5000+ Best Presentation Topics for Everyone in Every Need

Are you a student or a professional who is searching for trending topic ideas for your presentation We have made a collective list of trending topics for presentations for students and professionals?

Now you have the power by using top topics from our site and impress your boss, teacher, or professor.

Presentation is required in every field of work or education. By giving a presentation one can learn to communicate effectively, increase your knowledge in that particular topic, and polish your language.

Best Presentation topics ideas

Best means best, Best choices made on presentation topic for you. Remember we made everything large. We have large one-page 5000+ Best Presentation topics ideas nowhere be found on the internet. I am always trying to update the presentation topic as new topics arrive.

PowerPoint presentation topics

Check some best ppt presentation topics for your school or college presentation. I am sharing some collection of PowerPoint presentation topics that might help you to make an easy pick.

No. Topics
1 4G Wireless Technology
2 Academic Freedom
3 Anatomy Presentation
4 Android Operating System
5 Basic methods of research in business
6 Brain Sucking Amoeba (Naegleria Fowleri)
7 Bring Your Own Device (BOYD)
8 Business etiquette and company policies
9 Business writing as a management tool
10 Circulatory system
11 Classroom of the future
12 Critical body disorders
13 Curing the plague (with historical accounts)
14 Cyber Crimes
15 Deadly Pathogens
16 Diagnosing a disease
17 Economic growth and the role of development
18 Embryology Presentation
19 Genetic Engineering
20 Global Technology
21 Global Warming
22 Green House Effect
23 How colors affect communication
24 How to be a teacher of tomorrow?
25 How to communicate an Annual Stock Report
26 How to make good use of statistical data in a presentation
27 Human Capital
28 Human Cloning
29 Ideal presentation for an Annual General Meeting (AGM)
30 Importance of feedback for effective business communication
31 Improving productivity with online collaboration
32 Life as a nomad
33 Making effective use of the email
34 Microbes
35 Nervous system
36 Network Security
37 New Medical breakthroughs
38 Nuclear technology
39 Online Education
40 Parts of the human brain
41 Pharmacology Presentation
42 Role of Mobile Phone Apps
43 Role of Tablets in the computer world
44 Scope of Touch Screen Devices
45 Should mobile phones be allowed in classrooms
46 The stress associated with being a student
47 Things you want to change about your teacher
48 Use of audio and visual signals in Business and Industry
49 Using the iPhone as more than a phone
50 Using motivators in the process of communication
51 Using web apps to your advantage at the workplace
52 Visualization and Virtual Servers
53 VoIP in Mobile Phones
54 What would you do if you switched places with your teacher for a day?
55 What rules do students break that teachers never find out about?

5-minute presentation topics

There are upsides and downsides to allowing a 5-minute presentation. One beneficial thing is length. Long introductions can undoubtedly get exhausting, and you have a vastly improved possibility of keeping your crowd drew in from start to finish than with a 5-minute presentation. Check out the list of 5-minute presentation topics here

No. Topics
1 Apple vs. Android
2 Are GMOs really dangerous?
3 Are meal subscription services worth it?
4 Are there positives to taking a gap year?
5 Attracting the right people to the teaching profession
6 Balancing home and career
7 Bananas and plantains
8 Becoming comfortable with yourself
9 Being active in your child’s school
10 Benefits of a gluten-free diet
11 Benefits of charter schools
12 Benefits of drinking black coffee
13 Benefits of going to a trade school
14 Benefits of integrating apps into the classroom
15 Benefits of yoga
16 Best juice diet
17 Best plants for a backyard garden
18 Bringing back endangered species
19 Bringing back endangered species
20 Cable vs. Netflix
21 Can therapy change the way your mind works?
22 Caring for an ailing parent
23 Choosing the perfect leash for your dog
24 Choosing your family
25 Controlling anxiety
26 Crowdfunded loans vs. the bank
27 Debunking crop circles
28 Discipline in the classroom
29 Do essential oils really work?
30 Domestication of horses
31 Downsides to Crossfit
32 Effects of not getting enough sleep
33 Ethics of posting pictures of your children on social media
34 Ethics of zoos
35 Faking confidence
36 Finding a roommate
37 Growing your own herbs
38 Historical lies
39 How does compound interest work?
40 How important are grandparents
41 How Internet ads are tailored to you
42 How Kickstarter changed everything
43 How long are giraffes in labor
44 How many kids should you have?
45 How much control should the federal government have over curriculum design?
46 How much exercise does your pet need?
47 How much of a down payment on a house do you really need?
48 How relevant are women’s magazines?
49 How to advertise your business on Facebook
50 How to apply for a mortgage
51 How to ask for a promotion
52 How to budget for a new car
53 How to choose a college
54 How to choose the right pet
55 How to compromise on names for your kids
56 How to eliminate negativity
57 How to encourage good eating habits
58 How to fight effectively
59 How to find the money to go to college
60 How to get an amicable divorce
61 How to have a happy marriage
62 How to help a child with nightmares
63 How to keep a goldfish alive for a long time
64 How to limit screen time
65 How to make a brine for pickling
66 How to make cookies that are softer
67 How to make your own pasta
68 How to make your own wine
69 How to meditate
70 How to negotiate a raise
71 How to overcome self-doubt
72 How to protect your personal information
73 How to recognize a gifted child
74 How to say no
75 How to use a hashtag
76 How worried should you be about your browsing history?
77 Ideas for narrowing down a career choice
78 Identifying triggers
79 Importance of hydration
80 Improving your credit score
81 IRA vs. Roth IRA
82 Is Bigfoot real?
83 Is free range really better?
84 Is it better to lease or buy a new car?
85 Is rare meat safe?
86 Is the paleo diet accurate?
87 Living on minimum wage
88 Making new habits
89 Meal planning and grocery lists
90 Media during World War II
91 Memory tricks that work
92 Microbrews vs. standard brewing
93 Middle child syndrome
94 Military advancements between World War I and World War II
95 Most effective exercise for burning calories
96 Most unbiased news channel
97 Negative effects of school vouchers
98 Picking the right vet
99 Planning a menu
100 Privacy and social media
101 Proof that aliens exist
102 Proof that ghosts exist
103 Qualities of a leader
104 Relaxation techniques
105 Renting vs. buying
106 Should students still have to use the books in the library?
107 Signs of an abusive relationship
108 Sleeping with your dog
109 Snapchat etiquette
110 Social media in the classroom
111 Splitting financial responsibilities evenly among the household
112 Strategies for potty training
113 Textbooks vs. tablets
114 The benefits of aunts and uncles
115 The best age to get married
116 The domestication of dogs
117 The early Internet
118 The first days with a new baby
119 The first Olympics
120 The history of television
121 The horror of puppy mills
122 The importance of attachment
123 The importance of self-care
124 The perfect macaroni and cheese
125 The problem with low teacher pay
126 The truth about diet soda
127 Things you didn’t learn in history class
128 Thwarted assassination attempts
129 Traveling with children
130 Uncovering Twitter Bots
131 Using credit cards responsibly
132 Using your HSA
133 Vegan vs. vegetarian
134 War photographers
135 What are hops?
136 What is the best food for your pet?
137 What is the ideal age to start a family
138 What kind of dog is best for a household with children
139 What to do when you find out a coworker makes more than you
140 What to do when you lose your job
141 What to look for in a spouse
142 When do people tune into the news most
143 When family falls apart
144 When is it time to get a new job?
145 When should you start saving for your children’s college education?
146 When the railway was king
147 When to allow your kids to get their own social media accounts
148 When to call the doctor
149 When to declare a major
150 When to get a dog
151 When to intervene with a bully
152 When to let it go
153 When to order in
154 When to start saving for retirement
155 When to transplant sprouts
156 When your child doesn’t like to eat
157 Where did brunch begin?
158 Why cats are so independent
159 Why charter schools are bad
160 Why cleanses don’t work
161 Why cursive should still be taught in schools
162 Why homework is bad
163 Why it’s bad to use your smartphone right before bed
164 Why it’s better to adopt a pet from a shelter
165 Why pineapple belongs on a pizza
166 Why podcasts are great
167 Why should you get goats in pairs
168 Why therapy animals work
169 Why you shouldn’t post your location on social media

10-minute presentation topics

10-minutes presentation topics are mainly lengthy but high scoring. In the professional field, a 5-minute presentation might be enough but in educational life, you have to have the 10-minutes presentation length. So here are some 10-minute presentation topics for you.

1 A World Without Soldier & Weapons/ Wars
2 Advantages of the Traditional Nuclear Family
3 Age Discrimination in the Workplace.
4 Are we Happier than the previous generations?
5 Criticism – is it good or bad?
6 Dealing With Adolescent Depression.
7 Do books really influence you?
8 Does religion actually divide us?
9 Help the Environment by Recycling.
10 How Much is Too Much Homework?
11 How to Reach Your Personal Goals.
12 How to Set Goals and Achieve Them?
13 Is global warming only a myth?
14 Movie Ratings are Not Accurate
15 Parental Pressure on Child Actors and Athletes
16 Robots V/s Humans
17 Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
18 Should Juveniles Be Tried as Adults?
19 Smart City
20 Technology Help us or Make us Helpless
21 Television Violence and Children.
22 Think Life Without Eyes

