100+ Satyr Names You Probably Haven’t Heard Of

Discover the perfect satyr names for your mythical characters and RPG adventures. Get inspired with our extensive list of enchanting name ideas.

Satyrs, enchanting woodland creatures known for their mischievous nature and wild parties, have captivated our imaginations for centuries.

From ancient Greek mythology to modern literature and pop culture, they remain a symbol of untamed delight and unbridled revelry. But what about Satyr Names? Do these whimsical beings have monikers as unique as their personas?

Satyr Names

Looking for unique satyr names? Unleash your creativity with our curated collection of captivating and magical monikers for your fantasy world.

1. Pan

Starting off with the most famous satyr of all, Pan is the god of the wild, shepherds, and flocks. This name carries a sense of power, nature, and untamed energy.

2. Silvanus

Evoking images of lush forests and ancient woodlands, Silvanus represents the spirit of nature and is a perfect choice for a wise and noble satyr.

3. Faunus

A name that originates from Roman mythology, Faunus is associated with fertility, wildness, and the protection of forests. It embodies the essence of a satyr perfectly.

4. Puck

Derived from English folklore, Puck is a playful and mischievous satyr name that brings to mind images of tricks and pranks. It’s perfect for a satyr with a cheeky personality.

5. Dionysus

If you’re looking for a name that exudes passion, revelry, and a love for wine, Dionysus is an excellent choice. This Greek god of wine and festivities is often depicted alongside satyrs.

6. Phaunus

With its lyrical sound, Phaunus is a name that effortlessly rolls off the tongue. It carries a sense of mystery, grace, and a deep connection with nature.

7. Dryas

This name has a strong and powerful ring to it. In Greek mythology, Dryas was a satyr known for his bravery and loyalty. It’s an ideal choice for a heroic and courageous character.

8. Melampus

Melampus is associated with divination and prophecy. This name brings an air of wisdom, foresight, and mysticism to your satyr character.

9. Satyrus

Embrace the traditional roots with Satyrus, a classic and timeless name for a satyr. It encapsulates the essence of these mythical creatures and their lively spirit.

10. Zephyrus

Derived from the Greek god of the west wind, Zephyrus is a name that symbolizes gentle breezes, freedom, and wanderlust. It’s perfect for a satyr who loves to explore and embrace new adventures.

100+ Unique Satyr Names You Probably Haven't Heard Of



Male satyr names might have a mix of fun and country charm, and they might even have something to do with nature or music. Some examples are “Thornpipe,” “Oakdance,” “Bramblestrum,” and “Luteleaf.”

  • Pherespondus: Pherespondus is a name that originates from the Greek words “pherein” meaning “to carry” and “podos” meaning “foot.”
  • Maron: Maron is a name associated with wine and winemaking in Greek mythology.
  • Orthanes: Orthanes, derived from the Greek word for “righteous” or “upright,” signifies a satyr who embodies moral rectitude and strong ethical principles.
  • Ampelus: Ampelus is a name connected to the Greek word for “vine” or “tendril.” This satyr may possess a deep affinity for nature and the plant world, especially vines and climbing plants.
  • Polymnus: Polymnus, derived from the Greek words “polys” meaning “many” and “mnemos” meaning “memory,” suggests a satyr with a vast repository of knowledge and wisdom.
  • Aeson: Aeson, derived from the Greek word “aētos” meaning “eagle,” signifies a satyr who possesses extraordinary vision and insight.
  • Lycon: Lycon, coming from the Greek word for “wolf,” symbolizes strength, resilience, and fierce loyalty.
  • Napeus: Napeus is a name associated with caves and the underground in Greek mythology. This satyr may possess an affinity for darkness, shadows, and the mysterious.
  • Daphnis: Daphnis, derived from the Greek word “daphne” meaning “laurel” or “bay tree,” signifies a satyr with a deep connection to nature and the wilderness.
  • Pherecrates: Pherecrates, coming from the Greek words “pherein” meaning “to bear” and “kratos” meaning “strength,” suggests a satyr with incredible physical power and might.
  • Petreius: Petreius is a name associated with rocks and stone in Greek mythology. This satyr may possess a strong and resilient nature, with a deep connection to the earth and the stability it provides.
  • Marpsas: Marpsas, derived from the Greek word “marpein” meaning “to shine” or “to gleam,” signifies a satyr that emanates an aura of radiance and positivity.
  • Learchus: Learchus, coming from the Greek word for “bold” or “warlike,” symbolizes bravery, courage, and a warrior spirit.


