500+ Discord Symbols to Stand Out Online!

In the ever-evolving world of online communication, symbols have become an integral part of conveying emotions, expressions, and messages. Discord, a popular platform for gamers and communities, provides a wide range of symbols that can enhance your conversations and add a touch of creativity. In this blog, we will explore the different Discord symbols available and how you can use them to make your chats more engaging and expressive.

So, sit back, relax, and let’s dive into the world of Discord Symbols together.

Discord Symbols

Discord Symbols await you! Unleash creativity in your chats with stylish symbols and characters. Make every message unforgettable!

٭ Ł × ®
【】 ⦇⦈

Japanese Smiley face symbols for Discord

Japanese smiley face symbols for Discord are here! Add flair to your messages and connect with friends using these delightful emoticons today.

✌(ツ) =)
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ϡ
 (ツ゚) ت
ӱ ಠ_ಠ

Alchemical Discord Symbols

Alchemical Discord Symbols unveil hidden meanings! Dive into the mystical world of symbols and discover their secrets today.

🜀 🝏 🜦 🝋
🜁 🝐 🜧 🝌
🜂 🝑 🜨 🝍
🜃 🝒 🜩 🝎
🜄 🝓 🜪 🜟
🜅 🝔 🜫 🜠
🜆 🝕 🜬 🜡
🜇 🝖 🜭 🜢
🜈 🝗 🜮 🜣
🜉 🝘 🜯 🜤
🜊 🝙 🜰 🜥
🜋 🝚 🜱 🝮
🜌 🝛 🜲 🝯
🜍 🝜 🜳 🝰
🜎 🝝 🜴 🝱
🜏 🝞 🜵 🝲
🜐 🝟 🜶 🝳
🜑 🝠 🜷 🝅
🜒 🝡 🜸 🝆
🜓 🝢 🜹 🝇
🜔 🝣 🜺 🝈
🜕 🝤 🜻 🝉
🜖 🝥 🜼 🝊
🜗 🝦 🜽 🝃
🜘 🝧 🜾 🝄
🜙 🝨 🜿 🝬
🜚 🝩 🝀 🝭
🜛 🝪 🝁 🜝
🜜 🝫 🝂 🜞

Flower Symbols for Discord

Flower symbols for Discord: Discover unique and beautiful flower emojis to enhance your server’s vibe. Express yourself with floral flair!


Star-type Discord Symbols

Elevate your chats with star-type Discord symbols! Get creative with stunning designs that bring life to your messages and servers today!

 ✵  ✯  ❂
 ✦  ✷  ⁂
 ✩  ✹
 ✪  ✢
 ✻  ✣
 ✼  ✤
 ✭  ✽

Currency Discord Symbols

Currency Discord Symbols: Transform your Discord conversations! Browse our exciting selection of currency symbols and add flair to every chat.

¢  ៛
 $  ₠  ₪
 €  ₡
 ₥  ﷼  ƒ
 ₦  ¤  ௹
 ₧ ฿

Letter Discord Symbols

Elevate your Discord game with cool letter symbols! Dive in to find the perfect accents for your conversations!

A ء Ñ Ʋ Ƿ
B آ Ò Ƴ Ǹ
C أ Ó ƴ ǹ
D ؤ Ô Ƶ Ǻ
E إ Õ ƶ ǻ
F ئ Ö Ʒ Ǽ
G ا Ø Ƹ ǽ
H ب Ù ƹ Ǿ
I ة Ú ƺ ǿ
J ت Û ƻ Ȁ
K ث Ü Ƽ ȁ
L ج Ý ƽ Ȃ
M ح Þ ƾ ȃ
N خ ß ƿ Ȅ
O د à ǀ ȅ
P ذ á ǁ Ȇ
Q ر â ǂ ȇ
R ز ã ǃ Ȉ
S س ä DŽ ȉ
T ش å Dž Ȋ
U ص æ dž ȋ
V ض ç LJ Ȍ
W ط è Lj ȍ
X ظ é lj Ȏ
Y ع ê NJ ȏ
Z غ ë Nj Ȑ

