450+ Dominican Last Names: From Sánchez to García

Dominican last names offer a fascinating glimpse into the country’s rich history and diverse cultural heritage. Many surnames in the Dominican Republic have Spanish origins, reflecting its colonial past. However, there are also traces of African, Taíno indigenous, and other influences that make Dominican last names a unique blend of different cultures.

For example, surnames like Castillo (castle), Almonte (mountain), and Vega (meadow) highlight the strong connection Dominicans feel with their natural surroundings. These names serve as reminders of the country’s lush landscapes and reinforce a sense of pride in their natural heritage.

Moreover, Dominican last names can reveal intriguing details about one’s family history or occupation. Surnames like De la Cruz (of the cross) or Santos (saints) often indicate religious backgrounds, while others such as Fernández or Martínez hint at possible European ancestry. Examining these names offers glimpses into how families have evolved over time and provide an opportunity to trace genealogical lines through generations.

Famous Dominican Last Names

All in all, Dominican last names tell captivating stories of ancestral migration patterns, cultural fusion, and personal identity formation. They serve as a powerful reminder that our roots are more than just words on paper – they form an integral part of who we are today. Whether you bear one yourself or simply appreciate learning about others’ heritage through their last name, exploring this aspect of Dominican culture can be both enlightening and enriching.

1.  Rodriguez—This name comes from the Spanish name Rodrigo, which means “famous ruler.” It shows the lasting legacy of European colonization on the country. The Spanish conquistadors brought a new language, religion, and naming practices, starting the Rodriguez surname.

2.  Perez—Spanish surname Perez is another Dominican Republic favourite. This surname comes from Pedro, which means “rock” or “stone,” indicating strength and endurance. Spanish surnames like Perez show the ongoing legacy of European settlers on the country’s history and identity.

3.  Martinez—Martinez is a Spanish surname with a strong representation in the Dominican Republic. This last name, Martin, means “warlike,” and its bearers are proud and resilient. It reminds us of the rich cultural mix of Spanish invaders and indigenous peoples in the Dominican Republic.

4.  Garcia—The Dominican Republic’s most prevalent last name is Garcia, which is Spanish. Garcia means “bear,” hence this surname represents strength and courage. It recalls the Spanish conquistadors’ influence on the nation’s history.

5.  Sanchez—Spanish-born Sanchez is a common and adaptable Dominican last name. Sancho, meaning “saint-like” or “sacred,” gives this surname a spirituality. It shows how Spanish Catholicism shaped Dominican culture and identity.

6.  Ramirez—Spanish invaders established the Dominican Republic, and the surname Ramirez is powerful and memorable. This surname comes from Ramiro, meaning “wise protector,” and represents its bearers’ strong familial relationships and protective instincts. It emphasizes Dominican family commitment and togetherness.

7.  Diaz—Diaz is a complex surname. This last name, derived from Diego, means “supplanter” or “substitute,” and reflects the Dominican Republic’s complex history. The transatlantic slave trade’s African slaves shaped it. Diaz symbolizes the resilience and adaptability of those who held this name, building a new identity in adversity.

8.  Gonzalez—Spanish-born Gonzalez is a popular Dominican surname. Gonzalo, meaning “battle” or “war,” gives this surname power and courage. It reminds us of the Dominican people’s resilience throughout history.

9.  Reyes—Reyes symbolizes royalty and authority. This last name comes from “kings,” a reference to Spanish colonization and the European monarchy’s impact on the Dominican Republic. Today, the surname Reyes reminds Dominicans of their deep past and relationships.

10.  Hernandez—Hernandez symbolizes Dominican togetherness. This last name comes from Hernando, which means “bold voyager,” indicating its bearers’ daring. It symbolizes Dominican society’s melting pot of cultures and people.

11.  Jimenez—Jimenez means resiliency and perseverance. Ximeno, meaning “son of Simon,” is a strong and determined last name. It reminds us of the Dominican people’s history and perseverance.

12.  Castillo—A grand and fortified surname. This last name, from the Spanish word for “castle,” symbolizes power and royalty. It reflects the Dominican people’s pride and family ties, which have shaped their past.

13.  Santana—Santana is a rhythmic surname. Santo, meaning “saint,” gives this last name spirituality and passion. It showcases the Dominican Republic’s rich musical and artistic heritage.

14.  de La Cruz—This surname means faith and dedication. This surname, meaning “of the cross,” represents Dominican society’s strong religious ideals. It reminds Dominicans that spirituality shapes their lives and worldviews.

15.  Peña—A pleasant and welcoming surname. This last name means “rock” or “outcrop,” indicating solidity. It shows Dominican society’s tight-knit communities and hospitable people.

16.  Gomez—Gomez symbolizes the Dominican Republic’s cultural mix. Gumaiz, a Visigothic name, blends indigenous, European, and African influences. It symbolizes the Dominican people’s eclectic heritage and diverse backgrounds that influenced their identity.

17.  Feliz—A joyful surname. This last name is Spanish meaning “happy” or “fortunate,” reflecting its bearers’ optimism and cheerfulness. It symbolizes Dominican resilience and joy in the face of adversity.

18.  Guzman—A leadership and influence surname. This last name comes from the Old German word “good man,” Guzmund. It honours the political, social, and cultural leaders who shaped the Dominican Republic.

19.  Mejia—Mejia means progress. This surname, derived from “better,” shows ambition and tenacity. It reminds Dominicans of their ongoing pursuit of personal and social progress.

