150+ Popular Names For A Sword: Fantasy and Historical

A sword is a tool that can be used for good or evil. It has many different names, but one of the most popular is “Sword.” There are many different swords out there, and it can be hard to decide which one is the best for you. Here are some of the most popular names for a swords– Buckler, Rapier, Gladius, Crusader’s Sword, and War Sword.

One of the most important things to consider when choosing a Sword name is the Historical context in which it was named. For example, if a Sword was named for a King or Hero, then its name would likely reflect that. However, if the Sword was named after an animal, then the name would likely be less serious and more playful.

The sword is a symbol of protection and power. It is often used to fend off evil or defend oneself. There are many different names for a sword, each with its own history and meaning. Some of the most popular names for swords include– Rapier, saber, katana, and wakizashi. It is important to choose the right name for your sword based on its purpose and history.

How to Find A Good Name for Your Sword?

Finding a name for your sword is an important part of the process of acquiring and owning it. It gives the sword a sense of identity and character, and allows you to create an emotional attachment and connection with it. In this blog, we will explore some creative ways you can find a meaningful and unique name for your sword that stands the test of time.

  • One of the most important factors to consider when naming your sword is its purpose. Is it a weapon of war, or a ceremonial object? Is it a tool for protection, or a symbol of power? The name you choose should reflect the role the sword plays in your life.
  • If you are looking for a name with personal significance, think about what the sword represents to you. Perhaps it is a family heirloom, or a reminder of a victory in battle. Maybe it is a tool you hope to use to achieve great things, or a tribute to a fallen friend. Whatever the case may be, find a name that encapsulates the sword’s significance to you.
  • Lastly, don’t be afraid to get creative! There are no rules when it comes to finding a name for your sword. If a name feels right, go with it. After all, it is your sword, and it deserves a name that is as unique as you are.

Names For A Sword

Names have been assigned to objects of great power and reverence since time immemorial. Names serve to show respect and honor to the bearer of the object or person. Swords, in particular, have carried a great deal of symbolic meaning throughout the ages, and have been given a variety of names that hold their own unique meaning and significance. Here, we’ll explore some of the most awe–inspiring names available for a sword, their origins, and the power they exude. Dive in and discover how you can find the perfect name for your own sword and imbue it with its own powerful meaning!

  • The Sword of Dreams – Zulfiqar– This name originates from Arabic literature and means “the cleaver of backs/spines”. It was famously wielded by Ali, the son–in–law of the Prophet Muhammad, and is often associated with dreams and psychic abilities.
  • The Sword of Liberation – Muhaddith– This name is derived from Arabic and Persian and means “the restorer of what is right/the truth–teller”. It’s often seen as a symbol of freedom and justice, and is said to be able to cut through lies and deceit.
  • The Sword of Heaven – Ascalon– Ascalon is a Hebrew word that means “firebrand” or “lance”. It’s mentioned in the Bible as the weapon used by David to fell Goliath, and has come to be seen as a symbol of victory and strength.
  • The Sword of Occult Knowledge – Sajeel– Sajeel is an Arabic name that means “one who controls/knowes all”. It’s often seen as asymbol of hidden knowledge and power, and is said to be able to cut through ignorance and false beliefs.
  • The Sword of Kings – Durendal – Durendal is a French name that means “hard blade”. It’s the weapon of choice for Roland, the heroic knight of French legend, and has come to be seen as a symbol of nobility and strength.
  • Sword of the Saint – Joyeuse – Joyeuse is a French name that means “joyful” or “happy”. It’s the sword of Charlemagne, the great emperor of medieval Europe, and is often seen as a symbol of good fortune and happiness.
  • The Sword of Power – Tyrfing– Tyrfing is a Norse name that means “the one who brings about destruction”. It’s a cursed blade that causes great misfortune to whoever wields it, and is often seen as a symbol of the dangers of ambition and power.
  • The Sword of the Seas – Kusanagi– Kusanagi is a Japanese name that means “grass–cuttingThis name originates from Japanese literature and mythology and is associated with the sea and water. It’s said to be able to control the tides and has a strong connection to the wind and weather.
  • The Sword of Balance – Kirito– Kirito is a Sanskrit word that means “the one who cuts through”. It’s often seen as a symbol of balance and justice, and is said to be able to cut through both good and evil.
  • The Sword of War – Tizona– Tizona is a Spanish name that means “fiery” or “burning”. It’s the sword of El Cid, the great Spanish warrior and national hero, and is often seen as a symbol of courage and strength in the face of adversity.
  • Mage Blade
  • Pointy
  • Military Etcher
  • Silence
  • Divine Light
  • Gleaming Carver
  • Walking Stick
  • Quern–Biter
  • Gold Digger
  • Doombringer
  • Oblivion
  • Ghostwalker
  • Gravedigger
  • Oathkeeper
  • Turkey Carver
  • Twilight Tempest
  • Eat The Bush
  • Mockup
  • Sting
  • Rainbow Road
  • Obsidian Sword
  • Flaming Rapier
  • Striker
  • Author of Death
  • Rigor Mortis
  • Noble Phantasm
  • Littlefinger’s Dagger
  • Heartsbane
  • Sun Strike
  • Bone Rattlier
  • Shining Malice
  • Graven Edge