Satyr names for girls could be fun, free, and in tune with nature. They might have sounds or parts that are more often associated with women. Think about names like “Meadowmelody,” “Blossomprance,” “Vinemirth,” and “Rustlerose.” These names make me think of a mix of fun, natural beauty, and femininity.

  • Naiad Watersong: Naiads were freshwater nymphs associated with bodies of water. “Watersong” signifies the harmonious and melodic nature of streams and rivers.
  • Sylva Sunbeam: Sylva means “of the forest” in Latin. “Sunbeam” symbolizes warmth and light.
  • Anthousa Blossom-heart: Anthousa means “flower” in Greek. “Blossom heart” represents the vibrant and passionate nature of plants in bloom.
  • Pythia Oraclewind: Pythia was the oracle of Delphi in Greek mythology. “Oraclewind” suggests a mysterious and prophetic nature.
  • Xanthippe Beamweaver: Xanthippe means “yellow horse” in Greek. “Beamweaver” signifies the ability to harness and manipulate light.
  • Chloris Whisperingwind: Chloris was the goddess of flowers and vegetation in Greek mythology. “Whisperingwind” represents the light and gentle breeze that carries the fragrance of blossoming blooms.
  • Cleia Starlight: Cleia means “glory” in Greek. “Starlight” suggests a celestial and radiant presence.
  • Dione Lighthouse: Dione was a Titaness associated with the oracle of Dodona. “Lighthouse” signifies guidance and illumination.
  • Evadne Soulwhisper: Evadne means “good mind” in Greek. “Soul whisper” represents the ability to connect with the deepest parts of oneself and others.
  • Gaia Earthsong: Gaia was the primordial goddess personifying the Earth. “Earthsong” represents the interconnectedness of all living beings with the planet.
  • Halia Moonwhisper: Halia means “the sea” in Greek. “Moonwhisper” signifies the mystical and ethereal nature of the moon.
  • Ianeira Starglow: Ianeira means “queen of the waves” in Greek. “Starglow” represents the luminescence and brilliance of the night sky.
  • Kleio Lorewalker: Kleio means “glory” in Greek. “Lorewalker” suggests a deep knowledge and appreciation for history and culture.
  • Maera Fireheart: Maera signifies the fervour and intensity of the fire. “Fireheart” represents passion and determination.
  • Nemea Lionroar: Nemea was the legendary lion vanquished by Heracles. “Lionroar” signifies bravery and strength.
  • Orithyia Windchaser: Orithyia means “mountain climber” in Greek. “Windchaser” suggests a love for the wind and freedom.
  • Pales Meadowheart: Pales was the ancient Roman goddess of shepherds and flocks.
  • Rhode Dawnseeker: Rhode means “rose” in Greek. “Dawnseeker” signifies a desire for new beginnings and fresh starts.

DnD Satyr Names

Looking for the perfect name for your DnD Satyr? Explore our handpicked selection of mystical and whimsical names that will transport you to another realm.

  • Lenaeus Vine: Lenaeus is another name for Dionysus, the Greek god of wine and revelry.
  • Faunus Echo: Faunus, the Roman equivalent of the Greek god Pan, was revered as the god of forests and wildlife. Echo, a nymph in Greek mythology, was known for her captivating voice and ability to mimic sounds.
  • Nephele Serenity: Nephele was a cloud nymph in Greek mythology. “Serenity” symbolizes a calm and tranquil state of being.
  • Phoebe Luminary: Phoebe was one of the Titans associated with the moon. “Luminary” signifies someone who shines brightly, like a guiding light in the darkness.
  • Cernunos Serene: Cernunos, also known as Cernunnos, is a Celtic god associated with nature and the forest. Serene suggests a calm and tranquil demeanour, perhaps reflecting this satyr’s deep connection with the natural world.
  • Rhene Sparkleflare: Rhene means “flowing” in Greek. “Sparkleflare” represents a burst of glittering light.
  • Adrasteia Earthbound: Adrasteia means “inescapable” in Greek. “Earthbound” represents a strong connection to the land and the grounding nature of the earth.
  • Cyllene Trailblazer: Cyllene refers to the mountain in Greece where Hermes was said to be born. “Trailblazer” represents someone who paves the way and discovers new paths.
  • Carya Evergreen: Carya is derived from the Greek word “karuon,” meaning nut. “Evergreen” represents longevity and vitality, as evergreen trees retain their lush foliage even during the harshest seasons.
  • Thalia Echo: Thalia, as one of the Muses, embodies the spirit of comedy and lightheartedness.
  • Nysa Lyre: Dionysus is said to have lived in a place called Nysa. A lyre is a musical instrument. This satyr might be known for how good she is at music.
  • Thyia Songbird: Thyia means “divine” in Greek. “Songbird” signifies a melodic and captivating voice.