Here are more ideas. 10000+ Cool Symbols list for gaming or other purposes

a ػ ì nj ȑ
b ؼ í Ǎ Ȓ
c ؽ î ǎ ȓ
d ؾ ï Ǐ Ȕ
e ؿ ð ǐ ȕ
f ـ ñ Ǒ Ȗ
g ف ò ǒ ȗ
h ق ó Ǔ Ș
i ك ô ǔ ș
j ل õ Ǖ Ț
k م ö ǖ ț
l ن ø Ǘ Ȝ
m ه ù ǘ ȝ
n و ú Ǚ Ȟ
o ى û ǚ ȟ
p ي ü Ǜ Ƞ
q ý ǜ ȡ
r þ ǝ Ȣ
s ÿ Ǟ ȣ
t Ā ǟ Ȥ
u ה ā Ǡ ȥ
v ו Ă ǡ Ȧ
w ז ă Ǣ ȧ
x ח Ą ǣ Ȩ
y ט ą Ǥ ȩ
z י Ć ǥ Ȫ
À ך ć Ǧ ȫ
Á כ Ĉ ǧ Ȭ
 ל ĉ Ǩ ȭ
à ם Ċ ǩ Ȯ
Ä מ ċ Ǫ ȯ
Å ן Č ǫ Ȱ
Æ נ č Ǭ ȱ
Ç ס Ď ǭ Ȳ
È ע ď Ǯ ȳ
É ף Đ ǯ ȴ
Ê פ đ ǰ ȵ
Ë ץ Ē DZ ȶ
Ì צ ē Dz ȷ
Í ק Ĕ dz ȸ
Î ר ĕ Ǵ ȹ
Ï ש Ė ǵ Ⱥ
Ð ת ė Ƕ Ȼ
ų ŗ Ę ɺ ȼ
Ŵ Ř ę ɻ Ƚ
ŵ ř Ě ɼ Ⱦ
Ŷ Ś ě ɽ ȿ
ŷ ś Ĝ ɾ ɀ
Ÿ Ŝ ĝ ɿ Ɂ
Ź ŝ Ğ ʀ ɂ
ź Ş ğ ʁ Ƀ
Ż ş Ġ ʂ Ʉ
ż Š ġ ʃ Ʌ
Ž š Ģ ʄ Ɇ
ž Ţ ģ ʅ ɇ
ſ ţ Ĥ ʆ Ɉ
ƀ Ť ĥ ʇ ɉ
Ɓ ť Ħ ʈ Ɋ
Ƃ Ŧ ħ ʉ ɋ
ƃ ŧ Ĩ ʊ Ɍ
Ƅ Ũ ĩ ʋ ɍ
ƅ ũ Ī ʌ Ɏ
Ɔ Ū ī ʍ ɏ
Ƈ ū Ĭ ʎ ɐ
ƈ Ŭ ĭ ʏ ɑ
Ɖ ŭ Į ʐ ɒ
Ɗ Ů į ʑ ɓ
Ƌ ů İ ʒ ɔ
ƌ Ű ı ʓ ɕ
ƍ ű IJ ʔ ɖ
Ǝ Ų ij ʕ ɗ
Ə Α Ĵ ʖ ɘ
Ɛ Β ĵ ʗ ə
Ƒ Γ Ķ ʘ ɚ
ƒ Δ ķ ʙ ɛ

Unique Discord Symbols

Make your mark on Discord! Find eye-catching symbols that enhance your chat style and showcase your unique vibe today!

Also Read: 750+ Nicknames With Symbols (𝓬𝓸𝓹𝔂 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝖕𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖊 ♥)

Ɠ Ε ĸ ʚ ɜ
Ɣ Ζ Ĺ ʛ ɝ
ƕ Η ĺ ʜ ɞ
Ɩ Θ Ļ ʝ ɟ
Ɨ Ι ļ ʞ ɠ
Ƙ Κ Ľ ʟ ɡ
ƙ Λ ľ ʠ ɢ
ƚ Μ Ŀ ʡ ɣ
ƛ Ν ŀ ʢ ɤ
Ɯ Ξ Ł ʣ ɥ
Ɲ Ο ł ʤ ɦ
ƞ Π Ń ʥ ɧ
Ɵ Ρ ń ʦ ɨ
Ơ Σ Ņ ʧ ɩ
ơ Τ ņ ʨ ɪ
Ƣ Υ Ň ʩ ɫ
ƣ Φ ň ʪ ɬ
Ƥ Χ ʼn ʫ ɭ
ƥ Ψ Ŋ ʬ ɮ
Ʀ Ω ŋ ʭ ɯ
Ƨ Ϊ Ō ʮ ɰ
ƨ Ϋ ō ʯ ɱ
Ʃ ά Ŏ Ά ɲ
ƪ έ ŏ · ɳ
ƫ ή Ő Έ ɴ
Ƭ ί ő Ή ɵ
ƭ ΰ Œ Ί ɶ
Ʈ α œ Ό ɷ
Ư β Ŕ Ύ ɸ
ư γ ŕ Ώ ɹ
Ʊ δ Ŗ ΐ χ
ό ε λ ρ ψ
ύ ζ μ ς ω
ώ η ν σ ϊ
π θ ξ τ ϋ
ο υ ι κ φ

Bracket Type Discord Symbols

Transform your Discord experience! Find eye-catching bracket symbols that add flair to every conversation you have.