Name For A Fencing Sword

Swords can be powerful symbols of courage and strength. Fencing Swords are no exception and their names often reflect that strength and courage. Whether you are looking for a name for a new foil, epee, or saber, this blog is the perfect place to get inspired and informed. Each name has a special meaning tied to it and can help bring your weapon to life. Read on to learn some of the wonderful fencing sword names and their meanings!

  • Rapier– A fencing sword that is thin and long with a sharp point. The name rapier comes from the French word “rapière” which means “to quarrel”.
  • Epee– A fencing sword that is larger and heavier than a foil. The name epee comes from the French word “épée” which means “sword”.
  • Foil– A fencing sword that is smaller and lighter than an epee. The name foil comes from the French word “foil” which means “to pierce”.
  • Saber– A fencing sword that is heavier and has a curved blade. The name saber comes from the French word “sabre” which means “to cut”.
  • Sword of Honor– A fencing sword that is given to a fencer who has shown great courage and strength. The name Sword of Honor comes from the French phrase “Épée d’honneur” which means “sword of honor”.
  • Sword of Justice– A fencing sword that is given to a fencer who has shown great fairness and sportsmanship. The name Sword of Justice comes from the French phrase “Épée de justice” which means “sword of justice”.
  • Sword of Truth– A fencing sword that is given to a fencer who has always fought with honesty and integrity. The name Sword of Truth comes from the French phrase “Épée de vérité” which means “sword of truth”.
  • Sword of Loyalty– A fencing sword that is given to a fencer who has always been true to their team and friends. The name Sword of Loyalty comes from the French phrase “Épée de fidélité” which means “sword of loyalty”.
  • Sword of Virtue– A fencing sword that is given to a fencer who has always fought with honor and dignity. The name Sword of Virtue comes from the French phrase “Épée de vertu” which means “sword of virtue”.
  • Sword of Courage– A fencing sword that is given to a fencer who has always shown great courage in the face of adversity. The name Sword of Courage comes from the French phrase “Épée de courage” which means “sword of courage”.
  • Gutrender
  • Thorn Bush
  • Sodium storm
  • Tyrant’s Demise
  • Molten Forger
  • Sprinkle
  • Widow pulsar
  • Felthorn
  • The Dead Body
  • Beauty
  • Night’s Edge
  • Hopeless Reaver
  • Wit’s End
  • Fortune’s Razor
  • Knight’s Fall
  • Pet Rock

Deathly Hallows

Cool Names For A Sword

Forged from the fires of ancient battles and imbued with the power of mythology, swords have long been a symbol of courage and strength. From the powerful Excalibur to the legendary Masamune, swords have captured imaginations for centuries. This blog post explores some of the most unique and interesting names given to swords throughout history. Whether you’re in search of a powerful moniker for a new sword or simply curious about the variety of sword names, this list will provide plenty of inspiration.

