulf killed him.
  • Blackheart— Many goblins have black hearts, hence their name. Blackheart goblins are the most nasty and treacherous in certain myths, so beware!
  • Grimhild— is a Germanic goddess of revenge. As mischief-makers, some goblins may be called thus.
  • P. Lovecraft’s spooky— atmospheric stories inspired this name. Some think the name came from “lovecraftian,” which describes odd and terrible things.
  • Patsy— This less prevalent name is worth highlighting. Patsy may derive from “patsach,” Irish for “goblin.”
  • Screech— Another terrible goblin name is Screech. It may have sprung from Old English “scric,” meaning “devil.”
  • Puck— last but not least. Shakespeare’s mischievous character inspired this moniker.
  • Bane — Bane means “death,” “ruin,” or “doom or devastation.” Its ominous sound may have inspired this moniker.
  • Curse— another horrible term. Curse likely stems from goblins’ reputation for malice. Their name suggests they bring calamity.
  • Demon— Demons are malevolent beings with a lengthy and intricate history. This is one of the most common goblin names, given their terrible reputation.
  • Haunt – Haunt means “to visit regularly” but can also refer to a haunted place. This name fits since goblins are linked with darkness and the underworld.
  • Omen – An omen foretells a bad event. Omen is a common goblin name because many of the other names on this list are bad.
  • Hex— A harmful spell or curse.
  • Jinx— An unlucky person or object.
  • Pit— A deep, dark pit. Describes a challenging situation too.


Positive Goblin Names

Positive goblin names are amazing! Goblins can be naughty and adorable. We’ve compiled a list of adorable goblin names for pets, role-playing games, and fantasy books. Find a name that suits you by learning its meaning. Prepare to explore mystical names and unique meanings!

  • Drogon — Game of Thrones’ greatest and most terrifying dragon inspired this courageous goblin. All goblins are brave like Drogon.
  • Gizmo— Gremlins’ adorable goblin— is named after him. Goblins are curious and playful like Gizmo.
  • Tinkerbell, from the Tinkerbell movies and books, is this spunky fairy. Goblins are mischievous like Tinkerbell.
  • Frodo— The Lord of the Rings’ primary figure inspired this brave hobbit. All goblins are loyal and brave like Frodo.
  • Harry Potter – This valiant wizard is named after Harry Potter. Harry Potter embodies all goblins’ bravery.
  • Legolas— The Lord of the Rings character inspired this magnificent elf. Legolas represents all goblins’ agility and speed.
  • Gimli- the Lord of the Rings dwarf, is furious. All goblins are strong like Gimli.
  • Gandalf— The Lord of the Rings’ wise wizard. All goblins are wise like Gandalf.
  • Merlin – Arthurian wizard Merlin. Merlin symbolises goblin magic.
  • Puck— A Midsummer Night’s Dream’s wicked fairy. Goblins are mischievous like Puck.
  • Yazzy— This feisty goblin is called after Yazzy, a major social media platform. Yazzy embodies all goblins’ creativity and innovation.
  • Twitch— This hyperactive goblin is named after the popular gaming live streaming network. Twitch symbolises goblins’ sociability.
  • Jigsaw – The Saw villain inspired this crafty goblin. Jigsaw symbolises goblin ingenuity.


Here are Positive and Strong Goblin names:

  • Hextor— Dungeons & Dragons’ god of tyranny— names this formidable goblin. All goblins are strong like Hextor.
  • Diablo— The Diablo video game franchise’s ruler of dread inspired this terrifying goblin. Diablo symbolises all goblins’ terror and horror.
  • Boom – The World of Warcraft villain inspired this scary goblin. Dr. Boom symbolises goblin chaos.
  • Cheshire Cat— Alice in Wonderland’s enigmatic goblin. Cheshire Cat symbolises goblins’ unpredictability.
  • Hugo- named after Disney’s The Hunchback of Notre Dame’s charming figure, is a friendly goblin. Hugo symbolises goblin kindness.
  • Grendel – The Beowulf monster inspired this vicious goblin. Grendel symbolises goblin evil.
  • Hoggle— Hoggle Labyrinth’s inspired this friendly goblin. Hoggle symbolises goblin loyalty and protection.
  • Grulok -Skylanders character Grulok inspired this brave goblin. Goblins are courageous like Grulok.
  • Sydney – The Australian capital inspired this smart goblin. Sydney symbolises goblins’ internationalism.
  • Gollum— The Lord of the Rings character inspired this scary creature. Gollum symbolises goblin evil.
  • Balrog – The Lord of the Rings’ Balrog inspired this terrifying beast. Balrog symbolises goblin strength.
  • Grumpy – Snow White’s grouchy goblin. Grumpy symbolises goblin grouchiness.
  • Dobby – The Harry Potter character inspired this cute creature. Dobby symbolises goblin obedience and helpfulness.
  • Shelob – The Lord of the Rings’ gigantic spider inspired this terrifying creature. Shelob symbolises goblin threat.
  • Blessing — A hope for good fortune.
  • Angel – A good, heavenly being.
  • Charm— A beneficial spell or incantation.
  • Lucky- person or object.
  • Fortune – A happy or successful event.


Female Goblin Names

Finding a distinctive, meaningful, and special name for your character or newborn is difficult. Goblin names are mystical. Goblin names are charming, intriguing, and powerful in many cultures and folklore. This blog lists all female goblin names and their meanings, providing you lots of alternatives to name your kid or character.

  • Bane– Anglo-Saxon for “bane” or “death”. It’s a common name in the UK, US, and Canada.
  • Devon— Celtic for “pointer” or “guide.” It’s a common name in the UK and US.
  • Gwendolyn— Welsh for “lovely bow” or “white ring.” It’s a common name in the UK and US.
  • Nimue— Arthurian legend’s “woman of the lake” name. It’s a popular name in the UK, US, and Canada.
  • Rowan— “Little Red Head” or “Red-Haired One”— is a Celtic name. It’s a popular name in the UK, US, and Canada.
  • Willow – Willow signifies “graceful” or “slender” in nature. It’s a popular name in the UK, US, and Canada.
  • Helen— Greek for “light” or “torch.” It’s a common name in the UK, US, and Canada.
  • Lilith— “Night Monster” or “Screech Owl” in Hebrew. It’s a common name in the UK and US.
  • Morgan— Celtic for “circle” or “sea-born.” It’s a common name in the UK and US.
  • Nora— “Honor” or “Virtue” in Celtic. It’s a common name in the UK and US.
  • Raven— “Black bird” in Anglo-Saxon. It’s a common name in the UK and US.
  • Anglo-Saxon— “Dark-haired” or “secret.” It’s a common name in the UK and US.

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Final Words

Goblin names can spice up your fantasy world. If you investigate and brainstorm, you can give your goblins significant and unique names. Many online resources offer name ideas. Goblin names are limitless!

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