Paper presentation topics

No. Topics
1 Spin Electronics Devices
2 Artificial Hand Using Embedded System
3 Applications of Nanotechnology in Electronics
4 Advanced Wireless Communications
5 Importance of Verichip in Electronics
6 The Evolution and Improvement of the ARM Architecture
7 Context Monitoring of a Patient Using Wireless Networks
8 An Emerging Technology in Wireless Communications
9 Fingerprint Identification and Its Advanced Applications
10 Paper Presentation on 3D Integrated Circuits
11 Third Generation (3G) Wireless Technology
12 Holographic Data Storage Memory
13 Concentrated Solar Power
14 Haptic Technology
15 Silicon Microphotonics in Basic Electronics
16 IRIS Recognition as a Biometric Technique
17 OFDM Basics for Wireless Communications
18 A New Revolutionary System to Detect Human Beings Buried Under Earthquake Rubble.
19 System on Chip Designing Challenges
20 Channel Tracking for a Multi-Antenna System
21 Organic Light-Emitting Diode (OLED)
22 A Comparative Approach to Architecture and Technology in Optical Switches – An Overview
23 Medical uses of Nanotechnology
24 Nanotechnology for Electronics and Communication Engineering
25 The Future’s Fastest Transcars
26 Intellectual Camera Unit
27 Using the Theory of Bio-Metrics
28 Embedded NDE with Piezoelectric Wafer-Active Sensors Aerospace Application
29 Digital Jewelry Made Possible Using Wireless Communication
30 Wireless Communication IRIDIUM Satellite System (ISS)
31 Wireless Optical Communication
32 Bionic Eye
33 Artificial Vision towards Creating the Joys of Seeing For the Blind
34 Smart Car Wheels
35 Windows Based Embedded Systems
36 Steganography
37 Autonomous Cars
38 Introduction to Surveillance Camera Control System
39 Satellites for Amateur Radio
40 Radio Frequency Identification
41 Compressed Image Processing
42 Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access (Wi-Max)
43 Wireless Communication Zigbee
44 Next-Generation Wireless Communication- Free Space Optics (FSO)
45 Smart Card Security
46 Cellular and Mobile Communication
47 Smart Antenna Opens Lanes For Wireless Highway
48 A Fully Adaptive Approach to Smart Antennas
49 Brain Fingerprint Technology
50 How do Biometric Systems work?
51 The Bluetooth Technology
52 BioChip Informatics Technology for Electronic and Communication Engineering
53 Polymer Light-Emitting Diodes (PLED)
54 Blu-Ray Disc VS. HD-DVD
55 Ultra-Wideband Technology Creating a Wireless World
56 Diamond – The Ultimate Semiconductor
57 Parallel Logic Simulation of VLSI Systems
58 Optical Computers: The Future of Technology
59 Nano Wire Growth for Sensor Arrays
60 Space Solar Power
61 Nanotubes
62 Pill Camera
63 Biometric Voting System
64 How does Night Vision work?
65 Dvb-H Broadcast Mobile
66 Concealed Weapon Detection Using Digital Image Processing
67 Internet (Broadband) Over Electric Lines
68 SOS Transmission
69 Zigbee – A Wireless Mesh
70 Wireless Capsule Endoscopy
71 VLSI Logic Circuit Using Single Electron Transistor Set
72 Sniffer for Mobile Phones
73 Secure Symmetric Authentication For RFID Tags
74 Wireless Battery Charger
75 Strained Silicon
76 Wireless Technologies, Wireless Fidelity (Wi-Fi) & World Wide Interoperability for Microwave Access (Wi-max)
77 Power Minimization Strategy in MOS Transistors Using Quasi-Floating-Gate
78 Plastic Solar Cells: Implementation of Nanorod and Screen Printing Technology
79 Plasmonics: “Vision for the Future”
80 Satellite-Based Tsunami and Earthquake Early Warning System
81 Speech Signal Analysis and Speaker Recognition by Signal Processing

General Topics for Presentation

General topics for presentation

No. Topics
1 4G Wireless Technology
2 4th Generation Mobile Telecommunications (4G)
3 5th Generation Mobile Telecommunications (5G)
4 5th Generation Wireless Technology
5 7 Wonders of the world
6 9/11 Terror attack: Impact on World Economy
7 Abortion
8 Abuse Of The Elderly
9 Abused Women
10 Academic Dishonesty
11 Academic Freedom
12 Acid Rain: Reasons & Solutions
13 Acoustic Coupler
14 Adaptive signal processing in wireless communications
15 Addiction
16 Advertisement
17 Affirmative Action
18 Ageism or age discrimination
19 Aging Population
20 Agricultural biodiversity
21 Agricultural Policy
22 AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome)
23 Air Pollution
24 Airline Safety
25 Alcohol Abuse
26 Aliens and UFO’s (Unidentified flying object)
27 Alternative Fuel
28 Alternative imprisonment
29 Alternate or Alternative Medicine
30 American Education Reform
31 Amnesty
32 AMOLED (Active Matrix Organic Light Emitting Diode)
33 Ancient Countries (You can replace word countries with country name)
34 Ancient science: direction for new technology?
35 Android Operating System: Revolution in Mobile Experience
36 Android: Most Popular Operating System for Smartphones
37 Animal Communication
38 Animal Cruelty
39 Experimentation with Animal/ Animal Testing /Animal Research / In Vivo Testing
40 Animal Rights
41 Animated Dictionary
42 Animated Movies
43 Anorexia Nervosa
44 Anti-corruption
45 Anti Dumping
46 Anti Pollution
47 Anti Ragging act
48 Anti-theft devices for homes
49 Antibiotics
50 Antioxidants

Interesting topics for presentation

No. Topics
1 Anti-Semitism
2 Arab-Israeli Conflict
3 Armed Conflicts
4 Arms Control
5 Artificial Intelligence
6 Assam Riots/ violence 2012
7 Atomic Energy
8 Autonomous Car
9 Ban on Gutkha
10 Babri Masjid Demolition: Verdict
11 Bermuda triangle: Truth?
12 Best Operating System for Computers
13 Best Operating System for Mobile Phones
14 Bill of Exchange
15 Biogenetics
16 Bio photography
17 Biodiversity
18 Biological Engineering
19 Biological Weapons
20 Biomechatronics
21 Biomedical engineering
22 Biometric Voting System
23 Biometrics
24 Bionics (Biomimicry, biomimetics, bio-inspiration, biognosis or bionical creativity engineering)
25 Biophysics
26 Bird Flu (Avian influenza )
27 Birth Control: Challenges & Solutions?
28 Black Friday: Deals beyond deals!
29 Black Holes: Still Mystery?
30 Black money: Good or bad?
31 Blind Faith
32 Blood Donation: Let’s contribute
33 Blu Ray Disc
34 Bluetooth: Applications
35 Body Language
36 Bollywood
37 Borderless World: Still far away?
38 Botany
39 BRIC Countries
40 Business Ethics
41 Buy Nothing Day
42 Capital Punishment
43 Chaturbhuj Project India
44 Child Labour and related issues
45 Child marriage
46 City Planning
47 Climatic Changes
48 Cloud Computing
49 CNG (Compressed Natural Gas): Future of Fuel?
50 CNG Vs. LPG: which is the best fuel for vehicles?
51 CNG: Fuel for Vehicle – Analysis
52 Coal Scam India (Coalgate): A Corruption Scandal
53 Commercial Geography
54 Company Act
55 Conservation of Energy
56 Conservation of Natural Resources
57 Consumer Behavior
58 Consumer Protection (Consumer Protection Act)
59 Consumer rights
60 Copyright (Copyright Act)
61 Cordic Implementation
62 Corporate Communications
63 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): Truth?
64 Corruption and related issues
65 Cosmetic Surgery
66 Cricket Mania in India
67 Crime / Criminal Activities
68 Cyber Crime
69 Cyber Monday
70 Darwinism
71 Deforestation
72 Democracy
73 Digital Books
74 Digital Divide
75 Digital Signature
76 Direct taxation
77 Disaster Management
78 Distance Education
79 Distribution channels
80 DNA Computing
81 DNS Changer
82 Doordarshan
83 Driverless Car
84 Dry Day
85 Eco-friendly products
86 Education Today
87 Electronic Governance
88 Electronic Media
89 Embedded Systems
90 Energy Conservation
91 Ethical Hacking
92 Ethics in Business
93 Ethnic Violence
94 Ethnic Violence
95 Euthanasia
96 Evolution of Telecom System
98 Extraterrestrial life
99 Extreme Ultra-Violet Lithography (Euvl)
100 Eye Donation

Fun topics for presentations

No. Topics
1 A true story that ain’t true in the end.
2 Answers on the meaning of life.
3 Bare funny facts about men.
4 Chasing idle dreams is a good habit.
5 Demonstrate tasting wine in a humorous way.
6 Eating flowers is possible.
7 For her/him who doesn’t have to do it, nothing is impossible.
8 Funny computer terms and phrases.
9 Funny facts about women.
10 Funny first date experiences.
11 Funny holidays in other countries.
12 Funny job applicant stories.
13 Happy puppies make humans happy.
14 How I choose friends.
15 How to be a charming host at any event.
16 How to become a rat and make a fortune.
17 How to cheat poker the nice way.
18 How to deny reality.
19 How to determine you are addicted to the Internet.
20 How to find funny speech topics in 24 hours.
21 How to give your dog or cat a pill.
22 How to make fun every day in life.
23 How to throw a paper airplane in class.
24 If I were my boss, then I …
25 My most profitable mistake.
26 My motto: I’m flexible by indecision.
27 People with mediocre talents have success and high talented people haven’t.
28 Personal bloopers are great funny topics for a speech.
29 Rare speed limits and the reasons why.
30 Rules for boys who want to date with your sister.
31 Ten fun things to do during an exam.
32 Ten things you’ve learned from your pet.
33 Ten ways to order a pizza.
34 The working of Murphy’s Law.
35 Unexpected disasters that can happen.
36 Unusual incidents.
37 Urban running acrobatics.
38 Ways to remember birthdays.
39 What women really say when they talk to men.
40 When I resign, I will …
41 Why I don’t want to be a millionaire.
42 Why men are proud of themselves.
43 Why my – any fun speech topic – looks cooler than the … of my neighbour.
44 Wine/beer/cocktail of the month.
45 Woman marries much younger man.
46 Your guide to life.


Unique topics for presentation

No. Topics
2 SIP (Session Initiation Protocol, in Voice Over IP telephony)
3 SIP (Systematic Investment Plan)
4 Social Media: Pros and cons
5 Social Networking
6 Social Responsibility
7 Social Welfare
8 Soil Conservation
9 Soil Erosion
10 Solar Energy
11 Spanning Tree Protocol (STP)
12 Special Economic Zone
13 Special Investment Region (SIR)
14 Stress Management
15 Stress on Students
16 Super Conducting Generator
17 Supernova
18 Surface Plasmonics
19 Swiss Bank
20 Symbian OS: Leader to Nowhere!
21 Syndicated Services
22 Tablet PC
23 Telecom System
24 Telemarketing
25 Terror Attacks: Analysis
26 Terrorism
27 The power of social media
28 Time Management
29 Touch Screen Devices
30 Touch Screen Monitors
31 Trademark
32 Traffic Problems
33 Tree Plantation
34 TV Media Censorship
35 UFO
36 Ufology
37 Unemployment
38 Unmanned Aircrafts
39 Vedanta Philosophy
40 Vedic Astrology
41 Vedic Mathematics
42 Video Games: Impact on Children
43 Visual Resumes: New way to present yourself
44 Water Conservation
45 Wildlife Conservation
46 Wireless Energy Transmission
47 Women’s Rights
48 Work-life balance
49 WTO (World Trade Organization)

