110+ Aztec Girl Names That Sounds Like Princess

Are you looking for meaningful Aztec girl names? Names that reflect the rich heritage of the ancient Aztecs and their powerful culture? Then this blog is just the place for you! Here, we’ll dive deep into the list of Aztec girl names with meanings so you can pick out a name that truly reflects your little girl’s spirit.

Aztec girl names vary depending on region, but most share a common theme of expressing the female qualities of loyalty, honesty, and strength. Some traditional Aztec girl names include Xochitl, Xiuhtecuhtli, and Tlaloc. Other popular choices include Ximena, Marina, and Antonia.

Aztec girl names were carefully chosen to reflect the goddesses and gods they worshiped. Many of the Aztec girl names are still popular today, though their meanings have changed over time.

List of Aztec Girl Names

Some popular Aztec girl names include—

  • Nochtli—For a robust, powerful baby girl. Nochtli, the Aztec combat goddess, means “fighter.”
  • Amoxtli—Aztec names are lovely, graceful, and full of significance. Aztec names make unusual and memorable baby girl names.
  • Ilancueitl—”Serpent Lady” is a baby girl’s name. This name is appropriate for a baby girl with serpentine strength.
  • Coyolxauhqui—Aztec moon goddess. Her name means “lady of the bells” and she typically wore a crescent moon on her head. If you want a divine name for your daughter, consider her.
  • Toci—”She Who Weaves the World” is a baby girl’s name. This name suits a practical baby girl.
  • Ayauhteotl—”Feathered Serpent”—is a girl’s name. This name is appropriate for a baby girl with serpentine strength.
  • Jatziri—Amazing and distinctive Aztec baby girl name. “Atzin” means “princess” in Nahuatl. Your girl will love it.
  • Huitzilopochtli—”Left Hummingbird”
  • Apozanolotl—”Water Wolf” is a baby girl’s name. This name suits a wolf-like girl.
  • Yolotli—A moon-beautiful baby girl deserves this name. “Radiant one” was Yolotli, the Aztec moon deity.
  • Yolihuani—A sun-kissed baby girl deserves this name. “Sunshine” was the Aztec sun goddess Yolihuani.
  • Titlacauan—”We are their S They are Ours”
  • Ichtaca—Perfect for a curious girl. Ichtaca—”curious one”—was the Aztec cat goddess.
  • Maya—”Water” In es—”East”
  • Atlacoya—”Water Woman” is a baby girl’s name. This name suits a graceful and powerful baby girl.
  • Chalchihuitlcue—Aztec mythology offers distinctive and profound names for girls.


  • Tonatiuh—“sun god” ihuacatl—“maize corn”
  • Xolotl—”Dog-headed”
  • Chicomucelotl—”Seven-Snake Lord” Tlaltecuhtli—”Earth Lord”
  • Chalchiuhtlicue—”Jade Skirt”—is a girl’s name. Chalchiuhtlicue, An Aztec water deity, inspired this name. This name suits a goddess-like girl.
  • Tzitzamitl—”Star demon”—is a rare name. Your baby girl will enjoy this bold, unique name.
  • Azcaxochtzin—”Flower of the Water”—is a newborn girl’s name. Xochiquetzal, the Aztec goddess of love and beauty, inspired it. A flower-like baby girl deserves this name.
  • Mizquixaual—For a deer-like infant girl. Mizquixaual, the Aztec deer goddess, means “graceful one.”
  • Quetzalli—A delicate butterfly-like baby girl deserves this name. Quetzalli, the Aztec butterfly goddess, means “lovely one.”
  • Chihuahua—an Aztec name is appropriate for a newborn with historical and cultural importance.
  • Ticualtzin—”Burning One” was the Aztec goddess of fire. This name is great for a baby girl you hope will brighten your family.
  • Acuecucyoticihuati—”She of the Water”—is a newborn girl’s name inspired by Chalchiuhtlicue, the Aztec goddess of water. This name suits a water-like baby girl.
  • Chalchiuhtotolin—”Jade Heron”
  • Atlcahualo—“water that descends.”
  • Chicomecoatl—”seven snakes”
  • Necahual—For a robust, powerful baby girl. Necahual, the Aztec combat goddess, means “fighter.”
  • Chalchiuhtlicue—”Jade Skirt”
  • Chimalma—the Aztec deity of earth and fertility. Her name means “protected mountain” and she was represented as a green or corn-colored figure. If you want a nature-inspired name for your daughter, she’s great.
  • Tezcatlipoca—”Smoking Mirror”
  • Chicomoztoc—”seven caves”

