130+ Medieval Last Names & Fascinating Stories Behind

Medieval society valued last names. They often showed a person’s work, origin, or appearance. Medieval Last Names like Smith suggested metals and forging, while Baker indicated bread and pastry baking. These names identified community members and revealed family history.

Surprisingly, several last names were based on localities. Hill and Moore were surnames of people from mountainous and marshy regions, respectively. It’s remarkable how these surnames were both identifiers and indications of an individual’s native homeland.

Medieval last names also depended on physical traits. Blackburn is dark-haired, while Whitehead is blond. These qualities helped distinguish people with similar first names and enriched their identities.

Popular Medieval Last Names

Medieval Last Names have served more than naming people throughout history. They have indicated occupation, regional origin, and even appearance. Some surnames still hint at the medieval times we romanticize and determine our identity today.

1. Tudor—The Tudor dynasty controlled England in the 15th and 16th centuries. Power, ambition, and English-Welsh heritage define this surname. It depicts Tudor politics, culture, and the monarch-nobility power balance. It highlights Tudor’s influence on medieval England’s arts, literature, and architecture.

2. Fish—A medieval surname name derived from the importance of fishing for sustenance and trade. This surname represents resilience, adaptation, and environmental connectivity. Fishermen in coastal and riverbank villages depend on rivers, lakes, and oceans for food and livelihood. It emphasizes oceanic bounty and sustainable fishing.

3. Prescott—A medieval surname indicating a fortified hill or stronghold. This surname represents protection, power, and vital positions in medieval combat. Castles and forts symbolized authority and protection during this time. Geography and natural environments also shaped medieval settlements and society.

4. Holloway—A medieval surname evoking a narrow, subterranean route. This surname evokes medieval society’s secrets and isolation. It depicts rural people and lesser-known medieval history. It also emphasizes the need of comprehending medieval society’s intricacies beyond well-documented events and people.

5. English—A medieval surname indicating English heritage and language. This surname represents cultural identity, perseverance, and language evolution. It shows how literature, poetry, and narrative shaped medieval society and the English language. It also emphasizes the necessity of preserving and celebrating English as a legacy and identity marker.

6. Fischer— Medieval German surname meaning “fisherman.” This surname emphasizes fishing’s importance and medieval Europe’s Germanic influence. Fishermen shape coastal and riverfront communities and provide food. It also shows how trade and migration affected medieval civilization and European cultures.

7. Webber—A medieval surname associated with weaving. This surname represents craftsmanship, industry, and textile transformation. It shows medieval Europe’s textile industry and weavers’ and artisans’ skills. Trade and guilds and merchant networks also shaped the medieval economy.

8. Loder—A medieval surname from Middle English “lode,” meaning “way” or “path.” This surname represents leadership in medieval civilization. Leadership and governance sustain societal order and justice. It also emphasizes the “lone star,” a medieval moral compass.

9. Pike—A medieval surname for the predatory fish with keen fangs and ferocity. This surname represents medieval warrior culture, power, and courage. It emphasizes fighting, military culture, and strategic weapons and tactics. It emphasizes chivalry and wartime glory.

10. Arthur—The medieval surname of King Arthur, who represented chivalry and kingship. Leadership, justice, and the Holy Grail are associated with this name. It shows the mythical figure’s influence on medieval civilization and his stories’ ongoing appeal. It also emphasizes a just and righteous ruler and a cohesive and successful kingdom.

Royal medieval last names

11. Lancaster—Lancaster is a medieval surname from northwestern England. Lancasters were descendants of the House of Lancaster, one of the two contending royal houses during the Wars of the Roses.

12. King Dagger—A medieval last name that evokes a powerful and devastating royal weapon. This surname represents power, authority, and medieval hierarchy. Monarchs are military leaders and kingdom defenders. It also emphasizes kings’ divine legitimacy and their divine relationship.

13. Stoddard—A medieval surname that means “stod,” a landmark or spire. This surname represents medieval stability, community, and monuments. It emphasizes churches’ social and spiritual roles. Architecture and urban planning also shaped medieval towns and cities.

14. Tull—A medieval surname derived from “toll,” meaning “tax” or “payment.” This surname represents trade, taxation, and medieval governance. Tolls and levies funded infrastructure and social order in medieval economies, which were complicated. It also emphasizes the ruling class’s financial responsibility and public services to the people.