Good presentation topics

No. Topics
1 Internet Banking
3 ISRO (Indian Space Research Organization)
4 Landrover Robot
5 Law of Attraction
6 Leadership
7 LED (Light Emitting Diodes)
8 Liquid Funds
9 LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas)
10 Loadshading
11 Lokpal Bill
12 LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas)
13 Magnetic Resonance Imaging
14 Magneto Electronics
15 Management Style
16 Mass communication
17 Match Fixing
18 Microthrusters
19 Mobile Number Portability (MNP)
20 Mobile Technology
21 Mobile Technology
22 Molecular Electronics
23 NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration)
24 National Consumer Dispute act
25 National Game
26 Natural Calamities or Disasters: Who is responsible?
27 Natural Calamities/Disasters: Reasons and Solutions
28 Natural Gas
29 Natural Resources
30 Negotiable Instruments
31 Neural Network
32 NGO
33 Nuclear Technology
34 Olympics
35 Online Education
36 Open Source
37 Open Source Applications
38 Open Source Projects
39 Optical Coherence Tomography
40 Organ Donation
41 Organizational Behaviour: Changing Environment
42 Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing
43 Outsourcing
44 Ozone Depletion
45 Ozone Layer
46 Ozone Therapy
47 Paperless World
48 Patent Act
49 Plasma Antennas
50 Plastic Pollution
51 Plastic Recycling
52 PNG (Portable Network Graphics)
53 Pollution
54 Polyfuse
55 Population: Threat or Opportunity
56 Project Blue Book
57 Promissory Note
58 Quantum Cryptography
59 Rainwater harvesting
60 Recession
61 Recycling
62 Red Zone
63 Remote control System
64 Renewable Energy
65 Renewable Resources
66 Reservation
67 Right to Information Act
68 Risk Management
69 River Linking Project India
70 Robot that can camouflage itself
71 Robotics For Military Applications
72 Robotics: General Applications
73 Role of Cinema in Social Awareness
74 Roswell Incident
75 Rural Development
76 Save a girl child
77 Save Energy. Save Earth.
78 Save Papers. Save Trees.
79 Save Tigers. Save Earth.
80 Save Tree. Save Earth.
81 Save Water. Save Earth.
82 Self Driving Car
83 SEZ (Special Economic Zone)
84 Share Capital
85 Share Market

Easy topics for presentation

No. Topics
1 False Memory syndrome
2 Farmer Suicide
3 Female Foeticide (Feticide)
4 Fiber Antennas
5 Food Poisoning
6 Foreign Exchange Management
7 Foreign Investment
8 Foreign Oil Dependence
9 Forest Conservation
10 Future of Communication
11 Future of Computers
12 Future of Education
13 Future of Technology
14 Genetic Engineering
15 Global Warming
16 Globalization & its impact
17 Go Green
18 Google Glass Project: Better but banned!
19 GPS (Global Positioning System)
20 GPS Maptor
21 Green House Effects
22 Green Technology
23 Greenhouse Effect
24 Grid Computing
25 Head Hunting
26 Healthy Lifestyle
27 History of Computer
28 HIV (Human immunodeficiency virus)Air Pollution
29 Hollywood
30 Human Bomb
31 Human Cloning
32 Human Rights
33 Human Trafficking
34 Inclusive Growth
35 India Vs. Bharat
36 Indian Culture
37 Indian Economy
38 India’s Economy SlowDown: Natural or Result of wrong policies?
39 Indian Festivals
40 Indian Government: Health Care Policy
41 Indian Hospitality
42 Indian Wars
43 Infant homicide
44 Information Technology Act (Also see: Latest IT Presentation Topics)
45 Insect Eating Plants
46 Integrity at work
47 Intellectual Property Rights
48 Intelligent Traffic Control Using Image Processing
49 Inter caste marriage (Inter caste marriage act)
50 Inter religion marriage

Technical Topics for Presentation (Engineering)

Technical topics for presentation (Engineering)

Engineering students need to give introductions all through there college life and for that rundown of moving points for introduction particularly for Engineering students has been made.

No. Topics
1 Mobile train radio communication
2 Paper battery
3 Smart antenna for mobile communication
4 Smart note taker
5 Embedded web technology
6 Low energy efficiency wireless
7  Communication network design
8  Seminar on artificial passenger
9 Blue eyes technology
10 Touch screen technology
11 Traffic pulse technology
12 Pill camera
13 Night vision technology
14 Space mouse
15 Nano-technology
16 Global positioning system and its application
17 Tsunami warning system
18 The smart dust core architecture
19  Advanced technique for RTL
20  Debugging
21 Optical fiber communication
22 Digital image processing
23  Embedded system
24 Electronic watchdog
25 Telephone conversation recorder
26  Aeronautical Communications
27 Agent-oriented programming
28 Air cars
29 Animatronics
30 Artificial Eye
31  Augmented reality
32 Automatic Teller Machine
33 Autonomic Computing
35 Bi-CMOS technology
36  Bimolecular Computers
38 Bio-magnetism
39 Biometric technology
41 Bluetooth Based Smart Sensor Networks
42 Boiler Instrumentation
43 Brain-Computer Interface
44  Bluetooth technology
45 3-G Vs Wi-Fi
46 Future generation wireless network
47 Bluetooth based smart sensor network.
48  White LED
49 Gesture recognition using accelerometer
50 The cellular digital data packet
51 Spin Electronics Devices
52 Artificial Hand Using Embedded System
53 Applications of Nanotechnology in Electronics
54 Advanced Wireless Communications
55 Importance of Verichip in Electronics
56 The Evolution and Improvement of the ARM Architecture
57 Context Monitoring of a Patient Using Wireless Networks
58 An Emerging Technology in Wireless Communications
59 Fingerprint Identification and Its Advanced Applications
60 Paper Presentation on 3D Integrated Circuits
61 Third Generation (3G) Wireless Technology
62 Holographic Data Storage Memory
63 Concentrated Solar Power
64 Haptic Technology
65 Silicon Microphotonics in Basic Electronics
66 IRIS Recognition as a Biometric Technique
68 OFDM Basics for Wireless Communications
69 A New Revolutionary System to Detect Human Beings Buried Under Earthquake Rubble.
70 System on Chip Designing Challenges
71 Channel Tracking for a Multi-Antenna System
72 Organic Light-Emitting Diode (OLED)
73 A Comparative Approach to Architecture and Technology in Optical Switches – An Overview
74 Medical uses of Nanotechnology
75 Nanotechnology for Electronics and Communication Engineering
76 The Future’s Fastest Transcars
77 Intellectual Camera Unit
78 Using the Theory of Bio-Metrics
79 Embedded NDE with Piezoelectric Wafer-Active Sensors Aerospace Application
80 Digital Jewelry Made Possible Using Wireless Communication
81 Wireless Communication IRIDIUM Satellite System (ISS)
82 Wireless Optical Communication
83 Bionic Eye
84 Artificial Vision towards Creating the Joys of Seeing For the Blind
85 Smart Car Wheels
86 Windows Based Embedded Systems
87 Steganography
88 Autonomous Cars
89 Introduction to Surveillance Camera Control System
90 Satellites for Amateur Radio
91 Radio Frequency Identification
92 Compressed Image Processing
93 Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access (Wi-Max)
94 Wireless Communication Zigbee
95 Next-Generation Wireless Communication- Free Space Optics (FSO)
96 Smart Card Security
97 Cellular and Mobile Communication
98 Smart Antenna Opens Lanes For Wireless Highway
99 A Fully Adaptive Approach to Smart Antennas
100 Brain Fingerprint Technology
101 How do Biometric Systems work?


Nontechnical topics for presentation

No. Topics
1 Air Pollution
2 Air Quality
3 Are Dams a Disruption to the Natural Flow of the Rivers?
4 Business Plan
5 Child Labour
6 Chromatography
7 Classroom Management
8 Climate Change
9 Communication Skills
10 Cutting of Hills and Clearing of Forests to Level the Land
11 Cyber Crimes
12 Deposition of Waste in the Flow of the Rivers
13 Disaster Management
14 Download Refactoring to Patterns
15 Ecosystem
16 Effects of Dumping E-waste into Landfills
17 Entrepreneurship
18 Food Engineering
19 Genomic Library
20 Global Warming
21 Greenhouse Effect
22 Harmful Effects of Blaring Music
23 Hypothesis
24 Identity Theft
25 Impact of Technology in Crime Prevention
26 Impact of Technology on Teaching and Learning
27 Importance of Sanitation
28 International law
29 Internet & Traditional Media
30 Inventory Management
31 IR spectroscopy
32 Juvenile Justice System
33 Land Pollution
34 Leadership
36 Logistics Management
37 Marine Pollution
38 Marketing Strategy
39 Marketing Strategy
40 Mass Media
41 Materials Management
42 Natural Resources
43 Noise Pollution
44 Operations Management
45 Organic Farming
46 Principles of Management
47 Radioactive Pollution
48 Researched Methodology
49 Revival of Groundwater Reservoirs
50 Save Wildlife and Environment
51 Shift to the Renewable Sources of Energy
52 Should Burning of Fodder be Made Illegal?
53 Should Bursting of Firecrackers be Banned?
54 Social Media
55 Soft Skills
56 Sources of Water
57 Sustainable Agriculture
58 Swacch Bharat Mission
59 Teamwork
60 Technology & Medical Science
61 Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF)
62 Thermal Pollution
63 Usage of Fossil Fuels in Household Chores
64 Vehicular Pollution
65 Vitamins
66 Water Pollution

