7.5 K+ Text Symbols That You Can Easily Copy & Paste

People that need to remember information may find text symbols quite useful. They can also serve as a means of expressing one’s emotions. For instance, an exclamation point may indicate that you are really astonished or enthusiastic. A cheerful face may indicate happiness or contentment.

Text symbols are a diverse means of expressing thoughts and feelings in writing. They can be used alone or in combination with other symbols to construct more complicated statements. The quote mark (” “), semicolon (” ; “), apostrophe (‘), hyphen (-), an ampersand (&) are common text symbols (&).

Text symbols are small graphic pictures or icons used to signify particular meanings within a text document. Symbols can be used for a variety of purposes, including making the text easier to comprehend, enhancing its aesthetic attractiveness, and conveying supplementary information. Symbols can also be used to help people maintain organisation and concentration while reading a material.

Smiley Text Symbols

On social media, smiley text symbols are among the most frequently used emoticons. They are universally recognised and can be used to express a vast array of emotions. The 🙂 (heart), 😀 (exclamation point), and 😉 are among the most popular smiling faces (thumbs up).


Zodiac Text Symbols

Numerous symbols are related to the zodiac. Art, literature, and mythology contain these emblems. Numerous of these symbols have deeper meanings associated with the zodiac sign they represent.

Tick Symbols

Here are some of the tick symbols that are easy to copy and paste as text.

Heart Symbols

Throughout history, hearts have been utilised as symbols of love, affection, and bravery. They are still extensively employed to express these sentiments today. The heart with wings, the heart with a crown, and the heart with a shield are some of the most well-known heart symbols.

💔 🧡 G
💟 💚 5
💕 💛 L
💖 💜 And
❣️ 🖤 L
💘 💗 ❤️️
💝 💓 💙

Degree Symbols

Here is some text degree symbols.


text symbols list

Card and Chess Type Symbols

Looking for Card and Chess Type text Symbols, then here is the complete references.

 ♝  ♧
 ♣  ♚
 ♟  ♡  ♛
 ♤  ♥
 ♘  ♦

Trademark Text Symbols

Text symbols are an essential component of trademark law. They aid in identifying and differentiating trademarks from one another. Symbols can be utilised in a variety of ways, such as in the trademark’s name, description, and packaging. There are numerous varieties of text symbols, and each has a distinct significance.


Currency Symbols in Text Format

£ ¤
¥ ƒ

Text Format Unit Symbols


text symbol ideas

Star Symbols Text

This is the complete list of star-type symbols text.

 ✵  ✯  ❂
 ✦  ✷  ⁂
 ✩  ✹
 ✪  ✢
 ✻  ✣
 ✼  ✤
 ✭  ✽

ReliGious Text Symbols


Bracket Type Text Symbols

〈 〉  ︾  ﹤ ﹥  ︻
《 》  ︿ ( )  ︼
「 」  ﹀  < >
『 』  ﹁ { }
【 】  〖 〗  ︺
 〔 〕 〘 〙 〈 〉
 ︵  〚 〛
 ︶ ﹙ ﹚  « »  ‹ ›
 ﹛ ﹜  ︸  ﹝ ﹞

Text Symbol for Flower


Circle Symbols Text

Circle Symbols Text


Arrow Type Text Symbols

In a document, text symbols are often employed to represent many forms of information. Here are all sorts of arrows that can be used to demonstrate various concepts.


East Copy Fraction Symbols

½ %
¾ ¼

Corner Text Symbols

˥ ˦

Line symbols


Mahjong Tile Text Symbols

Attempting to decipher the markings on Majong tiles might be tricky. This article will provide an introduction to the text symbols used on Mahjong tiles and how to employ them.

🀀 🀡 🀗 🀌
🀁 🀢 🀘 🀍
🀂 🀣 🀙 🀎
🀃 🀤 🀚 🀏
🀄 🀥 🀛 🀐
🀅 🀦 🀜 🀑
🀆 🀧 🀝 🀒
🀇 🀨 🀞 🀓
🀈 🀩 🀟 🀔
🀉 🀪 🀠 🀕
🀊 🀫 🀋 🀖

