150+ Cool Assassin Names for Male & Female

The names of assassins are a mystery to most. Nonetheless, the majority of assassins are relatively unknown. Here is a list of the most well-known assassin names and their possible meanings.

Choosing the ideal assassin name can be challenging. There are numerous options available, and you must choose one that fits the character you are developing. This blog is intended to present you with a variety of assassin names to assist you in finding the ideal one for your plot.

Several factors should be considered when selecting an assassin’s name. You must first ensure that the name inspires terror in the hearts of your victims. A good assassin’s name should be menacing and evocative of his or her abilities.

List of Assassin Names from Mythology

Assassins have always been intrigued by their daring and mystery. We will show you a list of assassin names from different countries, time periods, and interesting stories, along with their meanings, to help you grasp their significance. Travel!

  • Azrael: Angel of Death: The Jewish and Islamic Angel of Death is Azrael. “God helps” is his name. Azrael, the Jewish Angel of Death, takes souls from corpses. Azrael, one of the four archangels in Islam, records good and bad deeds.
  • Cain: First Murderer: “Acquired” is his name. Jealous Cain killed Abel. He was expelled from Paradise and marked so no one would.
  • Dagda: Celtic God of Death: Celtic death god Dagda. He’s called “good god”. Dagda usually has a long beard and is large. He often carries a club and cauldron. Dagda fathered Brid in Celtic legend. He married Morrigan.
  • Eir: Norse Goddess of Healing: Norse healing goddess Eir. Mercy/peace is her name. Eir is a blonde young woman. She carries healing plants. Asclepius learned healing from Eir, a Norse goddess.
  • Grim Reaper: Personification of Death: The Grim Reaper personifies death. He’s usually a black-cloaked skeleton. He often carries a scythe. Folklore loves the Grim Reaper. He represents death in art and literature.
  • Freya: Norse Goddess of Death: Norse death goddess Freya. Lady’s her name. Freya has long golden hair and is lovely. She rides black cat-pulled chariots. Freya, the Norse goddess of love and fertility, Valkyrie queen.
  • Grim: Another Name for Death: Another Term for Death His name means “hooded one”. Grim is usually a skeleton in a cloak. Grim is Death in numerous stories. He often carries a scythe.
  • Harvest: The Season of Death: The season of death. Crops are harvested and days are shortened. Several cultures celebrate Harvest with festivals. People also contemplate life and death.
  • Kali: Hindu Goddess of Death: Hindu goddess of death Kali. “Black one” describes her. Kali is a four-armed black woman. She often carries a sword and a severed head. Kali, the Hindu goddess of death and destruction, is Shiva’s wife.
  • Morrigan: Celtic Goddess of War: “Great queen” is her name. Morrigan usually has black hair. Death is considered normal in many cultures. Folklore typically personifies death. Assassin names from various cultures and time times have implications. These assassin names and their origins are examined here.


  • Grimnir: Norse God of War: Battle deity Grimnir is Norse. “Masked” is his name. Grimnir has a blacksmith’s hammer and is muscular. He often wears black caulking armour. Odin’s father is Grimnir. He’s also a brave god.
  • Hel: Norse Goddess of Death: Norse death goddess Hel. “Hidden” is her name. Hel is usually a pale woman. She rides black horses or chariots. Hel rules the Norse underworld, Helheim. Loki’s daughter.
  • Kali: Hindu Goddess of Death: “Black one” describes her. Kali is usually a dark-skinned woman. She wears a skull skirt and a head necklace. Kali, the Hindu goddess of death and destruction, is Shiva’s wife.
  • Persephone: Greek Goddess of the Underworld: Her name means “destroyer”. Black-haired Persephone is normal. She often holds pomegranates. Persephone, the underworld queen, is in Greek mythology. Zeus and Demeter’s daughter.
  • Sekhmet: Egyptian Goddess of War: “Powerful” is her name. Sekhmet usually has a lioness head. She carries swords and spears. Sekhmet, the Egyptian goddess of power, Ptah’s wife.
  • Nemesis: Greek Goddess of Retribution: “Give what is due” is her name. Nemesis is usually a winged woman. She often carries a sword or scale. Nemesis is the Greek goddess of justice and balance. Revenge is her goddess.
  • Samael: Jewish Angel of Death: “God’s venom” is his name. Samael usually has wings. He carries swords and scorpions. Samael, the Jewish Angel of Death, takes souls from corpses.
  • Yama: Hindu God of Death: “Restrainer” is his name. Yama is a green-skinned dude. He rides buffaloes and black chariots. Yama, the Hindu god of justice, rules the underworld. Dharma’s god.