English presentation topics


Computer presentation topics

No. Topics
1 Smart Skin for Machine Handling
2 Nvidia Tegra 250 Developer Kit Hardware
3 Zenoss Core
4 5g Wireless System
5 3D Internet
6 TeleKinect
7 EyeRing
8 MemTable
9 Microsoft HoloLens
10 Wi-Vi
11 Motion Capture
12 Fog Screen
13 Flexpad
14 PoCoMo
15 Finger Reader
16 Clayodor
17 CloudDrops
18 Semantic Digital Library
19 Seam Carving for Media Retargeting
20 iTwin
21 Big Data
22 Apple Talk
23 Invisible Eye
24 4D Visualization
25 3D Glasses
26 Raspberry Pi
27 WhatsApp
28 Focused Web Crawling for E-Learning Content
29 Smart Glasses
30 Secure Shell
31 3D-Doctor
32 Google Chrome Laptop or Chrome Book
33 Femtocell
34 xMax Technology
35 EyePhone
36 XBOX 360 System
37 iSphere
38 Teradata
39 zForce Touch Screen
40 Wireless Body Area Network
41 E-Ball Technology
42 Google Glass
43 Apache Cassandra
44 Symbian Mobile Operating System
45 Multiple Access Control Protocol
46 Digital Preservation
47 E-Paper Technology
48 Mobile Jammer
49 Mind-Reading Computer
50 5 Pen PC Technology
51 High Performance Computing with Accelerators
52 iPAD
53 Browser Security
54 Google File System
55 Measuring Universal Intelligence
56 Fast And Secure Protocol
57 Case Based Reasoning System
58 Mobile Number Portability
59 Mobile TV
60 Mobile WiMax
61 Mobile Phone Cloning
62 Nano Cars Into The Robotics
63 Exterminator
64 Bluetooth V2.1
65 DOS Attack
66 Privacy Preserving Data Publishing
68 Transactional Memory
69 Example Based Machine Translation
70 Microsoft Palladium
71 iCloud
72 3D Searching
73 Biological Computers
74 Rain Technology
75 Bluetooth Broadcasting
76 3d Optical Data Storage
77 Web 2.0
78 Li-Fi Technology
79 Multi-Touch Interaction
80 Gesture Recognition Technology
82 BlackBerry Technology
83 Facebook Thrift
84 Bluejacking
85 Multiparty Nonrepudiation
86 Web Clustering Engines
87 Confidential Data Storage and Deletion
88 Computational Intelligence in Wireless Sensor Networks
89 Capacitive And Resistive Touch Systems
90 Wireless Video Service in CDMA Systems
92 Intrusion Tolerance
93 Green Computing
94 NVIDIA Tesla Personal Supercomputer
95 Zettabyte FileSystem
96 Breaking the Memory Wall in MonetDB
97 Enhancing LAN Using Cryptography and Other Modules
98 Generic Access Network
99 RESTful Web Services
100 Google’s Bigtable
101 Cloud Computing
102 Google App Engine
103 Keil C
104 Intel Core I7 Processor
105 Wine
106 Airborne Internet
107 Sixth Sense Technology
108 Security Features of ATM
109 Brain Gate
110 Palm Vein Technology
111 Sniffer for detecting lost mobiles
112 Packet Sniffers
113 Brain Chips
114 Phishing
115 Pill Camera
116 Blue Brain
117 Hadoop
118 Generic Visual Perception Processor GVPP
119 Google Chrome OS
120 Yii Framework
121 Word Sense Disambiguation
122 Wolfram Alpha
123 Wardriving
124 Tool Command Language
125 Text Mining
126 Computational Visual Attention Systems
127 Software Reuse
128 Soft Computing
129 Visible Light Communication
130 Ambient Intelligence
131 Public Key Infrastructure
132 Neural Interfacing
133 Middleware
134 Location Dependent Query Processing
135 Fiber Channel
137 Compute Unified Device Architecture CUDA
138 Combating Link Spam
139 Bio-inspired Networking
140 Anonymous Communication
141 Java Database Connectivity
142 Tsunami Warning System
143 iDEN
144 Hi-Fi
145 Intelligent Speed Adaptation
146 GSM Based Vehicle Theft Control System
147 Global Wireless E-Voting
148 Green Cloud
149 Digital Jewelry
150 Biometric Voting System
151 3D Television
152 3D password
153 Voice Browser
154 Gi-Fi
155 Graphical Password Authentication
156 4G Broadband
157 Finger Tracking In Real Time Human Computer Interaction
158 Eye Movement-Based Human Computer Interaction Techniques
159 Ethical Hacking
160 E-Cash Payment System
161 Cyborgs
162 Brain Fingerprinting
163 Biometrics in SECURE e-transaction
164 X- Internet
165 Surface Computer
166 Secure ATM by Image Processing
167 Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks Extensions to Zone Routing Protocol
168 Wibree
169 Telepresence
170 System in Package
171 Smart Memories
172 Slammer Worm
173 Sensitive Skin
174 Pixie Dust
175 Linux Kernel 2.6
176 Lamp Technology
177 Humanoid Robot
178 HTAM
179 Haptic Technology
180 Elastic Quotas
181 Diamond chip
182 Digital Rights Management
183 A Plan For No Spam
184 BEOWULF Cluster
185 Digital Scent Technology
186 Distributed Interactive Virtual Environment
187 Dynamic TCP Connection Elapsing
189 Virtual Retinal Display
190 Wireless LAN Security
191 Chameleon Chip
192 Haptics
193 Intelligent RAM
194 iSCSI
196 Real Time Application Interface
197 GPS
198 HALO
199 BitTorrent
200 Compositional Adaptation
201 Rover Technology
202 Self Defending Networks
203 Semantic Web
204 Computer Intelligence Application
205 Cooperative Linux
206 Longhorn
207 Mesh Radio
208 Parallel Virtual Machine
209 Linux Virtual Server
210 Location Independent Naming
212 Multiprotocol Label Switching
223 Next Generation Secure Computing Base
230 Reconfigurable computing
233 Sky X Technology
234 Spawning Networks
235 SPCS
236 Speed protocol processors
237 Strata flash Memory
238 Swarm Intelligence
239 The Callpaper Concept
240 IP spoofing
241 Internet Access via Cable TV Network
242 Face Recognition Technology
243 FireWire
244 Param 10000
245 The Deep Web
246 Virtual Campus
247 VoiceXML
248 Wireless USB
249 Refactoring
250 On-line Analytical Processing (OLAP)
251 Pivot Vector Space Approach in Audio-Video Mixing
252 MPEG-7
253 Adding Intelligence to Internet
254 Silverlight
255 DNA chips
256 Thermography
257 AJAX
258 Alternative Models Of Computation
259 Amorphous Computing and Swarm Intelligence
260 Windows DNA
261 Laptop Computer
262 Intelligent Software Agents
263 Self-Managing Computing
264 Hurd
265 Intel Centrino Mobile Technology
266 MPEG Video Compression
267 Survivable Networks Systems
268 Self Organizing Maps
269 Mobile IP
270 Iris Scanning
271 LWIP
272 Unified Modeling Language (UML)
273 Nanorobotics
274 Dual Core Processor
275 Cisco IOS Firewall
276 Socket Programming
277 SAM
278 10 Gigabit Ethernet
279 Tripwire
280 Ubiquitous Networking
281 Unicode And Multilingual Computing
282 XML Encryption
283 Y2K38
284 VoCable
285 Tempest and Echelon
286 Synthetic Aperture Radar System
287 Unlicensed Mobile Access
288 IDS
289 IDC
291 Asynchronous Chips
292 Low Power UART Design for Serial Data Communication
294 Satellite Radio
295 Light emitting polymers
296 Sensors on 3D Digitization
297 Robotic Surgery
298 Buffer overflow attack : A potential problem and its Implications
299 Smart card
300 Quantum Information Technology
301 Money Pad, The Future Wallet
302 HVAC
303 Terrestrial Trunked Radio
304 Swarm intelligence & traffic Safety
305 Facility Layout Design using Genetic Algorithm
306 Human Computer Interface
307 HPJava
308 Gaming Consoles
309 Fluorescent Multi-layer Disc
310 Futex
311 Extreme Programming (XP)
312 Earth Simulator
313 Compact peripheral component interconnect
314 corDECT Wireless in Local Loop System
315 Motes
316 Modular Computing
317 MiniDisc system
318 Migration From GSM Network To GPRS
319 M-Commerce
320 IP Telephony
321 RPR
322 Broad Band Over Power Line
323 Rapid Prototyping
324 Dashboard
325 Code Division Duplexing
326 Delay Tolerant Networking
327 EDGE
328 Holographic Data Storage
329 Integer Fast Fourier Transform
330 NRAM
331 Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplplexing
332 Ovonic Unified Memory
333 Pervasive Computing
334 RAID
335 Real Time Systems with Linux/RTAI
336 Real-Time Obstacle Avoidance
337 Symbian OS
338 Teleportation
339 Turbo Codes
340 Utility Fog
341 Cluster Computing
342 Wireless Application Protocol
343 Light Tree
344 Smart Pixel Arrays
345 Project Oxygen
346 Wearable Bio-Sensors
347 Mobile Virtual Reality Service
348 QoS in Cellular Networks Based on MPT
349 Wireless Fidelity
350 Voice morphing
351 Radio Frequency Light Sources
352 Speed Detection of moving vehicle using speed cameras
353 Optical Packet Switching Network
354 Storage Area Networks
355 Smart Note Taker
356 Crusoe Processor
357 Optical Satellite Communication
358 Optical packet switch architectures
359 Optical Switching
360 FRAM
361 Virtual Private Network
362 Clockless Chip
363 Layer 3 Switching
364 IMode
365 Blue Gene
366 Access gateways
367 Computer Forensics
368 Direct Memory Access
369 Crusoe
370 Digital Subscriber Line
371 Computer Memory Based on the Protein Bacterio-rhodopsin
372 DNA Based Computing
373 Free Space Optics
374 Freenet
375 Fiber Distributed Data Interface
376 Dynamic Virtual Private Network
377 Introduction to the Internet Protocols
378 Graphic processing Unit
379 High Altitude Aeronautical Platforms
380 Aspect-oriented programming (Aop)
381 Intel MMX Technology
382 Hyper-Threading technology
383 IMAX
384 Brain-Computer Interface
385 InfiniBand
386 Multicast
387 Inverse Multiplexing
388 Blue Tooth
389 Holographic Memory
390 Jini Technology
391 Bio-metrics
392 Magnetic Random Access Memory
393 Intrution Detection System
394 Multiterabit Networks
395 Neural Networks And Their Applications
396 Quantum Computers
397 Small Computer System Interface
398 OpenRAN
399 Quadrics Interconnection Network
400 Plan 9 Operating System
401 Structured Cabling
402 Quantum Cryptography
403 Speech Application Language Tags
404 Real- Time Systems and Real- Time Operating Systems
405 Parallel Computing In India
406 Steganography
407 Virtual LAN Technology
408 Artificial Neural Network (ANN)
409 Tele-immersion
410 VHDL
411 Blue Eyes
412 Voice Over Internet Protocol
413 The Tiger SHARC processor
414 Autonomic Computing
415 Wearable Computers
416 Voice Portals
417 Tamper Resistance
418 CGI Programming
419 DRM Software Radio
420 Firewalls
421 Handheld Computers
422 Modems and ISDN
423 Optical Free Space Communication
424 Planar Separators
425 Wireless Internet
426 DVD Technology
427 MPEG-4 Facial Animation
428 Internet Telephony Policy in INDIA
429 PON Topologies
430 Smart Cards
431 Surround Systems
432 TCPA / Palladium
433 Trustworthy Computing
434 Sense-Response Applications
435 Optical Computer
436 Graph Separators
437 Extended Mark Up Language
438 Cellular Communications
439 Virtual Instrumentation
440 Voice Quality
441 Cable Modems
442 Dynamic Memory Allocation
443 Optical Mouse
444 Generic Framing Procedure
445 Dynamic Cache Management Technique
446 Ethernet Passive Optical Network
447 Synchronous Optical Networking
448 Development of the Intenet
449 Design and Analysis of Algoritms
450 Infinite Dimensional Vector Space
451 Instant Messaging
452 Optical Fibre Cable
453 GSM
454 Ambiophonics
455 Palladium
456 Computer Viruses
457 Third Generation
458 Object Oriented Concepts
459 Night Vision Technology
460 TCP/ IP
461 Dynamic Synchronous Transfer Mode
462 Integrated Voice and Data
463 Java Servlets
464 Smart Quill
465 Spam Assassin
466 Stereoscopic Imaging
467 Zigbee
468 Ultra-Wideband
469 Home Networking
470 Internet Protocol Television
471 Bacterio-Rhodopsin Memory
472 Blade Servers
473 Digital Cinema
474 Holographic Versatile Disc
475 Itanium Processor
476 Local Multipoint Distribution Service
477 Network Attached Storage
479 Opera (web browser)
480 Parasitic Computing
481 Performance Testing
482 Java Ring
483 RD RAM
484 GSM Security And Encryption
485 Fast Convergence Algorithms for Active Noise Controlin Vehicles
486 3G vs WiFi
487 Data Security in Local Network using Distributed Firewalls
488 Computerized Paper Evaluation using Neural Network
489 Bluetooth Based Smart Sensor Networks
490 Laser Communications
491 Multiple Domain Orientation
492 Industrial Applications using Neural Networks
493 Implementation Of Zoom FFT
494 Image Processing
495 Virtual keyboard
496 Transient Stability Assessment using Neural Networks
497 Tracking and Positioning of Mobiles in Telecommunication
498 Timing Attacks on Implementations
499 Prototype System Design for Telemedicine
500 Optical Networking and Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing
501 Optical Burst Switching
502 Image Processing & Compression
503 Cyberterrorism
504 Ipv6 – The Next Generation Protocol
505 Driving Optical Network Evolution
506 Cellular Neural Network
507 Radio Network Controller
508 Digital Audio Broadcasting
509 Significance of real-time transport Protocol in VOIP
510 Space Mouse
511 Resilient Packet Ring Technology
512 Wireless Networked Digital Devices
513 Design of 2-D Filters using a Parallel Processor Architecture
514 Hyper Transport Technology
515 CorDECT
516 Storage Area Network
517 High Performance DSP Architectures
518 Smart Dust
520 Biometrics Based Authentication
521 Software-Defined Radio
522 Digital Video Editing
523 D-Blast
524 Aeronautical Communication
525 Gigabit Ethernet
526 Wisenet
527 Digital Light Processing
528 Free Space Laser Communications
529 Millipede
530 AC Performance Of Nanoelectronics
531 4G Wireless Systems
532 Blu Ray Disc
533 Smart Fabrics
534 Daknet
535 Conditional Access System
536 SyncML
538 Short Message Service (SMS)
540 Worldwide Inter operatibility for Microwave Access
541 64-Bit Computing
542 Bio-Molecular Computing