Triangular Text symbol Copy Paste

Square Text Symbols

keyboard Symbols

˓ ʿ
˔ ˀ
˕ ˁ
˖ ˂
˗ ˃
˘ ˄
˙ ˅
˚ ˆ
˛ ˇ
˜ ˈ
˝ ˉ
˞ ˊ
ˠ ˋ
ˡ ˌ
¿ ˎ
ʻ ˒
ʾ ʹ

Technical Text Symbols


Comparison Test Symbols

Numeric Symbols Text


Math text Symbols


Alchemical Text Symbols

🜀 🝏 🜦 🝋
🜁 🝐 🜧 🝌
🜂 🝑 🜨 🝍
🜃 🝒 🜩 🝎
🜄 🝓 🜪 🜟
🜅 🝔 🜫 🜠
🜆 🝕 🜬 🜡
🜇 🝖 🜭 🜢
🜈 🝗 🜮 🜣
🜉 🝘 🜯 🜤
🜊 🝙 🜰 🜥
🜋 🝚 🜱 🝮
🜌 🝛 🜲 🝯
🜍 🝜 🜳 🝰
🜎 🝝 🜴 🝱
🜏 🝞 🜵 🝲
🜐 🝟 🜶 🝳
🜑 🝠 🜷 🝅
🜒 🝡 🜸 🝆
🜓 🝢 🜹 🝇
🜔 🝣 🜺 🝈
🜕 🝤 🜻 🝉
🜖 🝥 🜼 🝊
🜗 🝦 🜽 🝃
🜘 🝧 🜾 🝄
🜙 🝨 🜿 🝬
🜚 🝩 🝀 🝭
🜛 🝪 🝁 🜝
🜜 🝫 🝂 🜞

Chinese Text Symbols

 ㊚  ㊖
 ㊛  ㊪  ㊗
 ㊝  ㊎  ㊣
 ㊞  ㊤
 ㊠  ㊑
 ㊡  ㊰  ㊧

Japanese Symbols

 ぃ  ヌ
ノ ハ  ク  ほ
 う  ぼ
 ぇ  ケ  ぽ
 ヒ  ゲ  ま
 ぉ  み
 お  ピ  む
 ザ  も
 き  ゃ
 ぎ  ジ  や
 く  ス  ゅ
 ぐ  ズ  ゆ
 げ  ボ  ゼ  よ
 こ  ポ  ソ  ら
 マ  り
 さ  ミ  る
 ダ  れ
 し  ろ
 じ  ゎ
 ャ  ッ  わ
 す  ツ  ゐ
 ぞ  ゕ
 た  ・  ゖ
 だ  ゚ ゛
 レ  ヽ  ゜
  っ  ロ  ヾ  ゝ
 つ  ヮ  ゞ
 づ  ワ  ゟ
ヰ ヱ  ㍿  ゠
 ば  ァ
 と  ン  ぱ  ア
 ど  ヴ  ひ
 び  イ
 に  ヶ  ぴ  ゥ
 ぬ  ふ  ウ
 ね  ぶ  ェ
 の  ヹ  ォ

Korean Text Symbols

 ㅰ  ㅙ  ㅊ
 ㄲ  ㅱ  ㅚ  ㅋ
 ㄳ  ㅲ  ㅛ  ㅌ
 ㄴ  ㅳ  ㅜ  ㅍ
 ㄵ  ㅴ  ㅎ
 ㄶ  ㅵ  ㅏ
 ㄷ  ㅶ
 ㄸ  ㅷ  ㅠ  ㅑ
 ㄹ  ㅸ  ㅒ
 ㄺ  ㅓ
 ㄻ  ㅺ  ㅥ  ㅔ
 ㄼ  ㅻ  ㅦ
 ㄽ  ㅼ  ㅧ  ㅖ
 ㄾ  ㅽ  ㅨ  ㅗ
 ㄿ  ㅩ  ㅘ
 ㅀ  ㅪ  ㆇ
 ㅁ  ㆀ  ㅫ  ㆈ
 ㅂ  ㅬ  ㆉ
 ㅃ  ㆂ  ㅭ  ㆊ
 ㆃ  ㅮ  ㅈ
 ㅅ  ㆄ  ㅯ  ㅉ
 ㅆ  ㆅ  ㅇ  ㆆ

Also Read:

Final Words

In conclusion, text symbols can be powerful tools for taking your writing to the next level. By understanding the different symbols and how they work together, you can create powerful and efficient text passages. Use these symbols wisely to enhance your writing and help you communicate your ideas more effectively.

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