  • Bravestorm– A sword that was used by a great warrior to defeat a fearsome dragon.
  • Twilight’s Edge– A sword that was used to protect a kingdom from the darkness.
  • Blade of Destiny– A sword that is said to determine the course of one’s life.
  • Soul Reaper– A sword that is said to collect the souls of those it kills.
  • Heaven’s Wrath– A sword that was used by a great warrior to defeat a fearsome demon.
  • Defender of the Faith– A sword that was used to protect a kingdom from invaders.
  • Blade of Judgment– A sword that is said to judge the worthiness of those it kills.
  • Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker– A sword that was used by a great warrior to tame the elements.
  • Blackrazor– A sword that is said to be made from the metal of a fallen star.
  • Lightbringer– A sword that was used to bring light to a dark world.
  • Frostmourne– A sword that is said to be made from the frozen tears of the damned.
  • Ageddon– A sword that was used to bring about the end of the world.
  • The Stranger– A sword that is said to hold the power of life and death.
  • The One Ring– A sword that is said to hold the power to control all others.
  • Anduril, Flame of the West– A sword that was used to vanquish a great evil.
  • Sting– A sword that was used by a great warrior to defeat a fearsome spider.
  • Narsil, Broken Sword of Elendil– A sword that was used to bring about the fall of a great kingdom.
  • Glamdring, Foe–Hammer of Gandalf– A sword that was used by a great wizard to defeat a fearsome orc.
  • Patient Zero– A sword that is said to be the first and last of its kind.
  • The Void– A sword that is said to be empty and yet full of power.
  • Storm Caller
  • The Evil Eye
  • Peacekeeper
  • The Whispering Wind
  • Whisper
  • Gladius
  • Cavity Search
  • Baguette
  • Thorn
  • Protector
  • Harmony
  • Funny Snack
  • His Pet Wither
  • Crying Mageblade
  • Lonely Carver
  • Catastrophe
  • A Pointy Stick

Famous Names For A Sword

There are many different names for a sword, but some of the most popular ones include “The Sword of Justice” and “The Blade of the Night”. There is no one perfect name for a sword, and each person’s preferences will vary. It’s important to find a name that sounds good, is unique, and feels like the right weapon for the occasion.

  • The Key– A sword that is said to hold the power to unlock all mysteries.
  • The Missing Piece– A sword that is said to hold the power to complete the puzzle.
  • The Unforgiven– A sword that is said to hold the power to forgive all sins.
  • The Broken Promise– A sword that is said to hold the power to mend all fences.
  • The Hero’s Journey– A sword that is said to be the key to becoming a hero.
  • The Holy Grail– A sword that is said to hold the power to grant all wishes.
  • The One Ring– A sword that is said to hold the power to control all others.
  • The Sorting Hat– A sword that is said to hold the power to sort all students.
  • The Deathly Hallows– A sword that is said to hold the power to defeat death.
  • The Elder Wand– A sword that is said to be the most powerful wand in existence.
  • The Golden Bough– A sword that is said to hold the power to grant eternal life.
  • The Sorcerer’s Stone– A sword that is said to be the key to all knowledge and power.
  • The Wizarding World– A sword that is said to hold the power to create your own reality.
  • The power of your mind– A sword that is said to be the key to all success.
  • Finality
  • Infused Guardian
  • His Pet Ghast
  • Excalibur
  • Pretty Lights
  • Ounce In A Month
  • Remorse
  • 2 Pencil
  • Sympathy
  • Erection
  • Persuasion
  • Cactus
  • Ghost Point
  • Frosty Greatsword
  • Hope’s End
  • Cosmic Ascension
  • Lollipops
  • Quick Blade
  • Oathbreaker
  • Blood Spiller

Épée de vertu

Good Names For A Sword

There are many good names for a sword. Some of the more popular sword names include Jack, Jill, Grendel, and Dragon. It really depends on what someone is looking for in a sword.