20.  Fernandez—A legacy name. This last name, derived from Fernando, means “brave traveller,” displays its bearers’ adventurous and exploratory character. It emphasizes the interconnectedness of past, present, and future generations and the value of ancestry.

21.  Lopez—Lopez means tenacity. This last name, from the Latin word lupus, meaning “wolf,” symbolizes strength and resolve. It reminds Dominicans of their admiration for perseverance and fortitude.

22.  Cruz—Cruz symbolizes sacrifice and redemption. This surname comes from the Latin word crux, meaning “cross,” and symbolizes steadfast trust. It emphasizes spiritual redemption and faith in a higher force, which shape Dominican values and morality.

23.  de Los Santos—A reverent surname. This last name means “of the saints,” reflecting Dominican veneration for saints and religious figures. It reminds Dominicans of their deep spirituality and faith in God.

24.  Baez—Baez symbolizes social justice and activism. This last name, derived from the Hebrew name Boaz, shows Dominican society’s great social duty and activism. It honors those who fought for equality, fairness, and the rights of underprivileged communities, shaping Dominican history.

25.  Arias—Arias means intellectual curiosity and scholarship. This last name comes from the Latin word aria, meaning “open space” or “air,” and symbolizes curiosity and adventure. It reminds Dominicans of the value of education and intellectual progress, as well as the cultural and scientific contributions of scholars and academics.


26.  Abreu—Abreu is an agricultural surname. This last name, from the Latin word “sunny,” emphasizes agriculture and land cultivation. It shows the Dominican people’s farmers’ tenacity and resourcefulness.

27.  Nuñez—Nuñez means family. This last name, derived from the Latin word nummus, meaning “little boy,” emphasizes family and family relationships. It reminds Dominicans of their close-knit communities and extended family support.

28.  Matos—A courageous surname. This surname, derived from the Latin word mutinous, meaning “morning,” symbolizes tenacity and drive. It honors those who have overcome adversity, rising like the sun each morning.

29.  Vasquez—Vasquez symbolizes adaptability and flexibility. This last name, from the Old Basque word baskar, meaning “forest,” shows the ability to adapt to many surroundings. It reminds us of the Dominicans’ adaptability and willingness to take advantage of new opportunities.

30.  Mendez—Mendez means healing and restoration. This last name, from the Latin word pediculus, means “needing to be healed,” reflecting Dominican society’s value of healthcare and healers. It honors doctors who devote their life to helping others.

31.  Madera—A skilled surname. This last name, from the Spanish word for “wood,” symbolizes woodworking and its rigorous attention to detail. It reminds us of Dominican culture’s significance of art and workmanship and the importance of passing along traditional skills.

32.  Velez—Velez means courage. This last name comes from the Arabic word bala, meaning “strength,” and symbolizes resiliency and drive. It means facing adversities with courage and commitment and coming out stronger.

33.  del Villar—Aristocratic surname. This last name comes from the Spanish words del, meaning “of,” and Villar, meaning “small town,” indicating aristocratic roots in Dominican society. It recalls the country’s rich history and upper class’s political and social dominance.

34.  Javier—Javier means adventure. This last name comes from the Basque word Echeverria, meaning “new house,” and expresses a spirit of adventure and exploration. It honors those who have traveled physically and metaphorically to discover new places, cultures, and ideas, enriching Dominican history.

35.  Nina—An innocent surname, Nina. This last name, from the Greek word neaniskos, means “young man,” and its bearers are energetic and enthusiastic. It emphasizes the need of keeping childhood innocence and Dominican energy.

36.  Doñe—A respectable surname. This last name comes from the Latin word dominus, meaning “lord” or “master,” reflecting Dominican respect for authority. It emphasizes social etiquette, reverence for elders, and authority.

37.  Saviñon—A creative and innovative surname. This last name, from the Latin word sapientia, meaning “wisdom,” shows intellectual curiosity and creative thinking. It emphasizes imagination and uniqueness in the arts and sciences and Dominican contributions to knowledge and innovation.

38.  Puello—A community-oriented surname. This last name, from the Latin word populus, meaning “people,” symbolizes Dominican society’s sense of belonging and collective well-being. It emphasizes solidarity, cooperation, and community help in times of hardship.

39.  Jorge—Jorge is a wise name. This last name comes from the Greek name Georgios, meaning “farmer” or “worker of the land,” and emphasizes hard effort and dedication to learning. It reminds Dominicans of the importance of education, wisdom, and the contributions of scholars, philosophers, and intellectuals to society.

40.  Delgado—A strong, athletic surname. This last name comes from the Spanish word delgada, meaning “slender” or “thin,” reflecting Dominican society’s emphasis on fitness and athleticism. It honors sportspeople who have brought Dominicans pride and delight.

41.  Cepeda—Resilient and determined. This last name, from the Latin word cepa, meaning “vine” or “branch,” shows the ability to adapt and thrive under difficult conditions. It honors Dominicans who have overcome hardship and shown tenacity.

42.  Florentino—Florentino means romance and love. This last name comes from the Latin word Florens, meaning “blossoming” or “flourishing,” and emphasizes Dominican love and affection. It celebrates lovers and Dominican romance.

43.  Santiago—Santiago is a religious name. This last name, derived from the Hebrew name Yaakov, meaning “supplanter,” emphasizes the religious dedication of its bearers. It honors the Dominican Republic’s religiously active people.