Oral presentation topics

No. Topics
1 “Best Investment Midcap Funds” Performance Evaluation
2 A Case Study Of Banks In Public & Private Sector
3 A Comparative Study On Stock Market And Mutual Fund Industry
4 A Study on Commodity Trading
5 A Study On Financial Management Of Public Enterprise India
6 Aircraft design
7 Airport Security
8 Are Video Games Good for You?
9 Brake boosters
10 Brand Management
11 Business Communication
12 Business Ethics
13 Country Research
14 Cross Culture Adoption
15 Derivatives market
16 Earth vs Space
17 E-Business
18 Embedded system
19 Embedded web technology
20 Employee Engagement
21 Entrepreneurship
22 Gay Marriage
23 GDP
24 Guerrilla Marketing
25 Hazardous Waste Management
26 Hotel Management System
27 HRM – Harvard Model
28 Human Resource Management
29 Import and Export
30 Is English speaking an important skill?
31 Issues a startup has to face
32 Job Analysis
33 Location-Based Service
34 Management Information System (MIS)
35 Military Radars
36 Motivation
37 Nuclear Power Vs. Eco-Environment
38 Nuclear Waste Management
39 Online Dating is Risky or Safe
40 Performance Management
41 Personal Area Network
42 Premier Airport Transportation Service
43 Pricing
44 Printable RFID circuits
45 Product placement
46 Retailer Vs. E-commerce
47 Sales Management
48 Service-Oriented Architecture-SOA
49 Six Sigma
50 Smart note taker
51 Smoking in Public
52 Social Media – A friend or foe?
53 Stealth Radar–
54 Sun tracker
55 Super Charging
56 Supply Chain Management
57 SWOT Analysis
58 Total Productive Maintenance (TPM)
59 Unemployment
60 Why is Reading Important?
61 Will India reach 5 Trillion-dollar economy?
62 Will Smart City be successful?
63 World war 3 – Chances of its happening.

Environment topics for presentation

No. Topics
1 Acid Rain
2 Acidification of Ocean and Coastal
3 Afforestation Programme
4 Agricultural Air Monitoring
5 Agricultural Pollution
6 Agricultural Sources of Nutrient Pollution
7 Agroforestry
8 Air Cleaners
9 Air Duct Cleaning
10 Air Emissions
11 Air Pollutants
12 Air Pollution Control Methods
13 Air Pollution due to Oil and Natural Gas Industry
14 Air Pollution Sources
15 Air Quality
16 Air Quality Analysis
17 Air Releases From Animal Waste
18 Alternatives to Animal Testing
19 Anaerobic Digestion (AD)
20 Animal Feeding and Animal Waste
21 Aquifers
22 Are green jobs really green and environmentally friendly?
23 Asbestos and the Environmental Effects
24 Asthma
25 Atmospheric dispersion modeling
26 Australian Bushfire and Climate Change
27 Automobile Pollution
28 Avoid using plastic bags.
29 Ban mining in environmentally sensitive areas.
30 Beach Pollution
31 Bees and Other Pollinators Protection
32 Biodiversity
33 Biogas
34 Biomass Energy
35 Biopesticides
36 Biosolids
37 Biotechnology
38 Blue carbon
39 Broken Mercury Thermometer Cleanup
40 Brownfield Lands
41 Buy natural and organic produced, and fair trade products.
42 Buying durable goods will save the world.
43 Carbon credits
44 Carbon Footprint
45 Carbon Monoxide (CO) Outdoor Air Pollution
46 Catastrophic Collapse of Nature’s Ecosystems
47 Chemicals and toxins
48 Citizen Science
49 Clean Diesel
50 Cleaning Contaminated Sites with Technology
51 Climate and Land-Use Scenarios
52 Climate Change
53 Climate Change and Wars
54 Coal Ash
55 Coalbed Mine Methane
56 Coastal Communities and Climate Change
57 Cogeneration (combined heat and power)
58 Colony Collapse Disorder
59 Composting Food
60 Conserve our global resources.
61 Controlling Air Pollution from Boilers and Process Heaters
62 Coral bleaching
63 Cyclones resistance buildings
64 DDT
65 Deepwater Horizon Spill
66 Deforestation
68 Demolition Requirements, Residential
69 Dioxin
70 Disposable diapers are hazardous to the environment.
71 Drinking and Ground Water
72 Drinking-Water and Wastewater Utilities
73 Drinking-Water Contaminants
74 Drinking-Water Sources
75 Drinking-Water Systems
76 Drinking-Water Testing
77 Earth Day
78 Ecosystems Research
79 Effects of Acid Rain
80 Effects of El Niño and La Niña on the global climate
81 Effluent
82 Electronic Waste (e-Waste)
83 Emergency Preparation, Drinking Water and Wastewater Utility
84 Emission standards
85 Endangered oceans deserve protection.
86 Endangered Species
87 Endangered species need protection.
88 Endangered Species Protection
89 Endocrine System Disruptors
90 Energy Star
91 Energy’s Impact on the Environment
93 Environmental Economics
94 Environmental Education
95 Environmental Impact of Dams and Reservoirs
96 Environmental Impact of the Fishing Industry
97 Environmental Justice Campaigns
98 Environmental Laws
99 Environmental Management Systems (EMS)
100 Environmental remediation
101 Environmental Violations
102 Environmentalists are misusing the term sustainable development.
103 Estuaries
104 European emission standards
105 Extreme weather
106 Fishing regulations are necessary to preserve the environment.
107 Food and Pesticides
108 Formaldehyde in Laminate Flooring
109 Fracking (Hydraulic Fracturing)
110 Fuel efficiency
111 Fuel Standards
112 Gene-Environment Interaction
113 Global Pandemic: A Boon for Environment and Planet Myth or Reality
114 Global Warming (Climate Change)
115 Green Building
116 Greenhouse Gases
117 Groundwater Contamination due to Dams
118 Groundwater Depletion
119 Harmful Algal Blooms
120 Hazardous Air Pollutants
121 Hazardous Waste
122 Haze (Visibility)
123 High-Efficiency Solar Cells
124 How to manage E-waste streams in modern India.
125 Hundreds of thousands of species will go extinct by 2060.
126 Hunting sports harm the biodiversity.
127 Hurricanes, preparedness, and recovery
128 Hydraulic Fracturing
129 Hydraulic Fracturing and Drinking Water
130 Hydrochlorofluorocarbons
131 Hypoxia
132 Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on the Environment: PPT | PDF Report
133 Impact of Plastics in Marine Biology
134 Indicators of Climate Change
135 Indoor Air Quality
137 Insect Repellents
138 Keep your thermostat at 68 F in Winter and 72 F in Summer.
139 Land and Waste Management
140 Land Pollution
141 Land Revitalization Program
142 Landfill Gas
143 Landfills
144 Lead (Pb) Air and Water Pollution
145 LED Light Bulbs (Energy Savers)
146 Light-Duty Vehicle CO2
147 Make you own Carbon Footprint and realize how polluting you are.
148 Mankind is responsible for the large loss of biodiversity in nature.
149 Mercury Air and Water Pollution
150 Mining and Environment
151 Mobile Sources of Air Pollution
152 Modern Environment Laws
153 Mold
154 Mosquitoes
155 Natural Disasters Preparation and Response
156 Natural disasters stimulate economic growth.
157 Natural Sedimentation
158 Nitrogen Dioxide Air Designations
159 Nitrogen Dioxide Air Pollution
160 Nonpoint Source Pollution
161 Nuclear power is a good alternative energy source.
162 Nuclear Radiation
163 Nutrient Pollution
164 Ocean Dumping
165 Oceans and Coasts
166 Only energy efficient household appliances should be sold.
167 Our ever-expanding consumerism has killed the earth.
168 Ozone Layer Depletion
169 Ozone Pollution and Health
170 Particulate Matter (PM)
171 PCBs: Polychlorinated Biphenyls Effects
172 Persistent environmental pollutants (POPs
173 Pest Management
174 Pests and Pesticides
175 Plastic Roads
176 Polar Vortex and Global Warming
177 Pollution Control Acts of your country
178 Pollution in Mines Area
179 Pollution Prevention
180 Protection of Drinking Water Source
181 Radiation Protection
182 Radon mitigation
183 Rain forests need to be protected.
184 Rain Water Harvesting
185 Recycling
186 Recycling Electronics
187 Recycling helps with green house effects.
188 Recycling should be mandatory.
189 Renewable Energy
190 Renewable Heating and Cooling Technologies
191 Residential Wood Heaters
192 Re-use of dredged material
193 River Cleanup Programmes
194 Rodent Control
196 Runoff Pollution
197 Safe Drinking Water
198 Septic Tanks
199 Sewage Sludge
200 Soak pit
201 Soil Fumigants
202 Solar Energy
203 Solar Tree: Design and Construction
204 Spatial analysis
205 Stationary Sources of Air Pollution
206 Stormwater Management
207 Sulfur Dioxide Air Designations
208 Sulfur Dioxide Air Pollution
209 Sustainability
210 Sustainable Cleaning of Contaminated Sites
211 The advantages of an intercropping system for sustainable plant production.
212 The benefits of microbes to humans.
223 The danger of ocean oil spills.
229 The danger of oil drilling in Alaska.
230 The environment is more important than genetics in determining how a person will turn out.
233 The main causes of massive coral bleaching (the whitening of corals).
234 The only effective litter prevention method is to force recycling.
235 There should be a green tax on aviation fuel.
236 Tribal Resources
237 TV news program weather forecasts are not accurate at all.
238 Ultraviolet (UV) Rays Index
239 Urban Air Toxics
240 Urban Heat Island Effects
241 Vapor Intrusion
242 Waste Minimization
243 Waste Reduction Model (US)
244 Waste to Energy
245 Wastewater Systems in Small and Rural Areas
246 Water Bodies
247 Water Crisis
248 Water Impacts, Climate Change
249 Water Law and Policy
250 Water Pollution Control
251 Water pollution will be the world’s biggest problem in the next years.
252 Water Reuse
253 Watersheds
254 We are killing the rainforest, our planet’s lungs.
255 We are wasting the opportunity to waste less.
256 We need to invest more in alternative fuels.
257 We should strive for a paperless society.
258 Wetlands
259 Why oil needs to be conserved.
260 Why palm oil should be banned.
261 Why stores need to stop supplying plastic bags
262 Why the carbon tax should be the next stage in our capitalist world.
263 Why we should be concerned about ozone depletion in Earth’s stratosphere.
264 Why we should use reusable bags.
265 Wildfire