15. Williamson— Medieval surname derived from William, meaning “protector” or “helmet.” This surname represents loyalty, courage, and knighthood. Medieval chivalry and feudalism stressed personal honour and loyalty to one’s lord. It emphasizes duty and knightly conduct.

16. Frithswith—A medieval surname derived from Old English “frith,” meaning “peace,” and “swith,” meaning “strong” or “powerful.” This surname represents medieval harmony, power, and tranquility. It emphasizes societal order and peaceful conflict resolution. It also promotes a just and peaceful community where the powerful protect the weak.

17. Jester—A medieval last name associated with the medieval court jester, who gave amusement and comedy. This surname represents humour, wit, and laughter. Jesters relieve tension and comment on society. It also shows the intricacy of medieval society, when jesters wielded power with their wit and skill.


18. Riverstone—A medieval surname that suggests flowing rivers and nature’s calm. This surname represents peace and time. It celebrates nature and rivers’ vitality. It emphasizes the need for balance and respect in medieval culture by emphasizing the human-environment relationship.

19. Mulberry—A medieval last name that symbolized knowledge and protection, like the mulberry tree. This surname represents wisdom, growth, and mind-soul nourishment. Medieval civilization valued education and intellect. It also emphasizes nature’s ability to inspire and guide enlightenment.

Noble last names medieval

20. Mannering—A medieval Germanic surname, Mannering is associated with armour-making. This surname, derived from the Old High German words “begin,” meaning “strength,” and “wār,” meaning “protector,” indicates a craftsman who made armour, showing the importance of craftspeople in medieval society.

21. Alwyn— an English-Welsh medieval surname, means noble or fair friends. This surname comes from the Old English words “aethel,” meaning “noble,” and “wine,” meaning “friend,” implying high social rank or intimate relationships with significant people. In medieval hierarchies, alliances and social connections were important.

22. Wallace— a medieval Scottish surname, is associated with wall-building. This surname comes from the Gaelic words “Bhalla” and “ais,” meaning “wall” and “fortress,” respectively. Medieval fortifications were crucial.

23. de Valois—The medieval French surname de Valois refers to the illustrious House of Valois, a powerful reigning dynasty. This surname represents great lineage, prosperity, and power. It emphasizes medieval society’s hierarchy and nobles’ privileges.

24. Lancelot, a medieval last name from Arthurian mythology, honours Sir Lancelot, a valiant, honourable, and romantic knight. This surname represents lofty values, courtly love, and fidelity. It emphasizes love and the intricacies of human relationships and echoes medieval romance and chivalry.

25. Griffin—A medieval surname derived from the fabled beast with a lion’s body and an eagle’s head and wings. This surname represents power, grandeur, and heavenly protection. Medieval folklore believed in exotic beings and nature and magic. It emphasizes the importance of heraldic symbols in portraying aristocratic families and their qualities.

26. Blanning—A medieval surname from Middle English “blan,” meaning “fair” or “bright.” This surname represents beauty, purity, and courtly love. Medieval literature and poetry idealized noblemen and women. Marsh—A medieval last name that evokes marshlands with their murky depths and hidden secrets. Mysterious, adaptable, and resilient, this surname. It shows medieval society’s ability to adapt to change. It emphasizes ingenuity and strength in unexpected places.

27. Yorke—A medieval English surname, Yorke evokes York’s rich history. This surname represents heritage, tradition, and affiliation. Medieval civilization valued lineage and regional identities. It also emphasizes medieval England’s power dynamics and aristocracy.

Cool medieval last names

28. Napier—Scottish medieval surname Napier refers to textile and linen makers. This surname, from the Old English word “naeper,” meaning “tablecloth or towel,” reflects medieval Scotland’s textile industry, workmanship, and prominence. It shows how cloth and linen producers make ordinary fabrics.

29. Foster— an English medieval surname, means fosterer or carer. This surname, from the Old English word “fostrian,” means “to nourish or rear,” and signifies family, community, and protection in medieval civilization. Fosterers help needy children and adults.

30. Anglo-Saxon —Medieval Anglo-Saxon surname Ead comes from the Old English word “ead,” meaning “riches or prosperity.” Medieval England associated this surname with prosperity, abundance, and material well-being. It expresses the desire for financial security and comfort.