  • The secret to happiness– A sword that is said to be the key to a joyful life.
  • The meaning of life– A sword that is said to be the key to understanding the universe.
  • The key to success– A sword that is said to be the key to achieving your dreams.
  • The power of love– A sword that is said to be the key to conquering all fears.
  • The key to a lasting relationship– A sword that is said to be the key to a happy and fulfilling partnership.
  • The key to a good life– A sword that is said to be the key to a life well–lived.
  • The key to a healthy lifestyle– A sword that is said to be the key to maintaining a healthy body and mind.
  • The key to a happy life– A sword that is said to be the key to living a life full of joy and happiness.
  • The key to inner peace– A sword that is said to be the key to finding peace of mind and soul.
  • The key to self–acceptance– A sword that is said to be the key to loving and accepting yourself for who you are.
  • The key to self–improvement– A sword that is said to be the key to constantly bettering yourself.
  • The key to a better future– A sword that is said to be the key to making the world a better place.
  • The key to world peace– A sword that is said to be the key to ending all war and conflict.
  • The key to a happy ending– A sword that is said to be the key to getting the ending that you want in life.
  • The key to true love– A sword that is said to be the key to finding the one person.
  • Wooden Sword
  • Final Words
  • Ice Heart
  • Black Out
  • Azure Dream
  • Sandra
  • Muffin
  • Needle
  • Dawn Reach
  • World Edit
  • Dragonfire
  • Splinter
  • The Hightower
  • Vanquisher
  • Shield Breaker
  • Sweet Victory


Japanese Sword Names

The Japanese sword is a beautiful, deadly weapon that has been crafted since the late Heian period. With its long and illustrious history come many symbolic and traditional sword names. In this blog, we will explore the history and cultural importance of these traditional sword names, and help to rekindle the appreciation and respect due to these names and their associated weapons.

  • Katana is known by many names, including the uchigatana, the kodachi, the tachi, and the naginata.
  • Uchigatana is a type of katana that was popular in the early medieval period. It was characterized by its slightly curved blade and simple hilt. The uchigatana was used by the samurai class of feudal Japan.
  • Kodachi is a type of katana that was popular in the late medieval period. It was characterized by its slightly longer blade and more ornate hilt. The kodachi was used by the samurai class of feudal Japan.
  • Tachi is a type of katana that was popular in the early modern period. It was characterized by its long, curved blade and simple hilt. The tachi was used by the samurai class of feudal Japan.
  • Naginata is a type of katana that was popular in the late medieval and early modern periods. It was characterized by its long, straight blade and simple hilt.
  • Wakizashi is known by many names, including the katana, the tanto, the odachi, and the naginata.
  • Tanto is a type of wakizashi that was popular in the late medieval period. It was characterized by its long, straight blade and simple hilt. The tanto was used by the samurai class of feudal Japan.
  • Odachi is a type of wakizashi that was popular in the early modern period. It was characterized by its long, straight blade and simple hilt. The odachi was used by the samurai class of feudal Japan.
  • Kokoro – meaning “heart”, “mind”, or “spirit”.
  • Tetsuga – meaning “iron rainbow”.
  • Kotetsu – meaning “steel”.
  • Muramasa – meaning “blooming like a jewel”.
  • Hannya – meaning “female demon”.
  • Yamato – meaning “greater than a thousand”.

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Final Words

There are many different names for a sword, but they all have one thing in common– they are all weapons of war. So what is the best name for your sword? It depends on your preferences and what type of sword you are looking for.

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