44.  Camilo—Revolutionary Camilo. This last name comes from Camillus, Latin for “attendant” or “helper,” evoking activity and social reform. It honors those who battled for justice, equality, and liberation, challenging the current quo and promoting a better society.

45.  Burgos—Burgos means intellect and learning. This last name, from Spain’s Burgos, symbolizes Dominican education and intelligence. It honors the Dominican Republic’s intellectuals who have advanced numerous subjects of study.

46.  Solis—A joyful and optimistic surname. This last name, from the Latin word sol, means “sun,” and its bearers are bright and cheery. It celebrates Dominicans who spread joy and cheerfulness.

47.  Roque—A courageous surname. This last name, from the Spanish word roca, means “rock” or “strong,” reflecting its bearers’ strength and durability. It honors those who have persevered and inspired others.

48.  Cordero—Compassionate Cordero. This last name, from the Spanish word cordero, means “lamb,” and its bearers are kind and compassionate. It honors those who have displayed kindness and understanding, recognizing the value of empathy and compassion in developing a harmonious society.

49.  Espaillat—A diverse and ethnic surname. This last name comes from the Taíno word “Ispayat,” meaning “highest mountain,” reflecting the Dominican Republic’s cultural variety. It honors those who have recognized and accepted the nation’s multicultural history, promoting unity and understanding.

50.  Muñoz—An ambitious surname. The Latin word monachus, meaning “monk,” gives this last name discipline and resolve. It honors leaders that pursue greatness and inspire others.

51.  Pea—A humble and simple surname. This last name, from the Latin word pisa, meaning “pea plant,” indicates its bearers’ modesty. It describes those who are grounded and simple in their relationships.

52.  Jerez—Jerez symbolizes heritage and tradition. This last name, from Spain’s Jerez de la Frontera, symbolizes Dominican heritage and cultural preservation. It honors those who proudly preserve Dominican Republic traditions.

53.  Caceres—Resilience and bravery. This last name, from Cáceres, Spain, symbolizes bravery and perseverance. It honors Dominicans who have battled for fairness and rights.

54.  Romero—Romero means social justice and compassion. This last name comes from the Spanish word Romero, meaning “pilgrim” or “wanderer,” indicating a desire to aid others and promote social justice. It honours those who have spent their lives promoting dignity and respect for the vulnerable and disadvantaged.

55.  Brea—Artistic and creative, Brea is a surname. This last name comes from the Spanish word brea, meaning “pitch” or “resin,” indicating the capacity to turn raw materials into something beautiful and significant. It honours the Dominican Republic’s talented artists and the power of creative expression.

56.  Nuez—A wise surname. This last name, derived from the Spanish word nuez, meaning “nut,” emphasizes study and growth. It honours teachers, researchers, and lifelong learners who believe knowledge may change lives and society.

57.  Montilla—Montella means adaptation and resilience. This last name, from Montilla, Spain, shows resilience and adaptability. It honours those who have overcome adversity and inspired others.

58.  Chavez—Chavez symbolizes activism and social change. This last name, from the Spanish word Chavez, means “key,” reflecting the desire to unleash a better future for everybody. It honours activists who fight social injustice and improve their communities.

59.  Antigua—Antigua means legacy and longing. This last name comes from the Spanish word Antigua, meaning “ancient” or “old,” indicating a strong connection to the past and a longing for former practices. It honours those who value their ancestry and want to pass it on.

60.  Pujols—Pujols means success. This last name comes from the French word puy, meaning “hill,” and symbolizes the ambition to succeed in one’s field. It honours those who relentlessly pursued their passions and changed their fields.

61.  Morales—Morales symbolizes tenacity. This last name comes from the Latin word moralis, meaning “moral” or “ethical,” indicating a strong moral compass. It honours those who have overcome difficulties by staying true to their beliefs.

62.  Marte—Marte is a courageous surname. This last name comes from the Latin word mars, meaning “war,” and symbolizes the courage to fight for justice. It honours those who have bravely defended others’ rights and well-being and inspired others.

63.  García—García symbolizes community. This last name, from the Latin word garcīa, meaning “bear,” conveys community strength and solidarity. It honours those who value community unity and teamwork.

64.  Volquez—A resilient and determined surname. This last name comes from the Spanish word volver, meaning “to return,” and symbolizes resilience. It honours those who overcame difficulties and inspired others.

65.  de Paula—a proud name. This last name, derived from Paula, meaning “small,” shows family pride and personal connection. It honours those who value their family heritage and proudly continue on their forefathers’ customs.

66.  Leon—An ambitious and determined surname. This last name comes from the Latin word Leo, meaning “lion,” and indicates a strong desire to succeed and a readiness to overcome hurdles. It honours those who worked hard to achieve their goals.

67.  Ozuna—Ozuna is a musical surname. This last name, from the Latin word Aesculus, meaning “oak tree,” symbolizes the ability to build something lasting and beautiful. It honours musicians who use their voices and ingenuity to attract audiences and express feelings across languages.

68.  Concepcion—A hopeful name. This last name comes from the Spanish word concepción, meaning “conception” or “beginning,” expressing hope for the future and belief in positive development. It describes optimistic people that are enthusiastic and believe in possibilities.

69.  Sandoval—Loyalty and perseverance. This last name, from the Spanish word Sandoval, means “sandalwood,” and conveys everlasting faithfulness. It honours those who cherish loyalty, family, and integrity.