Aztec Baby Girl Names From Mythology

You need a strong, inspiring name for your baby girl. Why not borrow from Aztec mythology? This site explores Mesoamerican Aztec baby girl names. From exquisitely poetic to robust and forceful, these names will tie your girl to the intriguing Aztec culture and mythology and be a passionate and meaningful choice.

  • Tozi—Tozi, a minor Aztec goddess, has a charming name. It means “dew” or “fragrance” and is a sweet name for your baby girl.
  • Ticualnēzqui—For a robust, powerful baby girl. Ticualnēzqui, the Aztec combat goddess, means “fighter.”
  • Mictecacihuatl—”Lady of the Dead”
  • Omecihuatl—”Two-Spirit Lady” is a baby girl’s name. This name suits a strong, aggressive baby girl.
  • Coatlicue—”Serpent Woman” is a baby girl’s name. This name is appropriate for a baby girl with serpentine strength.
  • Atlatonan—”Water goddess” is a baby girl’s name. This name suits a goddess-like girl.
  • Anacaona—Aztec noblewoman and Hispaniola monarch. She led a Spanish uprising and was executed. “Flower of paradise” is her Nahuatl name.
  • Xilonen—A harvest-sweet baby girl deserves this name. Xilonen, the Aztec maize goddess, means “young corn stem.”
  • Ahuic—”She of the Night” is a baby girl’s name. This name suits a mysterious baby girl.
  • Ixchel—”lady rainbow”
  • Xitllali—”Star Flower” from the Nahuatl word for “flower,” Xochitl. Your baby girl will shine with this elegant name.
  • Yaretzi—Perfect for a beautiful baby girl like the Aztec goddess of love and fertility. Yaretzi, the Aztec deity of love and fertility, means “flower.”


  • Icnoyotl—For an eagle-like infant girl. Icnoyotl, the Aztec eagle goddess, means “defiant one.”
  • Melatonin—”Water Lady” is a newborn girl’s name. This name suits a ladylike baby girl.
  • Xochiquetzal—Aztec goddess of love, beauty, and fertility. She protected women and girls, making her a great name for your daughter. “Flower feather” is her Nahuatl name.
  • Ome—”Two” is a baby girl’s name. A baby girl as unusual as two deserves this name.
  • Tonalnan—”She of the Sun”—is a newborn girl’s name. This name suits a sunny baby girl.
  • Teicuih—Aztec midwife goddess Teicuih. A baby girl destined to aid others would be named thus.
  • Mixcóatl—For a strong, powerful baby girl. “Snake” was Mixcóatl, the Aztec war deity.
  • Tonantzin—”Mother Earth” is a baby girl’s name. This name suits a practical baby girl.
  • Tepeloyotl—For a strong, robust female. Tepeloyotl, the Aztec combat deity, means “fighter.”
  • Atotoztli—”Water Flower”—is a girl’s name. Xochiquetzal, the Aztec goddess of love and beauty, inspired it. A flower-like baby girl deserves this name.
  • Tlaloc—”Lord of Waters”
  • Gucumatz—“feathered serpent”
  • Metztli—”Moon” is a baby girl’s name. This name suits a moon-like baby girl.
  • Itzpapalotl—”Obsidian Butterfly”
  • Chicomuselo—”seven snakes”
  • Yemanja—”Mother of the Waters” is a baby girl’s name. This name suits a water-like baby girl.
  • Atlacamani—”Water Monster” is a baby girl’s name. This name suits a monster-like girl.
  • Tayanna—Tayanna means “flower” in Aztec. Your girl will love it.
  • Atl—Aztec water, chaos, and fertility god. His name is Nahuatl for “water,” and he was typically represented as a dragon or serpent. He would give your daughter a strong name.
  • Mayahuel—”She of the Water”—is a baby girl’s name. This name suits a water-like baby girl.
  • Chantico—”She Who Relates to the Earth”—is a baby girl’s name. This name suits a practical baby girl.
  • Chicomecoatl—Aztec maize and agriculture goddess. Her name means “seven snakes” and she was represented as a green or corn-colored figure. If you want a nature-inspired name for your daughter, she’s great.
  • Cihuaton—the Aztec deity of earth and fertility. Her name means “protected mountain” and she was represented as a green or corn-colored figure. If you want a nature-inspired name for your daughter, she’s great.
  • Cozamalotl—Aztec butterfly goddess. Her name means “butterfly flower,” and she protected weavers. If you want a nature-inspired name for your daughter, she’s great.
  • Xipe Totec—”flayed god”