5e Satyr Names

Need inspiration for naming your Satyr character in 5e? Explore our list of captivating and mystical Satyr names to enhance your gaming experience.

  • Sybaris: Sybaris is a name associated with luxury and indulgence in Greek mythology. This satyr may be known for their hedonistic tendencies, finding pleasure in the finer things in life.
  • Lykos Piper: Lykos means “wolf” in Greek, and “Piper” refers to the pipes or flutes that satyrs often play. This satyr could be both strong and musical.
  • Elaphus Swift: Elaphus means “deer” in Greek, and the deer was a sacred animal associated with various nature deities.
  • Silvanus Reed: Silvanus is a Roman forest god, and reeds grow a lot in forests. This satyr may have a strong bond with the forest.
  • Lycabas: Lycabas, coming from the Greek words “lykos” meaning “wolf” and “basis” meaning “step,” symbolizes a satyr with a wild and untamed spirit.
  • Maenad Melody: Maenads were women who followed Dionysus. They were often shown in a state of ecstasy. “Melody” refers to how musical satyrs are.
  • Bassareus: Bassareus, derived from the Greek word “bassaris” meaning “feral” or “savage,” suggests a satyr who embodies wildness and primal instincts.
  • Ligeia Wavebreaker: Ligeia was one of the Sirens in Greek mythology. “Wavebreaker” suggests strength and the ability to overcome obstacles.
  • Xanthe Firefoot: Xanthe means “golden” in Greek, often symbolizing warmth, energy, and joy. “Firefoot” suggests a swift and energetic satyr, known for its fiery spirit and agility.
  • Orthaon: Orthaon, coming from “orthos” meaning “straight” or “correct” in Greek, suggests a satyr who values integrity and moral righteousness.
  • Daphne Dance: Greek legend has a character named Daphne who was turned into a laurel tree. “Dance” is a nod to how satyrs often have fun.
  • Orestes: Orestes is a name that signifies “mountain dweller” in Greek.
  • Eirene Harmony: Eirene is the Greek goddess of peace and tranquillity. “Harmony” symbolizes the balance and serenity that Eirene brings wherever she goes.
  • Melaina Shadowcaster: Melaina translates to “black” or “dark” in Greek. “Shadowcaster” suggests the ability to control and manipulate shadows.
  • Iobates: Iobates is a name that originates from a king in Greek mythology, known for his wise and just rule
  • Orpheus: Orpheus, known as the legendary musician and poet in Greek mythology, symbolizes artistic expression and the power of music.
  • Bacchus Revel: Bacchus is the Roman version of the Greek god Dionysus, who was the god of wine. A “revel” is a crazy party. This satyr could be the centre of attention at any party.
  • Melanthus: Melanthus, coming from the Greek words “melas” meaning “black” and “anthros” meaning “flower,” symbolizes a satyr who embraces the beauty and power of darkness.
  • Acantha Wildflower: Acantha means “thorn” in Greek, symbolizing protection and strength. “Wildflower” represents untamed beauty and resilience.

Satyr Names from Mythology

Discover the enchanting world of Satyr names from mythology. Uncover their mystical origins and find the perfect name for your character or pet.