70.  Navarro—Navarro means tenacity and resourcefulness. This last name, which means “from Navarre,” shows self-reliance and adaptability. It honours resourceful people who solve challenges creatively and gracefully.

71.  Corona symbolizes strength and unity. This last name, from the Latin word “crown,” implies leadership and responsibility. It honours those who persevere, lead with grace, and unite their communities during difficult times.

72.  Rosario—Rosario symbolizes devotion and spirituality. This surname comes from the Latin word rosarium, meaning “rose garden,” indicating a strong spirituality. It honours those who prioritize their spiritual beliefs and practices, drawing strength and inspiration from their faith.

73.  Mesa—Mesa means hospitality. This last name, from the Spanish word “table,” conveys openness and generosity. It honours hosts who make people feel welcome and part of a community.

74.  Flores—A beautiful and growing surname. This last name, from the Spanish word for, means “flower,” reflecting the ability to grow and thrive in varied environments. It celebrates those who have realized their potential and inspired others.

75.  Tolentino—Tolentino means hard work. This last name comes from the Latin word tomentum, meaning “diligence” or “effort,” indicating hard labour and determination. It honours those who worked hard to achieve their goals, showing the power of effort and resilience.

76.  Pereyra—Adaptable and versatile. This last name, from the Spanish word perero, meaning “pear tree,” shows adaptability and openness to change. It honours multitalented people who can adjust to new situations.

77.  Ogando—An ambitious surname. This last name, from the Spanish word ogar, means “to hunt,” indicating a strong will to succeed. It celebrates those who dream big and strive hard to attain them, motivating others.

78.  Encarnacion—Encarnacion means rebirth and transformation. This last name, from the Spanish word encarnación, means “incarnation” or “reincarnation,” implying human growth and change. It honours those who have undergone major life changes, embracing new beginnings and inspiring others.

79.  Melendez—A cooperative surname. This last name, from the Spanish word melén, meaning “small village,” emphasizes community solidarity. It honours community members that collaborate to make a difference and build community.


80.  Guerra—Guerra means resilience and strength. This last name, derived from the Spanish word “war,” shows the ability to conquer obstacles and face problems. It honours those who overcame adversity and inspired others.

81.  Soler—A bright surname. The Spanish word sol, meaning “sun,” gives this last name a cheery demeanour. It honours those who spread joy and positivity.

82.  Morla—A wise surname. The Spanish word morla, meaning “mulberry tree,” gives this last name a deep knowledge and discernment. It refers to wise people who guide and enlighten others.

83.  Aybar—Resilient and determined. This last name comes from the Arabic word haybah, meaning “brave” or “strong,” indicating tenacity and drive. It honors those who overcame hardship and achieved their ambitions.

84.  Mora—A patient and stable surname. This last name, from the Latin word mora, meaning “delay,” shows calmness under difficult conditions. It honors those who persevere through life’s challenges.

85.  Pacheco—A creative and innovative surname. This last name comes from the Portuguese word pacheco, meaning “birdcatcher,” and shows a creative spirit. It celebrates creative people who use their talents to open new doors and encourage others.

86.  Morillo—Morillo means intensity and passion. The Spanish term Moro, meaning “Moor” or “dark-skinned,” gives this last name a fiery and passionate spirit. It honors those who live life with passion and leave a mark.

87.  Asencio represents resilience and progress. The Spanish word “ascenso” means “ascent” or “rise,” thus this last name symbolizes personal improvement. It’s personal.

88.  Velasquez—Velasquez means artistry and inventiveness. This last name, from the Spanish word velas, means “candles,” indicating a love of beauty. It celebrates artists who use diverse mediums to share their distinct viewpoints.

89.  Pozo—A resilient and resourceful surname. This last name, from the Spanish word pozo, meaning “well,” shows the capacity to solve even the most difficult problems. It describes those with great inner power and resourcefulness who can overcome challenges and move forward.

90.  Dume—A curious and intelligent surname. This last name, from the Latin word dumus, means “thorny bush,” and indicates a thirst for knowledge and intelligence. It speaks to those who are constantly seeking new experiences and extending their worldview.

91.  Moreta—Compassionate Moreta. This last name, from the Spanish word moreno, meaning “dark-skinned,” shows a deep understanding and connection with others. It refers to people who naturally empathize and help others in need.

92.  Pina—A resilient surname. This last name, from the Spanish word “pineapple,” shows the ability to thrive in different and hard settings. It honors those who gracefully handled change and difficulty to succeed.

93.  Bobadilla—A determined and persistent surname. This surname, from the Latin word bovadus, means “obstacle,” indicating tenacity. It honors those who have persevered despite many obstacles.

94.  Vilorio—An honorable name.The Spanish word valor, meaning “valor” or “courage,” gives this last name a strong moral compass and a devotion to doing the right thing. It honors those who have gained others’ trust and esteem through their morality.

95.  Adames—This surname means desire and determination. This last name comes from the Latin word amare, meaning “to love,” indicating a strong desire for success. It honors dreamers who work hard to achieve their aspirations.

96.  Monegro—Resilience and perseverance define Monegro. This last name, from the Spanish word montaña, meaning “mountain,” symbolizes the ability to conquer great obstacles and reach new heights. It honors those who have overcome difficulties and persevered to succeed.