Unique Aztec girl names

Aztec female names might help your daughter stand out. Xochitl, Tlahuizcalco, and Xiuhtecuhtli are popular. Discuss nicknames with your daughter’s guardian before naming her.

  • Sugey—Sugey means “flower” in Aztecs. Your girl will love it.
  • Chiconahui—”She Who Relates to the Stars” is the appropriate name for a wonderful, mystical baby girl.
  • Quetzalcoatl—”Plumed Serpent”
  • Cipactonal—”lord of the ground”
  • Macuilxóchitl—A gorgeous girl deserves this name. Macuilxóchitl, the Aztec goddess with five flower petals, signifies “five blossoms.”
  • Nahuatl—”Serpent Lady” is a baby girl’s name. This name is appropriate for a baby girl with serpentine strength.
  • Chalmecacihuilt—”Serpent Woman”—is a girl’s name. This name is appropriate for a baby girl with serpentine strength.
  • Tonantzin—”Revered Mother”
  • Yohaulticetl—”Jade Maiden
  • Chicomcoatl—”Seven Serpent”
  • Ilamatecuhtli—”Lord of the Earth”—is a girl’s name. This name suits a practical baby girl.
  • Atzi—Aztec fertility and birthing goddess. She was the soil mother of all plants and animals. Her Nahuatl name means “earth.” If you want a nature-inspired name for your daughter, she’s great.
  • Nenetl—An Aztec deity of mist and fog. This name is wonderful for a wispy baby girl like the goddess.
  • Miyaoaxochitl—A gorgeous girl deserves this name. Miyaoaxochitl, the Aztec morning star goddess, means “star.”


  • Yaotl—Aztec war god. He was a fierce warrior whose name means “enemy.” This is a great name for a baby boy you hope will be powerful and fearless.
  • Cihuacoatl—”Woman Serpent”
  • Teiuc—Aztec fertility and abundance goddess. This name is appropriate for a baby girl you hope will bring your family prosperity.
  • Zeltzin—This name suits a lovely butterfly-like baby girl. Zeltzin, the Aztec butterfly goddess, means “lovely one.”
  • Yoloxochitl—For a flower-like baby girl. Flower-goddess Yoloxochitl was Aztec.
  • Tlazolteotl—”Filth Deity”
  • Cinteotl—“corn goddess”
  • Huixtocihuatl—”She Who Weaves the Earth”—is a baby girl’s name. This name suits a practical baby girl.
  • Citlalic—Aztec goddess of stars. Her name, “star woman,” referred to her star-shaped figure. If you want a divine name for your daughter, consider her.

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Final Words

Goddesses shaped Aztec culture. Xiuhtecuhtli, Chalchiuhtlicue, Tlazolteotl, and Mixcoatl are famous Aztec lady names. These names may resemble popular ladies like Emma or Madison. Always choose a family-meaningful name.

Arun Verma
Arun Verma

Hi, myself Arun Verma. I Love Playing Multiplayer Games, Exploring new Technologies, Buying Cool Gadgets, and Deeply Research Names. Working at Deloitte gave me the knowledge to blog about Business Ideas I have to deal with on a regular basis.

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