〈 〉  ︾  ﹤ ﹥  ︻
《 》  ︿ ( )  ︼
「 」  ﹀  < >
『 』  ﹁ { }
【 】  〖 〗  ︺
 〔 〕 〘 〙 〈 〉
 ︵  〚 〛
 ︶ ﹙ ﹚  « »  ‹ ›
 ﹛ ﹜  ︸  ﹝ ﹞

Card and Chess Type Discord Symbols

Card and Chess Type Discord Symbols – Unlock a world of creativity! Find the perfect symbols to personalize your Discord profile or server today!

 ♝  ♧
 ♣  ♚
 ♟  ♡  ♛
 ♤  ♥
 ♘  ♦

Arrow Type Discord Symbols

Boost your Discord game with dynamic arrow symbols! Unleash creativity and make your messages pop today!

 ⥆  ⟹
 ⤀  ⟺
 ⤁  ⥜
 ⤔  ⥊  ⥝
 ⤧  ⥞
 ⤝  ⤱  ⥣
 ⤟  ⥦
 ⤢  ⥖  ⤷  ⥩
 ⤣  ⥂  ⥮
 ⥘  ⥃  ⥯
 ⤥  ⥙  ⥪
 ⤪  ⥛
 ⤂  ⥻  ⤌

Special Type Discord Symbols

Special Type Discord Symbols enhance your messaging! Explore our guide to make your server more vibrant and engaging today!

 ㊄  ㈨
 ㈡  ㊅  ㈩
 ㈢  ㊀  ㈧
 ㊈  ㊂

Greek Discord Symbols

Greek Discord Symbols: Discover unique symbols to enhance your Discord experience. Elevate your chats and make your server stand out today!

 χ α Υ ξ
ψ β Φ ο
 ω  γ  Χ π
 Α  δ  Ψ  ρ
Β  ε  Ω  ς
 Γ  ζ  Μ  σ
 Δ η Ν  τ
Ε θ  Ξ  υ
 Ζ  ι  Ο  φ
 Η  κ Π Κ
 Θ  λ Ρ  Λ
 Ι  μ  Σ ν

Chinese Discord Symbols

Are you a fan of Chinese Discord Symbols? Spice up your messages! Dive into our guide for the coolest symbols that will make your Discord experience unforgettable.

 ㊚  ㊖
 ㊛  ㊪  ㊗
 ㊝  ㊎  ㊣
 ㊞  ㊤
 ㊠  ㊑
 ㊡  ㊰  ㊧

Japanese Discord Symbols

Here are some Japanese Discord Symbols.

Also Read:500+ Fortnite Smiley Face Symbols That You Can Use

 ぃ  ヌ
ノ ハ  ク  ほ
 う  ぼ
 ぇ  ケ  ぽ
 ヒ  ゲ  ま
 ぉ  み
 お  ピ  む
 ザ  も
 き  ゃ
 ぎ  ジ  や
 く  ス  ゅ
 ぐ  ズ  ゆ
 げ  ボ  ゼ  よ
 こ  ポ  ソ  ら
 マ  り
 さ  ミ  る
 ダ  れ
 し  ろ
 じ  ゎ
 ャ  ッ  わ
 す  ツ  ゐ
 ぞ  ゕ
 た  ・  ゖ
 だ  ゚ ゛
 レ  ヽ  ゜
  っ  ロ  ヾ  ゝ
 つ  ヮ  ゞ
 づ  ワ  ゟ
ヰ ヱ  ㍿  ゠
 ば  ァ
 と  ン  ぱ  ア
 ど  ヴ  ひ
 び  イ
 に  ヶ  ぴ  ゥ
 ぬ  ふ  ウ
 ね  ぶ  ェ
 の  ヹ  ォ

Korean Discord Symbols

Looking for Korean Discord Symbols, here are the complete list.