97.  Duarte—A leadership and charismatic surname. This last name, derived from the French term deu from the Latin duo, meaning “two,” and art from the Latin ars, meaning “art,” combines two arts or natural qualities. It refers to people who naturally lead by example and improve their societies.

98.  Aracena—This surname means adaptability and resilience. This last name, from the Arabic term Arasana, means “from the mountains,” indicating the capacity to conquer obstacles in harsh conditions. It’s about adaptable people who can overcome life’s challenges.

99.  Aristy—Elegant and sophisticated, Aristy. The Greek term aristo, meaning “the best,” gives this last name a polished and sophisticated tone. It describes graceful, elegant people who exude sophistication in all they do.

100.  Minier—A humble surname. This last name comes from the French word “miner,” indicating a humble and down-to-earth personality. It honors those who help others and improve their communities without seeking accolades.

101.  Ubiera—Ubiera symbolizes creativity and invention. This last name, from the Spanish word ubierto, means “open,” indicating openness and creativity. It addresses creative problem-solvers.

102.  Carpio—A resilient and strong surname. This last name comes from Old French carcase, meaning “remains,” indicating strength and endurance. It honors those who have overcome adversity and grown stronger.

103.  Contreras—An adaptable and resourceful surname. This last name comes from the Spanish word contra, meaning “against,” and the Latin word terra, meaning “earth,” indicating the ability to overcome challenges and discover solutions. It refers to quick-thinking, adaptable people.

104.  Rosado—A passionate name. The Spanish word rosa, meaning “rose,” gives this last name a deep and vivid quality. It honors those who live passionately and leave a lasting impression.

105.  Campos—A nature-loving surname, Campos. This last name, from the Latin word campus, means “field” or “countryside,” reflecting a love of nature. It addresses nature lovers and environmentalists.

106.  Cerda—A loyal surname. This last name, which comes from the Spanish word credo, meaning “pig,” symbolizes a strong family bond. It honors those who value relationships and go above and beyond for loved ones.

107.  Mojica—Resilience and optimism. This last name, from the Spanish verb mojar, meaning “to wet,” shows the ability to find optimism and cheerfulness in any situation. It represents those who never give up hope.

108.  Zapata—Zapata symbolizes bravery and persistence. This last name, from the Spanish word zapato, meaning “shoe,” shows tenacity and a resolve to persevere. It refers to risk-takers who face hardship head-on to grow and succeed.

109.  Marmol—Marmol means tenacity. This last name comes from the Spanish word mármol, meaning “marble,” and implies strength. It honors those who overcame obstacles and became stronger.

110.  Urbaez—Urbaez means ambition and determination. This last name comes from the Spanish word urbe, meaning “city,” and symbolizes a drive for achievement and fame. It honors ambitious people who work hard to attain their goals.

111.  Quezada—Quezada symbolizes intellectual curiosity and quest for knowledge. This last name comes from the Spanish verb quezar, meaning “to search,” and expresses a desire to discover the world. It speaks to those who are always learning and improving.

112.  Cueto—A resilient and adaptable surname. The Spanish word cueta, meaning “a piece of armor,” gives this last name a robust and uncompromising personality. It describes people who can overcome any obstacle and thrive in changing situations.

113.  Read—Read is a literary surname. This last name comes from “read,” which means “to interpret text,” indicating a love of writing. It speaks to bookworms who use narrative to connect with others and make a difference.

114.  Bello—A graceful surname. The Italian adjective bello, meaning “beautiful,” gives this last name a natural elegance and beauty. It appeals to refined taste and aesthetics, valuing beauty in the world and in themselves.

115.  Montaño—Montaño means adventure and wanderlust. This last name comes from the Spanish word montaña, meaning “mountain,” indicating a love of exploration and nature. It’s for those who push their limits to explore the world’s beauty and magic.

116.  Roa—Roa is a creative surname. The Spanish term roca, meaning “rock,” gives this last name a sturdy foundation for creativity. It honors artists who offer beauty and creativity to the world.

117.  Ortiz—A traditional surname. This last name, from the Spanish word orta, meaning “height,” shows a strong connection to one’s roots and culture. It honors those who take pride in their history and keep their traditions alive.

118.  Tavera—Community and belonging. This last name, from the Spanish word taberna, means “tavern” or “meeting place,” and emphasizes friendship and shared experiences. It refers to people who value solid relationships and a sense of belonging, establishing a supportive and inclusive community.

119.  Espinosa—A wise surname. This last name, from the Spanish word Espina, meaning “thorn,” shows the capacity to overcome life’s problems with intelligence and understanding. It talks to wise people who comprehend the world and make wise decisions.

120.  Tatis—A passionate and energetic surname. This last name comes from the Latin word Tantus, meaning “so great,” and shows their unlimited energy and lifelong passion. It describes people who are passionate about all they do and may inspire others.

121.  Fermin—Fermin symbolizes tenacity. This last name comes from the Latin word firmus, meaning “strong” or “steady,” and symbolizes perseverance and strength. It honors those who have the fortitude to overcome adversity.

122.  Cid—A leader and honorable surname. This last name, from the Spanish word cid, means “lord” or “chief,” indicating a natural capacity to command respect. It honors those who lead by example and uphold high ethical standards, inspiring others.

123.  Meran—A resilient surname. This last name, from the Latin word mare, meaning “sea,” symbolizes the ability to traverse life’s changing tides. It describes people who can adapt swiftly and thrive in diverse surroundings, embracing setbacks as opportunities for progress.