Female Assassin Names

It is often difficult to come up with fitting names for female characters, yet that doesn’t mean you should settle for a generic name.

  • Baalzebub: “Lord of the Flies”.
  • Calamity Jane: ” bringer of disaster”.
  • Delilah: ” seductive woman”.
  • Fenris: ” large and dangerous wolf”.
  • Harpy: “monstrous woman with the body of a vulture”.
  • Jormungandr: “World Serpent”.
  • Lilith: “first wife of Adam”.
  • Morrigan: “war goddess”.
  • Nidhogg: “river serpent”.
  • Scylla: “monster with six heads”.
  • Typhon: ” giant with a hundred heads”.
  • Valkyrie: ” chooser of the slain”.
  • Circe: “enchantress”.
  • Delilah: ” seductress”.
  • Jezebel: “evil woman”.
  • Lilith: “first wife of Adam”.
  • Morticia: “death: like”.
  • Pandora: “all: gifted”.
  • Widowmaker: “one who brings death to widows”.
  • Morgana: “sea: witch”.
  • Oberon: “queen of the fairies”.
  • Semiramis: “legendary Babylonian queen”.
  • Titania: “goddess of the moon”.
  • Niviane: ” destroyer”.
  • Furiae: ” rage”.
  • Alecto: “unending anger”.
  • Megaera: “grudging”.
  • Tisiphone: “avenger of murder”.
  • Erinnyes: “fury”.
  • Megaera: “jealous anger”.
  • Tisiphone: “avenging murder”.


Male Assassin Names

A collection of badass male assassin names with meaning can be useful for writing, role-playing, or just inquisitive.

  • Azrael: Hebrew for “whom God helps”-fits a main assassin.
  • Cain: the Bible’s first murderer means “acquired” or “possessed”.
  • Cassius: Latin for “empty” or “shallow.”
  • Ernst: Germanic for “serious” or “resolute”.
  • Kane: Celtic for “Tribute” or “Warrior”.
  • Killian: “Little tough one” in Irish.
  • Lachlan: Scottish for “land of lakes”.
  • Malik: Arabic for “king” or “ruler”.
  • Neo: Greek for “new” or “young”.
  • Rami: Arabic for “high” or “exalted”.
  • Samael: Hebrew for “poison of God”-fits a ruthless assassin.
  • Damien: Greek for “tame”-is the Antichrist’s name.
  • Ethan: “Strong,” “solid,” or “long-lived” in Hebrew.
  • Garrett: Germanic for “spear thrower” in English.
  • Jude: a Latin name meaning “praised” or “offer thanks”-fits an assassin.
  • Kane: Celtic for “warrior”.
  • Malcolm: A Scottish name derived from “mael” meaning “disciple” and “coluim” meaning “dove,” Malcolm is ideal for a murderous assassin.
  • Saul: first Israel’s king, whose name means “desired” or “asked for” in Hebrew.
  • Xavier: Latin for “bright” or “new house,” this name is appropriate for a new assassin in your novel.
  • Zane: A Hebrew name meaning “God is gracious”-ironic for a murderer.


Cool Assassin Names

Looking for a fantastic assassin name for yourself or a character in your story? This blog post lists excellent assassin names and their meanings for you to choose from!

  • Hellequin: from Old French “mask.” This name suits a stealthy assassin.
  • Samael: “Venom of God” in Hebrew. This name suits a dangerous and efficient assassin.
  • Chupacabra: A Mexican folkloric name. “Goat-sucker” refers to a monster that drains its victims’ blood. This name suits an assassin who kills quickly and mercilessly.
  • Morrigan: Celtic goddess of war and death. This name suits a ruthless assassin.
  • Raven: Raven connotes mystery and darkness. This name suits a mysterious assassin.
  • Phantom: A ghostly name. Ethereal assassins need this name.
  • Whisper: A stealthy name. This name suits a silent, deadly assassin.
  • Death-associated Reaper. This name suits an efficient and brutal assassin.
  • Death: Death is self-explanatory. This name suits a feared and respected assassin.
  • Damien: The devil’s name. This name suits a nefarious assassin.
  • Hades: Greek underworld god Hades. This name fits a cold-blooded assassin.
  • Merlin: Magic and mystery are connected with Merlin. This name suits a deceptive assassin.
  • Loki: Norse deity of cunning and trickery. This name suits a devious assassin.
  • Rook: Rook suggests a raptor. This name suits a fast, decisive assassin.
  • Cobra: A deadly, venomous snake. This name suits a swift and lethal killer.