  • Pratinus Meadow: Pratinus refers to the meadow in Latin, symbolizing this satyr’s affinity for open spaces and lush greenery.
  • Thetis Tidecaller: Thetis was a sea nymph in Greek mythology. “Tidecaller” suggests the ability to communicate with the depths of the ocean.
  • Metis Mindweaver: Metis was a Titaness associated with wisdom and cunning. “Mindweaver” symbolizes the ability to shape and influence thoughts.
  • Ione Whisperwind: Ione means “violet flower” in Greek. “Whisperwind” represents the gentle rustling of the wind.
  • Nomius: Nomius is derived from “nomos”, a Greek word that means “law” or “custom.” This satyr could be regarded as a keeper of Satyr traditions and customs, ensuring that the values and rituals of their society are upheld and respected.
  • Pasithea Dreamweaver: Pasithea was the Greek goddess of hallucination and relaxation. “Dreamweaver” symbolizes the ability to create and traverse the realm of dreams.
  • Lysippus: Lysippus, derived from the Greek word “lysis” meaning “to dissolve” or “to loosen,” suggests a satyr who embodies a sense of freedom and liberation.
  • Lycus: Lycus, derived from the Greek word for “wolf,” symbolizes strength and ferocity.
  • Bromius Bacchus: Bromius is an epithet for Dionysus, derived from the Greek word for “roaring” or “bellowing,” representing the god’s rowdy and wild nature.
  • Scirtus: Scirtus is a name associated with marshes and wetlands in Greek mythology. This satyr may have a deep connection to the elements of water and earth, finding solace and peace in the natural beauty of these landscapes.
  • Silvanus Grove: Silvanus, as previously mentioned, is a Roman god associated with forests. Grove emphasizes this satyr’s close connection to the woodland environment, perhaps serving as a guardian or protector of the trees and creatures within it.
  • Pyrrha Ember: Pyrrha means “flaming” in Greek. “Ember” represents the glowing remnants of a fire.
  • Cyrene Wildheart: Cyrene was a nymph associated with the outdoors and the hunt. “Wildheart” represents a deep connection to the untamed wilderness.
  • Sipylus: Sipylus, known as a mountain in Greek mythology, signifies a satyr with a deep connection to the earth and the majestic landscapes it holds.
  • Dryas Oak: Dryas is a satyr in Greek mythology, known for his association with the oak tree. Oak signifies strength and endurance, mirroring this satyr’s resilience and steadfast spirit within the Satyr community.
  • Echo Flute: Echo was a nymph who could only repeat what other people said. Satyrs often play flutes, which is what “flute” means.
  • Hylaeus: Hylaeus, coming from the Greek word “hyle” meaning “forest” or “woodland,” suggests a satyr with an intimate relationship with the natural world.
  • Melia Melody: Melia comes from the Greek word “melis,” meaning honey. This name could reflect the sweet and nurturing nature of this satyr, while “Melody” alludes to their musical talents.

Greek Satyr Names

Explore Greek mythology like never before with our collection of authentic satyr names. Dive into the enchanting realm today!

  • Thalia Grace: In Greek mythology, Thalia is one of the Muses. She is the personification of comedy and poems about nature. “Grace” could be a reference to how beautiful this satyr is.
  • Marsyas: Marsyas, known for his unparalleled musical skills in Greek mythology, symbolizes the pursuit of excellence and the desire for self: improvement.
  • Pylaeus: Pylaeus, derived from the Greek word “pylae” meaning “gates” or “doorways,” signifies a satyr with a deep connection to transitions and new beginnings.
  • Panos Flute: Named after Pan, the god of the wild, farmers, and flocks, who was often linked to the music of the flute. This satyr might be able to play music well.
  • Petalus: Petalus is derived from the Greek word for “wings,” symbolizing this satyr’s free-spirited and adventurous nature.
  • Taygete Stargazer: Taygete was one of the Pleiades, a group of stars in Greek mythology. “Stargazer” signifies someone with a deep fascination and knowledge of the cosmos.
  • Cymalus: Cymalus, derived from the Greek word “karma” meaning “wave,” suggests a satyr with a deep connection to the oceans and the ever-changing tides.
  • Antheia Fairbloom: Antheia means “flowering” in Greek. “Fairbloom” represents the beauty and blossoming of nature.
  • Helice Wanderlust: Helice is derived from the Greek word “helix,” meaning spiral or twist. This name embodies the spiralling paths of curiosity, wonder, and exploration that Helice Wanderlust follows.
  • Oenone Woodsong: Oenone means “wine” in Greek. “Woodsong” signifies a deep connection to nature and the ability to create music from natural elements.
  • Menealus: Menealus is a name connected to the Greek word for “change” or “transformation.”
  • Crantor: Crantor means “giver of strength” in Greek, suggesting a satyr who is known for empowering and uplifting others within the Satyr community.