124.  Leyba—Compassionate Leyba. This last name comes from the Spanish word ley, meaning “law,” indicating a commitment to justice and fairness. It appeals to people who understand the human condition and want to help. They help others and improve society via compassion.

125.  Cabreja—An ambitious and determined surname. This last name, from the Spanish word cabra, meaning “goat,” indicates a constant pursuit of the highest peaks. It honors those who dream big and strive hard to attain them, never settling for mediocrity and always pushing their limitations.

126.  Rivas—Rivas means harmony and connectedness. This last name comes from the Spanish word ribera, meaning “riverbank,” and expresses a strong awareness for connection. It speaks to those who appreciate collaboration and build bridges between people and ideas to promote understanding and unity.

127.  Vicioso—A resilient and strong surname. This last name, derived from the Spanish word vicio, meaning “vice” or “bad habit,” shows the ability to overcome personal problems and grow stronger. It addresses those who have overcome difficulties and used their past to progress.

128.  Carrasco—Carrasco means determination and endurance. This last name comes from the Spanish word carrasca, meaning “evergreen oak tree,” and symbolizes perseverance. It honors those who persevere, stay true to their ideals, and work hard to attain their goals.

129.  Zorrilla—A passionate and creative surname. This last name, from the Spanish word zorro, means “fox,” indicating resourcefulness and creativity. It’s about creative people who use their imagination to solve problems and inspire others.

130.  Caraballo—A bold name. This last name, from the Spanish word carabala, meaning “musket,” shows courage and a willingness to tackle problems. It refers to people who are steadfast in their beliefs and unafraid of opposition.

131.  Silva—A peaceful surname. This last name, from the Latin word silva, meaning “forest,” conveys a strong connection to nature and inner peace. It speaks to those who find peace in quiet moments and value self-care, embracing nature’s healing power and creating balance in their life.

132.  Portorreal—A resilient and determined surname. This last name comes from the Spanish words puerto, meaning “port,” and real, meaning “royal,” implying royal strength and storm-proofing. It honors those who overcome life’s obstacles and grow stronger.

133.  Correa—An adaptable surname. This last name, from the Spanish word correa, meaning “strap” or “belt,” shows flexibility. It describes those who are adaptable and open to try new things.

134.  Olivo—A wise and long-lived surname. This last name, which comes from the Spanish word for “olive,” signifies a lifetime of learning. It honors those with wisdom and a timeless perspective who guide and inspire others.

135.  Garrido—A resourceful and adaptable surname. The Spanish term garrido, meaning “smart” or “ingenious,” gives this last name a quick-thinking, problem-solving quality. It describes smart, resourceful people who overcome challenges and succeed.

136.  Cabrera—Cabrera symbolizes unity and connectivity. This last name, from the Spanish word cabrería, meaning “herd of goats,” emphasizes connection and interconnectedness. It honors those who work to unite disparate communities via collaboration and bridge-building.

137.  Beato—A happy surname. This last name comes from the Spanish word beato, meaning “blessed” or “happy,” indicating optimism and the ability to find joy in daily life. It celebrates those who spread positivity and joy, reminding us of the world’s beauty and blessings.

138.  Almanzar means ambition and determination. This last name comes from the Spanish verb almanecer, meaning “to dawn,” and symbolizes tenacity. It describes people who work hard and push themselves to succeed.

139.  Moya—A resilient surname. This last name, from the Spanish word moya, meaning “crumbling,” symbolizes the ability to overcome adversity. It honors those who overcome difficulty and failures to succeed.

140.  Evangelista—A spiritual surname. This last name comes from the Spanish word evangelista, meaning “evangelist” or “messenger of good news,” and indicates a strong faith and a desire to inspire others. It addresses those who live their ideas and try to inspire others.

141.  Ulloa—A curious and exploratory surname. This last name, from the Galician word ulloa, means “eyeball,” indicating curiosity. It refers to those that seek new experiences and knowledge to extend their worldview.

142.  Bautista—Bautista means baptism and rebirth. This last name, from the Spanish word bautista, means “baptist,” implying spiritual growth and change. It speaks to those who have changed their lives and inspired others on their own self-discovery journeys.

143.  Ramos—A strong and resilient surname. This last name comes from the Spanish word ramo, meaning “branch,” and symbolizes resilience. It honors those who tackle challenges head-on and strive to become stronger.

144.  Santo—Santo means purity. This last name comes from the Spanish word santo, meaning “saint” or “holy,” indicating morality and virtue. It honors those who are moral, honest, and selfless and work to improve the world.

145.  Grullon—Grullon means leadership and influence. This last name, derived from the Spanish word grullo, means “person of importance,” indicating a natural capacity to command attention and inspire others. It refers to charismatic leaders who inspire and change others.

146.  Bueno—A loving and generous surname. This last name comes from the Spanish word buena, meaning “good” or “kind,” indicating compassion. It honors those who serve others and reminds us of the power of little actions and empathy.

147.  Goris—A creative surname. The Spanish word gorrión, meaning “sparrow,” gives this last name a free-spirited and inventive feel. It honors those who use their creativity to captivate and inspire others.

148.  Paniagua means warmth and welcome. This last name comes from the Spanish words pan, “bread,” and agua, “water,” indicating a tradition of hospitality and nourishment. It honors those who make people feel welcome and at home.

149.  Vazquez—A self-sufficient surname. This last name comes from the Spanish word vazco, meaning “basque,” indicating independence. It honors those who lead their own lives, forge their own path, and embrace their individuality.