Unique Assassin Names

Discover the most Unique Assassin Names to make your character stand out in any game or story. Get inspired and find the perfect alias today!

  • NightfallNemesis: He was known to strike without warning and vanish as quickly as he appeared.
  • Blaze: His name was whispered in every corner of the city as if it were a warning.
  • Shadow: Even in the darkest alleys, people feared his presence and his wrath.
  • Fleet: He was never seen coming or going, as if he had the ability to move like the wind.
  • Mac: His footsteps were silent, but his presence could be felt in the chill of the air.
  • Reaper: He was known as the Reaper, a silent harbinger of death.
  • Silent Sirocco: He was the ghost in the night, whose passing brought the promise of death.
  • Hidden Harpoon: He was the Hidden Harpoon, a mysterious figure that brought death with swift precision.
  • Angel: His name was Angel, a name that struck terror in the hearts of the wicked.
  • Zane / Zayne: He was Zane, the merciless one, whose very name brought despair to those who heard it.
  • Echo: Echoes of his name were heard on the lips of those who dared to speak it, a sign of respect and fear.
  • DuskDagger: He was DuskDagger, the one who struck from the shadows and brought swift justice to the guilty.
  • Ace: He was Ace, the master of darkness, whose wrath brought destruction to all who crossed him.
  • Ash: His name was Ash, a figure of dread whose shadow brought death to all who opposed him..
  • Dante: He was Dante, the bringer of doom, whose name marked the darkness of the night.
  • Zed / Zedd: He was Zed, the chosen one, whose fury brought justice to the wicked.
  • Oz: He was Oz, the guardian of the night, whose presence brought a sense of safety to the innocent.
  • QuietQuicksilver: He was QuietQuicksilver, a silent warrior whose swiftness brought retribution to the unjust.
  • Jackson: He was Jackson, the protector of the helpless, whose courage brought hope in times of despair.
  • PhantomPhoenix: He was PhantomPhoenix, a spirit of vengeance whose fire brought fear to the oppressors.
  • Beckett: He was Beckett, the defender of justice, whose bravery brought light to those in darkness.
  • GloomHarbinger: He was GloomHarbinger, a harbinger of despair whose presence brought the darkness of nightfall.
  • Booker: He was Booker, the champion of justice, who might bring retribution to the unjust.
  • NightfallNemesis: He was known to strike without warning and vanish as quickly as he appeared.
  • Blaze: His name was whispered in every corner of the city as if it were a warning.
  • Shadow: Even in the darkest alleys, people feared his presence and his wrath.
  • Janquar: His reputation preceded him, and none dared challenge his authority.
  • GhostlyGlaive: He was a figure of terror, a phantom of the night.


  • BlackoutBanshee: He was a master of the shadows, a terror that lurked in the darkness.
  • CrescentCutlass: He was a silent killer, a reaper of souls who left no survivors.
  • Cloaked Cobra: He was a merciless assassin, a ghost that preyed on the unsuspecting.
  • Silent Stalker: He struck with precision, striking fear in the hearts of all who crossed his path.
  • EbonyEagle: He was a figure of dread, a messenger of death that no one could escape.
  • WhisperWidow: He was a spectre of destruction, a phantom of death that left no trace.
  • SilentSaber: He was a hunter of the night, a master of the shadows who could never be caught.
  • Aspen: He was a force of retribution, a shadow that could not be outrun.
  • TwilightTyphoon: He was a phantom of vengeance, a wraith of destruction that struck without warning.
  • ShadowStriker: He was a harbinger of doom, a relentless hunter that no one could escape.
  • Sid: He was a bringer of death, a silent executioner who brought terror to all who crossed his path.
  • GloomGrimoire: He was a dark angel of death, a guardian of darkness that no one could outwit.
  • Nightstalker: He was a phantom of the night, a master of the shadows who brought terror to all who heard his name.
  • Vlad: He was a wraith of retribution, a force of justice that could never be silenced.
  • Zander: He was a harbinger of justice, a relentless pursuer of evil that could never be stopped.
  • Adrian: He was a messenger of the night, a relentless defender of the innocent that could not be denied.

Catchy Names for Assassins

Uncover a treasure trove of unforgettable assassin aliases. Craft an identity that commands respect and instils terror.