Good Satyr Names

Find the perfect satyr name for your next adventure. Discover a collection of unique and powerful satyr names to suit any fantasy world.

  • Aegipan: Aegipan is a hybrid creature in Greek mythology, part goat and part fish.
  • Chione Frost: Chione means “snow” in Greek, evoking a sense of cold and winter. “Frost” further emphasizes the icy nature of this name.
  • Cissus: Cissus, coming from the Greek word “kissos” meaning “ivy,” symbolizes resilience, adaptability, and the ability to thrive in any environment.
  • Dryope Ivy: In Greek mythology, Dryope was a nymph who transformed into a tree. “Ivy” symbolizes resilience and adaptation, as ivy can grow and thrive in various conditions.
  • Dion Horn: The name comes from Dionysus, the Greek god of wine, parties, and celebrations. It also refers to the satyr’s unique horns.
  • Asterion: Asterion, coming from the Greek word for “star,” symbolizes brilliance and celestial beauty. This satyr may possess a unique and radiant aura, captivating others with their charm and charisma.
  • Staphylus: Staphylus, derived from the Greek word “staphyle” meaning “bunch of grapes,” signifies a satyr with a deep connection to nature’s bounty and abundance.
  • Silenus Merriment: Silenus was the oldest and wisest of the satyrs in Greek mythology, known for his jovial nature and love for revelry.
  • Iacus: Iacus, derived from the Greek word “iakos” meaning “iacchus,” signifies a satyr with a deep connection to celebration, revelry, and the joy of gatherings.
  • Philyra Whisperwind: Philyra was a nymph associated with fragrance and perfume. “Whisperwind” represents the ethereal and subtle nature of scents.
  • Thyone Firefly: Thyone means “inspired frenzy” in Greek. “Firefly” signifies a gentle and ephemeral light.
  • Panaetius Sage: Panaetius derives from Pan, the well: known Greek god of shepherds and fertility.
  • Eudora Sunbeam: Eudora translates to “good gift” in Greek. “Sunbeam” signifies a radiant and uplifting presence, like the sun breaking through the clouds.
  • Semele Moonshadow: Semele was a mortal woman who became the mother of Dionysus in Greek mythology.
  • Nysa Nightingale: Nysa, as mentioned before, refers to the place where Dionysus is said to have lived. “Nightingale” is a bird known for its beautiful and melodious song.
  • Thiasus: Thiasus refers to the ecstatic group worship of Dionysus in Greek mythology.
  • Euanthe Blossom: Euanthe means “beautiful flower” in Greek. “Blossom” represents growth, beauty, and the unfolding of potential.
  • Alcimedon: Alcimedon, derived from the Greek words “alke” meaning “strength” and “medon” meaning “ruler,” signifies a satyr with a commanding presence and strong leadership qualities.

How To Choose Satyr Names For Your Dnd Character?

When it comes to choosing Satyr names for your Dnd character, there are several factors to consider.

  • First and foremost, you want a name that reflects the essence of your character. Satyrs are known for their merry and mischievous nature, so a playful or whimsical name would be fitting.
  • Furthermore, take into account the cultural background of your Satyr character. Different regions within the realm of Dnd may have distinct naming conventions when it comes to Satyrs.
  • Lastly, don’t underestimate the power of alliteration and rhythm when selecting a name. A melodic name can truly enhance your role-playing experience and make your character more memorable.

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Final Words

Choosing a satyr name for your Dungeons and Dragons character can be a fun and creative process. By considering their personality traits, backstory, sources of inspiration like Greek mythology, and pronunciation and spelling, you can come up with a satyr name that truly brings your character to life. With a little imagination, the possibilities are endless, and your satyr will be ready to embark on new adventures and make a name for themselves in the world of DnD.

Hi, myself Arun Verma. I Love Playing Multiplayer Games, Exploring new Technologies, Buying Cool Gadgets, and Deeply Research Names. Working at Deloitte gave me the knowledge to blog about Business Ideas I have to deal with on a regular basis.

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