150.  Lama—A wise and enlightened surname. This last name comes from the Tibetan word lama, meaning “spiritual teacher,” and indicates a strong spiritual understanding and personal growth. It honours those who seek knowledge and practice mindfulness to guide others to enlightenment.

151.  Pérez represents diversity and inclusivity. The Spanish word perezoso means “lazy” or “carefree,” and this last name celebrates varied perspectives and a carefree lifestyle. It honours those who cherish diversity and fight to build inclusive societies that promote mutual respect and understanding.

152.  Marrero—An adaptable surname. This last name, from the Spanish word marrano, meaning “pig,” shows an ability to adapt and make the best of any situation. It describes those who can adjust to new situations and take advantage of new opportunities.


153.  Salas—A community-oriented surname. This last name, from the Spanish word sala, means “living room,” implying oneness. It speaks to those who value connection, belonging, and working together for the greater good.

154.  Batista means bravery. This last name, from the Spanish word batea, means “wooden tub” or “boat,” shows a courageous and resilient attitude. It honors those who bravely face hardships and use their inner power to succeed.

155.  Chevalier—A noble name. This surname comes from the French word chevalier, meaning “knight,” and symbolizes bravery and courtesy. It refers to those who are honorable, respectful, and compassionate.

156.  Mieses—Patience and persistence. This last name, derived from the Spanish word mies, meaning “grain” or “crop,” emphasizes patience and perseverance. It honors those who persevere despite obstacles.

157.  Montero—Montero means adventurer and explorer. This last name, which comes from the Spanish word for “mountain,” shows curiosity and a love of nature. It speaks to those who crave new challenges and test their limits.

158.  Fajardo—Resilient and determined. This last name comes from the Spanish word faja, meaning “belt” or “sash,” and symbolizes resilience. It honors those who persevere to overcome obstacles and achieve their goals.

159.  Nadal—Nadal means dedication and achievement. This last name comes from the Spanish verb nadar, meaning “to swim,” indicating a dedication to excellence and constant improvement. It honors those who set high standards in all aspects of their lives and push themselves to greatness.

160.  Pierre—Pierre is an elegant surname. The French word pierre, meaning “stone” or “rock,” gives this last name beauty and dignity. It speaks to those with refined taste and a respect for the finer things in life, giving grace and sophistication to their every element.

161.  Pelaez—Resilient and adaptable. This surname, from the Spanish word for “hair,” shows resilience and adaptability. It describes those who can overcome adversity and thrive in changing environments by adapting.

162.  Henriquez—A proud name. This last name comes from the Portuguese name Henrique, meaning “ruler of the home,” and shows a strong sense of identity and heritage. It’s for people who value their family history and culture and want to pass it on.

163.  Heredia means intelligence and knowledge. This last name comes from the Latin word hereditas, meaning “inheritance” or “heritage,” and shows a love of knowledge. It speaks to people who are lifelong learners and share their knowledge.

164.  Benitez—Compassionate and empathetic. This last name comes from the Hebrew name Benyamin, meaning “son of my right hand,” indicating a nurturing character. It describes people who naturally connect with others, are compassionate and understanding, and want to improve others’ lives.

165.  Colon—An ambitious and resilient surname. The Latin word colonus, meaning “settler” or “farmer,” gives this last name a laborious and determined attitude. It talks to people who dream big and use their desire and willpower to conquer any difficulties.

166.  Reinoso—A loyal and trustworthy surname. This last name comes from reino, Spanish for “kingdom,” and shows loyalty. It describes trustworthy, loyal people who are always there for others.

167.  Molina—A creative and innovative surname. This last name comes from the Latin word molina, meaning “mill,” and suggests ingenuity. It refers to creative problem-solvers who think outside the box and offer fresh viewpoints.

168.  Alejo—Resilience and drive define Alejo. The Greek name Alexios, meaning “defender” or “protector,” gives this last name a strong will and steadfast resolution. It’s about fearless people who fight for what they believe in and conquer hurdles.

169.  Dipre—A curious surname. This last name comes from the Latin word discipulus, meaning “student” or “follower,” indicating a love of study and a desire to grow and learn. It appeals to intellectuals who never stop learning.

170.  Polanco—An ambitious name. This last name, from the Spanish word polanco, means “lowland” or “meadow,” indicating a desire to rise above one’s surroundings. It describes those who are determined to succeed and willing to work hard to attain their goals, never settling for mediocrity.

171.  Garabito—Charismatic surname. This last name comes from the Spanish word garabato, meaning “hook” or “crook,” and suggests a captivating personality. It describes persons who effortlessly captivate and impress others.

172.  Agramonte—This surname means bravery. The Latin word ager, meaning “field” or “land,” gives this last name a daring and adventurous character. It refers to brave people who take risks to pursue their aspirations and try new things.

173.  Lluberes—A generous and compassionate surname. This last name, from the Spanish word for “rain,” shows a nurturing disposition. It describes people with enormous hearts who always serve others and show kindness.

174.  Rosa—A graceful surname. The Latin word rosa, meaning “rose,” gives this last name beauty and appeal. It describes those who radiate happiness and friendliness.

175.  Duverge—A strong and resilient surname. This surname comes from the French phrase du verger, meaning “of the orchard,” indicating steadfastness. It describes those who are strong-willed and steadfast in their ideas.