31. Drogo— a medieval French surname, is related to the given name Drogo, meaning “dragon.” This surname represents medieval might, strength, and mythological animals. Dragons and their symbolism fascinate it. Medieval tales are full of exotic features and supernatural animals.

32. Tilly— an English medieval surname, refers to someone who tills the soil for agriculture. This surname, from the Old English word “tilian,” means “to cultivate,” and signifies medieval farming expertise, fertility, and importance. Tillers labour hard to grow crops and support their communities.

33. Paige—The medieval English surname Paige refers to the role of a page, a young person who served nobles. Medieval civilization valued loyalty, diligence, and education. Pages learn courtly life and prepare for future obligations.

34. Luna—A medieval Latin surname, Luna evokes the moon’s mysterious attributes. Femininity, intuition, and night sky beauty are associated with this surname. It symbolizes supernaturalism and celestial bodies’ effect on humans. It also emphasizes medieval astrology and lunar cycles.

35. Ravenscroft—A medieval English surname, Ravenscroft is related with ravens, which were often magical and prophetic in medieval legend. This surname represents mystery, knowledge, and invisible energies. It emphasizes divination and omens’ influence on fate. It highlights the obsession with the mystical and unknown.

36. Wolfgang—A medieval German surname, Wolfgang evokes the wolf, a symbol of strength and protection in medieval society. This surname represents loyalty, courage, and pack protection. It shows how community and leaders protect their people. It also emphasizes the medieval human-nature bond.

Fantasy medieval last names

37. Baratheon— Inspired by “Game of Thrones,” Baratheon adds innovation and imagination to medieval last names.

38. Stark— a medieval English-German surname, means strength, resilience, and drive. Medieval life was hard, and this surname shows resilience. It stresses the importance of fortitude and tenacity in overcoming hardship and navigating turbulent times.

39. Helm— an English medieval surname, refers to helmet-making or armour-making. This surname comes from the Old English word “helm,” meaning “protection or covering,” and represents defence, safety, and combat preparation. It emphasizes armour and weaponry in medieval warfare and the need for preparation.

40. Appel —Medieval French surname Appel means apple grower or trader. This surname, from Old French “apel,” means “apple,” and symbolizes abundance, fertility, and medieval agriculture. Orchards and fruit production sustain communities and provide food.

41. Laidler— an English medieval surname, is related to land boundary laying. This surname represents medieval communities’ order, structure, and land ownership and management. It emphasizes the need for territorial boundaries for social and economic stability.

42. Mowbray—The Anglo-Norman surname Mowbray is linked to Normandy, France. This surname represents tradition, Normandy, and medieval England. It emphasizes Norman culture and traditions in medieval England and the complicated Norman Conquest.

43. Hope— a medieval surname derived from “hope,” symbolized enthusiasm, optimism, and belief. This surname represents optimism and resilience amid difficult times. Medieval civilization stressed optimism and fortitude.

44. Mercer—Medieval French and Latin surname Mercer refers to a textile merchant. This surname, which comes from the Old French term “merchier,” means “to trade,” and signifies business, riches, and trade in medieval societies. It emphasizes the textile industry’s social and economic effects.

45. Rainilda— a medieval Germanic surname, is related to Rainald or Reynold, meaning “ruler’s advisor” or “wise ruler.” This surname represents knowledge, advice, and medieval court advisers and consultants. It emphasizes governance and the need for informed people to advise rulers.

46. Binns— a medieval English surname, is associated with in-making. This surname comes from the Old English word “binn,” meaning “basket,” and signifies craftsmanship, resourcefulness, and medieval containers. It shows how people make storage and transportation things.

47. Nicola— a medieval last name derived from Nicolaus or Nicholas, is associated with Saint Nicholas, famed for his generosity and benevolence. This surname represents medieval kindness, charity, and helping others. It emphasizes kindness and Christian ideals.

French medieval last names

48. Fitzgerald—The medieval surname Fitzgerald comes from the Old French name “Gerald” and the Anglo-Norman prefix “fitz,” meaning “son of.” Fitzpatrick, Fitzroy, and other “fitz” names follow this trend. Fitzgerald’s Anglo-Norman aristocratic roots make it historically significant.