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Science topics for presentation

No. Topics
1 What are GMOs?
2 What is organ donation and why is it important?
3 How does the respiratory system work?
4 Should human cloning be allowed?
5 What is the greenhouse effect?
6 Why do some people say climate change is a hoax?
7 What is the water cycle?
8 What is Photosynthesis?
9 What are the different states of matter?
10 How is medicine made?
11 What is alternative medicine?
12 What is biochemistry?
13 What is quantum physics?
14 What is the Big Bang Theory?
15 50th anniversary of the moon landing
16 What is the plant cycle?
17 How are babies born?
18 What is a particle accelerator?
19 What is a light-year?
20 Why do humans want to colonize Mars?
21 Eating Veal
22 Oil Drilling in Alaska
23 Reservation Casinos
24 Legalizing Marijuana
25 Legalizing Prostitution
26 Cosmetic Surgery Risks
27 Cross Culture Adoption
28 Why Do Men Have Affairs?
29 Why Is Reading Important?
30 Homelessness in America
31 Lowering the Drinking Age
32 Helmet Laws
33 General Education Classes
34 Online Dating is Risky or Safe
35 Speaking English in America
36 Having Pets Spayed/Neutered
37 Are Video Games Good for You?
38 Movie Ratings are Not Accurate
39 How Often Can You Donate Blood
40 College Class Attendance-Taking
41 Television Violence and Children
42 Control Your Life…the Yoga Way
43 Gay Marriage
44 Banning Smoking in Public Places
45 Ghosts are People Without Bodies
46 Public Funding of Sports Stadiums
47 How Much is Too Much Homework?
48 Help the Environment by Recycling
49 How to Set Goals and Achieve Them?
50 Dealing With Adolescent Depression
51 Should Juveniles Be Tried As Adults
52 Age Discrimination in the Workplace
53 The Power of Colors and Their Meanings
54 Nuclear Power
55 Nostradamus Predictions That Came True
56 Sports Teams Nafter Ethnic Groups
57 What Not to Wear Tips for Men and Women
58 Advantages of the Traditional Nuclear Family
59 Parental Pressure on Child Actors and Athletes
60 State Vehicle Inspection Mandatory Sentencing
61 Are UFOs Real?
62 Airport Security
63 Smoking in Public
64 Bar Closing hours
65 Real Alien Sightings

Economics Topics for Presentation

Economics topics for presentation (Financial)

No. Topics
1 Analysis of mutual fund.
2 Analysis of online trading.
3 Art and Design
4 Attitude
5 Bad impact of microfinance on developing nations.
6 Business Ethics
7 Career planning
8 Challenges faced by financial companies in emerging economies.
9 Comparison between financial development in Europe and Asia.
10 Comparison: either invest in Equity or Mutual fund.
11 Could you save money from the income taxes?
12 Double payment of your mortgage to the banks.
13 How to analysis financial statement with the help of ratio analysis?
14 How to apply for a credit card?
15 How to deal with the problems related to money?
16 How to evaluate strategies in Mergers and Acquisitions?
17 Hurdles in business
18 Impact of US Dollar on Euro.
19 Industrial Engineering
20 Marketing Research
21 Organic Farming
22 Personal selling
23 Property Law
24 Recognition of stock market trends.
25 Relief programs related to debt.
26 Role of SEBI.
27 Standards for International Financial reporting.
28 The building of credit.
29 The history behind the currency.
30 The significance of saving money.
31 Tips to save money in college life.
32 Trade Union
33 Understand the banking system.
34 Use Marginal cost as a management tool.
35 Various strategies for the best investment.
36 What are the capital marketing reforms?
37 What are the different stages of poverty?
38 What are the safety measures for internet banking?
39 What do you need to know about financial aid?
40 What is a Demat account?
41 What is Equity Debt Management?
42 What is the cash management?
43 What is the joint venture?
44 What is the procedure for purchasing a house?

Education topic for presentation

No. Topics
1 Advantages of a college degree.
2 Are grades a good way to assess the student’s abilities?
3 Are kindles better than paper books?
4 Are there positives to taking a gap year?
5 Attracting the right people to the teaching profession
6 Benefits of charter schools
7 Benefits of going to a trade school
8 Benefits of integrating apps into the classroom
9 Difference between world schooling and unschooling.
10 Discipline in the classroom
11 Eating addiction of the students during classes.
12 Education: A Demand of better Life
13 Explain the IELTS and TOEFL.
14 How much control should the federal government have over curriculum design?
15 How to choose a college
16 How to find the money to go to college
17 How to get into an international university
18 Ideas for narrowing down a career choice
19 Importance of formal education for building up a successful career.
20 Influence of separate classrooms for girls and boys on the studying procedure.
21 Is a college education worth it?
22 Is chatting worsen our writing abilities?
23 Is reading better on Kindles or paper books?
24 Know about Dyslexia.
25 Lack of practical knowledge in the education system
26 Memory tricks that work
27 Misconceptions and common uses of Hypnosis.
28 Motivation
29 Negative effects of school vouchers
30 Online teaching versus the traditional form of teaching.
31 Positives and negatives of attending graduate school.
32 Private Jobs Hunt
33 Pros and Cons of learning different languages in the school.
34 Reasons behind the free university education.
35 Role of technology in education.
36 Should students still have to use the books in the library?
37 Social media in the classroom
38 Textbooks vs. tablets
39 The problem with low teacher pay
40 The safety of the students in the campus cafeteria.
41 The story behind the foundation of schools.
42 The usage of eLibrary Curriculum Edition for research.
43 Time Management
44 Use the internet as a classroom aid.
45 Ways to assess the knowledge of the children.
46 What are learning disabilities?
47 What are the effective strategies of teaching for different age groups?
48 What are the pros and cons of homeschooling?
49 What do you mean by the IB program?
50 What do you understand by Montessori education?
51 What is a gap year?
52 What is a learning disability?
53 What is a TCK?
54 What is an education in Finland like?
55 What is an Ivy League school?
56 What is anthropology?
57 What is dyslexia?
58 What is Montessori Education?
59 What is social archaeology?
60 What is sociology?
61 What is the foreign exchange program
62 What is the gap year?
63 What is the IB program?
64 What is the most difficult language to learn?
65 What is the Pythagorean theorem?
66 What is the SAT?
67 What is the TOEFL?
68 What is unschooling?
69 What is worldschooling?
70 What types of punishments are there in schools?
71 When to declare a major
72 Who is Rudolf Steiner?
73 Why are teachers underpaid?
74 Why charter schools are bad
75 Why crime is increasing n the college campuses?
76 Why cursive should still be taught in schools
77 Why do schools need mentorship programs?
78 Why homework is bad
79 Why is it important to learn a second language?
80 Why is it needed to learn about various religions at school?

Management topics for presentation

No. Topics
1 A Strategy Model for Export Marketing
2 Agile Supply Chain
3 Asset-Liability Management
4 Attitude
5 Automobile Sector
6 Basic Elements of Organizing
7 Brand Management
8 Business Communication
9 Business Environment
10 Business Ethics
11 Business Intelligence
12 Capital Budgeting
13 Change Management
14 Conflict Management
15 Content Management System
16 Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
17 Customer Satisfaction
18 Derivatives
19 E-Business
20 Employee Engagement
21 Employee Management System
22 Energy Management System (EMS)
23 Entrepreneurship
24 Event Management
25 E-Waste Management
26 Financial Management
27 Green Marketing
28 Group Dynamics
29 Guerrilla Marketing
30 Hotel Management System
31 Human Resource Management
32 Job Analysis
33 Job Enrichment
34 Job Placement And event management
35 Job Satisfaction
36 Knowledge Management
37 Location-Based Service
38 Management Information System (MIS)
39 Managerial Economics
40 Marketing channel system
41 Marketing Mix
42 Marketing Research
43 Motivation
44 Mutual Funds
45 Network Marketing – an Emerging Face of Sales Management
46 Network Traffic Management
47 Operations Research Problem Analysis Of Evon Technologies
48 Performance Management
49 Personality
50 Poke Yoke
51 Portfolio Management
52 Premier Airport Transportation Service
53 Product Management
54 Production function FULL REPORT
55 Ratio Analysis
56 Reconfigurable Manufacturing System
57 Research Methods For Management
58 Risk Management
59 Rural Marketing
60 Sales Management
61 Service-Oriented Architecture-SOA
62 Six Sigma
63 Stress Management
64 Supply Chain Management
65 SWOT Analysis
66 Time Management
67 Total Productive Maintenance (TPM)
68 Total Quality Management (TQM)
69 Training and Development
70 Unemployment
71 Value Analysis