176.  Valera—A versatile surname. This last name comes from the Latin word valere, meaning “to be strong” or “to be powerful,” and indicates an ability to succeed in many roles. It describes those who can adapt to varied situations and overcome different problems.

177.  Ortega—A resilient and determined surname. This last name comes from the Spanish word huerta, meaning “orchard” or “garden,” and symbolizes the ability to overcome adversity. It speaks to those who can face hardship head-on, employing resilience and resolve to succeed.

178.  Padilla—Loyalty and dedication. This last name, which comes from the Spanish word for “friend,” shows loyalty and dedication to others. It describes people who support their loved ones during good times and bad.

179.  Guillen—A passionate and ambitious surname. The Spanish word guilla, meaning “cock’s comb,” gives this last name a fiery and determined attitude. It appeals to ambitious people who are willing to take risks and seize possibilities.

180.  Campusano—A community-oriented surname. This last name, from the Latin word campus, means “field” or “open space,” expressing togetherness and belonging. It appeals to people who value community and working together to achieve goals and make a difference.

181.  Rojas—A passionate surname. The Spanish term rojo, meaning “red,” gives this last name a fiery and energetic quality. It describes people who live with passion and vigor.

182.  Luna—Intuition and spirituality define Luna. The Latin word luna, meaning “moon,” gives this last name a strong connection to the universe’s mysteries. It talks to intuitive, spiritual people who make wise decisions.

183.  Peguero—Peguero means ambitious and driven. This last name, from the Latin word pugnare, means “to fight” or “to struggle,” indicating a fierce drive to succeed. It describes people that work hard and never give up.

184.  Herrera—A skilled and crafty surname. This last name comes from the Spanish word “herrería,” meaning “blacksmithing,” and suggests accuracy in creation and shape. It honors professionals who use their skills to achieve greatness.

185.  Linares—Linares symbolizes tenacity. This last name, from the Latin word linaria, meaning “flax,” shows resilience. It’s about strong, determined people who overcome hurdles to succeed.

186.  Nolasco—Compassionate and empathetic. This last name, from the Latin word nolens, means “willing,” indicating sincere concern for others. It refers to people who naturally empathize and assist others, always wanting to help.

187.  Tineo—A curious and smart surname. This last name, from the Latin word tinea, meaning “moth,” shows a love of learning. It appeals to people who are interested and love to learn new things.

188.  Germosen—Generosity and kindness define Germosen. The Latin word generous, meaning “noble” or “generous,” gives this last name a selfless nature. It calls to big-hearted people who want to serve others.

189.  Portes—Portes is an adventurous surname. This last name, from the Latin word porta, means “gate” or “door,” shows a desire of travel and new experiences. It appeals to globetrotters who want to experience new cultures and viewpoints.

190.  Vallejo—A peaceful surname. This surname comes from the Spanish word valle, meaning “valley,” and conveys calmness. It describes people who seek peace and harmony in all parts of life and have a calm aura.

191.  Villegas—A traditional surname. This last name comes from the Spanish word villa, meaning “village,” indicating a strong connection to one’s roots and ancestry. It appeals to people who honor their ancestry and cultural traditions while looking forward.

192.  Fabian—A creative and innovative surname. This last name comes from the Latin word fibre, meaning “craftsman” or “artisan,” indicating a knack for creative problem-solving. It speaks to innovative thinkers and doers who push the limits of possibility.

193.  Medina—Medina symbolizes leadership and power. This last name, from the Arabic word madīnah, meaning “city” or “metropolis,” shows a natural capacity to inspire and guide. It refers to leaders who inspire others and improve their communities.

194.  Noboa—A prosperous surname. This last name comes from the Latin words novus, meaning “new,” and bova, meaning “cow,” indicating a talent for prosperity. It targets financially savvy and entrepreneurial people.

195.  Aponte—Justice and fairness. This last name, from the Latin “at the bridge,” symbolizes truth and equality. It talks to justice-minded people who fight for fairness and equality.

196.  Piña—A lovely, optimistic surname. This last name comes from the Spanish word “pineapple,” indicating a sunny disposition. It describes those who spread joy and see the good in every situation.

197.  Ramon—Ramon means wise and smart. This last name comes from the Spanish word ramo, meaning “branch,” indicating a deep comprehension. It refers to wise people who mentor others.

198.  Sencion—A resilient surname. This last name comes from the Latin word sententia, meaning “opinion” or “judgment,” indicating a strong will to conquer obstacles. It’s about resilient people who overcome adversity.

199.  Regalado—Generosity and plenty. This last name comes from the Latin word regalatus, meaning “enjoyed” or “delighted,” expressing a charitable disposition. It inspires compassionate people who want to bring joy and abundance to others.

200.  Mena—A loyal surname. The Latin word mina, meaning “bond” or “pledge,” gives this last name a strong feeling of dedication. It describes those who are strongly loyal to their loved ones and will do anything to defend them.

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Final Words

As we dive deeper into the world of Dominican last names, we find that these surnames are not merely words on paper but powerful symbols of identity, culture, and history. Each name carries with it a story, a unique thread that weaves into the rich tapestry of Dominican heritage. By exploring the meanings and origins of these names, we uncover the multifaceted layers of Dominican society and gain a deeper appreciation for the diverse influences that have shaped the country’s identity. Join us as we continue to unravel the captivating narratives behind more Dominican last names and celebrate the vibrant heritage they represent.

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