49. LeBlanc—”The White” in French, LeBlanc is a historical surname that connotes purity and grandeur. French nobility typically had this surname, signifying their high social status in medieval society.

50. Hughes—Welsh-Irish medieval surname Hughes means knowledge and insight. This surname, derived from Old French “hughe” or “hue,” meaning “mind” or “spirit,” denotes a person with deep knowledge and perceptive thinking, highlighting medieval academic pursuits.

51. Beaulieu—A medieval French surname, Beaulieu conjures thoughts of beauty and tranquillity. This surname comes from the Old French words “bel,” meaning “beautiful,” and “lieu,” meaning “place,” implying a peaceful setting. It emphasizes medieval aesthetics and peacemaking.

52. Neville—A medieval last name with French and English roots, Neville is linked to Neuville, meaning “new town” in French. This surname emphasizes medieval urbanization and new villages, demonstrating societal growth.

53. Haynes—English medieval surname Haynes is associated with haymaking. This surname comes from the Old French word “hain,” meaning “enclosure” or “hedge,” and denotes hay cultivation and harvesting, highlighting medieval agricultural and rural livelihoods.

54. Beaumont, a medieval French surname, means magnificent, fortified mountains. This surname denotes someone who lived in or ruled a lovely, elevated territory, coming from the Latin words “bellus” and “mons,” meaning “beautiful” and “mountain,” respectively. It emphasizes strategic locations and defensive fortifications during medieval warfare.

55. Melee, a medieval last name, refers to close battle and hand-to-hand fighting. This surname emphasizes medieval warfare’s brutality, skill, and bravery.


56. Norman, a historical French surname, is linked to the Normans, a medieval ethnic group from Normandy. The Norman Conquest of 1066 changed England’s politics and culture, as this surname shows. It represents this period’s French and English influences and the Normans’ ongoing influence on medieval civilization.

57. Paine, an English medieval surname, means breadmaker. This surname comes from the Old French word “pain,” meaning “bread,” suggesting a medieval breadmaker or merchant. Food and sustenance are stressed.

58. Pernelle, a medieval French surname, is a variation of Petronella. This surname, derived from the Latin word “Petronilla,” means “rock” or “stone,” implying strength and resilience. Medieval existence required strength and endurance.

Good medieval last names

59. Smith, an English medieval surname, means blacksmith or metalworker. This surname comes from the Old English word “smið,” meaning “one who works with metal,” and symbolizes craftsmanship, talent, and the capacity to transform raw materials into useful items. In medieval society, trade and artisans supplied necessary items.

60. Wilkins, a medieval English-Welsh surname, is related to William, which means “resolute protector.” This surname represents power, determination, and protection. It emphasizes community safety and individual accountability.

61. West, an English medieval surname, refers to the west cardinal direction. This surname represents adventure, discovery, and new territory. It symbolizes medieval exploration and adventure. Navigators and explorers also shaped medieval history.

62. Erickson, a medieval Scandinavian surname, comes from Erik, meaning “eternal ruler.” This surname represents sovereignty, leadership, and wise leadership. Medieval society valued royalty and a just and fair ruler. It emphasizes succession and monarchy stability.

63. Knott-Knitter or textile worker is a medieval English surname, Knott. The Old English term “cnotta,” meaning “a knot or a tangle,” gives this surname precision, attention to detail, and the ability to construct elaborate patterns. Medieval textile manufacture was an art form.

64. Adam, a medieval Hebrew surname, refers to the biblical Adam, the first man. This surname represents humanity, origin, and the primal link between people. Medieval society believed in shared heritage and connectivity. It promotes religion and biblical traditions.

65. Wymarc, a Middle English surname, refers to sea merchants. This surname, derived from “wi,” meaning “way or path,” and “marke,” meaning “merchant,” denotes someone who explored and sailed marine channels for trade and prosperity. It symbolizes medieval commerce and marine prosperity.

66. Enegram, a medieval German surname, is associated with hospitality. This surname comes from the Middle High German word “Ingraham,” meaning “hostelry,” and signifies hospitality, community, and medieval inns as social hubs. It emphasizes the necessity of housing and feeding passengers and residents.