  • MysticMantis: The assassin MysticMantis was known for his stealth and precision.
  • Altair: The assassin Altair was known for his intelligence and determination.
  • Ezio: The assassin Ezio was known for his charisma and resourcefulness.
  • SilentScythe: SilentScythe was known for her deadly accuracy and unwavering loyalty.
  • ShadowSpear: ShadowSpear was known for his agility and mastery of disguise.
  • SilentProwler: SilentProwler was known for his cunning and versatility.
  • ViperFang: ViperFang was known for her relentless pursuit and ferocity.
  • EclipseEviscerator: EclipseEviscerator was known for his speed and strength.
  • Xavier: Xavier was known for his ability to blend in and remain unnoticed.
  • Beckett: Beckett was known for his expert tracking skills and knowledge of poisons.


  • DarkBlade: DarkBlade was known for his deadly skill with weapons and his ability to read his opponents.
  • Victor: Victor was known for his mastery of martial arts and skill with a blade.
  • TwilightTrident: TwilightTrident was known for her stealthy tactics and expert knife-throwing.
  • CovertCheetah: CovertCheetah was known for her agility and swiftness.
  • GhostVenom: GhostVenom was known for his mastery of the shadows and his ability to remain undetected.
  • Caspar: Caspar was known for his ingenuity and resourcefulness.
  • StealthSlasher: StealthSlasher was known for his strategic mind and remarkable reflexes.
  • SableScorpion: SableScorpion was known for her precision and accuracy with her weapons.
  • TwilightTempest: TwilightTempest was known for her mastery of the elements and her ability to manipulate the environment.
  • Reed: Reed was known for his strength and resilience.
  • Vega: Vega was known for her acrobatic agility and mastery of the twin blades.
  • Drake: Drake was known for his speed and skill with a bow.
  • RavenSting: RavenSting was known for her remarkable aim and lethal accuracy with throwing stars.
  • Maximus: Maximus was known for his ferocity and power in battle.
  • Jayde: Jayde was known for her loyalty and power with a single blade.
  • Seth: Seth was known for his cunning and mastery of multiple weapons.
  • Lincoln: Lincoln was known for his speed and agility in combat.
  • Ares: Ares was known for his strength and skill with a mace.
  • ShadowSerpent: ShadowSerpent was known for her subterfuge and mastery of the shadows.
  • NobleNightshade: NobleNightshade was known for his unwavering courage and loyalty.

How to find a good Assassin Name

Whether it’s for Halloween, for a business name, or for cosplay, choosing a good assassin name can be both difficult and intimidating. For starters, it’s important to remember that the ideal assassin’s name should be memorable, clever, and professional. In this blog, we will discuss some tips and tricks for finding a good assassin name that meets these criteria.

  • Pick a name that is easy to remember and pronounce.
  • Avoid choosing a name that is too similar to other assassin names.
  • Make sure your name is not too long or too short.
  • Choose a name that reflects your assassin persona.
  • Avoid using your real name.
  • Brainstorm with a friend or family member.
  • Use an online name generator.
  • Get creative!


Are there any popular assassin names from history or fiction?

Yes, there are several famous assassin names from history and fiction, such as Ezio Auditore from the Assassin’s Creed series, John Wick from the movie franchise, and Ninjas like Hattori Hanzo.

Can I use my own name as an assassin alias?

It is generally recommended to avoid using your real name as an assassin alias for safety reasons. Creating a separate identity helps maintain anonymity and adds to the allure of being an assassin.

What are some cool and mysterious words that could be used in an assassin’s name?

Words like Shadow, Phantom, Viper, Raven, Serpent, Nightshade, Eclipse, and Venom can add a touch of mystique to your assassin name.

Should I consider my character’s background when choosing an assassin’s name?

Yes! Incorporating aspects of your character’s background into their name can make it more authentic and give it depth. Consider their heritage, training methods, or even personal traits to create a meaningful connection.

Can you suggest some female-specific or gender-neutral assassin names?

Certainly! Some female-specific names could be Artemis, Nyx, Elektra or Morgana. For gender-neutral options try Phoenix, Asher or Orion – these work well regardless of gender.

Is it necessary to have a surname in my assassin name?

No; while having a surname can add extra depth to your character’s backstory if desired; many assassins go by a single, mysterious name to maintain secrecy and heighten their enigma.

How can I make sure my assassin name isn’t already taken?

Before fully committing to an assassin name, do some research online or in relevant databases to see if it has already been used by another character, game, or book series. This will help you find a name that is truly unique and original.

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Final Words

Assassin names can be incredibly powerful and evocative. They can make a target feel unsafe, or inspire a sense of dread. If you’re thinking of naming your assassin character, consider something that will fit the role you want them to play in your story.

Hi, myself Arun Verma. I Love Playing Multiplayer Games, Exploring new Technologies, Buying Cool Gadgets, and Deeply Research Names. Working at Deloitte gave me the knowledge to blog about Business Ideas I have to deal with on a regular basis.

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