Social issues topics for presentation

No. Topics
1 Evolution of the projector
2 How can social media be dangerous for underage kids?
3 The history of the internet
4 What is the Marvel Cinematic Universe?
5 Who is Steve Jobs?
6 Who invented the television?
7 Which came first, MTV or VH1?
8 What is Virtual Reality?
9 What is Augmented Reality?
10 The evolution of film and cinema
11 How are TV commercials made?
12 What is the role of an art director?
13 How are minorities represented in the media?
14 How are women represented in the media?
15 What is blogging?
16 Who was Elvis Presley?
17 The history of Jazz
18 The history of Tango
19 What is a social media manager?
20 What is content marketing?
21 What is an influencer?
22 How has binge-watching changed television?
23 Become a master in social media.
24 How to go viral on social media?
25 Ways to use social media for the branding of business.
26 Best hours to post on social media.
27 The best platform to grow your business.
28 Few mistakes made on twitter.
29 Is Social media reason behind suicide?
30 How to drive the strategies of social media?
31 How to control children’s activities on social media?
32 Deadly sins about social media.
33 Social media: way to connect or disconnect with people.
34 Few success secrets about social media.
35 Are social media lead to Kidnapping and Assaults?
36 Existed features on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Pinterest you didn’t know.
37 Techniques for better content marketing.
38 Social Media: way to deal with Racism and Nationalism.
39 Ways to create the best social media post.
40 Is Human value decreasing due to social media?
41 Styles of blogging on social media websites.
42 Key challenges for all businesses on social media.
43 Failures of content marketing.
44 Visual content creating tools for social media.
45 Social media and marketing: evolution or revolution?
46 A social network is a second life.
47 Monitoring of social media in ten minutes.
48 What is the viewpoint of IBM on social media?
49 Methodologies to promote a business for free on social media.
50 Five W’s of social media lead generation. (Who, What, Where, When and Why)
51 Founders of emerging Social media websites.
52 Negative impacts of social media.
53 Basics and usage facts of Social Media.

IT topics for presentation

No. Topics
1 10 Gigabit Ethernet
2 3D Internet
3 3D password
4 3-D Printing
5 3D Television
6 3G Technology
7 4G Broadband
8 4G Technology
9 4G Wireless Systems
10 5 Pen PC Technology
11 5G Technology
12 64-Bit Computing
13 AC Performance Of Nanoelectronics
14 Access gateways
15 Adding Intelligence to Internet
16 Advantages of the Traditional Nuclear Family
17 Age Discrimination in the Workplace
18 Airborne Internet
19 Airport Security
20 Ambient Intelligence
21 Ambiophonics
22 An Identity Based Eco-System
23 Analytics
24 Android
25 Anonymous Communication
26 Are UFOs Real?
27 Are Video Games Good for You?
28 Artificial Intelligence
29 Artificial Neural Network (ANN)
30 Asynchronous Chips
31 Attentionomics
32 Autonomic Computing
33 Banning Smoking in Public Places
34 Bar Closing hours
35 Barcode Technology
36 Bio-inspired Networking
37 Biometric Voting System
38 Biometrics
39 Biometrics in SECURE e-transaction
40 Bio-Molecular Computing
41 BlackBerry Technology
42 Blu Ray Disc
43 Blue Brain
44 Blue Ray Disc
45 Blue Tooth
46 Bluejacking
47 Bluetooth Technology
48 Brain Chips
49 Brain Fingerprinting
50 Brain Gate
51 Breaking the Memory Wall in MonetDB
52 Broad Band Over Power Line
53 Buffer overflow attack : A potential problem and its Implications
54 C#
55 Cable Modems
56 Capacitive And Resistive Touch Systems
59 Cellular Communications
60 Cellular Neural Network
61 Cellular Through Remote Control Switch
62 Chameleon Chip
63 Cisco IOS Firewall
64 Cloud Computing
65 Cluster Computing
66 Code Division Duplexing
67 College Class Attendance-Taking
68 Combating Link Spam
69 Compact peripheral component interconnect
70 Computational Visual Attention Systems
71 Compute Unified Device Architecture CUDA
72 Conditional Access System
73 Content Curation and Aggregation
74 Content Marketing
75 Control Your Life…the Yoga Way
76 corDECT Wireless in Local Loop System
77 Cosmetic Surgery Risks
78 Cross Culture Adoption
79 Crusoe Processor
80 Cybernetic Organism
81 Cyberterrorism
82 Cyborgs
83 Daknet
84 Dashboard
85 Data Compression Techniques
86 Data Leakage Detection
87 Data Privacy
88 Data Recovery
89 Data Security
90 Data Warehousing
91 Dealing With Adolescent Depression
92 Delay Tolerant Networking
93 Design and Analysis of Algoritms
94 Desktop Virtualization
95 Developer Integration
96 Development of the Intenet
97 Diamond Chip
98 Digital Audio Broadcasting
99 Digital curation
100 Digital Jewelry
101 Digital Subscriber Line
102 Digital Watermarking
103 DNA Based Computing
104 Driving Optical Network Evolution
105 Dual Core Processor
106 Dynamic Cache Management Technique
107 Dynamic Data Grid Replication Strategy
108 Dynamic Domain Name Service
109 Dynamic Languages
110 Dynamic Memory Allocation
111 Dynamic Synchronous Transfer Mode
112 Dynamic Virtual Private Network
113 Dynamically Reconfigurability Computing
114 E Cash Payment Systems
115 Earth Simulator
116 Eating Veal
117 E-Cash Payment System
118 EDGE
119 Elastic Quotas
120 Electronic Banking
121 Enhancing LAN Using Cryptography and Other Modules
122 Enterprise social collaboration
123 Ethernet Passive Optical Network
124 Ethical Hacking
125 Extended Mark Up Language
126 Extreme Programming (XP)
127 Eye Movement-Based Human Computer Interaction Techniques
128 Facebook
129 Facebook Thrift
130 Fiber Channel
131 Fiber Distributed Data Interface
132 Finger Tracking In Real Time Human Computer Interaction
133 Fingerprints Technology
134 Firewalls
135 Fluorescent Multi-layer Disc
136 FRAM
137 Free Space Laser Communications
138 Free Space Optics
139 Freenet
140 Futex
141 Gaming Consoles
142 Gay Marriage
143 General Education Classes
144 Generic Access Network
145 Generic Framing Procedure
146 Generic Visual Perception Processor GVPP
147 Genetic Algorithms
148 Ghosts are People Without Bodies
149 Gi-Fi
150 Global Wireless E-Voting
151 Google Chrome OS
152 Google Glass
153 Google Strikes Back
154 Google+
155 GPRS
156 Graph Separators
157 Graphical Password Authentication
158 Green Cloud
159 Green Computing
160 GSM
161 GSM 900 Mobile Jamme
162 Hadoop
163 Handheld Computers
164 Having Pets Spayed/Neutered
165 Helmet Laws
166 Help the Environment by Recycling
167 Hi-Fi
168 High Altitude Aeronautical Platforms
169 High Performance DSP Architectures
170 Holographic Data Storage
171 Holographic Memory
172 Homelessness in America
173 How Much is Too Much Homework?
174 How Often Can You Donate Blood
175 How to Set Goals and Achieve Them?
176 HPJava
178 Human Computer Interface
179 Hurd
180 HVAC
181 Hyper-Threading technology
182 I-Cloud by Apple
183 IDC
184 iDEN
185 IDS
186 Image Identification System
187 IMode
188 In Vehicle Networking
189 Incognito mode
190 InfiniBand
191 Infinite Dimensional Vector Space
192 Instant Messaging
193 Integer Fast Fourier Transform
194 Integrated Voice and Data
195 Intel Centrino Mobile Technology
196 Intel Core I7 Processor
197 Intelligent Software Agents
198 Intelligent Speed Adaptation
199 Internet Access via Cable TV Network
200 Internet of Things
201 Internet Telephony Policy in INDIA
202 Introduction to the Internet Protocols
203 Intrusion Tolerance
204 Intrution Detection System
205 Intrution Detection Systems
206 In-Vehicle Networking
207 Inverse Multiplexing
208 IP spoofing
209 IP Telephony
210 iPad
211 iPhone
212 Ipv6 – The Next Generation Protocol
213 IPv6 Protocol
214 Iris Scanning
215 Java Database Connectivity
216 Java Ring
217 JOOMLA and CMS
218 Keil C
219 Keyboard without Keys and Board
220 Laptop Computer
221 Large Cloud Services
222 Layer 3 Switching
223 Legalizing Marijuana
224 Legalizing Prostitution
225 Light emitting polymers
226 Light Tree
227 Location Dependent Query Processing
228 Low Power UART Design for Serial Data Communication
229 Lowering the Drinking Age
230 LWIP
232 M-Commerce
233 Media Fragmentation
234 Middleware
235 Migration From GSM Network To GPRS
236 Millipede
237 Mind Reading Computer
238 Mind-Reading Computer
239 MiniDisc system
240 Mobile Computing
241 Mobile IP
242 Mobile Phone Cloning
243 Mobile Security
244 Mobile TV
245 Mobile Virtual Reality Service
246 Mobile WiMax
247 Modems and ISDN
248 Modular Computing
249 Money Pad, The Future Wallet
250 Motes
251 Movie Ratings are Not Accurate
252 MPEG Video Compression
253 MPEG-7
254 Multi Touch Technology
255 Multicast
256 Multiterabit Networks
257 Nano Cars Into The Robotics
258 Nanorobotics
259 Network Security Firewalls
260 Network Traffic Analyzer
261 Networking
262 Neural Interfacing
263 Neural Networks And Their Applications
264 Nokia Morph
265 Nostradamus Predictions That Came True
266 No-Touch Interfaces
267 NRAM
268 Nuclear Power
269 NVIDIA Tesla Personal Supercomputer
270 Oil Drilling in Alaska
271 Online Analytical Processing (OLAP)
272 Online Dating is Risky or Safe
273 Online Video Streaming
274 Open-source
275 Operating Systems
276 Optical Computer
277 Optical Fibre Cable
278 Optical Free Space Communication
279 Optical packet switch architectures
280 Optical Packet Switching Network
281 Optical Satellite Communication
282 Optical Switching
283 Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing
284 Ovonic Unified Memory
285 Packet Sniffers
286 Palladium
287 Palm Vein Technology
288 Parallel Computing In India
289 Parallel Databases
290 Param 10000
291 Parental Pressure on Child Actors and Athletes
292 Pendrives
293 Personal Cloud Services
294 personal clouds accelerate
295 Phishing
296 Phishing Technology
297 Pill Camera
298 Pivot Vector Space Approach in Audio-Video Mixing
299 Plagiarism Detection Techniques
300 Planar Separators
301 Plastic Memory
302 Platform Architectures
303 PON Topologies
304 Project Oxygen
305 Protein Memory
306 Public Funding of Sports Stadiums
307 Public Key Infrastructure
308 QoS in Cellular Networks Based on MPT
309 Quadrics Interconnection Network
310 Quantum Computing
311 Quantum Cryptography
312 Quantum Information Technology
313 Radio Frequency Light Sources
314 Radio Network Controller
315 RAIN technology
316 Rapid Prototyping
317 Real Alien Sightings
318 Real-Time Content
319 Real-Time Systems and Real-Time Operating Systems
320 Refactoring
321 Reservation Casinos
322 Resilient Packet Ring Technology
323 Robotic Surgery
324 Rover Technology
325 RPR
326 SAM
327 Satellite Radio
329 Seam Carving for Media Retargeting
330 Search by Image
331 Search Leads To Sales
332 Secure ATM by Image Processing
333 Security Features of ATM
334 Self Defending Networks
335 Self Organizing Maps
336 Self-Managing Computing
337 Semantic Digital Library
338 Sense-Response Applications
339 Sensors on 3D Digitization
340 Setting up a LAN using Linux
341 Short Message Service (SMS)
342 Should Juveniles Be Tried As Adults
343 Significance of real-time transport Protocol in VOIP
344 Silent Sound Technology
345 Sixth Sense Technology
346 Skinput Technology
347 Smart card
348 Smart Cards
349 Smart Fabrics
350 Smart Note Taker
351 Smart Pixel Arrays
352 Smart Quill
353 Smoking in Public
354 Sniffer for detecting lost mobiles
355 Social Literacy Skills
356 Social Media Privacy
357 Social Media Schizophrenia
358 Social Networks That Are IT Policy Friendly
359 Social Platforms
360 Socket Programming
361 Soft Computing
362 Software Reuse
363 Space Communications Protocol
364 Space Mouse
365 Speaking English in America
367 Speech Application Language Tags
368 Speed Detection of moving vehicle using speed cameras
369 Sports Teams Nafter Ethnic Groups
370 Spyware
371 State Vehicle Inspection Mandatory Sentencing
372 Storage Area Networks
373 Store Management System
374 Structured Cabling
375 Surface Computer
376 Survivable Networks Systems
377 Swarm intelligence & traffic Safety
378 Synchronous Optical Networking
379 SyncML
380 Synthetic Aperture Radar System
381 Tablets
382 TCP/ IP
383 TCPA / Palladium
384 Tele Immersion
385 Tele-immersion
386 Television Violence and Children
387 Tempest and Echelon
388 Terrestrial Trunked Radio
389 Text Mining
390 The integration Technology
391 The Mobile Revolution
392 The Power of Colors and Their Meanings
393 Third Generation
394 Thought Leadership
395 Tool Command Language
396 Touch Screens
397 Transmedia Storytelling
398 Tripwire
399 Tsunami Warning System
400 Ubiquitous Networking
401 Ubiquitous Social Computing
402 UMTS
403 Unicode And Multilingual Computing
404 Unified Modeling Language (UML)
405 Unlicensed Mobile Access
406 VHDL
407 Virtual Instrumentation
408 Virtual keyboard
409 Virtual LAN Technology
410 Virtual MArketing
411 Virtual Private Network
412 Virtual Reality
413 Virtualization
414 Viruses, vulnerabilities and security holes
415 Visible Light Communication
416 VoCable
417 Voice morphing
418 Voice Over Internet Protocol
419 Voice Portals
420 Voice Quality
421 Wardriving
422 Wearable Bio-Sensors
423 Wearable Technology
424 What Not to Wear Tips for Men and Women
425 Why did Microsoft Surface fail?
426 Why Do Men Have Affairs?
427 Why Is Reading Important?
428 Windows 8
429 Windows DNA
430 Wireless Application Protocol
431 Wireless Fidelity
432 Wireless Internet
433 Wireless Networked Digital Devices
434 Wireless Technology
435 Wireless USB
436 Wireless Video Service in CDMA Systems
437 Wolfram Alpha
438 Word Sense Disambiguation
439 Workplace Monitoring
440 X- Internet
441 XML Encryption
442 Y2K38
443 Yii Framework
444 Zero-Knowledge Protocols and Proof Systems
445 Zettabyte FileSystem
446 ZigBee Technolgy