67. Aeval, the Queen of the Fairies, is associated with the medieval Celtic last name Arvel. Magic, the fairies, and enchantment are associated with this surname. Medieval civilization believed in supernatural entities and folklore. It also underscores medieval tales’ magical charm and mystery.

68. Gerard, a medieval Germanic surname, is related to Gerhard, a “brave spearman.” Medieval society valued war and chivalry, and this surname represents courage, power, and martial prowess. It stresses the gallant knight and military prowess in defending territory and honour.

69. Miller, an English medieval surname, refers to grain millers. This surname, from the Old English word “mylenweard,” means “guardian or keeper of the mill,” and symbolizes medieval industry, productivity, and agriculture. Medieval meals relied on millers to produce flour.

Medieval German last names

70. Veit—From the Old High German “wīt,” meaning “wide” or “large,” Veit suggests a strong, massive person. Veit also means boldness and courage, which medieval society admired.

71. Roth—German medieval surname Roth means crimson. The Middle High German word “rōt” means “red,” therefore this name could have been given to someone with red hair or a ruddy complexion.

72. Emory—A medieval Germanic surname, Emory means strength and might. This surname comes from the Old High German name “Amalric,” meaning “work-ruler,” and suggests a medieval leader or overseer.

73. Badden—Germanic medieval surname Badden means power and courage. This surname comes from the Old High German word “baden,” meaning “to bathe” or “to cleanse,” and reflects a medieval person who prioritized hygiene and self-care via physical endurance and purifying rituals.

74. Tonis—Germanic medieval surname Tonis symbolizes armor and war gear. This surname comes from the Old High German word “tunni,” meaning “helmet,” indicating a military helmet maker or user. It shows how weaponry and defense techniques shaped conflicts throughout this time.

75. Schneider— a medieval German surname, refers to tailoring. This surname comes from the Middle High German word “snīdere,” meaning “tailor,” indicating a tailor. It emphasizes medieval fashion and the importance of skilled artisans.

76. Rolfe— a medieval Germanic surname, is related to Rolf, “famous wolf.” This surname represents medieval wolf ideals of strength, courage, and cunning. It emphasizes medieval life’s need for bravery and ingenuity.

77. Burchard—Germanic medieval surname Burchard refers to town or castle wardens. This surname comes from the Old High German words “burgh” and “hart,” meaning “fortress” and “strong,” implying someone who protects and governs fortified places. It emphasizes medieval rule and order and security guards.

78. Lambert— a medieval Germanic surname, means “land-bright.” This surname represents prosperity, fertility, and abundance, reflecting medieval communities’ dependence on fertile soil. It emphasizes how humans and the earth maintain life.

79. Olbrecht— a medieval German surname, comes from “od,” meaning “prosperity,” and “baht,” meaning “bright.” Medieval people sought money, success, and enlightenment with this surname. It emphasizes wealth and creativity.

80. Neumann— a medieval German surname, that means a newcomer. This surname comes from the Middle High German word “nūwe,” meaning “new,” indicating a new arrival. It represents change, new beginnings, and medieval people’s continual travel.

Medieval last names for knights

81. Sir Bors, a Knight of the Round Table, created the medieval surname Bors. This surname denotes courage, loyalty, and chivalry, echoing medieval knighthood. It promotes honour, valour, and selflessness for a higher cause.

82. Gwaine, a medieval surname from Arthurian legends, honours Sir Gwaine, a valiant and reckless warrior. This surname represents bravery, audacity, and a love of adventure, like medieval knights. It emphasizes the romance of chivalry.

83. Percival—A medieval French surname with ties to Arthurian legend and the Knights of the Round Table. This surname represents chivalry, honour, and valour. It reflects medieval knighthood and its rule of conduct. It emphasizes the need for courage and fairness in defending the weak.

84. Ryder—A medieval surname that emphasizes knights and warriors. This surname represents bravery, talent, and adventure. It depicts wartime valour and the need for horseback riding for transportation and communication. It emphasizes knight-horse loyalty and confidence.

85. Squire, an English medieval surname, refers to a knight’s squire. This surname comes from the Old French word “esquire,” meaning “shield-bearer,” implying knight training and support. It highlights medieval society’s hierarchy and chivalry and military strength.

86. Thorn, an English medieval surname, comes from the thorn plant’s sharp thorns. Medieval life was difficult, therefore this surname denotes strength, resilience, and defence. Medieval communities needed defence and fortification.