 ㅰ  ㅙ  ㅊ
 ㄲ  ㅱ  ㅚ  ㅋ
 ㄳ  ㅲ  ㅛ  ㅌ
 ㄴ  ㅳ  ㅜ  ㅍ
 ㄵ  ㅴ  ㅎ
 ㄶ  ㅵ  ㅏ
 ㄷ  ㅶ
 ㄸ  ㅷ  ㅠ  ㅑ
 ㄹ  ㅸ  ㅒ
 ㄺ  ㅓ
 ㄻ  ㅺ  ㅥ  ㅔ
 ㄼ  ㅻ  ㅦ
 ㄽ  ㅼ  ㅧ  ㅖ
 ㄾ  ㅽ  ㅨ  ㅗ
 ㄿ  ㅩ  ㅘ
 ㅀ  ㅪ  ㆇ
 ㅁ  ㆀ  ㅫ  ㆈ
 ㅂ  ㅬ  ㆉ
 ㅃ  ㆂ  ㅭ  ㆊ
 ㆃ  ㅮ  ㅈ
 ㅅ  ㆄ  ㅯ  ㅉ
 ㅆ  ㆅ  ㅇ  ㆆ

The Ultimate Guide to Discord Symbols

Welcome to the vibrant world of Discord! Whether you’re a gamer, a newbie, or a seasoned Discord user, understanding the various symbols and icons on the platform can enhance your experience. This guide will break down the most common Discord symbols and what they mean.

1. Server Icons

Server Icon

The small image that represents a server. It’s usually a logo or relevant image chosen by the server owner.

Server Boost Icon

A pink diamond icon next to a server name indicates that the server has been boosted, unlocking perks like better audio quality and more emoji slots.

2. User Status Indicators


A green circle indicates that the user is online and active.


A yellow moon indicates the user is away from the keyboard (AFK).

Do Not Disturb

A red circle with a line through it means the user does not want to be disturbed.


A gray circle shows that the user is online but appears offline to others.

3. Chat Symbols


A pin icon at the top of the chat window indicates pinned messages, which are important messages saved for quick access.


The @ symbol signals that someone has mentioned you in a message. Clicking on it will show all your recent mentions.


An arrow icon allows you to reply directly to a specific message, creating a threaded conversation.

4. Voice Channel Indicators

Voice Connected

A green phone icon means you are connected to a voice channel.


A microphone with a slash through it means your microphone is muted.


A headset with a slash through it means you have muted both your microphone and the incoming audio.

5. Role Colors

Users often have different role colors, indicating their hierarchy or special permissions within the server. These colors are set by the server admin.

6. Emoji and Reactions

Custom Emojis

Server-specific emojis that you won’t find anywhere else! They add a personal touch and are often used to react to messages.


Click on the smiley face icon beneath a message to react with an emoji. This is a fun way to express agreement, amusement, or other emotions quickly.

7. Navigation Icons


The Discord logo at the top of the sidebar takes you back to your direct messages and friend list.

Explore Public Servers

A compass icon allows you to explore and join new servers.


The game controller icon shows your library of games if you’ve connected your gaming accounts.


1. What are Discord symbols?  

Discord symbols are special characters and emojis that users can use in their usernames, messages, and server names to enhance their communication and make them stand out.

2. How do I copy and paste Discord symbols? 

You can easily copy and paste Discord symbols from various websites or symbol generators. Simply highlight the symbol you want, right-click to copy, and then right-click again to paste it into Discord.

3. Are there any restrictions on using symbols in Discord usernames?

Yes, Discord has specific guidelines regarding usernames; they must be between 2-32 characters long and cannot contain certain special characters or emojis.

4. Can I create my own custom symbols for use in Discord? 

While you cannot create unique Unicode symbols, you can customize your username with existing special characters or combine multiple characters creatively for a unique appearance.

5. Do all users see the same symbols on Discord?

Most symbols will display consistently across different devices, but some may not render properly if a user doesn’t have the necessary fonts installed or is using an outdated version of the app.

6. Where can I find popular Discord symbols?

Popular Discord symbols can be found through online symbol collections, forums dedicated to gaming communities, or specialized websites that provide lists of aesthetic text options.

7. Is there a limit to how many symbols I can use in a single message?

Discord does not impose a strict character limit on messages; however, excessive use of symbols might make your message difficult to read or could trigger spam filters.

8. Can I use animated emojis as symbols in my messages?

Yes! Animated emojis can be used as part of your messages if they’re available on the server you’re in or if you have access to them via Nitro subscription on your personal account.


Discord symbols play a vital role in enhancing communication and expression within the platform. From unique emojis to stylish text formats, these symbols allow users to personalize their interactions and convey emotions more effectively. Whether you’re adding flair to your username or creating eye-catching messages in your servers, understanding how to utilize these symbols can significantly enrich your Discord experience.

Hi, myself Arun Verma. I Love Playing Multiplayer Games, Exploring new Technologies, Buying Cool Gadgets, and Deeply Research Names. Working at Deloitte gave me the knowledge to blog about Business Ideas I have to deal with on a regular basis.

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