Physics presentation topics

No. Topics
1 Special Relativity and General Relativity
2 Time dilation
3 Physics of Babies
4 Nikola Tesla Inventions
5 Greatest Physicists and their contribution
6 Physics and Chemistry Relation
7 Physics in Sports
8 Newtonian fluid
9 Anti-Gravity Wheel
10 Airborne Wind Energy / Flying Windmills
11 Pumped-storage hydroelectricity
12 Compressed air energy storage
13 Magnetoresistance
14 Fusion Power Generation
15 Touch Screens
16 Exoplanets
17 Space Telescopes (Hubble/James Webb Space Telescope)
18 Carbon Nanotubes
19 Pyramids and Physics
20 Nanowires
21 Magnus Effects and its applications
22 Sustainable energy
23 The Physics of Fire
24 Centripetal vs Centrifugal Forces
25 Artificial Intelligence
26 String theory
27 Electromagnetism
28 Electrodynamic Tethers
29 Forces on moving charges
30 Electromagnetic induction
31 Electromagnetic spectrum
32 Transformers
33 Force sensor
34 Fluid friction
35 Magnetorheological fluid
36 Electron paramagnetic resonance
37 Magnetic fields due to currents in wires
38 magnetic field patterns
39 Magnetic Monopoles
40 Maglev Trains
41 Magnetic Levitation
42 Microwave Oven
43 Hyperloop
44 Physics of Climate Change
45 Electromagnets and their uses
46 Fresnel’s Equations
47 Electric Potential
48 Working of Motors
49 Working of Generators
50 Lienard-Wiechert Potentials
51 Electric and Magnetic fields in Nerve Cells
52 Bioelectromagnetism
53 Helmholtz Theorem
54 Railguns
56 Physics behind fidget spinner
57 Hoverboard (Self-balancing scooter)
58 Physics of roller coasters
59 Physics behind musical instruments
60 Physics Behind Bruce Lee’s One-Inch Punch!
61 Electric Cars
62 Gauss’ Law
63 Working with simple electrical components
64 Current and charge
65 Ohm’s law and resistance
66 Oscilloscope
68 Resistance effects
69 Electrical conduction through gases
70 Electrostatic charges
71 Van de Graaff generator
72 Tesla coil
73 Lightening
74 Energy conversion
75 Components of motion
76 Circular motion
77 Weightlessness
78 Forced vibrations and resonance
79 Momentum in two dimensions
80 Simple harmonic motion
81 Fiction and Its types
82 Friction at the atomic level
83 Coulomb model
84 Superfluidity
85 Lightning Conductor
86 Transmission Lines
87 Peso Electricity
88 Atmospheric Optics
89 Wireless Electricity
90 Models of electric circuits
91 Wind Energy
92 Solar Power
93 Geothermal Energy
94 Wave Energy
95 Concentrated Solar Energy
96 Nuclear Power Generation
97 Physics behind the Aurora Borealis
98 Plasma Physics
99 Particle Detectors, Drift Chambers
100 Exponential decay and half-life
101 Nuclear Fission
102 Nuclear Fusion
103 Biogas Plant
104 Biomass Energy
105 First models of the atom
106 Cloud chambers
107 Particle Accelerators
108 Cyclotron
109 Synchrotron
110 Betatron
111 Model of the atom
112 Light behaving like a particle
113 Electrons behaving as waves
114 Evidence for the hollow atom
115 Nature of ionizing radiations
116 Radioactive sources: isotopes and availability
117 Dispersion
118 Acceleration due to gravity
119 Radio Waves
120 Antenna Theory and Design
121 How Mobile networks work?
122 Solar System
123 Astroids
124 Satellite Communication
125 Mars Rover
126 Mangalyaan (India’s Mars Mission)
127 Chandrayaan-I (India’s Lunar Mission)
128 Rocket Technology
129 Satellite Launch Vehicles
130 SpaceX: Falcon Heavy
131 Reusable Rockets
132 Space Organisations and their achievements
133 Global Navigation Satellite System
134 Gravitational force and free fall
135 Radar Technologies
137 Pinhole camera and lens camera
138 Diffraction of light
139 Reflection of light
140 Refraction of light
141 Radio Telescope
142 Wi-Fi
143 Li-Fi
144 Lidar
145 Antenna
146 Formation of Galaxies
147 Hubble’s Law (Evidence)
148 Redshift
149 Gravity waves
150 Kepler’s laws
151 The Copernican revolution
152 Magnetic sail
153 Planetary motion and gravity
154 Big Bang (The Origin)
155 Beyond Solar System
156 Constellations
157 Black Hole
158 Life on Mars
159 Mars Exploration
160 Why is Venus So Hot?
161 Trans-Neptunian region
162 Space-Time Fabric
163 Comets
164 Oort cloud
165 Journey of Photons
166 Atmospheric pressure
167 Einstein Theory of Relativity
168 How do airplanes fly?
169 Aerodynamics
170 Types of waves
171 Young’s slits
172 Superconductivity
173 Diodes
174 LED | OLED | MicroLED
175 Thermal radiation from the human body
176 Thermal expansion of Solid and Liquid
177 Concept of density
178 Evidence for atoms
179 Molecular speed
180 Higgs boson
181 Chandrashekar limit
182 Nuclear Reactors
183 Large Hadron Collider
184 Quantum Mechanics (Introduction)
185 Young’s double-slit experiment
186 Doppler effect in Sound
187 Doppler effect in Light
188 Memristor
189 Integrated Circuits
190 Microprocessors
191 Display Technology
192 3D Printing
193 Virtual Reality
194 Biosensors and Bioelectronics
195 Ambient intelligence
196 Storage Devices
197 Semiconductors
198 Fiber-optic communication
199 Three Phase Circuit
200 Home’s electrical system
201 Types of Gear and working
202 Electric Bill Calculation
203 Impulse, Momentum, and Collisions
204 Dark Energy (Quantum Vacuum Energy)
205 Dark Matter
206 Turbulence
207 Antibubble
208 Acoustic Levitator
209 Electrometer
210 Hydroelectricity
211 Optical instruments
212  Special Relativity and General Relativity
223 Space Telescopes (Hubble/James Webb Space Telescope)
229  The Physics of Fire
230  Centripetal vs Centrifugal Forces
233  Electromagnetism
234  Electrodynamic Tethers
235 Forces on moving charge


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Arun Verma
Arun Verma

Hi, myself Arun Verma. I Love Playing Multiplayer Games, Exploring new Technologies, Buying Cool Gadgets, and Deeply Research Names. Working at Deloitte gave me the knowledge to blog about Business Ideas I have to deal with on a regular basis.

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