87. Berryann, a medieval surname with English roots, refers to berry gathering or selling. This surname denotes berry gathering or trading, coming from the Old English words “berian” and “ann,” which mean “to gather” and “one,” respectively. It emphasizes harvesting wild fruits and medieval populations’ dependence on nature.

88. Merek —Medieval English surname Merek means “famous ruler.” Medieval culture was hierarchical, and this surname implies leadership, authority, and governance. It highlights rulers’ influence over their subjects.

89. Swift—English medieval surname Swift means speed, agility, and quickness. This surname represents agility and adaptability, which were crucial in medieval life. It values quick reflexes and adaptability.

90. Kerr, a medieval Scottish surname, means marsh dweller. This surname comes from the Gaelic word “cear,” meaning “bog” or “marsh,” indicating a connection to marshy areas. Medieval life required adjusting to and using varied settings.

91. Hume—Scottish medieval surname Hume is associated with domestic service. This surname comes from the Old Norse word “humi,” meaning “servant,” implying a domestic worker and caretaker. Medieval households valued social hierarchy and job division.

Medieval last names for lords

92. Knight Penny, a medieval surname derived from “knight” and “penny,” refers to knights paying rent or dues to their liege lords. This surname represents feudalism, medieval society, and hierarchy. It highlights knights’ loyalty and allegiance to their lords.

93. Farmer, an English medieval surname, is associated with farming. This surname comes from the Old English word “feremere,” meaning “one who manages the land,” indicating a farmer. Farming and rural livelihoods supported medieval communities.

94. Oakey, an English medieval surname, means oak trees and woodlands. This surname comes from the Old English word “āc,” meaning “oak,” suggesting a close relationship with oak trees. It depicts these powerful trees’ strength, longevity, and medieval woodlands’ importance.

95. Blakewood, a medieval surname with English roots, means “black woods.” This surname comes from the Old English words “blaec,” meaning “black,” and “wudu,” meaning “wood,” indicating a connection to dark, mysterious woods. Medieval humans and nature were intertwined.

96. Agnes—Medieval Greek surname Agnes means “pure” or “chaste.” Medieval society was shaped by religious values, and this surname represents virtue and morality.

97. Fairclough, an English medieval surname, means clear streams. The Middle English terms “fair” and “clough” indicate “beautiful” and “ravine,” respectively, therefore this surname suggests someone who lived near or had a special relationship with these lovely natural features. It reflects medieval landscapes’ beauty and dependence on rivers for transportation and irrigation.

98. Midwifery is linked to the medieval English surname Mabey. This surname comes from the Old English word “megebēah,” meaning “maid-servant,” indicating a role in birthing and women’s healthcare. It shows how medieval midwives helped women through childbirth and ensured the continuance of generations.

99. Godfrey—Anglo-Saxon surname Godfrey means “God’s peace.” This surname represents medieval religious zeal and piety. It expresses the wish for peace in a hostile world.

100.  Merlin, a medieval last name from Arthurian mythology, refers to Merlin, a renowned wizard and counsellor to King Arthur. This surname reflects medieval tales’ obsession with magic, mysticism, and wisdom. It highlights medieval folklore, mythology, and storytelling.


101.  Rowan, a Celtic surname, comes from the mountain ash, or rowan tree. From the Old Irish word “caorán,” meaning “little red-haired one,” this surname denotes someone who lived among rowan trees or had red hair. Rowan trees were thought to have magical powers and were placed near dwellings for protection, healing, and enchantment.

102.  Aaberg—Norse surname Aaberg means “river mountain.” This surname comes from the Old Norse words “á,” meaning “river,” and “berg,” meaning “mountain,” indicating a hamlet along a river and surrounded by mountains. Medieval Scandinavian nature was awe-inspiring.

Ancient medieval last names

103.  Pythias—A medieval surname from the Greek name Pythias, meaning “of Delphi.” This surname represents wisdom, prophesy, and learning. It shows medieval interest in ancient Greek culture and philosophy and the value of higher education. Greek works and ideas were translated, analyzed, and incorporated into medieval European thought, highlighting cross-cultural exchange and influences.

104.  Morrison—Morrison, a medieval Scottish surname, symbolizes milling. This surname, from the Gaelic words “maur,” meaning “large,” and “muir,” meaning “sea,” denotes someone who ran a large mill, stressing medieval agriculture and food production.

105.  Rountree—A medieval English surname, Rountree means a notable tree or gathering spot. This surname comes from the Old English words “rundel” and “trēow,” which mean “round” and “tree,” respectively. It denotes a tree that was a meeting place. Medieval society valued community and communication.

106.  Agincourt—A medieval surname inspired by the 1415 Battle of Agincourt. This surname emphasizes the importance of wars and warfare on medieval culture and national pride and honor.

107.  Averill— a Welsh and English medieval surname, symbolizes wild boars. This surname comes from the Old English words “eofor,” meaning “wild boar,” and “hild,” meaning “battle,” implying hunting or boar fighting. It shows how important hunting was as a recreation and food source.

108.  Quinnell— a Celtic surname, is associated with writing and storytelling. From the Irish word “cennétig,” meaning “chief, leader, or historian,” this surname denotes someone who records and preserves history. In medieval communities, oral and written tales communicated and preserved information.

109.  Seller— an English medieval surname, means selling goods. This surname comes from the Old English word “sellere,” meaning “seller” or “merchant,” indicating a merchant. Medieval economies relied on commerce.

110.  MacQuoid—Medieval Scottish and Irish surname MacQuoid signifies clan or familial lineage. This surname comes from the Gaelic words “mac,” meaning “son of,” and “cuaid,” meaning “servant,” indicating descent from a particular family or clan. Medieval societies valued kinship, loyalty, and family.

111.  Holley—English medieval surname Holley means holly tree. This surname comes from Old English “holen,” meaning “holly,” indicating a liking for this evergreen shrub with crimson berries. It represents nature and medieval holy festivals.

112.  Terrowin—Welsh surname Terrowin is associated with pottery. This surname comes from the Welsh words “ter,” meaning “land” or “earth,” and “Gwin,” meaning “white,” indicating a pottery or ceramics maker. Medieval communities valued handicrafts and trade.

113.  Head— an English medieval surname, that implies leadership. This surname comes from the Old English word “heafod,” meaning “head,” and denotes a powerful person. It represents medieval society’s hierarchies and leaders.

Badass medieval last names

114.  Adrienne—Adrienne, a medieval surname derived from “Hadrianus,” means Adriatic Sea. Medieval trade and exploration were important, as this surname shows.

115.  Raleigh—Raleigh, a medieval English surname, evokes exploration and adventure. This surname may have been given to someone who hunted deer or lived in a woody location where deer wandered. It comes from the Old English terms “rā” and “leah,” which indicate “roe deer” and “wood” respectively.

116.  Annora—English medieval surname Annora means grace and elegance. This surname comes from the Latin word “Honorius,” meaning “honorable,” and emphasizes integrity and dignity.

117.  Newby—Newby, a medieval surname from Old Norse, means new settlement or village. This surname comes from the Old Norse words “nyr,” meaning “new,” and “bi,” meaning “farm,” indicating a medieval settler.

118.  Ridge—English medieval surname Ridge conjures thoughts of undulating landscapes and geographical elements. In mountainous areas, ridges are long, narrow elevated areas with steep sides. Ridges are natural protections against the elements, therefore it portrays solidity and strength.

119.  Grover—A medieval English surname, Grover evokes lush meadows and verdant surroundings. This surname, from the Old English word “grafere,” means “grove keeper” or “guardian of the woods,” highlighting medieval society’s importance of nature and environmental stewardship.

120.  Cecily—A medieval surname derived from “Cecilia,” Cecily symbolizes spirituality and devotion. From the Latin word “caecus,” meaning “blind,” this surname symbolizes inner perception and a deep connection to the divine. It represents medieval faith and piety.

121.  Narcisse—Narcisse, a medieval last name derived from Narcissus, symbolizes beauty and self-reflection. This surname, derived from the Greek word “narke,” meaning “numbness” or “stupor,” denotes a charming, thoughtful person who valued self-awareness and self-love in medieval civilization.

122.  Medley—Medley, an English medieval surname, means a harmonious blend. From the Old English word “medleah,” meaning “meadow,” this surname denotes someone who unites and diversifies. Medieval culture was diverse and inclusive.

123.  Lancaster—A medieval English surname, Lancaster signifies nobility and status. This surname comes from Old English “lon” and “ceaster,” meaning “Roman fortress on the River Lune,” indicating a powerful ancestry. Medieval aristocracy and royalty represented luxury and power.

124.  Crusader—A person with this medieval last name engaged in the Crusades. This surname implies valor, chivalry, and religious devotion. It represents medieval people’s zeal for their faith and kingdoms.

125.  Grove—English medieval surname Grove is associated with groves and woods. This surname comes from the Old English word “graf,” meaning “grove” or “thicket,” indicating a connection to these natural landmarks. It shows appreciation for forest beauty and the human-nature link.

Awesome medieval last names

126.  Hooke—Hooke, a medieval surname derived from “hoke” or “hocke,” has a deeper significance than one might think. The term suggests resourcefulness and inventiveness, not fishing or hooks. In medieval times, a hooke was a market or gathering, emphasizing the importance of this name as a sign of someone who could seize opportunities.

127.  Langdon—From the Old English “lang dūn,” meaning “long hill,” Langdon symbolizes one’s relationship to nature. This medieval last name was associated with mountainous or long-distance places, indicating endurance and tenacity.

128.  Vaughan—Welsh medieval surname Vaughan signifies dignity and prestige. It comes from the Welsh word “bychan,” meaning “small,” yet it denotes a community leader.

129.  Nesmith—The medieval surname Nesmith comes from the Old English “neosmy,” meaning “new smiter” or “novice blacksmith.” This surname was related to blacksmithing, a respected medieval trade.

130.  Gaius—A Roman-inspired medieval last name, Gaius shows how civilizations mixed during this time. This surname, derived from “Gaius,” evokes Roman aristocracy.

131.  Louthy—The medieval surname Louthy evokes serenity and faith. Louthy means “dear servant of God” in Old English, indicating religious dedication and a higher aim.

132.  Bliss—Anglo-Saxon last name Bliss means joy, contentment, and happiness. From the Old English word “blisse,” meaning “joy” or “bliss,” this name denotes a person who offered joy to others or found deep fulfillment in their life.

133.  Whitney—A medieval surname from Old English, Whitney is associated with white. This surname comes from “hwit,” meaning “white,” and “ēg,” meaning “island,” implying a relationship with a white island or white-stone cliffs.

134.  May—English medieval last name May captures spring’s magic. From the Old English word “maeg” or “mæi,” meaning “maid” or “youth,” this surname symbolizes freshness, youth, and renewal.

135.  Willoughby—A medieval English surname, Willoughby evokes aristocracy. This elegant surname comes from the Old English words “wilig,” meaning “willow,” and “byr,” meaning “farm,” implying a link to a farm or estate surrounded by willow trees.

136.  Browne—English medieval surname Browne refers to physical traits. This surname comes from Old English “brūn,” meaning “brown,” and could have been given to someone with brown hair, eyes, or complexion. It also represents nature and earth.

137.  Graves—A medieval last name derived from the Old English word “græf,” meaning “grove” or “thicket,” suggests mystery and reverence for nature. This name symbolizes a woodland location or tranquil resting place, adding introspection and reflection.

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Final Words

Medieval Last Names are essential to recognise the intricate historical tapestry they create. These surnames are typically derived from occupations, physical traits, geographical landmarks, or paternal names. Names such as “Fletcher” (one who produces arrows), “Smith” (associated with blacksmithing), “Rivers” (denoting someone who lives by a river), and “Richardson” (son of Richard) provide hints about a person’s ancestry, occupation, or place of residence. When choosing a mediaeval surname for a character or researching the history of a name, it is important to consider the mediaeval socioeconomic landscape, in which occupations and locations defined personal identifiers. The essence of a mediaeval name captures not only an individual’s identity, but also their life, function, and position in mediaeval society. Always be guided by the extensive history of the mediaeval era, evoking authenticity and profundity in every name selection.

Hi, myself Arun Verma. I Love Playing Multiplayer Games, Exploring new Technologies, Buying Cool Gadgets, and Deeply Research Names. Working at Deloitte gave me the knowledge to blog about Business Ideas I have to deal with on a regular basis.

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